Fight 4 Us (Book 6): Keeper

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Fight 4 Us (Book 6): Keeper Page 10

by Grenda, Brian

  “One, Two, Three!” shouts Brandon.

  “You won. Buddy boy,” says DK.

  DK picks Brandon up from the floor and they both stand up.

  “How old are you know?” asks DK.

  Brandon says, “I’m eleven.”

  “Pretty soon you’ll start driving. Look out now,” jokes DK.

  Beth says, “Brandon, go upstairs and read for a little bit. I’ll be up in a little bit to read with you.”

  Brandon asks, “Can I hang out with DK for a little longer?”

  Jacob shouts, “Go upstairs Brandon! Your mother will be up in a little bit!”

  Brandon gets scared and runs upstairs to his bedroom on the second floor of the house.

  “You didn’t have to yell at him. He’s been through a lot lately,” says Beth.

  Jacob turns towards Beth and gives her a glaring stare.

  “He needs to listen better! He’s getting soft!” shouts Jacob at Beth.

  DK doesn’t like the way Joseph is talking to Beth and Brandon.

  “So, what’s going on Beth? How are you and Brandon doing?" asks DK to try to change the subject and calm the situation down.

  Jacob is staring at Beth.

  Beth walks away from Jacob and over to DK.

  “I’m doing okay. How are you?” asks Beth.

  Jacob says, “I’m going to check on Brandon.”

  “Good idea, Jacob,” says DK.

  Jacob walks past Beth and goes upstairs.

  Beth looks up at the ceiling and waits for Jacob to go to the second floor.

  DK asks, “Is everything okay Beth?”

  Beth puts her finger in the air and listens for Jacob to fully go up the stairs.

  Beth whispers, “I don’t want Jacob to hear us talking.”

  DK whispers, “What’s going on? Are you and Brandon safe?”

  Beth walks into the living room.

  The living room is away from the kitchen and stairs.

  Beth sits down, and DK sits next to her.

  Beth looks at DK and says, “Jacob has been very aggressive and mean since his brother died. He’s been cold and distant since he took over sole power of our group.”

  “Has he hit you or Brandon?” asks DK.

  Beth starts to cry.

  DK gets pissed at the sight of his sister having tears in her eyes and the thought of Jacob hurting her or Brandon.

  “No. Jacob hasn’t hit me or Brandon,” says Beth.

  DK sees that Beth hesitates to respond and he suspects that Beth is lying to him to protect Jacob.

  DK is a very capable fighter and soldier. He has prior military training and has a lot of connections with the military around Tampa Bay.

  Jacob enters Brandon’s room.

  “Hey bud. Can I come in?” asks Jacob.

  Brandon puts his book down and says, “Okay.”

  “What are you reading?” asks Jacob.

  Brandon replies, “I forgot what it’s called. It’s about wizards and magic.”

  “That’s cool,” says Jacob as he sits on Brandon’s bed.

  Jacob looks around Brandon’s room.

  Brandon’s room is very big. Almost too big for an eleven-year-old kid.

  Brandon has tons of sports posters, memorabilia, toys, books, games, and art supplies.

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you before son. I have been dealing with a lot since your Uncle Joseph left us,” says Jacob.

  Brandon looks down and gets sad.

  “Your Uncle Joseph loved you very much and so do I. We all do,” says Jacob.

  Brandon looks up at Jacob and asks, “Why did he have to die?”

  Jacob doesn’t know how to answer that question.

  Jacob thinks of something to say to Brandon about Joseph dying.

  “It was his time. It was his time to leave us,” says Jacob.

  Brandon says, “I miss him so much.”

  “I miss him too. I won’t let anything happen to you though Brandon. I will protect you and your mom,” says Jacob.

  Brandon hugs Jacob.

  Jacob looks down at the floor next to Brandon’s bed and sees a toy machine gun.

  Jacob looks at Brandon and asks, “You like guns Brandon?”

  Brandon says, “Yeah. I haven’t fired a real one though.”

  Jacob says, “I’ll show you how to use a gun. You’ll have to learn to protect yourself son.”

  “Awesome. Can we go shoot now?” asks Brandon.

  Jacob smiles and says, “Later. You have to read, and your mom will be up in a second.”

  “Can I interrupt guys?” asks Beth as she stands outside of Brandon’s bedroom doorway.

  Brandon and Jacob turn and look at Beth.

  Brandon shouts, “Dad is going to teach me how to shoot a gun!”

  Beth gives Jacob a look of uneasiness.

  “Only if your mom says it’s okay buddy,” says Jacob.

  “Can he mom?” asks Brandon.

  Beth says, “We will talk about it later. You read your book now. I will go over it with you in a couple of minutes.”

  Jacob looks at Beth.

  “Can I talk with you Jacob?” asks Beth.

  “Sure,” says Jacob.

  Jacob looks at Brandon and says, “I’ll be back later buddy. Keep reading and listen to your mom.”

  “Okay dad,” says Brandon.

  Jacob stands up from Brandon’s bed and exits Brandon’s bedroom.

  Beth grabs Brandon’s bedroom door handle and says, “Keep reading honey. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

  Beth closes Brandon’s bedroom door.

  “Lane. I mean DK, is about to leave. Why does he want to be called DK?” asks Beth.

  “I don’t know. I remember him saying something about a code of his or something. Something about a Knight or something,” says Jacob.

  Beth says, “I don’t get it, but I have to remember to call him DK.”

  Jacob sees that Beth is upset.

  “What’s wrong Beth? Everything okay? I’m sorry for yelling before. I’m just mad with work. We’ve had some problems in a couple of spots lately,” says Jacob.

  “What’s going on around here? Anything you want to talk about?” asks Beth.

  “Just a lot of groups not respecting me and our group now that Joseph is gone. They feel like they don’t need to fear us. The groups that Joseph didn’t totally annihilate are standing up against us,” says Jacob.

  “Well. They don’t know who you are. You were behind the scenes before. Joseph was the face of the Conquerors. You need to show your authority and show them who they are dealing with now,” says Beth.

  “Groups have been asking who I am. Who is Jacob?” replies Jacob.

  “That’s what you have to show them. Show them who you are and what you are all about,” says Beth.

  Beth and Jacob walk down the stairs and meet with DK in the large open foyer near the front door.

  “You need to make an example of a group and make people spread the word that Jacob isn’t someone to mess with. Just don’t be overconfident and arrogant like your brother,” says Beth.

  DK looks at Jacob and asks, “What’s the plan? You having some problems with groups? You want me and my team to pay anyone a visit? Set an example?”

  Beth says, “I’m going to be outside in the backyard for a little bit and then I’ll check on Brandon. Good to see you DK.”

  DK hugs Beth and says, “Good to see you too. I hope to see you guys more often. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Beth says, “Don’t be a stranger. We’ll have to make a tradition of you coming here for dinner.”

  “I’d like that. I miss you and Brandon,” says DK.

  Beth walks into the kitchen and then to the covered back patio of the house.

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” says Jacob to DK.

  Jacob and DK exit Jacob’s house.

  “How did you get this house? I miss your old house before the world fell apart,” says DK.

  Jacob closes the front door and says, “I kind of miss that house too, but this house is awesome.”

  DK and Jacob walk down the street.

  “When the world started to fall apart, I secured my house. I got a phone call from the government and military. They said that the world is falling apart and to take cover for several days if not a week. A week went by and the government showed up at my front door,” says Jacob.

  DK says, “I remember that day.”

  “Yeah. I’m glad they were able to keep you safe as well. Joseph and I met with the government and they gave us the greenlight to take what we wanted. They told us that we would be safe from the police and military,” says Jacob.

  “They gave you a free pass to take whatever you wanted in this new world,” says DK.

  “Basically. They gave us the greenlight to control things around Tampa Bay. They really helped us at the start of the zombie apocalypse around here. I’m not sure we would have been so successful with taking over all the building, homes, and stores around here without the help from the government,” says Jacob.

  DK looks at the homes around the neighborhood and asks, “You are doing quite well for yourself Jacob but when is it time to stop conquering places?”

  Jacob stops walking and thinks about the question DK just asked him.

  “I have seen a lot of crappy areas around Tampa Bay. People would kill to have it this good right now,” says DK.

  “That’s what we are trying to prevent from happening. We can’t lose what we have now. What we worked so hard to obtain. What Joseph died for,” says Jacob.

  “I won’t let anyone take what you and Beth have. I want Brandon to be well taken care of. I will do everything in my power to keep my family safe,” says DK.

  Jacob smiles and puts his hand on DK’s left shoulder.

  “You are a loyal soldier DK. I’m lucky to have you. I appreciate your hard work. I have a couple things brewing around here. Your team and your services may be needed in the near future,” says Jacob.

  “I should be back around here in a couple of days. I’m going to check in with the Navy and see what is going on with the government orders around here. Let me know what you need done, and I’ll do my best to make it happen,” says DK.

  “Thank you, DK. I will remember that. I may need you to set the tone of who is in charge around Tampa Bay. People won’t be asking who Jacob is anymore,” says Jacob.



  “Thanks guys! Glad we could help you guys!” shouts TJ to Bo and Barrett as TJ and Janet walk to TJ’s jeep.

  Bo says, “Thank you. I appreciate it. Barrett and I will have you two over for a nice dinner in the future.”

  Barrett says, “Nice to meet you both. We will see you later.”

  Barrett drives his truck away from TJ’s jeep and exits MacDill.

  Janet puts her belongings in TJ’s jeep and looks at TJ.

  TJ walks over to his jeep’s trunk and next to Janet.

  “You ready to get home?” asks TJ.

  “You aren’t going to see your father first?” asks Janet.

  TJ sees a man walking towards TJ’s jeep.

  The man shouts, “You guys okay?”

  Janet looks at the man and sees that it’s Ramano.

  Janet looks at Ramano and asks, “You okay? Is the chopper okay?”

  Ramano says, “Yeah. I’m okay, and we can repair my baby. She will be alright.”

  TJ asks, “I’m glad you are okay Ramano. Did you figure out who was shooting at us?”

  Ramano replies, “I couldn’t see anyone closely as we were so high up, but I could see a couple of groups of people together firing at us.”

  Janet says, “I’m glad you are safe and made it back okay.”

  “Me too. I almost didn’t. The shooters were trying to hit the gas tank and rotors. In the past, the gunmen around the zoo have targeted the fuselage,” says Ramano.

  TJ says, “I’m glad you are safe and made it back okay. We have to get going. I need to get my boy Odin.”

  Ramano grabs his radio and says, “They are here.”

  TJ looks at Ramano and asks, “Again with this? How long do I have?”

  Before Ramano can answer, a car comes speeding over to TJ’s jeep.

  Janet sees the car and says, “Not very long.”

  Ramano says, “I’m sorry guys. Again. Your dad is my boss and I have to do what he says.”

  “There’s my boy!” shouts Rich as he gets out of his blue sedan.

  “Hey dad,” says TJ.

  Rich says, “Hey Janet. Thank you Ramano.”

  Ramano says, “I’m sorry TJ, but your father wanted to make sure he saw you when you got back here.”

  TJ replies, “I understand. Thank you for the helicopter ride Ramano. We’ll be in touch if we need your services again.”

  Ramano replies, “You are welcome. I’ll see you guys later. Bye Janet.”

  TJ, Janet, and Rich say goodbye to Ramano.

  “You make out okay at the zoo? Where is Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts?” asks Rich.

  “They are dead. We made out okay, but the zoo and inside the wall is a mess. We barely escaped ourselves,” says TJ.

  Rich looks at Janet and asks, “Is that true Janet? What happened?”

  Janet says, “Yeah, it’s true. Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts didn’t make it out alive. They sacrificed themselves in order for us to escape.”

  TJ hands Rich the name badges of Armstrong, Brimley, and Roberts.

  “Wow. You aren’t joking,” says Rich.

  “It was rough in there. Your soldiers got bit by a group of zombies. They wanted me to give you their badges to show you that they didn’t make it. They fought to the very end, but they didn’t make it out alive,” says TJ.

  “Why is your face all bruised and swollen TJ?” asks Rich.

  “Roberts and I had a disagreement,” says TJ.

  “I thought you would have a problem with Armstrong, but Roberts is a hothead,” says Rich.

  “You got that right,” says Janet.

  Rich says, “Let’s get some ice on your face. I have some medication for the swelling as well.”

  TJ replies, “I’m fine. It’s just soft tissue damage. We have to get back.”

  Rich says, “You need to come to my office. I’ll get some ice for your face and I need to tell you both some big news.”

  “What’s up? Just tell me here,” says TJ.

  “I can’t. It’s classified information that I can’t just tell anyone. Get in my car. I’ll take you to my office and then back to your jeep later,” says Rich.

  Janet says, “Okay, but we really do have to be getting back home.”

  “It will only take about 20 minutes,” says Rich.

  TJ, Janet, and Rich get into Rich’s sedan.

  Rich drives across the base and to his office.

  “Take a seat and relax you two. I’ll be right back with some ice and waters for you,” says Rich.

  Rich leaves his office, while TJ and Janet sit in the two seats in front of Rich’s desk.

  “Your face looks a little better, but it’s still swollen and bruised,” says Janet.

  “Yeah, it’s okay. It will be okay. It’ll just take some time for the swelling to go away,” says TJ.

  “I hope my boy O is okay and they didn’t over feed him,” says TJ.

  Janet replies, “O will be fine. Odin can definitely eat, but we’ll have to watch his diet when we get him back.”

  Rich comes back in his office with two bottles of water and a bag of ice.

  TJ and Janet thank Rich for the waters and ice bag.

  TJ puts the bag of ice on his left eye and cheek.

  Janet takes a sip of water.

  Rich closes his office door and sits in his office desk chair.

  “Did you find who you were looking for at the zoo?” asks Rich.

  “Yeah. We found Barrett, Bo’s brother. There were a co
uple of survivors in there but more zombies than anything else,” says TJ.

  Rich says, “I’m sorry to hear that. I know people have been interested in what was going on in there for a while now.”

  “I wouldn’t mess with that place, and I don’t plan on going back in there again,” says TJ.

  Rich asks, “Good to know, but what are your plans? What is next for you and Janet?”

  Janet looks at TJ.

  Before TJ or Janet can answer, Rich says, “I have some news about your sister.”

  “You have had contact with Alice?” asks TJ.

  Rich says, “No contact with her, but I heard that her school was closed for some time now. A big group of military and government officials were in Tallahassee and the Northern part of Florida. A team searched her apartment. Her apartment was empty, besides some clothes and a few little things, and her car was gone.”

  “She might be alive. She is tough and smart, but I’m not sure how well she can do alone,” says TJ.

  Janet looks at TJ and asks, “What do you want to do? You want to go look for her?”

  Rich says, “Alice is smart, but she might be alone. I would send a team out for her, but I don’t have anyone available for the job.”

  “I will go looking for her. I will take I-75 North and try my luck with finding her,” says TJ.

  Janet asks, “Where would she have gone? Would she try to come down here on I-75 or stay on I-10 towards Jacksonville?”

  Rich says, “I think she would try to come here. I think she would have stayed on I-75 to come here to find us in Tampa.”

  “Then we go up I-75 towards Tallahassee,” says Janet.

  “Great. I also want to tell you some more news about the government and military,” says Rich.

  Rich looks at his notes that he wrote down on a piece of paper.

  “The people above me told me some interesting information. Tampa could be getting hit with a tropical storm or even a hurricane in the near future. The radar the government has is showing a big tropical storm headed towards the West Coast of Florida. We could start feeling the effects of the storm in two or three days from now,” says Rich.

  “We have to warn everyone! Can the soldiers go around and let people know a storm is coming?” asks Janet.

  Rich says, “We are trying to send a group of troops around different areas of Tampa Bay to spread the word, but we are running out of time and we can’t reach everywhere.”


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