Real Vampires: A Highland Christmas (The Real Vampires series Book 14)

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Real Vampires: A Highland Christmas (The Real Vampires series Book 14) Page 12

by Gerry Bartlett

  “Don’t deny me, Gloriana. I must have you.” He said this in my mind as he lifted my legs and fitted them around his hips. His only concession to my comfort was to put a hand behind my head as he drank then plunged into me.

  I could do nothing against his strength but accommodate him. But I got no pleasure from his coarse handling of me. Bastard! I sent that message to him. Had he heard me in his mind? I doubted it. His eyes were closed as he pulled on my vein and moved against me.

  Rutting stallion! I choked back a sob, refusing to make a sound or clasp him in my arms. I fisted my hands and held them by my sides, hitting the tree in my fury. Yes, I had given him a look down my bodice but I hadn’t asked for this! I counted, keeping track of the time and how much he took of my life force. It didn’t take him long to finish his rut with a grunt of satisfaction. But was he bothering to count as he drank? Or had he lost all reason again?

  I shoved at him. “Jeremiah, have done. You will drain me dry.”

  He opened his eyes and finally saw me. I’m sure he had to have noticed how pale I was now. His face swam before my eyes. He blinked and slid away from me, fangs first, before he clumsily straightened my skirt. His kilt dropped into place last.

  “What have I done?” His eyes wide with horror, he pulled me to him with shaking hands. “Will you ever forgive me?” Self-loathing thickened his voice and I saw regret on his face before I closed my eyes, too weak to fight him.

  After a few moments, I found the strength to push back. “It may take a while for me to forgive or forget. Find someone to fill a goblet for me. You were greedy. I’m not sure I can walk.”

  He swung me up into his arms. “Valdez! Find my brother Brian. Ask him to come to us in the tower room.” Jeremiah carried me toward the castle.

  I heard the shifter grumble but he did as Jeremiah told him. I could barely hold my eyes open. He’d taken too much blood and I would not pretend otherwise. Jeremiah strode around the clearing, up the path and into the castle. He didn’t pause as he walked up the stone steps to the tower room. The warmth of the fire felt good as he finally laid me gently on the furs. There was conversation around me but I lost track of time as I dozed. Sleep. It was a mortal pleasure I’d missed since I’d been turned vampire. Finally, I realized someone was holding a goblet to my lips.

  “Drink, Gloriana. It is a fine vintage. Brian’s own. Almost as old as mine.” Jeremiah raised me from the furs and cradled me in his arms.

  “Brother, you will lose this one if you don’t guard your thirst. She looks like hell.” Brian’s voice.

  I drank, slowly at first, then with a greed that meant the goblet was soon empty. I finally opened my eyes, realized who held me, then shoved Jeremiah away. “Leave me alone.”

  “Gloriana, I’m sorry. I wasn’t myself.” He raked a hand through his hair as he sat across from me on the fur rug.

  We had an audience. Brian sat in a chair, leg swinging while he licked a cut closed on his wrist. Valdez watched us as he paced near the door. Gertrude must still linger in the room, I could smell the herbs she used in her potions.

  “That excuse will not work much longer.” I sat up and looked around. Yes, there was the witch, standing near the window. “Gertrude, come here if you please. What say you? Do we need to do something else to rid Jeremiah of Red Mary’s poison?”

  “If you will allow me, sir?” Gertrude stepped closer and sniffed Jeremiah’s hair.

  “The devil! Leave me be, woman!” He jumped up and made the sign of the cross.

  “Let her do what she can, Jeremiah.” I looked at the hand he held out to me. Did I want to take it? I couldn’t forget how he’d humiliated me in the forest. I could hardly look at Valdez or meet Gertrude’s gaze. So I ignored Jeremiah’s hand in favor of scrambling inelegantly to my feet without assistance.

  Brian still watched me. I gave him a curtsy. “Thank you, Brian, for your generous donation. Your brother almost killed me. He was poisoned so we will lay the blame on his enemies or on the lust of a misguided woman, shall we?”

  “I don’t blame you for being angry with him, Gloriana. The least he can do after behaving like an unfeeling ass is to buy you a nice jewel.” Brian stood and gave me a mocking bow. “Where is this beauty who brought a witch’s potion onto Campbell grounds? I will make sure she never bothers any of us again.” He fingered his sword. Yes, he still wore it. If his mother caught him wearing it in the castle, he’d be scolded, no doubt.

  “Please, Master Brian, the girl was merely a pawn in a bigger game. I used one of my own truth-telling spells on her and found out a man sent her to Red Mary in the first place. It was all part of his plot for revenge against Master Jeremiah.” Gertrude stood with her back to the window, keeping her distance from Jeremiah since he had yelled at her. “She described the man to me while under my spell. She was unable to remember him without it.”

  “What did the man look like?” I could guess, but wanted to hear it from the witch.

  “He wore a cloth over one eye, but was still very handsome. He paid her coin then told her what to ask for when she got to Red Mary.” Gertrude edged closer to Jeremiah. “Please, sir. If you would only allow me to smell your blood, just a few drops, I will know if you are free of her potion. It was very strong. I would do this for your own protection.”

  Jeremiah clearly didn’t trust her but he pulled a knife and ran it across his wrist. When blood welled he stalked over to her and held it near her nose. “Smell. I will know if you are telling the truth, witch.”

  Gertrude not only smelled it, she ran a finger through it and tasted it. I knew even before she shuddered that we weren’t done with the poison. The scent of evil had been in the air as soon as Jeremiah had cut himself. Gods. Would Jeremiah ever be free from the witch’s control? If Alyse walked in the room now, would he fall at her feet in hopeless adoration?

  What was Devlin’s plan? Did he think I would leave Jeremiah when he turned to this other woman? I had to admit, I couldn’t bear the thought of my lover taking another into his bed. But I wasn’t so foolish as to leave here unprotected. Nor would Jeremiah allow it. He had vowed to always guard me, no matter how things stood between us. Was Devlin counting on that possessiveness to draw Jeremiah out so he could finish him? Or did this potion had a darker side?

  “Gertrude, we must rid him of the rest of the poison. What do we need to do?” I walked over to sniff his wrist. The smell was definitely stronger here and I had all I could do not to gag.

  “He must lose more blood, Gloriana. And then replace it with untainted life force. Certainly you should not drink any from him until we are sure he is completely free of the poison.” Gertrude dropped Jeremiah’s wrist and stepped back to the window.

  As if I could bear to taste it now! I followed her, though I was still weak. “I am afraid the potion can do more harm than merely make him crave Alyse. Do you know what Red Mary really intended? Could it weaken him? Drive him mad?” I said this to her quietly but vampire ears were too keen not to have heard. “Change him in some way? What he did in the forest… That was not like him. He has never used me that way before, I swear it. Or I would not still be with Jeremiah. He is not a brute.”

  “Lass, we heard nothing, saw nothing.” Gertrude touched my cheek which I knew burned with shame.

  “By God, drain me now, until I am almost dead. Do what you must to get this out of me.” Jeremiah threw himself down on the furs, close to the fire. “I don’t doubt I will go mad if I think I am under a witch’s spell.” He stared at me across the room. “Or that I will become a monster who my woman will come to hate.”

  I wanted to go to him, assure him that would never happen, but my pain was too fresh. The man who’d taken me in the forest hadn’t been the Jeremiah I loved. Could witchcraft make that brutal man return? I was terrified it was so.

  Gertrude ventured closer to him and looked into Jeremiah’s eyes. “How do you feel, sir?”

  “Like I want to kill someone. How do you think I feel, woman?
” He sat up so suddenly Gertrude put up her hands and mumbled a chant.

  “By God, don’t try your spells on me. You are lucky I’m not tying Alyse and any witch I can find to a stake and building a fire right now.” Jeremiah clinched his fists. “You think I don’t remember what that potion made me do to someone I love? I am filled with shame.” He was up on his feet and moved closer but was careful not to touch me. “Gloriana, you must see that what happened in the woods was because I was still under the witch’s influence. You know I would never…” He couldn’t finish what he needed to say, only looked down at his fisted hands. “I hurt you. I am so very sorry.”

  I shook my head. “The potion has harmed both of us. Everyone at the festivities saw you looking for Alyse. Then they saw you drag me away like your convenient blood whore.”

  “Oh, ho! She has you there, brother.” Brian stalked to the door. “Alyse. Where is she, Gertrude?”

  “Please leave her alone, sir.” Gertrude waved her hand and there was a sudden fog in the air. We all stared at her.

  “You dare!” Brian pulled his sword.

  “I mean you no harm, sir. But please listen to me. Alyse is just a pawn in an evil game. She did nothing but take coin to see to a task. It was coin she sorely needed. She had no idea how this would go and is sorry for her part in it. If you leave her in my hands, I will make sure she will do no more harm to your family.” Gertrude moved her hand and the air cleared. “I will never do anything against a Campbell. I swear it.”

  “Then what was that trick just now, pray tell?” Brian slid his sword back into his sheath.

  “A harmless distraction. I’m sorry. I had to get your attention.” Gertrude sank to her knees. “Witches have been driven out of England and now must hide in Scotland. I am happy here, but I am one of the lucky ones. Dozens died in Edinburgh a few years ago. Those that are left swore to help each other and formed a council to protect the ones who deal in good magic. Alyse can be one of them. She is but a fledgling, finding her way. Red Mary is a witch who practices the dark arts. The Council approached her and was driven away for their troubles. Her evil magic is a tool of the devil and endangers us all. I would not protect Red Mary, I assure you. But please leave Alyse to me. I hope to help her with her few powers and make sure she uses them for good. Will you allow that?”

  I believed Gertrude. Jeremiah and Brian exchanged looks. Probably reading each other’s minds. Witches could be helpful as long as they were on your side. Obviously the laird and his lady had decided Gertrude was useful enough to offer her sanctuary.

  “Very well.” Brian nodded. “Keep your pretty witch. But if she is in league with this one-eyed devil who wants to hurt my brother, her days are numbered.”

  “I understand. I will give her to you myself if I sense there is a secret tie between them.” Gertrude kept her hands clutched in front of her. “Master Jeremiah, I know it is difficult, but you must drain your blood until you are weak and then take from a healthy mortal. It is the only way to rid yourself of the poison. Do it more than once.” She glanced at Brian. “Perhaps your brother will bring you a goblet or two from the crowd down below.”

  “Get started losing your blood, brother. I will be back in no time. Gloriana, much as you are tempted to see him lie dead on the stones, please stop him before he goes too far.” Brian winked at me.

  “Of course.” I would never let Jeremiah lose too much blood. I was still weak but I could spare some of my own before I let that happen. “Go! We need to see this done.”

  “Very well.” Brian left the tower.

  “It seems such a waste.” Jeremiah took the chair his brother had vacated.

  “Here is a chamber pot. Bleed into it.” Valdez brought it over. “I will dump it out when you are done.” He glanced at me. “I know this will be hard for you to watch, Gloriana. You might be upset with him, but you will undoubtedly thirst when he cuts himself and you smell his blood. Do you want to leave? We can go back to the celebration.”

  “No, I’ll stay. Right now Jeremiah’s blood holds little appeal to me. Not only does it have the stench of evil, but he has hurt me and I am not ready to forget that.” I rubbed the back of my head in case he didn’t remember slamming me against that tree before he’d taken me. Of course I loved him but I didn’t like him very much at the moment.

  Jeremiah gave me a searching look then cut his wrist and held it over the chamber pot. Oh, I was a liar. The moment his blood welled, my fangs came down. Yes, it smelled wrong, that hint of evil very real, but it was still Jeremiah’s blood. He let it drain while I silently counted from a spot near the window where I could not smell it.

  “Enough! You are pale and I see your hand shaking. Take the chamber pot and dump it out the window, Valdez.” I grabbed Jeremiah’s arm and lifted his wrist to his mouth. “Close the wound.”

  “Won’t you do it, Gloriana?” He looked up at me.

  “She shouldn’t. Not until we are sure it is safe to drink.” Gertrude stood behind me.

  “I don’t think she would anyway. She is still sulking.” Jeremiah licked the cut closed.

  “Sulking! Very well, I suppose I am. Brian is right. I deserve a jewel, more than one, for how you treated me. I can understand and forgive what you did under the influence of the potion. But there is one thing you said that I cannot forget. Perhaps the potion also made you tell a truth you have kept hidden until this night.” I took one of those useless breaths I still seemed to need.

  “What is that?” Jeremiah truly didn’t seem to understand the depths of my hurt.

  “You dismissed me in front of that witch and called me your,” I gulped, not about to cry in front of witnesses, “mistress.” I walked over to the fireplace and put my back to him. He was probably too weak to follow me. Just as well. I was his mistress. Here in his home, it made things clear. He could take a wife and I would be in my place, a mistress kept for his amusement. I had better get used to the term.

  “I did? I called you that?” He stood behind me. His hands fell onto my shoulders as if I was all that kept him from falling. “No. Would I bring a mistress into my parents’ home?”

  “It seems you have. You introduced me to that red-haired vixen as your mistress. Valdez heard you.” I whirled around to face him then had to catch him when he swayed. “Damn you, sit down before you land on your face.” I helped him to the chair. “What’s taking Brian so long?”

  “You know he won’t take blood from just anyone. He only picks comely wenches.” Jeremiah smiled at me.

  I’d seen him like this before. He was almost drunk from blood loss.

  “I’m sorry, Gloriana. You are more than a mistress to me. You know that, don’t you?” He paused.

  He was studying my face. I was not about to answer such a question. He was not getting away so lightly.

  “Come now, Gloriana. How can you not know that you are my lover, my dearest friend, my sweetheart.” He took my hand and pulled it to his mouth, kissing my palm. “I love you.”

  “Stop it. You’ll make me cry.” I ended up on his lap. “You truly don’t remember saying that?”

  “Gloriana, his eyes were unfocused, remember?” Valdez poured a pitcher of water into the chamber pot then emptied it out the window again.

  “Men stick together, I know that.” I flushed, remembering how Jeremiah had taken me against the tree with Valdez only a few feet away. I prayed the shifter hadn’t turned around when I made my protest.

  “I am sure Master Jeremiah could have said many things he didn’t mean when the potion was strong in him.” Gertrude approached us. “May I smell your skin now, sir?” She waited until he nodded. “I am sorry one of my kind has been used in this attack on you.” She picked up his arm and put her nose mere inches from his healing cut. “This is better. I still wouldn’t advise you to let Madame Gloriana drink from you for a day or two more. Just to be sure you are clear of the poison.”

  “That will be difficult. It is one of my greatest pleasures.” Jeremiah re
sted his head against my breast. “But not the only one. Please forgive me, love. I did not mean to hurt you or your feelings.”

  I lifted his chin to stare into his eyes. “Well at least your eyes seem clear now. That’s something.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “I gave up my mortality for you not more than a month ago. It would be cruel indeed to be replaced so soon by a fledgling witch.”

  “That will not happen. I swear it.” He kissed me sweetly.

  Brian threw open the door. “Here it is. The best I could find.” He stopped next to the chair. “I see you’ve sweet talked her already, brother. Looking pale as the snow on the ground probably helped.” Brian handed Jeremiah one of two brimming goblets he held. “Don’t spill this. You won’t believe me, but I went with age, not beauty, just for you, brother mine. Caused quite a stir around the fire, I assure you.”

  “I’m certain it did.” Jeremiah sniffed the goblet then sipped. “The miller’s wife. Yes, good strong blood. That woman could lift one of us in each hand.” He laughed and drank deep.

  I slipped off his lap and walked over to join Valdez at the window. We could see the celebration still in full swing down below.

  The Winter Solstice. This was a long night that seemed to have no end. Was Devlin out there somewhere, watching and waiting for his chance to make Jeremiah pay for taking his eye? I shivered at the thought.

  “Gloriana, do you need a plaid around your shoulders?” Valdez picked up one from a table. “Gertrude, where are you going?”

  “I have done all I can do here. He should be all right and I need to check on Alyse. I have a feeling when I am with her that there might be another watching through her eyes. It is a complicated spell, one I’ve only heard of but have never mastered myself. I may need to send for another witch to ask her advice to remove it, if it can be done.” She pulled her shawl tight around her shoulders. “I am afraid there’s a tracking spell on her as well. I tried a cloaking spell to protect her but I am not as strong as Red Mary and I doubt it is working.”

  “Then send the woman away. Surely keeping her here is a bad idea.” I followed Gertrude to the door.


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