Playing for Keeps (Hope Valley Book 10)

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Playing for Keeps (Hope Valley Book 10) Page 10

by Jessica Prince

  Lorene must have read the hesitation on my face because she leaned in and lowered her voice like she was about to share trade secrets. “I’ll tell you all the embarrassing stories of Dalton when he was a kid.”

  Okay, so that actually sounded really appealing. On top of a promise of humiliating stories about Dalton I could store away for future use, there was just something about these people I couldn’t help but like. That was how I found my lips tipping up into a grin as I gave my head a single nod. “Yeah. Okay. That sounds nice. Thank you for the invite.”

  “No need to thank us, sweetheart,” Walt said. “We look forward to seein’ you tomorrow.”

  With a round of goodbyes, I headed for the line that had been cut in half during that unexpected exchange, and as I left the store with a tray of coffees and a bag of donuts in hand, I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell just happened.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My mouth still tasted like I’d dragged my tongue over a salt lick after my encounter with Deloris Weatherby’s lemonade the evening before, and no amount of gargling or brushing would wash it away. As we’d chatted—i.e., she interrogated me with so much skill I considered talking to Linc about hiring her on at Alpha Omega—she’d forced not one but two glasses of that godawful lemonade on me, watching like a hawk to make sure I finished both glasses.

  It was ironic, really. She kept going on about how a man my size needed to stay hydrated, yet, the more I drank, the more I started to feel like the dead, dried-out husk of skin a snake would shed.

  Sure enough, Charlotte was long gone by the time I got out of that apartment full of creepy little figurines that would give me nightmares for the rest of my life. But I couldn’t bring myself to be pissed or even annoyed that she’d abandoned me to the clutches of her wily neighbor, because I was still riding the high of Charlotte letting down those walls of hers, even if only slightly, and letting me in.

  Those kisses from the day before were still playing over and over in my head. I’d had to jack off in the shower just to get my dick under control, and even that hadn’t helped. I’d spent the whole morning having to adjust the hard-on that wouldn’t fucking go away into a more comfortable position.

  It hadn’t helped to clear my head of all things Charlotte Belmont when the first thing I’d done as soon as I got into the office was start researching her, starting right around the time she hit Virginia. There was a whole hell of a lot more digging I could have done. I could have started with her life before her parents died—a truth she’d given me the evening before that had damn near crushed me, but I wanted to give her the chance to open up more to me about that.

  Or I could have started with her last foster home, finding that piece of shit who was put in charge of taking care of her and had abused his authority in the worst way before moving on to the ex-boyfriend who’d been stupid enough to put his hands on her—both of which I had every intention of finding, in due time.

  But there was something else I needed to find first. Something that would hopefully help to instill her trust in me. However, after I did that, I was determined to make every single asshole who’d ever hurt her pay in very real, very painful ways.

  Good thing I was skilled at finding shit, because something told me she wouldn’t be too forthcoming with information if I started asking questions. She might have let me in last night and given me a glimpse of the real her, but I wasn’t stupid enough to think for a second that she wasn’t still holding some secrets tight to her chest.

  I could have reached out to Micah, pressed him for information. It didn’t take a genius to realize the man had more insight into the elusive Charlotte Belmont than anyone else I knew, but he was also a vault when it came to her. She wasn’t only an informant to him, she was family, and he took his self-appointed role as big brother very seriously.

  There’d been a part of me—a huge fucking part—that had been jealous of their connection months back. Where she’d shut me out, slamming that door in my face and dead bolting the fucking thing shut, she’d let him be her crutch. She’d leaned on him and Hayden while she was healing, and I’d been left with nothing but secondhand accounts on how she was doing.

  It had taken me a while to let go of that envy, but eventually, I saw their relationship for what it was, and I was grateful she’d let someone in, even if that someone wasn’t me.

  The smell of freshly brewed coffee invaded my senses moments before a knock sounded on my opened office door. I lifted my gaze from the computer monitor I’d been staring at for the better part of the morning and smiled.

  “This is a surprise,” I told Charlotte as I leaned back in my chair, doing a slow, thorough scan of her. There was something slightly different about her this morning.

  She was dressed for comfort in a pair of white Converse tennis shoes and straight-legged jeans that were cuffed at the hem with artful rips at the knees and along her thighs. Her plain cotton tee was tucked in at the front, and the olive color made her eyes look more green than hazel today.

  But it was her face and hair that really caught my eye. She wasn’t one to cake on makeup unless she was performing, but it was just the smallest bit heavier today, making her complexion the slightest bit brighter, almost dewy. Her long hair was down, hanging over her shoulder and down her back, but the normally wild strands had been tamed this morning into fat, glossy waves.

  Like always, she took my breath away, and I could practically feel all the blood in my body rush straight to my dick.

  I braced my elbows on the arms of my chair and interlaced my fingers, resting my hands on my gut. “Didn’t expect to see you here. Thought you might still be in hiding after the stunt you pulled yesterday with your neighbor.”

  She grinned unapologetically, letting out a little giggle as she lifted her hands to show me the coffees and pastry bag she was carrying.

  “Peace offering,” she said as she stepped into the office. “I should have warned you, but that was just too much fun.”

  I took the coffee she offered and brought it to my lips, taking a sip. Black. Just how I always drank it.

  “And I got you a cruller too,” she said as she dropped the bag on my desk and moved to take a seat in the chair across from me. “You still mad?” She pulled both her short legs up in the seat and folded them crisscross.

  I pulled the pastry from the bag and took a big bite, chewing slowly just to drag it out and make her antsy before I finally swallowed and spoke. “You tell me. I didn’t get out of that damn apartment until I’d downed two glasses of that vile shit. And then I had nightmares all goddamn night featuring those freaky little bug-eyed statues she had everywhere.”

  She had the good grace to scrunch her adorable button nose and pull her beautiful face into a wince. “Yeah, I forgot about the figurines. She’s very proud of her collection. I’ve had my fair share of nightmares about them myself. But then I thought about it a little more this morning—after having a good laugh,” she added with an arched brow, “and decided I felt a teeny bit bad. Hence the apology in the form of caffeine and sugar. So, am I forgiven?”

  I pulled in a breath and finished the rest of my cruller in two bites before answering. “I might be inclined to forgive you. On one condition.”

  She squinted her eyes incredulously. “And what condition would that be?”

  “That you make the good morning kiss you’re about to give me a good one.”

  Her cheeks instantly turned pink, and her doe eyes grew bigger as they shot to my opened door. Her tongue poked out to swipe at her bottom lip. “But—you’re at work. Isn’t that unprofessional?”

  I gave her a challenging look. “Guess you better make it worth the potential reprimand as well.”

  She curled her lips between her teeth. Even through the uncertainty, there was a part of her, a big part, that wanted to take me up on my challenge, and I had to struggle to keep the arrogant smile off my face.

  I watched as the fire came back into
her eyes and lost my fight against going hard completely. My cock thickened and strained behind my fly as she unfolded her legs and slowly rose from the chair. With every step around my desk, her hips swayed tantalizingly, her smile grew bigger and more wicked, and I had to grab hold of the arms of my chair to keep my ass seated.

  When she made it to me, she used her knee to spread my legs and step between them. Charlotte bent at the waist and brushed her lips against mine in a barely-there whisper. “Like that?”

  My fingers clutched the arms of my chair so hard I thought I might rip them off. My words came out strained and gravelly. “Not even close.”

  She made the next one a bit deeper, but not by much. “Now?”

  Christ, my need for her was enough to scare me. I wanted to throw her down on my desk, strip her naked, and bury my cock so deep she’d feel me fucking everywhere. My restraint was all but gone when I demanded, “Stop playin’ games and kiss me, Thumbelina.”

  She smiled, knowing she’d pushed me to the breaking point. Then she fused her lips to mine. Her tongue snuck out, teasing across my bottom lip, and as soon as I opened for her, she dove in.

  The last of my control snapped, and I grabbed her by the hips, yanking her to me. With no other choice, she climbed onto my lap as best she could in the chair and sank down, sliding those full, luscious tits against my chest as she tilted her head and took the kiss even deeper.

  It was, hands down, the best kiss we’d shared, which was saying something, considering each one that came before blew my mind. By the time she pulled away, we were both breathing heavily, and her grin had given way to shock, her eyes dark with lust as she breathed, “Wow.”

  It was my turn to smile wickedly. “Damn right, wow.” I’d known for months that we’d be incredible together, and I was pleased as hell that she was finally coming on board.

  She cleared her throat and sat up a bit straighter but didn’t try climbing off my lap, so I took the opportunity to touch her like I’d wanted to do since the first time I laid eyes on her.

  My fingers skated along her hip, traveling up to the minuscule patch of skin near her ribs that had been exposed by her shirt riding up. “You’re forgiven, baby. Appreciate the peace offering.”

  She smiled down at me again, a smile I’d never seen from her before. Her entire face grew soft. The gold flecks in her dancing hazel eyes shone brightly. This was the closest I’d seen her to happy, and it took my goddamn breath away. If this was what she gave me when she was getting close, I wasn’t sure I’d survive the beauty I had waiting for me once I finally got her all the way there.

  I’d known down to my bones that the promise of Charlotte Belmont was going to blow my mind, but seeing that smile, in that moment, I realized I hadn’t come close to discovering how un-fucking-believable she really was.

  “You’re welcome, cowboy.” Fuck me, but I’d loved that nickname every time it came from her mouth when she was being a smartass or throwing attitude, but having her give it to me when she was being soft and sweet made it that much better.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I traced the curve of her spine with my fingers as I asked, “You have a good morning so far?”

  Something flashed in her gaze that I couldn’t quite read. It looked almost like uncertainty, and when she spoke next, I understood the reason behind that look.

  “It’s been . . . interesting. I met your parents this morning,” she added when I arched a questioning brow.

  I had trouble concentrating on anything when she was tracing random patterns on my chest with her fingers. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. They were at Muffin Top with your sister when I was getting your breakfast.” She pressed her palm to my chest and looked straight into my eyes. “Your family’s really nice.”


  Her brows went up as she stressed, “Like, really nice. And they sure seemed to know a whole lot about me.”

  “Well, that makes sense, seein’ as I’m really tight with my family. We talk about the important shit goin’ on in our lives.”

  That seemed to take her back, and her eyes went big as she sat up a bit straighter. “And you told them about me?”

  It took a second for me to understand the expression that had slipped over her features, but once realization dawned, I felt my face go tender. “Yeah, baby. You’ve been important to me for a long time now. I’ve just been waitin’ for you to get on board.”

  She melted against me, and I felt it in my gut, in my chest, and in my bones; I was holding something precious in my arms, and there was nothing I wouldn’t do to protect it.

  “They invited me to dinner with all of you tomorrow night.” Her lips scrunched to the side as she amended, “Actually, they insisted on it, kind of forcefully.”

  My chest shook with a chuckle. “Sounds about right. My folks are good people, but they can steamroll you with their good intentions if you aren’t careful.”

  “Yeah, I can see that,” she said in quiet thoughtfulness.

  A bolt of longing shot through my chest just then, and I realized I really fucking wanted her at my side for that dinner, but I’d made a promise to take this at her pace, and I had every intention of keeping it. “If that’s not somethin’ you think you’re ready for, I’ll have a word with them,” I offered, “explain that you and I are new.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and bit down as she looked to the side pensively. I gave her the time she needed, remaining silent as her mind worked.

  “I think . . .” she started quietly, “I might like to go.”

  My arms clenched around her as something warm sprang open in my chest and stretched out into my limbs. “You sure?”

  “Yeah,” she whispered, that sunny, beautiful smile returning to her face. “I liked them a lot. They were really open and friendly. I felt—it might sound weird, but I kind of felt like I’d known them for a really long time.”

  Fuck, I liked hearing that a lot. “Doesn’t sound weird at all.”

  She exhaled heavily, like she’d been holding her breath, waiting for my reaction. “All right, then. It’s decided. So where are we going, anyway?”

  “The Groves.”

  Her eyes bugged out comically wide at the mention of the high-end, five-star restaurant two towns over in Hidalgo. The Groves was known far and wide as having the best steaks in all of Virginia, and the price tag was proof enough of that.

  “I have to go,” she spit out quickly.

  My arms banded tighter around her when she tried shooting off my lap. I felt my brows dip into a severe V between my eyes. “What? Why?”

  “Because I don’t have a single thing to wear to a place like The Groves! I have to go shopping, or I’m going to embarrass you and myself in front of your parents!”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her freak-out. My woman was too cute when she got all riled up. “Thumbelina, you could never embarrass me. Just wear what’s most comfortable for you.”

  Her mouth gaped open. “Are you kidding? You don’t wear jeans to The Groves! You wear a little black dress. Or a little whatever-color-you-find-that-looks-great-on-you dress. Crap. I need to see if Hayden can go with me. I need to make sure whatever I pick is perfect.”

  I gave her a little shake. “Baby, if you’re wearin’ it, it’s gonna be perfect.”

  That penetrated her little meltdown, and she stopped struggling to get out of my grasp. “All right, cowboy. I really love that you think that, and the feeling’s totally mutual, considering you can wear the hell out of faded denim. But I’m buying a new dress, and you aren’t talking me out of it.”

  “Then I’ll stop tryin’.”

  She looked down at where my arms were still holding her in place before returning her gaze to me and smiling. “You’ll have to let me up.”

  “And I will. Just as soon as you kiss me goodbye.”

  She didn’t make me wait this time or play any games. She leaned right in and hit me with another bone-melting, erection-induci
ng kiss.

  “For Christ’s sake! Does anyone here know how to act like a professional?”

  Charlotte jumped at the sound of Lincoln’s voice, and we both looked to the open door to see the owner of Alpha Omega standing there with a scowl carved into his face.

  “I just caught Sage and Xander goin’ at each other in the breakroom, and now this. My company isn’t a pay-by-the-hour motel.” He pointed his finger at both of us. “Glad this is finally happenin’, but keep it in your goddamn pants until you get somewhere that isn’t here.”

  With that, he turned on his boot and stalked off, muttering under his breath about working with a bunch of horny teenagers.

  “Oh my God,” Charlotte breathed, her cheeks glowing pink with embarrassment. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “Not a big deal, baby. Trust me, this is nothin’. That was the third time he’s caught Xander and Sage this week.”

  She looked back at me with wide eyes and hissed, “But he’s your boss! What if he fires you?”

  “He’s not gonna fire me,” I assured her. “He’s all talk. Hell, the dude tells Rox to hold all his calls and locks the door to his office every time his wife comes in. Like we don’t know what him and Eden are doin’ in there for a half-hour.”

  She let out a little giggle, the rigidness in her muscles melting away. “Okay, but I should still go. I have a dinner dress to find, then I have to get ready for work tonight.” She paused, a question moving behind her eyes before she gave voice to it. “Are you, uh . . . coming to the club tonight?”

  Christ, I liked that. “You want me to?” She beamed down at me and nodded her head. It would be the first time I went to watch her perform as her man and the first time she actually asked me to come. There wasn’t a damn thing on this planet that could keep me away. “Then I’ll be there.”


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