History of Magic (Ember Academy for Young Witches Book 2)

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History of Magic (Ember Academy for Young Witches Book 2) Page 4

by L. C. Mawson

  Willow managed another smile, though this one actually reached her eyes. “Okay. I guess I can try.”

  Chapter Four

  I frowned as I examined my surroundings.

  I was in a circular stone chamber, with wooden tables pressed up against the walls and a large cauldron in the middle.

  The tables were covered in glass apparatus that almost looked like old chemistry equipment.

  Or alchemy equipment, maybe.

  Several worn tomes were open, and I made my way to examine one, though my attention was drawn instead to the small window.

  I moved over to it, only to see that I was high above trees for as far as the eye could see.

  In a stone tower in the middle of the forest.

  I AWOKE WITH A GROAN, my dream lingering.

  Why was I dreaming of a tower in a forest?

  A tower that seemed to belong to a Witch.

  I wondered if my subconscious was trying to tell me something, like when I used to dream of being trapped in a desert while my auntie and cousin played in a garden back before I came into my magic, but I couldn’t imagine what it might be saying.

  “Are you okay?” Natalie asked, drawing my thoughts to the present.

  I managed to smile as I pushed the strange dreams away. “As okay as I can be. Why?”

  “Nothing. You just seemed like you’d had a bad dream or something.” She nodded to a piece of parchment on my bedside table. “That arrived this morning for everyone. There’s an assembly after breakfast.”

  I quickly skimmed the note to confirm that it said what Natalie said it did and then looked at the clock.

  “I guess I’d better get ready, then.”

  I JUST PICKED AT MY breakfast, not sure that I could keep anything down if I tried.

  Irritatingly, time seemed to slow, taking forever before assembly, and giving more and more time for my anxiety to ramp itself up.

  What was Gail going to say to everyone about why the Amazons were here?

  Eventually, the bell rang, and people headed out of the dining hall and through to the main hall.

  No one dawdled, and I supposed everyone wanted to know what had happened on Halloween.

  I wondered what exactly Gail would say.

  Once we were all in the hall, Gail strode out onto the stage at the front.

  “Good morning, everyone.”

  “Good morning, Ms Griffin,” everyone echoed.

  “As you all probably know, there was an incident on Samhain. It has become apparent that Ms Maltere was casting questionable spells on school grounds, so she has been let go, and the Amazons have joined us to help fill the space her absence has created in the faculty, as well as to ensure that school security is up to date.

  “As they are already here, they have also selected some promising students to train, and they’re holding trials this afternoon, so that anyone who wants can put themselves forward for training as well.

  “And yes, this training does count as true Amazon training, with any student who makes it to the end of the training able to take a place among the Amazons.

  “I know that this is short notice, but I do hope that they will offer this opportunity again in the future. If you do not yet feel confident, I would suggest that you not put yourselves forward for the trial. No one is given a second chance to join the Amazons.”

  Murmurs filled the hall, and I wondered just how many people would put themselves forward if they wouldn’t get another chance.

  “All right, I shall let you all go. The Amazons are setting up their training area on the far side of campus, behind the administration building. Arrive there after lunch in appropriate clothing for physical activity if you intend to go through the trials.”

  At that, she shifted out, and the hall erupted into excited chatter.

  I waited until we were out of the hall before turning to my friends. “Are you all sure that you want to go through with this? If you fail the trials, you won’t get another chance.”

  Charlotte answered first. “I’m ready,” she said, no hesitation in her voice.

  Lena shrugged. “I don’t really care about actually joining the Amazons, so I’m up for it.”

  I turned to Natalie, and she shrugged.

  “The Amazons never hold open trials like this, and I’m too Vampire to ever get recommended in any other way.”

  “Ms Griffin said that they might come back to the school.”

  “But they might not. And they would have to come back next year, given that I leave for uni after that. Even if only a few students pass the trials, that’s still a massive increase to how many Witches the Amazons take in a year. I don’t think they’ll be back so soon, if they come back at all. No, this is my only chance anyway.”

  I turned to Willow, and she nodded. “I’m in the same boat as Natalie. There’s no guarantee that I will ever be given this opportunity again, so I might as well take it now.”

  Before I could say anything else, one of the Amazons strode up to us, her gaze on me.


  I nodded, unsure that I could make a sound if I tried.

  “You must come with me to begin your training.”

  I nodded once more before turning to my friends. “I guess I’ll see you guys later.”

  “See you,” they said as the Amazon marched me off, across campus.

  Chapter Five

  The Amazon led me around to the back of the Administration Building, where a large, wooden building had taken up the field between the Administration Building and the forest.

  It was a long, thin building, and I wondered if they had constructed it entirely with magic.

  There was a large set of wooden doors at the front, with beautiful, intricate carvings decorating them. I wondered if they were runes, but I didn’t get close enough to see.

  No, the Amazon led me around to a small side door, which was sealed with protective wards.

  “The wards will allow you entry during training hours,” the Amazon told me as she opened the door.

  “Training hours?”

  “They shall follow your school day to make it easier for you. Instead of going to class, you shall come here to train.”

  The side door led to a small corridor, at the end of which was another door.

  The Amazon led me through to a small, windowless room, filled with wooden benches, and with wooden cubby holes along the walls.

  On one of the benches was a set of leather armour, much like the set the Amazons wore, though it had a different design on the clasps.

  “This is the changing room,” the Amazon said, voicing what I had already put together myself. “Place your belongings in a cubby and get changed, then join us through the far door to begin your training. When you’re done for the day, place the armour in the cubby and we shall make sure it’s cleaned and replaced for tomorrow.”

  I nodded as she strode out of the far door, leaving me alone.

  I put down my bag and eyed the armour suspiciously.

  It didn’t look too difficult to get on, but then, I supposed looks could be deceiving and I poked at it, looking for hidden clasps that might catch me out.

  I didn’t see anything, so I carefully nudged my jacket off, hoping to avoid catching it on my scars.

  After the jacket was off, I made faster work of my blouse, and just as I was standing in nothing but my trousers and bra, the side door opened once more.

  I spun around, casting a glamour over my now-visible scars instinctively.

  A girl around my age entered. She had lightly tanned skin and her blond hair was tied up in a plait to keep it from her features.

  She smiled as she saw me, before looking me up and down.

  I felt my cheeks flush red and had to fight the urge to cover myself.

  I wished I’d glamoured myself a top.

  I was used to getting changed with other girls, but it was usually a mad rush, with no one paying attention to anyone else.

  And no one h
ad ever looked at me like that before.

  I couldn’t tell if she was sizing me up or wanted to eat me, and that put me on edge.

  “I take it you’re the new student,” she said, her eyes still not leaving me as she made her way over to the other end of the room, pulling out a set of armour from one of the cubbies.

  I only managed to nod, my mouth dry.

  I turned back to my armour. I desperately wanted to put it on, but that would mean taking my trousers off.

  I had never been nervous about getting changed in front of other people, so why did this girl’s honey eyes make me want to hide?

  The girl smiled as she pulled off her tank top.

  I looked away, my cheeks crimson.

  “I’m Lauren,” the girl said. “My mother is on the Amazon council, so they chose me for training, which was supposed to take place on Themiscyra, only they moved it here and said that they would be taking on another student. I guess that’s you. So, why did you get chosen? I’m guessing your mother’s not an Amazon if you’re here.”

  I shrugged as I steeled myself and quickly took off my trousers before getting into my armour.

  It wasn’t going to get any easier the longer I left it, and I decided that I would rather just get out of there quickly.

  “You know,” I said once my armour was finally secure, “all this talk of who people’s parents are is kind of a bad look. It makes Witches sound like eugenicists.”

  Lauren just shrugged as she looked me over and took off her own trousers.

  How did I feel like the one undressed when I had on my armour?

  “It’s not our fault that magical prowess tends to follow family lines,” she said as she finally pulled on her own armour. “But if you don’t want to give me a family history, there’s no pressure. Clearly you’re someone important if the Amazons came all the way here to train you.”

  I desperately wanted to tell her that she was wrong.

  Yes, my sister was the Queen of the Underworld, but we didn’t share blood.

  I may be the exception, but surely that proved that you didn’t have to be the daughter of an Amazon to have power.

  But no, anything I said risked the Amazons discovering the truth.

  So, I remained silent as she finished getting dressed and we headed out of the other door.

  It led to an arena, which appeared to make up the inside of the building.

  There were seats around us, but they were empty, and the ceiling was missing, allowing for a completely open area.

  Dana was standing in the middle of the arena, and I followed Lauren as she went to stand in front of her, her arms clasped behind her back.

  “Girls,” Dana greeted. “I see you have both found your armour. I hope that it is acceptable.”

  I just nodded. I wasn’t sure how armour was supposed to feel, but it wasn’t causing me any discomfort.

  “I advise you spend this morning practising. While you have both already been selected for training, you will be going through the trials this afternoon with the other girls, to give us a baseline of your skills. We expect you to pass.”

  My stomach twisted. I’d been selected because of my raw power, but I was still learning magic.

  Did I really know enough to pass these trials?

  “I shall leave you to your practice.”

  Dana then shifted away, leaving me alone with Lauren.

  “So,” the other girl said, “should we spar? That seems like the best way to warm up, at least.”

  I suppressed a grimace as my scars ached.

  There was no way that sparring would end well.

  “I should probably practise some spells instead. I’m still new to learning about magic, and I only really know a handful.”

  Lauren frowned. “So, what? You didn’t start your magical education until you came here?”

  I shrugged. “I was a late bloomer. I’m told it’s common for Sisters.”

  She looked me over. “Still new to your magic, but powerful enough that the Amazons want to train you. Surely that makes you powerful enough to learn instinctual magic theory? I know that Litcorde and their Sisters have an easier time with it than most Witches.”

  I suppressed a shudder.

  Maria Brown had thought me capable of learning instinctive magic.

  She’d pushed me towards it, even.

  The last thing I wanted was to continue following the path she’d laid out for me.

  “Even if I could learn it,” I said, “I don’t have time to do so before the trials this afternoon.”

  Lauren shrugged. “You also don’t have time to memorise more than a handful of spells, but here, if you’re determined to do so, I know a few that should be helpful.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You want to help me? Why?”

  “It’s not a competition. We pass or we fail on our own merits, and I would rather we be friends than enemies.” She smiled. “What’s your name? You didn’t say before.”


  Her smile widened. “Well, Amelia, what do you say? Want some help?”

  “I... Sure.”

  Chapter Six

  I only heard the lunch bell distantly from the Amazon’s training grounds, but I still heard it and made my way across campus.

  Lauren decided to stay put, and I was a little relieved.

  I still didn’t know what to make of her. Yes, she was being nice to me, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything.

  I sighed as I made my way into the dining hall.

  Maybe I was just being too cautious after everything that had happened with Ms Maltere.

  And the fact that she hadn’t been ‘Ms Maltere’ at all...

  “Amelia,” Willow said as I found the others in the dining hall before taking my hand in hers. “How were things this morning?”

  “Okay, I guess. The Amazons just left me to train with another student they brought with them. They want me to go through the trials this afternoon as well.”

  Natalie frowned slightly. “And what happens if you don’t pass?”

  I shrugged. “I guess they just train me anyway. They said that it was just that they wanted to get a baseline for my abilities.”

  Willow squeezed my hand a little tighter. “Did they say anything about what the trials might involve?”

  I shook my head. “No, nothing.”

  Willow tensed a little, and I squeezed her hand before bumping my shoulder gently against hers. “Are you alright?”

  She gave me a tight smile. “Yeah, just... I guess I never really thought that I would ever get a chance to join the Amazons, and now one is here... I guess I’m just worried that I’m going to screw it up.”

  I nodded, remembering how Willow had told me that she wanted somewhere where she didn’t have to hide from Humans.

  Something that only the Amazons could provide, unless Willow became a Dark Witch.

  Charlotte turned to her with a shrug. “Everyone taking these trials is in the same position. All you have to do is look better in comparison to the majority of the students here.”

  Willow gave her a grim smirk. “That’s easy for you to say when you’re the top of every class.”

  Charlotte looked away. “I suppose. Though, you’re not exactly a bad student yourself.”

  “Let’s just talk about something else,” Willow said, her nerves causing the words to come so quick that they almost blended together.

  I just gave her hand another reassuring squeeze before allowing the conversation to move on.

  ONCE WE WERE DONE WITH lunch, we all quickly got changed into workout gear before heading to the Amazon training grounds, only to find a sizeable crowd milling around outside.

  “Is everyone here for the trials?” I asked as we approached.

  Willow shrugged. “They must be.”

  Natalie looked over the crowd before folding her arms. “It seems that no one heeded Ms Griffin’s warning about waiting until you’re ready before attempting the trials.”r />
  “Well,” Charlotte said, “to be fair, she cannot guarantee that the Amazons will return, and older students will have left the school even if they did. And the Amazons select so few for their trials usually that, for most, this is their best shot.”

  I placed my hands on my hips. “Well, the other student said that she was selected because her mother was an Amazon, so it sounds like they’re just filling their ranks with their own children.”

  Lena snorted, rolling her eyes. “Of course, they are. That’s the thing about Witches, Amelia, it’s nepotism all the way down.”

  I shook my head. “But it’s ridiculous. Why not have open trials like this for everyone?”

  “Because that would put their precious daughters up against real competition. Why put in effort for that?”

  “Because it would be fair.”

  Lena snorted. “The fact that you think anyone cares about that is adorable.”

  “I care.”

  An Amazon approached before Lena could respond.

  “Amelia, your trial will come first, along with Lauren’s. Six students take the trial at once, so your friends may also take the trial with you.”

  I turned to the others. “Are you all ready?”

  They nodded.

  The Amazon smiled. “Then follow me.”

  She led us through to the main entrance to the training grounds.

  The large wooden doors that I hadn’t entered through before.

  It led to a large entryway, with another set of doors beyond.

  Lauren was already standing there, waiting for us, and she smiled at me as I entered.

  I returned the smile, making an effort not to be rude.

  She had helped me, after all.

  The doors behind us closed, and the Amazon turned to us.

  “Once these doors open, you will pass through, into the trial area. You will be faced with several challenges, and you must complete all of them. All magic is permitted except for shifting, which is disabled in the trial area. Once you’re done, the Amazons will evaluate your performance and select those worthy of becoming our students.


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