Until Tennessee: Happily Ever Alpha World

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Until Tennessee: Happily Ever Alpha World Page 6

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “I’m not sure,” Clarity replied nervously, burying her face in my chest. “I’m so confused, Marek.”

  “Confusion is to be expected, babe. I can work with you being confused. But you gotta admit that kiss proves what I’ve been saying. You and I have been building something special together these last six months. And it goes way beyond simple friendship.”

  “Okay. Yes. We have... something. I’m just not sure what it is,” Clarity admitted, finally looking up to meet my eyes.

  I couldn’t help my wide smile. I felt like I’d just won the lottery. “Well, lucky for you, I know exactly what we have and after we feed these munchkins their pizza and put them to bed, I’ll be happy to explain it to you,” I offered, dropping a quick kiss to Clarity’s nose just as Addison burst into the room.

  “I needs da pizza, people! I hungwee!” The little girl shouted at the top of her lungs as Zain began to cry in the playpen.

  Grinning down at the little girl who was determined to have her way, I grabbed her mom’s hand, lacing our fingers together. “Well, Miss Addie, I’d say that we’re all hungry around here,” I declared with a smile, even though I knew no amount of food was ever going to satisfy the hunger I felt for a certain blushing mother. Deciding to take mercy on Clarity before Addison could start questioning the fact that she’d just run in on her Uncle Marek holding on to her mother like she was the most precious thing on earth, I asked, “What do you want on your pizza, honey? How ‘bout some anchovies and pineapple?”

  “Ewwwwww! I not want fishies on my pizza!” Addison yelled as she shuddered theatrically.

  I stifled a laugh as Addie rambled on about the merits of pepperoni versus the extra cheese that she always craved as Clarity tried to pull her hand away from mine to move toward Zain. Shaking my head, I met her eyes. “Don’t even think about it, babe. With that mangled finger, you don’t need to be lifting him tonight.”

  Reluctantly letting go of my grip on her, I quickly crossed the room and grabbed the fussy little man from his playpen. Balancing Zain on one hip as I herded Clarity and Addie toward the door, I announced, “Okay, troops, let’s move out. It’s time to place that pizza order!”

  Addie’s whoop of joy echoed through the hallway as she headed for the stairs. “Careful, Addison!” Clarity yelled after her, wincing as she heard Addie’s arm slam against the wall. She turned to look at me, her eyes narrowing as I shifted her son to my shoulder and patted his back. “You sure you know what you’re doing, Marek? Because I’m not just playing house here, y’know? If you really want to be a part of what I’ve got with my kids, you gotta be serious and in it for the long haul. ‘Cause there’s no way I’ll consider anything less than forever. I can’t have my kids hurt again.”

  Dropping a kiss to her forehead, I propelled her down the hallway with one hand at her back. “Babe, I’ll start with tonight. But forever is exactly what I’m aiming for.”

  Chapter Seven


  One Week Later

  “Addison Lane Escobar, get those sticky fingers away from those cupcakes, young lady!” I scolded as I saw my daughter inch her fingers toward the silver and purple treats on the counter for the fifth time in thirty minutes. “You want to have those at your birthday party later today, right?”

  “It’s my birfday, Momma,” she singsonged as she climbed her way up from the barstool onto the counter, her eyes longingly adoring the sugar-filled desserts. “I needs a cake now! It was hard work growin’ anutter year older!”

  Marek’s laugh joined my own at Addie’s infallible logic as he scooped my intrepid child away from temptation. “But you won’t have any cupcakes left for your candles, munchkin, and then we’ll be all kinds of in trouble when your friends from school get here later,” he explained, popping her on his shoulders as she let out a battle cry worthy of any soldier. “Let’s get you settled with some Sofia the First while Momma finishes up your party decorations. Sound like a good deal?” he asked as he carried her toward the living room.

  I watched as the man who was slowly taking over my life eased Addison down on the comfy sofa facing the television while my daughter still continued to chatter at ninety miles a minute. It had been almost a full week since our first kiss, and I was still elated that our first kiss had been swiftly followed by our second, third, fourth, and unknown number of kisses later - usually after the kids went to sleep or were occupied seeing what other mischief they could find while their momma was being distracted by Marek’s talented mouth. My body had been tingling on high alert the entire week, his touch a craving my mind couldn’t deny. I still wasn’t sure how I’d managed to lower my guard and let him get close to me, let alone allow him to develop a close relationship with my kids. What was so addictive about this man that I was willing to take this leap of faith? I still wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but by God, I found myself willing - even eager - to explore it more.

  Six months had been a long time to get to know someone. Marek was exactly what he said he was – faithful, true, and in charge. From talking to his sister, I knew that he wasn’t about to let anyone hurt a woman if he could stop it. The nurses at the hospital were in awe of him, and more than one had found a way to ask me how I had “snagged” him, even though I protested and reminded everyone we were just friends. His partner Cobi’s family were the best references, though, often reminding me that Marek, like Cobi, would kill before he’d let someone he cared for be hurt. I’d never known that a man like him existed before.

  Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I glanced at the clock on the wall above the refrigerator. Oops! We had less than an hour before some of the children from Addie’s daycare would be arriving to celebrate her birthday. Initially, it wasn’t going to be a huge affair. Just a simple cake and ice cream followed by a couple of games and present time. Unfortunately, however, Marek had other ideas.

  One rented bouncy castle and cotton candy machine later, and Uncle Marek had finally deemed the backyard an acceptable venue for Addison’s fourth birthday extravaganza. And while part of me had wanted to argue that he was going completely overboard, every time I saw the excited glint in Marek and Addie’s eyes, I bit my tongue and reminded myself that you only had your fourth birthday once in a lifetime. And if Marek wanted to spend his time, money, and energy making this day special for Addison, who was I to stop him?

  The truth was that Marek was as over the moon for me and my kids as we were for him. These last six months with him in our lives had been a dream come true. Funny, kind, and undeniably sexy, Detective Marek Haws was everything I’d ever imagined in an ideal man. Each and every day, he convinced me just a little more that I was his version of the perfect woman, too. He made me feel good about myself again, building up my confidence instead of tearing it down, reminding me of what it felt like to be a desirable woman instead of treating me like a nuisance. Despite my past bad luck with cops, Marek made me feel safe and treasured, and since we shared our first kiss a week ago, it was clear that while Marek was happy being my friend, he wanted a great deal more than that... and I wanted to give it to him.

  I would give it to him.


  Yep, after Addie’s little birthday soiree, we’d clean up the mess and put the kiddoes to bed for an early night. Then, if all went according to plan, I’d be going down for an early night as well... only I’d be going down on Marek’s cock.

  Was it totally wicked of me to be turned on by the very thought of that?

  If it was, I didn’t care.

  It felt like it had been a lifetime since I actually wanted to have sex with someone.

  Of course, Marek wasn’t just someone. He was The One.

  Better yet, I was pretty sure he was My One.

  Whether I was ready or not, my libido had reawakened and my inner bad girl was ready to be very, very naughty.

  Rubbing my thighs together to try and ease the throbbing ache between my legs as I stood at the sink, staring out the window into the back yar
d, I took a deep breath and willed my body to calm down.

  Just as I was giving myself this not-so-helpful little pep talk, the doorbell chimed. “Oh, no,” I muttered, quickly glancing toward the nearby wall clock as I heard my daughter squeal in anticipation. “It’s an hour too early! I don’t even have the sandwiches made yet!” I complained as I hurried toward the door.

  “I’m sure whatever little munchkin is at the door won’t mind waiting if they get to start playing early. You want me to let them in?” Marek asked from his position on the couch where he held Zain on one knee and Addie on the other.

  Stepping quickly through the living room, I patted him on the shoulder as I walked behind the couch, grabbing my daughter’s hand when she hopped off Marek’s knee to make a beeline toward the door. “Nope. I’ll be the hostess with the mostess. You are in charge of all things entertainment later, remember?” I informed him over my shoulder. “Addie!” I chastised when my daughter began to sprint toward the front door. “Wait for Momma, baby. We don’t open doors without knowing who’s there, remember?”

  “But, Momma,” Addie began to whine.

  “But, nothing. Rules are rules,” I declared firmly, unwilling to compromise on certain dictates I had in place. Pulling her back gently as I peered through the small peephole in the door, I froze in place, a sudden, but chilling fear lodging itself in my throat.

  I must have paled dramatically because Marek was abruptly at my side with one hand on my arm and the other wrapped securely around my son. “What’s wrong?” he murmured softly, careful not to speak too loudly and alert the kids that something was wrong.

  Turning toward the sound of his voice, I looked from his eyes down to the crown of my daughter’s head where she stood between us. There was no way I wanted her to see who was on the other side of the door. “Addie, baby, this is just another deliveryman from the grocery store,” I lied, praying that I sounded believable. “Why don’t you go upstairs and make sure all your dollies are in order for the tea party you wanted to have with your friends?” I suggested with a tight smile down at her upturned face.

  “Otay, Momma,” she agreed, instantly turning and running up the stairs to her bedroom as I focused on Marek’s face.

  “What’s happening here, babe? Talk to me,” he urged softly as the bell on the door chimed again and Zain squirmed in his arms.

  “Paulo’s brother, Craig, is out there,” I whispered, lifting a hand to grip the low ponytail at the back of my neck as I shot a glare at the door. “Zain won’t remember, but Addie will. Craig looks almost identical to Paulo,” I shared.

  Thankfully, Marek had no problem filling in the blanks. “Did he know about...”

  “The abuse?” I snorted. “Yeah. He knew everything.”

  Nodding, Marek’s mouth compressed into a flat line as his glittering eyes narrowed. “Then we get rid of this prick fast. Want me to handle it?”

  “No,” I denied, even though every fiber of my being wanted to take him up on his offer. “I need to do this. Just stay close, okay?”

  Smiling humorlessly, Marek bent to press a quick kiss to my dry lips. “You don’t need to worry about that,” his vowed against my mouth. “I’m not going anywhere. Not now. Not ever.”

  Something in the way he said that gave me pause. Searching his darkened face, I could tell he was angry, but even mad, his hands were gentle as he held my son. He nodded as he motioned slightly. “Get the door, baby. Let’s handle this douchebag so we can enjoy our girl’s day.”

  Nodding once, I jerked open the door, my eyes furious as they connected with my ex-brother-in-law’s gaze. “What are you doing here, Craig?” I asked as I glared at where Paulo’s brother stood on my porch steps, holding a wrapped gift in one hand and a stuffed giraffe in the other.

  “I came to see my niece and nephew,” he replied, his eyes hostile as the moved from me to where Marek stood behind me, holding Zain. “I’m their uncle. Closest thing they got left to their daddy. It’s time for me to spend some time with them. Who’s this fuck?” he growled, lifting his chin toward Marek.

  “I’m the fuck that’s gonna knock your teeth down your throat unless you keep a civil tongue in your head while you’re around Clarity and her kids,” Marek threatened ominously.

  I felt Marek’s body heat warming my back as he edged closer, obviously concerned for my safety. Damn, it had been a long time since I’d remembered feeling that protected. His closeness gave me the courage I needed to keep going.

  “Listen to him, Craig. And listen to me when I tell you that my kids are none of your concern,” I advised, my jaw clenching as I watched the son-of-a-bitch in front of me shift his weight. “You weren’t that concerned about them when their father was hurting this family, were you? In fact, wasn’t it you that recommended to Paulo more than once to ‘put his bitch in line’?”

  Craig’s eyes narrowed even more as he took a step in my direction, only to halt as Marek literally growled behind me. “”My brother was an honorable man! A good cop! A great provider and father.”

  “Are you insane?” I asked weakly, unable to believe one man could be this deluded. My mind knew otherwise, though, since the son of a bitch had been there throughout it all. “You saw my bruises. You witnessed some of the blows he dished out. You heard him threaten the kids. How can you possible stand there, on my doorstep, telling me what a wonderful man he was?”

  “Because he was. You’ve always been an overdramatic pain in the ass, Clarity. I’d never known where my niece and nephew were if it hadn’t been for finally tracking you down online. And now you’re trying to erase Paulo’s existence from his kids’ lives with this guy?” he asked, throwing up a hand to gesture at Marek again. “It’s bullshit. That’s why I’m here. I’m gonna do what Paulo can’t. I’m gonna make sure he remains a part of their lives any way I can.”

  Shaking my head furiously, I felt panic swelling in my chest. No freaking way. Craig might never have put his hands on me or threatened my children, but he was complicit. His willingness to stand by and do nothing to help us had been as condemning as any punch he could have thrown at me. He was in no way the kind of role model my babies needed.

  “Clarity, take Zain for me,” I heard Marek order, his deep voice sliding over me like a warm blanket, reminding me that I wasn’t fighting alone. Turning, my hands automatically reached for my son.

  “What’s this asshole gonna do to stop me, Clarity? I’ve got a right to be around these kids. He’s not dick to them,” Craig snarled as Marek stepped around me to address the current situation.

  “Hurry,” I whispered, meeting Marek’s eyes briefly as he shifted the baby into my arms. “I’m not sure how much longer Addie will keep herself occupied.”

  “Noooooooo, dadadadada!” Zain chose that moment to insert himself into the situation, not only saying his first word, but his second as well as he reached for Marek.

  Three sets of surprised eyes fell on the baby in my arms. “Are you fucking with me, Charity? How many more ways you gonna betray my brother? Letting that kid call this asshole ‘daddy’?”

  “Hey! If Bubby gets t’call Unca Mawek daddy, I do, too,” Addie suddenly yelled from the top of the stairs.

  Marek and I both instantly looked over our shoulders at the small, but mighty little girl staring down at us. “Nuh uh!” I denied, turning to address my daughter. “Grownup conversation, Baby Girl. Go back to your room right now, Addison.”

  “But, Momma,” Addie began to whine.

  “Listen to your mother, Princess,” Marek added as Craig balked.

  “No! Fuck that! I want to see my niece,” Craig sneered, making a move to edge around us toward my daughter.

  Marek took that moment to fully step in front of Craig, dwarfing the other man by at least five inches. “Look, jackass, keep on running your mouth and the only thing you’re gonna be seeing is the inside of the jail cell for the night,” Marek warned, flashing his badge at the other man.

  “Yeah? On what cha

  “Well, we’ll start with trespassing and disturbing the peace and work our way up from there,” Marek replied with a cold smile, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood firmly planted in front of me. “Or maybe I’ll just conveniently forget I’m a cop the way your bastard of a brother used to and kick your ass up and down the street the way he used to beat Clarity.” Marek moved suddenly then, grabbing Craig by the arms with a force that I had never seen him use before. “I kinda think you deserve it after leaving a woman and two kids alone in a house with a monster,” he continued, frog marching Craig down the sidewalk to his vehicle.

  “She’s lying to you. Sure, Paulo had to keep her in line, but he didn’t do any permanent damage. She and the kids are just fine.”

  “Because she took her kids and ran, you dumbass! Otherwise, who knows what would have happened. But, you know what? At this point it doesn’t matter. You have no legal rights to these children and first thing in the morning, I’ll be helping her file a restraining order against you. You come back here near her or either one of those babies after that, and I’ll arrest you.”

  “You’d actually do that to your kids’ uncle?” Craig spat, looking around Marek’s shoulder at where I now stood, holding Zain close as I listened to every word.

  I shook my head as I met Craig’s flashing eyes, suddenly no longer afraid of anything that could come from California. “You knew what your brother was doing to us, Craig, and you did nothing. I’ll never believe Addie or Zain would be safe with you. Please leave and don’t come back.”

  “But before you go, please know that the state of Tennessee doesn’t offer you dick in the way of visitation rights unless you can prove Clarity unfit, and believe me, there’s nobody in this town that’s gonna say anything near that,” Marek informed the other man harshly.


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