Alpha Temptation: Sanmere Shifters Romance Collection

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Alpha Temptation: Sanmere Shifters Romance Collection Page 87

by Lola Gabriel

  Brianne’s breath caught in her throat when she saw Callin standing on the steps to the trailer. He looked every bit as handsome as he always did and the sight of him brought back memories of last night. Good memories. Amazing memories. Memories of how he had kissed her so hungrily that it felt like he had waited a lifetime for her. How he had made her come so hard she thought she might pass out. How he had held her afterwards and made her feel so warm and safe.

  “Valerie’s not here yet,” Brianne managed to say.

  “Perfect,” Callin said with a smile that made Brianne’s pussy dampen.

  Brianne stepped back as Callin came the rest of the way up the steps and stepped inside of the trailer. He was already reaching for her as he kicked the door to the trailer shut behind him. His hands cupped her face as he pulled her toward him and she wrapped her arms around his waist as their lips collided.

  Tingles went through Brianne’s lips and all through her body as Callin’s tongue ran over hers. She pressed her body against his, craving the closeness they had shared last night. She could feel his cock, hard against her stomach, as she pressed closer to him. More than anything, she wanted to feel him inside of her again. She moved her hands lower, cupping his ass and squirming against him. He moaned into her mouth as she rubbed herself across him.

  She brought her hands around to the front of his body, easing herself back enough to make room for them. She tugged on his belt, opening it, and then she unfastened the button on his jeans and thrust one of her hands inside of them. She pushed her hand into his boxer shorts and stroked it over his cock. He moaned again as she encircled his cock in her fist.

  He moved his mouth from hers, kissing her neck as she worked his cock. He moaned her name and she felt shivers go through her at the sound of the lust in his voice. He ran his hands over her body and then he pushed one of them beneath her top, moving it up to her breasts. He began to rub his thumb over the lacy fabric of her bra, tickling her in a delicious way as he teased her nipple out and made her bite her lip as her whole body craved him.

  “Valerie,” Callin said.

  Brianne pulled her hand out of Callin’s jeans, looking at him in disgust as he stepped away from her.

  “Did you just call me Valerie?” she demanded.

  “God no,” Callin said, fastening his jeans. “She’s coming this way.”

  Brianne glanced over her shoulder and saw what Callin had already seen. Valerie was on her way across the parking lot, heading for her trailer.

  “Fuck,” Brianne said.

  “It’s okay,” Callin reassured her. “She won’t suspect a thing.”

  Brianne jumped up and rearranged her clothes, hoping Callin was right. By the time Valerie reached the trailer steps, she had her hands back in the soapy water, washing the dishes.

  “Bri?” Callin said from behind her.

  She glanced back at him, sucking in a breath when she saw how fucking good he looked once more. His jeans were fastened again and he had pulled his shirt out to hide the tell-tale bulge there.

  “This isn’t over,” he said.

  Brianne felt another shiver go through her and she found that she couldn’t speak, so instead, she just nodded. His words raised all of the questions she had been struggling with before he appeared that morning, but they answered one question. What they had between them was real and Callin felt it too; this was no one-night stand.

  Valerie stepped into the trailer.

  “Callin? What are you doing here?” she asked, all smiles at Callin and completely ignoring Brianne for the moment.

  Brianne was pleased about that. She had been afraid her voice wouldn’t come out right and would give her away.

  “I came to speak to you about the first scene we’re filming today,” Callin said smoothly, as if seconds ago, he hadn’t been on the verge of fucking Brianne. “I thought it sounded a little stiff so I’ve had a word with the writers and they’re re-working parts of it. Nothing major, just a few tweaks.”

  “And you couldn’t have told me that on the set?” Valerie said.

  She didn’t sound annoyed, she sounded pleased. Brianne frowned, but she concentrated on the dishes, trying to make herself invisible.

  “I could have, but I thought you might like a heads-up,” Callin replied.

  “Thanks,” Valerie smiled.

  Callin nodded and excused himself. He slipped out of the trailer with a last look at Brianne. A look that made her core clench. It was a look of promise, a reiteration of his statement that this wasn’t over. As Callin closed the trailer door behind him, Valerie clapped her hands together, making Brianne jump slightly. Brianne turned her head to look at Valerie, waiting for the list of orders, but instead, Valerie clapped her hands together again. She was practically jumping, bouncing up and down on her toes, and she smiled happily at Brianne.

  “He could have told me that on set,” Valerie gushed. “But he didn’t because he wanted to see me sooner than that. It’s finally happening. He’s finally seeing me as his future mate.”

  Brianne made a grunting sound that really didn’t mean anything, but Valerie was too excited to notice and she went on gushing about how Callin had finally seen the light. If Valerie had ever been anything but a bitch to her, Brianne would have felt as guilty as hell because she knew Callin hadn’t come to the trailer to see Valerie; he had come to see her. Instead of feeling guilty, she felt insanely happy. But beneath that, she felt a niggling fear. She couldn’t help but wonder what Valerie would do to her if she found out the truth.

  She won’t find out about us. She won’t find out anything, Brianne told herself. At least not until after this production is wrapped up and I’ve quit my job.

  “Leave those,” Valerie said, nodding to the dishes. “Let’s have some coffee.”

  Brianne nodded. She dried her hands and reached for her car keys, but Valerie shook her head.

  “Just the stuff from the cafeteria will be fine,” she smiled. “If you can stomach it?”

  “Sure,” Brianne said.

  God, she really is happy. She has to be if she’s not only inviting me to have coffee with her, but taking my preference into account too, Brianne thought as she hurried to the cafeteria. Brianne knew in that moment that however this whole thing turned out, it was going to end badly for her.

  The whole morning had passed pretty much without incident. The rewritten parts of the script really made the scene come to life, and as Brianne watched it being filmed, she couldn’t help but rehash last night in her mind. How she and Callin had read the lines together, and how, when the scene ended, he had taken the script and thrown it aside, kissing Brianne and then making love to her. She felt heat flooding her face, her neck, her chest, as she recalled the moment Callin had entered her, making her gasp and writhe beneath him.

  She could feel herself getting wet again, and she forced herself not to think about last night. She forced herself to look away from Callin and focus on Valerie instead. Anything to slow her racing heart. She couldn’t help but notice how pretty Valerie was, how stunning her figure was. She had to question why Callin had chosen her over Valerie. But maybe the answer to that was quite simple—maybe Callin didn’t want to date an ice-cold bitch just because she was hot. Maybe he saw past that and saw something in Brianne that he appreciated.

  Callin and Valerie were moving closer to each other, and when their faces were mere inches from each other’s, the director yelled cut and Callin stepped away from Valerie. For a second, Brianne saw the flicker of disappointment on Valerie’s face, but she covered it well and headed toward Brianne.

  Brianne steeled herself for what was bound to be Valerie taking out her frustrations on her, but instead, Valerie smiled at her. It made Brianne much more nervous than Valerie’s usual attitude toward her did. Valerie had been nice to her all day. Brianne knew it was an act. She was just happy because she thought Callin had wanted to see her that morning, so she was keeping up the nice act that she seemed to think was reeling him in.

  “We’re breaking for lunch now,” Valerie said. “Unless you’ve got anything urgent to do, why don’t you head out and grab a bite to eat?”

  “I have a few calls to make,” Brianne said.

  “If they’re the calls we discussed earlier, they can wait until this afternoon. Take a break, Brianne. We don’t want you getting burned out, okay?” Valerie smiled. “Meet me in make-up in about forty-five minutes.”

  Brianne returned her smile and nodded her head. She knew Valerie was only saying it because Callin was in earshot, but in that moment, she didn’t care. It would be nice to eat her lunch off her feet for once, and it would be nice to not feel like she was going to burn out at any given moment.

  Brianne made her way along to the cafeteria, but at the last minute, she changed her mind and headed for her office. She had some snacks in her bag she could eat, and it would be nice to de-stress a little bit and eat in the quiet office while the other assistants were all out getting their lunch rather than sitting in the manic cafeteria.

  She got settled down in her office, not switching on the computer, because she knew that if she did, she would be tempted to start reading emails and she knew herself well enough to know that if she read them, she would then feel like she might as well just reply to them and get that over and done with.

  She ate a packet of chips and a small orange. She was debating whether to eat her chocolate bar or save it for later when the office door opened. Callin stepped in and smiled at her, and without a word, she got to her feet, crossed the floor, and kissed him. She kissed him hungrily, letting him feel how much she wanted him and then she pulled her face back from his and smiled.

  “Shauna is probably in the cafeteria,” she said.

  “And let’s hope she stays there,” Callin grinned. “I’m not here for Shauna. I’m here for you. I told you this wasn’t over.”

  “Here?” Brianne said as Callin pulled her back into his arms.

  “Here,” he repeated. “And then anywhere else you want it.”

  He ran his lips lightly over hers, making them tingle and crave a firmer touch. Instead of kissing her harder, Callin pulled his face back from hers for a moment.

  “I know this isn’t the best timing with the long days and everything, but I want you to know this is about much more than just sex for me, Brianne. When I think of my future, I see you in it,” Callin said.

  He did kiss her then, hard and passionately, before she had a chance to reply to his statement. She didn’t know what she would have said to such a thing anyway, but she knew how she felt about it. His words made her feel warm inside, because despite the bad timing and her fear of Valerie, when she thought of her future, she saw him in it too.

  Callin pulled his mouth away from Brianne’s and turned her in his arms. He pulled her back against him, her back to his front, and kissed her neck. His hands roamed over the front of her body, setting her soul on fire and making her clit throb with need. He moved his hands down and opened her jeans, pushing them down her thighs. He came back for her panties, pushing those away too.

  His hand came back up, his fingernails trailing over Brianne’s thighs and making her skin tingle with electricity. He reached her pussy and pushed his fingers inside of her lips, finding her clit and working it. Brianne put her head back, resting it on Callin’s shoulder as her clit responded to his touch. His touch was electric, sending pulses of desire through her body, lighting her up and awakening her senses.

  Brianne bit her lip to stop herself from moaning, aware that she was in the office and definitely not wanting to draw attention to herself right now. Callin began to move, walking Brianne back toward her desk. His fingers didn’t stop working her as they walked, and Brianne was relieved when they reached the desk and she had something solid in front of her. Her legs had turned to jelly and she had been almost afraid she wouldn’t make it this far.

  She felt the desk pressing against the tops of her thighs as she came, biting on her lip again. Her body shook as her orgasm flooded through her. She stiffened against Callin and he placed his hand on her stomach, stopping her from falling. A quiet moan escaped her lips, though she tried desperately to keep it in.

  As her orgasm receded, it left her feeling warm and sated, yet also hungry for more. When Callin moved his hands back up her body and gently pushed on her shoulders, she knew exactly what he wanted, and she was only too happy to oblige him. She let him push her forwards until she was bent over her desk. She could feel the cool wood against her skin and her hard nipples. She side-stepped with one leg as far as her jeans would allow her to, wanting to open herself right up for Callin to fill her up.

  Brianne heard a rustling sound from behind her, and then Callin’s hands were on her hips and she felt his cock thrusting into her. Again, she bit down on her lip to keep her cries inside. She tasted the coppery tang of blood, but it didn’t distract her from the delicious stretching feeling in her center as Callin filled her up.

  He began to thrust, hard, fast strokes that rubbed over her g-spot and made her see stars before her eyes. Callin kept his hands on her hips, pulling her back to meet his urgent thrusts. She could hear his breathing growing ragged as he neared his climax and she loved that she could make him come undone every bit as quickly as he could do the same thing to her.

  She brought her arm up to her face and pressed her mouth down on it to stop the scream that she couldn’t hold in as her pussy went wild. She made a muffled sound that was dripping with her pleasure as her whole body was consumed by her climax. For a moment, Brianne felt as though time were standing still as her body was assaulted by wave after wave of such intense pleasure that she couldn’t even think.

  Somewhere in the midst of it, she was aware of Callin whispering her name and his warm seed filling her. She felt him slip out of her and she gasped in a breath that came out in a rush and then she was straightening up, her chest heaving as she tried to get her breath back.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered.

  “Just think how good it’s going to be when we don’t have to rush it,” Callin smiled.

  Her tender, swollen clit pulsed at his words and she pressed her thighs together, trying to stop the tormenting tingling. It didn’t work. The added pressure of her thighs pressing together only made her tingle more intense.

  “It couldn’t be any better than that,” she smiled.

  “Just wait and see,” Callin replied as he fastened his jeans.

  Brianne grinned as she pulled up her own panties and jeans and worked on fastening them up. God, if it was better than that, she would definitely end up blacking out. She had been close to it right there. Her legs were still a little shaky as she moved to her handbag and pulled out a compact, taming her hair back down in the mirror.

  Callin watched her, a smile on his face.

  “You look amazing, Brianne,” he said.

  She bit her lip and smiled back at him. If only she could believe that herself.

  “I should go,” Brianne said, although she wanted to stay here with Callin more than anything. “It’s almost time for me to meet back up with Valerie.”

  “You know, a guy could get a complex when his girl keeps walking out on him every time they have sex,” Callin said with a soft laugh.

  “You only have to worry if I don’t come back,” Brianne smiled as she got up.

  She went to Callin and kissed him on the lips.

  “And are you coming back? I didn’t scare you off with my talk of the future?” Callin said when the kiss ended.

  Brianne pulled him against her and held him tightly for a second.

  “Not even a little bit,” she said.

  She released him and headed for the door.

  “I really do need to go, though,” she said.

  “Until next time,” Callin said with a wink.

  Brianne felt a shiver of desire run through her and she nodded.

  “Soon, I hope,” she murmured.

  “If it was up to me, it wo
uld be right now,” Callin replied.

  “Oh God, me too,” she said.

  She pulled the office door open and scurried out before she could change her mind and just stay. She hurried down the corridor and crossed the set, ready to go and meet Valerie in make-up. She became aware, as she moved across the set, that people were nudging each other and grinning when they saw her.

  What the fuck? she thought to herself. Has Valerie been calling me out to everyone? I mean, I know the nice act is just that—an act—but would she really go so low as to talk about me behind my back with the crew? And if she did, would they really laugh along with her like this?

  She spotted Shauna coming toward her. Shauna smiled knowingly when she saw Brianne, and Brianne decided she had to know what was going on.

  “Why is everyone nudging each other and laughing at me, and why are you smiling at me like that?” she said.

  Shauna looked a little taken aback.

  “What?” Brianne said. “If you don’t ask the blunt questions, you don’t get blunt answers.”

  “Fair enough,” Shauna said. “But don’t shoot the messenger, okay?”

  Brianne nodded and allowed Shauna to pull her off to the side where they could talk a little bit more privately.

  “One of the runners went to the assistant’s office looking for someone. He got a little more than he bargained for. He saw you and Callin, and it seems like he’s told pretty much everyone he’s seen since,” Shauna said.

  “Oh fuck,” Brianne muttered.

  She felt the color draining from her face, the dread filling her. Valerie would know for sure about this now, and to make matters worse, she had become a joke on the set.

  “And let me guess,” Brianne said. “This happens every time Callin works on a movie, and I’m the latest dumb girl that’s fallen for his charms, so now everyone’s laughing at me.”

  “They’re laughing at you because you were dumb enough to not lock the door,” Shauna corrected her. “And no, Callin doesn’t make a habit of this. I’ve been his assistant on the last four movies he’s worked on, and I’ve never known him to fool around with anyone on or off set. I probably shouldn’t say this, but if he’s doing that with you, he’s into you.”


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