His Summer Curves

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by Beatrice Brae

  His Summer Curves

  A BBW & Billionaire Romance

  Beatrice Brae

  Brae Publishing

  Copyright © 2020 Beatrice Brae

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  ISBN-13: 9781234567890

  ISBN-10: 1477123456

  Cover design by: Beatrice Brae

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018675309

  Printed in the United States of America


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  About the Author

  Chapter 1


  “I swear to God, boss, you need to do something or Jenny is going to kill the hottie in the presidential suite,” Annie says and slams the food tray onto my desk making the glasses rattle.

  “She’s this close to going to his suite and force feeding him. He’s the only client that doesn’t sing her praises,” she says, grabbing a piece of sliced apple and placing it in her mouth.

  I raise my eyebrows and stop typing. It’s been like this every day since he checked into my hotel four days ago.

  “What? It’s not like he’s going to eat the food,” Annie says. “I don’t want to throw it away,” she says, grabbing a piece of bacon from the plate and placing it into her mouth, closing her eyes with pleasure and licking her lips. “Too bad he’s a jerk because that man is insanely hot.”

  I take a deep breath, but I don’t get a chance to respond to Annie when James, the bartender and my oldest childhood friend, appears shaking his head. “Kali, our billionaire guest just ordered five bottles of Cristal, strawberries, and two bottles of fifty-year-old Scotch.”

  I grit my teeth and let out a frustrated breath. “So, what’s the problem? Just talk with our supplier and send them to him. I’m sure he’s going to pay for them.”

  James scratches his head. “Our supplier refuses to send them to us if we don’t pay upfront, and the liquor is several thousand dollars. The whiskey alone is over ten thousand dollars.”

  Ouch! That is some serious cash that I don’t have.

  Lorna, one of my maids, appears in the doorway with a thunderous expression on her face. “Kali, that Ford guy just said that I should tell you that the sheets are chaffing his private parts and you should buy him some silk or Egyptian cotton bedding. What do you want me to tell him?”

  I gape at her. “He what? The sheets are chafing his private parts? Are you freaking kidding me?”

  “Come on, boss, kick him out. You know what he does! He buys small hotels all over the world and puts their owners out of business. You owe it to them to kick him out,” Annie says, goading me.

  I sigh. I would kick him out, but we need the money. I exchange knowing looks with my bartender, James. He’s the only one who knows my real financial situation. I can barely afford to keep the staff, and him staying at my hotel is going to help me keep my finances afloat. Although his assistant told me that he’s on vacation, my staff tells me that he barely leaves the conference room. “I’ll talk to him. Now go back to your jobs and let me do mine,” I try to joke, but nobody is laughing.

  I throw my hands in the air. “Fine, I’ll talk with him now.”

  I leave my office, my staff in tow, and climb the stairs to the Presidential Suite.

  Ever since I opened my hotel two years ago, the situation has never been as difficult as it is now. I took out a huge loan to renovate the hotel when I inherited it from my aunt, and now I’m unable to repay it. The visit of my rich guest is going to bring in what I need to take care of my debt. That’s if my employees don’t kill him first. In the last two years we have become a family, and maybe it’s not good that way. My employees tend to do what they want.

  I softly laugh when I see them entering the empty room next to the suite. I knock on the apartment’s door, and I’m startled when it quickly opens. My mouth dries when I see an impossibly handsome man standing almost naked in front of me. He has a tiny towel wrapped around his waist barely covering his private parts. Water is dripping on the floor. He has an unreal six pack and frosty blue eyes.

  ‘Yummy hunk alert,’ my brain is screaming at me, but I can’t utter a single word.

  His eyebrows raise in question, and I feel myself blushing when our eyes meet. Suddenly, I feel myself getting warm.

  “Yes? Can I help you?”

  I clear my throat. “I want to talk you about...” I look fascinated as a droplet of water falls from his chin to his chest, then to his abdomen, and then disappears under the towel. I make a fool of myself by lowering my eyes to the tiny towel, and any coherent thought disappears when I see the swelling under it and his strong and muscular thighs.

  He laughs softly and grabs my arm, pulling me inside his suite.

  “Now, tell me!” he demands. “Who are you and what do you want?” he asks folding his arms.

  “I’m Kali James the owner of the hotel, and I came to talk about the sheets,” I stammer, and I blush again.


  “Yes, Mr. Wade. The maid said that you complained that they are chaffing your private parts,” I say, and my gaze automatically flies to his body.

  What does this man eat to look like this? In my life I have never seen a six pack like his.

  He shrugs. “Okay, come to the bedroom and see for yourself.”

  I’m surprised by his request, but it will help my bottom line if I can diffuse this delicate situation. After all, I want to ask him to pay for the liquor in advance, so it doesn’t hurt to be nice.

  We get to the bedroom and he points to the bed. “Please, get into the bed and see for yourself.” He raises his eyebrows and looks at me amused. “I promise I won’t take advantage of you,” he jokes.

  I lie in the bed and realize that something is wrong when my face touches the pillow. The bedding is not soft like it should be. Something is not right. I get up and look at him. “You’re right, something is wrong. I’ll send the maid with a new set of bedding. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

  I walk out when I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Wait a minute. How about we have dinner together tonight?” he asks me.

  I stare at him in surprise. “Dinner?”

  “Yes, dinner. It’s when you and I are going out to a restaurant to eat, spend some time together, and then I kiss you goodnight.”

  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea considering you’re staying at my hotel. I don’t generally go out to dinner with my clients.”

  I’m walking out the door when I hear him say. “You’re not afraid, are you?” I let go of the doorknob and turn to him.

  “No, I just don’t go out with clients.”

  I leave the apartment in shock, and I’m greeted by the three curious faces of my employees. I take a deep breath. I had totally forgotten about them.

  “So, you kicked him out?” Annie asks me. Her face can’t hide her glee at the prospect.

  I’m so enchanted by Ford’s body that I can’t talk, and I just stare at them. I can’t believe he asked me out.

  My employees frown. “Kali, are you okay? Did that bastard do something to you?” James asks angrily. “You’ve been inside for quite a while.”

shake my head. “He’s fine,” I say, still thinking about those blue eyes and that tiny towel wrapped around his waist. “Annie, he was right about the sheets, please get him a new bedding set.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “Really, how do you know?”

  I glare at her. I’m the boss, but lately I’m feeling like my employees don’t realize that. “I laid down in the bed.”

  The three of them gape at me. “Really?” Annie says, her voice dreamy. “That man is a hottie. You could lose yourself in those eyes,” she adds.

  “I thought you hated him,” I say with a laugh.

  “I do,” Annie says. “But I would do him in a minute and have no regrets.”

  So would I, I find myself thinking.

  Chapter 2


  I’m still hard as a rock, and my heart is pounding what feels like a million beats a second. I can’t believe the beauty who takes a skinny deep in the ocean every night is in my room.

  This woman has haunted my dreams for the last few days, ever since I checked in to the hotel.

  I haven’t had the courage to disturb her nightly romp in the ocean, but now that I know who she is, I won’t stop until I convince her to go out with me.

  I walk to the bedroom and pull out a pair of pants and a blue shirt from the closet. I slip into my boxers, and then I take off the rest of my clothes and hurry to the conference room on the first floor.

  My assistant stops writing and looks up, greeting me with a smile as I enter the room.

  “I can’t believe it,” she says. “You’re actually not wearing a suit?” she teases me.

  I smile and sit down at my desk. “Tanya, I’d like you to order a bouquet of roses to be delivered to the owner of the hotel.

  Tania looks at me in surprise, but she’s too professional to comment about my personal life.

  “Although if I think about it, she might not like roses,” I ponder out loud, and Tanya smiles knowingly. “Go back to work, I’ll order the flowers myself.”

  I open my laptop and look for a florist. I can only find one local florist online, and I am not satisfied with what they offer. I get up. “Tanya, I’m going to the city. I think I’ll take a short walk and take my bodyguard with me.”

  Tanya stares at me. “It’s the first time you’ve been out since you came here.”

  I shrug. “You keep telling me to go out and enjoy the sun and the island. I’m listening to you.”

  The conference room has a separate door, so I exit and head into town with Jordan, my bodyguard, in tow. The walk is short, no more than ten minutes, and I quickly locate a flower shop where I order five orchid bouquets for the curvy beauty I want to conquer.

  After ordering the bouquets of flowers, I head to the real estate agency and ask the agent to find a plot of land on which to build a hotel. The land he’s found me so far hasn’t been big enough for the kind of resort I have in mind. He promises to speak with the owner of a plot of land suitable for my needs. Apparently, she doesn’t want to sell, but I hope she changes her mind.

  I have lunch with Jordan at a nice restaurant that serves us each a juicy ribeye beef steak and fried calamari.

  The hours pass quickly, and I head back to the hotel. At the reception desk, James, the bartender, is waiting for me, no doubt with an update about the liquor I ordered.

  “Sir, we have a problem. The hotel is having some financial difficulties, and our supplier does not want to send the order if we do not pay in advance. We don’t have that kind of cash at the moment. Could you maybe pay for them in advance but not tell Kali? She’ll kill me if she finds out I told you about our money issues.”

  I smile wide, smelling an opening. “Sure, I can do that,” I tell him, and he seems relieved.

  If the hotel has money problems, it’s not going to be hard to put it out of business. Although I feel bad for her. Kali. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her ever since I spotted her on the beach the first night on the island.

  I didn’t mean to spy on her, I swear, but I had the same idea. A nightly swim sounded so much fun, but by the time I got to the beach, she was already there. I didn’t want to embarrass her, so I sneaked back to my suite. She’s been on the beach every night, so I usually wait until she leaves to go and take my nightly swim.

  “I’ll send my assistant tomorrow to pay. Would that work for you?” I ask him.

  “Of course, sir! Thank you.”

  Chapter 3


  My rich guest sent me a bunch of orchids the day we met, and I had been tempted to accept his dinner invitation, but I didn’t want to jeopardize my business. So, I just sent him a note thanking him for the flowers.

  I haven’t received any more flowers over the last few days, and I feel a little disappointed inside, but his assistant contacted me to settle the bill for the first week and to pay for the liquor order. I want to thank him in person, but I’m afraid of my reaction if I talk with him again. I mean, I’m sure the guy got the message that I’m not interested and moved on.

  Even my staff has warmed up to him since he included a big tip when he paid his bill.

  But the worst part is that I’m still thinking about him. I find myself daydreaming about him daily, and my productivity is not good. I’m lucky that I’m the boss because I can’t concentrate. Those damn abs keep popping into my mind.

  David, the island’s real estate agent, contacted me again about selling the land I inherited from my aunt. It’s an awesome piece of the island, and I dream about building a big hotel on it someday. Someday.

  I take a deep breath and return to my invoices when my bestie Lexi saunters in. She moved here from New York a couple of months ago. Her fiancée dumped her last year, and I guess she moved here to lick her wounds.

  She’s wearing a white summer dress, and her curls are bouncing when she plops down into the chair in front of my desk.

  “Come on, Kali, we need to get going. I’m starving. Work was crazy today, and I didn’t have the chance to eat lunch.” Lexi works for a big New York firm, and they let her work from home.

  I laugh and shake my head. “Again? Your desk is literally next to your fridge!”

  She shrugs. “I know. I just don’t have the time most days.”

  I nod. “Give me five minutes to send an email to my accountant and I’m all yours.”

  Ten minutes later, I close my laptop and grab my bag. Lexi claps her hands with glee. “Finally,” she says.

  It’s a short walk to the restaurant, and of course the first person I see when I walk in is him. Ford.

  We’re seated on the other side of the restaurant overlooking the water, but I’m so distracted by his presence that I barely hear Lexi talk.

  Lexi frowns. “What’s with you today? You seem weird,” she says and gives me a funny look.

  “It’s nothing,” I say. “It’s just this guy. He asked me out last week and sent me a bunch of flowers. He’s here.”

  Lexi laughs and turns. “Which one is it?”

  “The blue-shirted hunk near the window,” I answer.

  “Oh, yummy. I like him. He’s hot and strong. I like a man that can lift you against a wall and give you a screaming orgasm without breaking a sweat. I approve,” she adds, and I blush.

  “You’re such a prude,” Lexi teases me.

  “Oh, please,” I scoff. “How do you know he’s going to give me a screaming orgasm? He’s too good-looking. Men like that are selfish in bed. He’s not that interested in me anyway. He gave up when I told him no.”

  She laughs, and her face lights up when our waiter appears with our cocktails. She takes a sip of her ‘Sex on the Beach’ cocktail and glances at Ford again, catching his attention. I see the moment he recognizes me, and he stands up.

  “Oh, crap, he’s coming here,” Lexi says.

  I glare at her. “Of course, he is. You stared at him.”

  “Ladies,” Ford says when he reaches our table. “Kali,” he says and nods toward Lexi.
br />   “Who is your lovely friend, Kali?”

  I roll my eyes. Of course he’s interested in Lexi. She’s tall and blonde and gorgeous.

  I quickly introduce them, and I’m fascinated as he sits down and takes Lexi’s hand. I’ve never been jealous of the attention Lexi gets from men until this very moment. I hope to God the jerk is not going to hit on my best friend in front of me.

  “Lexi, please tell me what I have to do to convince your skittish friend to go out with me?” he asks her, and I stare at him in shock.

  “Skittish? I’m not skittish. I just don’t date my clients.”

  His eyes twinkle with amusement as he feigns shock and presses his fingers to his chest. “Do you see why I need help, Lexi?” he asks her. “That means you’ll go out with me if I move to another hotel?”

  I laugh. “My hotel is the only one open year-round on the island.”

  He shrugs. “I can rent a house if that what it takes,” he says. “I really want to take you to dinner, Kali.”

  “She’ll go out with you,” Lexi says, and I glare at her.

  “Awesome,” he says, rubbing his hands as he stands up. “I’ll pick you up at 8 o’clock tomorrow evening,” he adds.

  “Excuse me. Hello! I haven’t said yes,” I protest, and he studies me with those damn eyes of his.

  He leans over me, and I can feel his warm breath on my skin. “You know you want to, Kali. Because you can’t stop thinking about me any more than I can stop thinking about you.”

  I feel myself heating up, and I realize he’s right. Whatever the thing between us is, I owe it to myself to find out.

  “Fine. Tomorrow evening. You only have one shot,” I add, and he goes back to his table, laughing.

  Chapter 4


  I’m nervous.

  That has not happened to me since my first date with Georgia, my high school crush. I changed into three different shirts and a suit until I finally settled on another blue shirt and white pants. Kali sent me a message saying that she’ll be in her office and to pick her up from there.


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