
Home > Romance > Birthright > Page 13
Birthright Page 13

by A. P. Jensen

Chapter Thirteen

  Jordan sat in the princess room wrapped in her robe as the first rays of light hit the sky. She expected to see an army of hooded figures in the pasture, but there was no sign of anyone. Knight sprawled in front of her chair. She suspected he dunked himself in the lake because when he appeared in Levi’s room, the blood was gone. She burrowed her cold feet into his fur. Knight’s tail had a black tuft on the end like a lion. It twitched back and forth a couple times and his ears flicked back, but otherwise, he didn’t show any sign of consciousness.

  She drew on Knight’s power and reached for Levi, but he was blocking her. She withdrew instantly and tried to ignore the pain it caused. She was ashamed she hadn’t thought he would come after her. She should have known he would follow her into the store. How could she be so stupid? Levi saw her nightmare firsthand and it made her squirm uncomfortably. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she should’ve been able to do something to change the outcome. Could she have saved those people?

  Levi’s ordeal didn’t end after going into the store. He’d been in police custody and managed to escape. He thought she was dead, yet at the small spark he felt, tracked her all the way to Texas. His insistence on leaving after all he’d done to find her didn’t make sense. She knew it wasn’t the best thing for him to stay when she was confronted by danger at every turn and death on her heels. She was in a world where nothing made sense and she didn’t know what role she had in it. She was being forced to trust a father who didn’t want her and didn’t have time for her except to appear when she did something wrong. Deep down, she was terrified her power would return. Even before William tapped into her power, the strength of it consumed her.

  There was a knock on the bedroom door. Knight raised his head, but didn’t get up. Muffled footsteps on carpet and then a small hand brushed over her wet hair. Tears filled Jordan’s eyes. She wasn’t sure why.

  Kelly put a mug of peppermint tea on the arm of the chair and leaned against the glass windows facing Jordan. She changed out of the nightgown and bunny slippers. Her eyes were bloodshot, but she didn’t show any other signs that her sleep was disrupted by a midnight duel.

  “How are you?” she asked gently.

  The tone caused tears to spill over. When Kelly reached out, Jordan shook her head and held up a hand. “I don’t deserve it.”

  “Deserve what?”

  She swallowed. “You don’t know what I’ve done.”

  Just thinking that Levi witnessed what happened in Walmart made her blood chill.

  “It doesn’t matter. Cibrian tells me Levi wants to leave.”

  Jordan couldn’t meet her eyes. She forced herself to show nothing on her face, though tears still leaked. Knight edged closer and curled around the armchair.

  “Do you want him to stay?”

  Jordan sniffled. “It doesn’t matter what I want.”

  “It matters to us. Levi is welcome to stay.” When Jordan stared at her in disbelief, she smiled. “He can stay in the room he’s in. It’s up to him.”

  Hope kindled. “That’s… amazing.”

  “We want you to be happy. You’ve obviously been through a lot together and he came all this way. There’s just one thing, though.” Kelly waited until Jordan made eye contact. “What happened last night, I realize you were going out to meet him, but you can’t cross the property lines. It’s not safe. Do you understand?”

  Jordan nodded quickly and watched as Kelly was outlined by morning light.

  “Donovan says you don’t want to live with him because he can lose control.” Kelly paused as if searching for the right words. “That’s a possibility, but I won’t let him.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “A Grounder’s job is to monitor the sorcerer to make sure he’s stable, but just because a sorcerer has a soul tie with a Grounder doesn’t mean its full proof. It may take the sorcerer a while to realize she isn’t the right woman.”

  “Like the Grounder William was tied to,” Jordan said tonelessly.

  “Yes. She was his wife, Grace. My job is to make sure that Donovan isn’t losing control and he hasn’t. He won’t create a soul tie with me because if he does lose control, he doesn’t want to endanger me.” An irritated expression crossed her face. “He’s not sure I’d survive if he dies, so he won’t do it. If he’s beyond any help, I’m supposed to end it before he hurts anyone.”

  Jordan was speechless. She took in Kelly’s high ponytail, innocent face and warm nature. “How do you know you can do it?”

  The warmth faded and something haunted and dark passed through her eyes. “I’ve seen a sorcerer lose control. There was nothing human left in him. If Donovan gets to that point, I know it’s not him I’m killing- it’ll be a beast.”

  Jordan nodded in complete understanding. Something in her relaxed. She couldn’t trust Mr. Parker with his façades and absence in her life, but she trusted Kelly. If Kelly said she could handle Mr. Parker, Jordan believed her. But, something still bothered her.

  “Why do you do it?” Jordan asked, needing to know.

  “Do what?”

  “How can you live under the same roof with him, knowing he could kill us all? Why are you his Grounder?”

  Kelly’s mouth quirked. “I love him.”

  Jordan couldn’t think of a thing to say in response.

  “How do you think Donovan feels, knowing he could go insane?”


  “Having me here gives him peace of mind because he knows I’ll do what needs to be done,” Kelly explained.

  Jordan mulled this over, but still wasn’t satisfied.

  “Donovan saved me and my sister’s. I never forgot that. He has a lot of hang-ups, but he takes care of his own. I don’t know what you went through with William. I can’t even imagine what it feels like to be forced into a soul tie.” She shuddered. “But, I promise that you’re safe under this roof. Do you believe me?”

  Jordan nodded and Kelly relaxed.

  “Breakfast will be ready soon,” she said and kissed Jordan on the forehead.

  “Kelly?” Jordan said in a low voice.


  “What did you do to those people?”

  Kelly’s eyes turned arctic. “What needed to be done.”

  Kelly left the room and a minute later the door burst open again. Cibrian called her name. Jordan rose and Knight growled, irritated by Cibrian’s interruption. Jordan was relieved to see Levi walk into the princess room behind Cibrian. She did a double take when she saw the pink polo, but didn’t comment. Cibrian jumped up on the nearest couch when he spotted Knight. Levi surveyed her room without expression.

  “Tell him to shoo,” Cibrian said, waving his hands at Knight whose tail swished through the air excitedly.

  “No,” Jordan said firmly to Knight and his tail flopped to the ground. To Cibrian she said, “He’s not going to do anything.”

  Cibrian sat Indian style on the couch and kept a wary eye on Knight. “Tell Levi he has to stay.”

  Jordan could see Levi was still angry and trying not to show it. Knight pushed her armchair around with one paw so she faced the two long couches.

  “I can’t tell him to do anything,” Jordan said carefully.

  Cibrian slapped his forehead. “What is with you two? There’s a strong connection between you. Are you dating?”

  Levi and Jordan looked nonplussed for a moment before Jordan giggled and Levi’s mouth twitched. Cibrian tapped his fingers impatiently on the couch.

  “I’m glad I’m such a source of entertainment for you two,” he snapped. “The connection between you is so strong, I thought you were either in love or related.”

  The smiles vanished from their faces.

  “Your fates are entwined,” Cibrian continued despite the tension. “You’re acting like you don’t need each other, but you do.”

  “This doesn’t concern you,” Levi growled at him.

  “Of course it does,” Cibrian said pompou

  “Why?” Jordan asked.

  “If he stays, we’ll all go to school together.”

  “School?” they both parroted.

  “Well, yeah. In our world we go to school after we’ve Awakened. The youngest is probably around fourteen, but most Awaken around fifteen or sixteen.” Cibrian rubbed his hands together with relish. “You guys are gonna cause a stir, I guarantee it.”


  “You’re under Uncle Van’s protection. He’s a recluse and rebel. I wish I could live up to half the reputation he has. He’s legendary.” He sighed dreamily. “We’ll probably go to The Academy.”

  Jordan thought of attending a school in this crazy world and shuddered. “What do they teach?”

  “They teach us how to handle our power, use it for good.” Cibrian rolled his eyes and focused on the mug in her lap. “Watch this.”

  Jordan looked down and saw the water churn. Cibrian stood on the couch and groaned as if he were moving something that weighed more than him. Slowly, the tea rose from the mug and formed a sphere. It moved jerkily through the air as it bobbed across the room to Cibrian.

  “See? Not too shabby,” Cibrian said hoarsely.

  His face screwed up in a look of pain as he whipped his hands around the floating tea like a magician reassuring his audience there were no strings. Sweat trickled from his brow. Cibrian moved his fingers in a twirling motion and the ball of water sluggishly obeyed, moving in a small circle. Cibrian flicked his hands upward and the ball of water rose above his head. He tilted his head back and let out a triumphant yell. There was a whooshing sound and then a loud plop as the ball splattered right onto Cibrian’s upturned face. He let out a yelp and flopped on the couch. Jordan snickered and Levi shook his head. Cibrian fanned his face and looked accusingly at Jordan.

  “It’s hot!”

  Jordan bit her lip. “Maybe you should’ve asked me if I wanted it before you started playing with it.”

  Cibrian waved that away. “I was using air to shape the water, to levitate it but it’s hard to manipulate air, much less water. Both of those elements are tricky. Oh well, next time.” He focused on Jordan. “You ran like a bat out of hell yesterday. What happened?”

  At the memory of the Master in the meadow, Jordan’s heartbeat speeded up. Knight rose and circled the room restlessly. The boys watched the Valor cautiously.

  “Jordan,” Cibrian said in a high-pitched voice. “Your Guardian wants to kill something.”

  “Not something. Someone,” Jordan said and eased forward. “After you left me yesterday, I saw someone.”

  Cibrian frowned. “Where?”

  “In the meadow.”

  “That’s impossible,” he said dismissively.

  “Who?” Levi asked.

  “He had white blonde hair, silver eyes. In his twenties.” She watched Cibrian closely for even a flicker of recognition.

  Cibrian shrugged. “I don’t know anyone that looks like that. Maybe you imagined it.”

  Levi stalked over, eyes nearly orange with anger. “You saw him and didn’t tell me?”

  She glared up at him. “What difference does it make?”

  Levi’s hands clenched into fists and the doors to the princess room creaked. “You just so happen to see him here in Texas?”

  Cibrian fingered his lip thoughtfully. “If he was in the meadow, he’s not in Texas.”

  Levi rounded on him. “Where, then?”

  “He’s in Eden.”

  Jordan rose and pushed Levi out of her way. “Eden?”

  “Yeah. Tolly House is divided into four parts. Each environment leads to one of our capitals.”

  “Capitals?” Jordan repeated.

  “Our world has four main capitals. The meadow leads to Eden and if you go into the winter environment, you end up in Wintra, another capital. Tolly House leads you to different parts of our world. But, there are safeguards so people can’t just walk into Tolly House.”

  Levi rested a hand on his temple as he tried to wrap his mind around what Cibrian was saying. “You’re saying a house can lead people into different parts of your world?”

  Cibrian nodded and noted the screaming tension between Jordan and Levi. “Why? Who is he?”

  “I was in an asylum called Haven,” Jordan said.

  Levi looked at her sharply, but she ignored him. As much as they’d been taught not to trust anyone, she had to start somewhere. All around her were people that wanted something from her, that wanted to use her but she didn’t sense that in Cibrian. And, he was her cousin, of sorts. Realizing the Master walked freely in both worlds made her decide to take a jump and confide in him. “In Haven, they drugged us so we wouldn’t Awaken.”

  She could feel Levi’s anger and anxiety rising. Revealing more than was necessary was alien to both of them. Showing weakness and vulnerability was taboo, but in a world where she walked deaf and blind, she needed an ally. She needed Cibrian to believe her. She didn’t think Mr. Parker would care if she told him- he didn’t believe Haven existed. She thought of telling Kelly, but she would just tell Mr. Parker who would dismiss her.

  “One day they took me off the pill. My power,” she shuddered, “it consumed me. I melted the handcuffs they put on me, I went insane. I destroyed everything in my room. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. The next day they took me to-” She waved her hand because saying his name still made her sick.

  “William,” Cibrian filled in.

  Jordan nodded. “But the guy I saw in the meadow yesterday, he’s stronger than William. He owns Haven and I saw him torture William. He’s a sorcerer too.”

  “That’s impossible,” Cibrian said.

  “Can one sorcerer be stronger than another?” Jordan pushed.

  Cibrian ran his hands through his damp hair. “I don’t know. I mean, I guess so. They can’t all have the same amount of power, right?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Cibrian held up a hand. “Hold up! The guy you saw in the meadow was from Haven?”

  “Why do you think I’m telling you this?” Jordan snapped.

  “Did you tell Uncle Van?”

  “No. He thinks I’m delusional! Even you told me it’s not possible for someone to bypass your spells or whatever.”

  Cibrian winced. “Okay, I said that. I’m an ass.”

  “I don’t want to tell him anyway,” Jordan sighed. “I just need you to believe me.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? We’re family.”

  His simple acceptance of what she said made her want to hug him. He offered her what the other world hadn’t- a clean slate.

  “So what did this guy do? What’s his name?” Cibrian asked.

  “William called him the Master.”

  Cibrian blanched. “I’ve never heard of one sorcerer bowing down to another. Usually they can’t help challenging each other.”

  Jordan glanced at Levi as she said, “The Master tried to take me with him. Knight scared him off. As soon as he saw Knight, he freaked. He knew exactly what Knight was, knew only a Parker could wake him.”

  Cibrian bit his lower lip. “He really knows his stuff if he got pass the safeguards. Valor’s are well known in our world because Parker’s made them legend.” He tugged on his dark red hair. “Everyone in our world knows every sorcerer on the planet. They’re worshipped by most people, but this Master guy doesn’t sound like any of them.”

  “Maybe nobody knows he’s a sorcerer,” Levi offered.

  “That’s impossible. You can’t hide that you’re a sorcerer,” Cibrian said. “Most of the time, elements are passed through bloodlines. It’s super rare that someone just pops out of nothing.”

  Levi cast him a cool look. “You mean, like us?”

  Cibrian choked and coughed, waving his hands vigorously. “That’s not what I meant.”

  Jordan glared at Levi. “Ignore him, Cibrian. So, you believe me about the Master?”


  She blew out a
breath and slumped back in her seat. Knight lay beside her chair, eyes moving from one boy to the next. Levi sat as the room filled with light.

  “Jordan,” Cibrian began and paused, “Can I ask what happened?”

  He didn’t need to elaborate. She knew he was talking about William. Levi went very still. He wouldn’t have asked, but he wanted to know just as much as Cibrian. She owed Levi an explanation most of all. Instead of the gut wrenching sickness and fear that usually gripped her, she found being in this sunny room with these guys calmed and comforted her. She didn’t feel so alone, which made the telling easier.

  “At Haven, once they took the pill away, they took me to William. I think he trains the kids to control their power.”

  She looked to Levi for confirmation. A muscle ticked in his jaw.

  “He breaks us down. The more you fight, the harder the punishment,” Levi said evenly.

  Cibrian paled.

  “William was fascinated with me from the very beginning. The guards were afraid of me. My power was out of control. I felt like I was burning alive.” Jordan ran her hands up and down her arms. “William said I was special. He was obsessed with my power and my bloodline, but my mom was an addict and she never told me about my dad.”

  Cibrian opened his mouth to speak, but Levi shot him a dirty look and he subsided.

  “He told me I could save him,” Jordan shuddered. “He put me in a trance and when I woke, he would be sitting by me, petting my hair and telling me how unique I was.” Jordan swallowed bile. Knight sat beside her and leaned down to rest his chin on the arm of the chair. She scratched his cheek. “I felt so weird when I woke, like I was on drugs. I started fighting back and he started to hurt me.”

  “You don’t have to tell him this,” Levi interjected, coming to stand before her again. He was so agitated, he didn’t care about Knight’s proximity.

  “He needs to know,” Jordan insisted.

  “Why?” Levi glared at Cibrian.

  “Because he knows this world. He can help us.”

  Levi didn’t like Jordan revealing so much, especially when he saw the strain it put on her. She was shaking and pale and she looked so fragile. She’d been through hell and stirring up all these memories took a toll on both of them. He let out a disgusted sound and paced the room.

  “I realized he was somehow forcing his power into me. It hurt. I couldn’t take it. I knew if I didn’t try to escape, I wouldn’t survive. Something was wrong with William. With every visit, he became more and more,” she wiggled her fingertips, trying to find the right word. “Desperate. Crazy. It felt like he poured poison down my throat.” She rested her foot against Knight and felt his strength and power and felt better.

  “He was losing control of his power,” Cibrian said quietly. “They call it Falling.”

  “Levi and I escaped to Las Vegas. Levi went into a gas station and I saw Walmart across the street. My power feels like I’m being stabbed with knives unless I drown it in pills. I ran in and that’s when I saw William. You know the rest.”

  Cibrian hesitated. “So, what happened to your power?”

  “William created a soul tie with me.”

  Cibrian gagged and clapped a hand over his mouth. His eyes were huge. “That’s not possible.”

  “It is. Mr. Parker brought me here and broke the tie. I haven’t had power since.” Jordan winced as something in her chest throbbed.

  “Most women don’t survive being tied to a sorcerer, much less a severed soul tie,” Cibrian whispered.

  Jordan laughed weakly. “Lucky me. I can barely walk and a guy that’s never wanted a thing to do with me took me in. Whenever I cross the property line, I get barraged and I have no idea what’s going on.”

  You’ve come this far, Levi said.

  I wish I hadn’t.

  He slapped his hand on the back of her chair. Don’t talk like that.

  Cibrian seemed at a loss for words, which Jordan sensed was out of the ordinary. He rose and came over to Jordan. Levi tensed behind her, but cleared his throat uncomfortably when Cibrian leaned down and engulfed her in a hug. Tears stung Jordan’s eyes. Cibrian hugged like he meant it, with his whole body.

  “It’s over now. I’m glad you guys are here,” Cibrian said gruffly. He sat on the coffee table in front of her. “So, what do we do?”

  “I don’t know. If my power comes back and it’s like it was before, I’m going to need Mr. Parker’s help.”

  “So, you are a Grounder?” Cibrian ventured

  “How can I be when William’s dead?” Jordan asked hotly.

  Cibrian held up his hands. “Sorry. It’s just that if you weren’t, you wouldn’t have survived.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said.

  “Okay. Can do,” Cibrian soothed.

  Jordan’s mind grappled with something. “Your media’s telling everyone that William was assassinated?”

  “Sorcerers are always being targeted. For one, they rule in our world and are almost indestructible. We put sorcerers in high positions because they’re the only ones that can stop rebellions and keep everyone in check. The media suspects that the girl- uh, you, trapped him in the store so he could be assassinated,” Cibrian said.

  “By who?” Levi asked.

  Cibrian waved his hands. “Those that rebel against our government. There are some that think sorcerers should be executed.”

  “Parker is a sorcerer. Where does he fit into all this?” Levi demanded.

  “Uncle Van’s different. Sorcerers are expected to become Guides, leaders of our capitals. Uncle Van’s refused, practically turned his back on what some would say is his duty as a sorcerer.”

  “So that’s why everyone expects him to take William’s place,” Jordan murmured. She tilted her head to the side. “If Kelly is a Grounder, why didn’t she save William?”

  Cibrian was scandalized. “She’s with Uncle Van.”


  “She’s with him,” Cibrian stressed. “Grounding another sorcerer would be like cheating on Uncle Van. Not good. There are Grounders that are claimed and some that aren’t. The ones that aren’t tied to sorcerers have protectors. Even if Aunt Kelly and Uncle Van don’t have a soul tie, she’s under his protection and his.” Cibrian shrugged. “To become a Guide in our world, a sorcerer has to have a soul tie with a Grounder. Uncle Van won’t confirm or deny that he has a soul tie with Aunt Kelly so he can’t become a Guide.”

  “Why is the soul tie so important?” Levi asked.

  “A Grounder can sense if he’s losing control.”

  Cibrian looked at Jordan whose complexion was waxy. Her eyes were haunted beneath thick lashes.

  “What happens now? To Jordan?” Levi asked.

  “Happen?” Cibrian repeated, confused.

  “So, William Stan does the soul thing with her, Parker takes her in and now everyone wants her because she’s his daughter and they think she’s powerful,” he paused deliberately. “But, right now, she’s weak as a baby. What happens next?”

  “Well, the Declaration Ceremony-” Cibrian began, but there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Yeah?” Cibrian hollered.

  Heath strode into view. His sunglasses perched on his head and he looked at Levi with a strange expression on his face.



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