Love or Lust 3

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Love or Lust 3 Page 5

by Rachael Brownell

  “Yeah, I’m aware. Does she not see that he’s not interested in her?”

  “Do you really want me to answer that?” Milo asks, raising an eyebrow at me as he places his empty plate on the table.

  I don’t bother to respond, returning my attention to the movie we’ve barely watched. Once the credits roll, Milo helps me clean up and then heads out. He knows I’m expecting Jace anytime, and I’m pretty sure the last thing he wants is to watch our reunion.

  After the show Milo and Teegan put on earlier, the guys were told, not so nicely, to stay in their villas until it was time to meet up with us tonight for our dates. I wasn’t allowed to see Jace. I never even hugged him. I certainly didn’t get a chance to kiss him in front of Teegan.

  I still have no idea if Jace has told her the truth yet. I know he was skeptical, afraid of how she would react. Not that it really matters at this point. Two more days and someone is going home. It would be ideal for the final four to be me and Bella opposite Jace and Lennon, but nothing about this situation has been ideal so far, so I can’t get too excited yet. Milo isn’t a bad guy, but I’d love to see Bella and Lennon end up together if Jace and I can’t.

  Teegan needs to go, though.

  She’s causing more drama than necessary. Which is probably why she’ll be able to stay. The producers will find a way. If they want her here and me gone, it’ll happen.

  I can’t worry about that right now, though. We have a pool party tomorrow night with a Greek theme, and if there’s anything I want to think about, it’s Jace in nothing but a toga.

  Or nothing at all would be fine as well. As long as we’re alone.

  “Is that smile for me?” Jace whispers in my ear, causing me to jump.

  “You scared me,” I state the obvious as I walk around the sofa and straight into his waiting embrace. “How long were you watching me?”

  “Just a few minutes. The look on your face kept changing, and I didn’t want to disturb you. The instant you had a smile, I knew it was okay to interrupt.“

  Lifting my chin with his thumb, Jace captures my lips in the most sensual kiss he’s ever given me. Maybe it’s because I missed him being here. I didn’t sleep well last night at all. Or maybe it’s the emotion behind the kiss. Whatever it is, I love it.

  I love him.

  And I want to tell him that, but he doesn’t give me a chance. He deepens the kiss as he lifts me by the ass and presses me firmly against the nearest wall.

  Yeah, there’s really nothing I want to talk about right now. I’m more interested in showing him how I feel. Letting my actions speak for themselves. Over and over again. Until the sun comes up and we’re forced to be around other people.

  So that’s what I did, and when I woke in the middle of the night, still wrapped in his warm embrace, I showed him one more time just for good measure.

  “Did they deliver your costume for the party?” Jace asks as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me back against his bare chest. I fit perfectly against his body.

  “Yup,” I reply, popping the P for emphasis as I roll my eyes.

  “That bad?”

  “Depends on how you see it. I’m wearing a solid gold bathing suit that barely covers anything with a see-through white toga style dress over it. I’ll practically be naked.”

  I didn’t look too closely at it when Claudia dropped it off this afternoon. I was in the middle of trying to figure out what to wear, so I took the bag from her, tossed it on the couch, and closed the door. She’s not my favorite person right now. Not after hearing she didn’t reprimand Teegan at all after what went down.

  “It sounds like I’m going to end up distracted.”

  “Oh, I’m sure the other girls are wearing something similar. You guys will definitely enjoy the view.”

  “So will you,” he says, smiling against my neck.

  “Oh, yeah? What are you wearing?”

  “The equivalent of a white sheet tied around my body with a gold rope.”

  “Sounds about right.” Snuggling closer, Jace slides his hand under the tank top I slipped back on and begins drawing circles on my stomach.

  “Did they not wear underwear in ancient Greece?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “Because they didn’t include any, and we were told to only wear what was delivered. Which means I’m going commando, and I’ll be sporting a hard-on based on how you described your outfit. We’re not even allowed to get in the water in our costumes. How the hell am I going to hide my reaction to seeing you?”

  I can’t help but laugh at the visual of Jace in his toga pitching a tent for all to see.

  “You think that’s funny?” he asks, tickling my sides, causing me to rub up against him. We’ve already gone two rounds, but judging by his growing erection, we’re far from done tonight.

  “I think it’ll make it easier for me to take advantage of you,” I note, turning in his arms and wrapping one leg around him. “Like right now. When you’re without underwear. I can straddle you and make you forget everyone else’s name but mine.”

  Pressing my lips to his before he can reply, Jace lets me take control.

  Chapter Six

  Day 35

  Our second themed pool party. I get why they theme them, and they’re fun but not necessary. In my mind, I guess, it’s just another way to control us. What we wear. What happens at the party.

  Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started writing a script and handing them out for us.

  Memorize your lines. Don’t say anything else.

  Ha! The thought makes me giggle while I wait for Jace to change into his toga. Sans undies.

  He’s still not excited about it.

  Actually, that’s not true. He was excited a few minutes ago when I changed into my outfit. Very excited. There’s no way he would have been able to hide his reaction to seeing me for the first time if he was only wearing a white sheet.

  Which is why I changed first. So he could get over the way I looked and try to get himself under control.

  “Are you almost ready? We’re going to be late, and I think I’ve pissed Claudia off enough this week.” I holler from the kitchen as I grab two bottles of water from the refrigerator.

  Not that I care if I’m on Claudia’s naughty list. I’m pretty sure I’ve been on it since the first week. No sense in worrying about it now. There’s only a little over a week left, and that’s if they don’t find a way to kick me off tomorrow.

  I’d rather go out with a bang.

  Let’s just say I’m out of fucks to give.

  I think that’s what Naomi says all the time when she doesn’t care about something. I’ll have to remember to ask the next time I talk to her.

  “If you keep bending over like that, we’re never going to be able to leave,” Jace says from behind me. When I turn, I find him looking deliciously handsome, the stark white of the sheet standing out against his bronzed skin. The toga is draped across his right shoulder and cinched at his waist, most of his chest and part of his abs on display.

  “You look hot,” I say, handing him an ice-cold bottle of water when he approaches. He ignores the bottle and places his hands on my waist. “Are you trying to make us late?”

  “I can’t help myself. I think they did this on purpose.”

  “Did what?” I ask innocently as I bat my eyelashes at him.

  “You know exactly what.” He presses his lips against mine. “I’m going to go nuts not being able to touch you tonight.”

  “And why can’t you touch me? I didn’t see that in the rulebook. Unless they left out another page,” I joke.

  “You know what happens every time I touch you. Every time you’re in the room,” he replies, pulling me hard against his body. “Tonight is going to be pure torture.”

  “Until it’s over,” I note.

  I made Jace a promise before coming out of my room after getting changed. If he behaved himself tonight at the party, he’d be handsomely rewarded when it was
all over. His prize?


  In my costume, without my bikini bottoms.

  Him in his.

  “Keep reminding me and I’m going to claim my reward before we leave.” His threat has merit, but we both know there’s no time for that.

  If there’s one thing I can say about being with Jace, it’s never over quick. Amazing. Passion. Sensual. Greedy. But . . . quick? Not a chance. Even when we’re in the shower and it feels like it’s over fast, the waters always cold by the time we’re both sated.

  I called him out on it last time, and his reply made me laugh. “I’m savoring every moment with you.”

  After swatting Jace’s hands away when they start to roam beneath my toga, we gather up the few things Jace needs to play bartender tonight and head to the pool.

  It’s been transformed into a Greek paradise.

  Tall white columns surround the pool, lit torches topping them. White sheer fabric spans between each column, held open by ivy to make it look like they’re curtains. The tables all have an expanse of candles and ivy. Gold and white balloons are tied to the back of the lounge chairs.

  It’s the bar that really has my jaw dropping in awe.

  Columns of different heights wrapped in ivy display tonight’s treats. Each food item is served in a gold dish, and miniature statues and candles surround the entire foodscape.

  My first thought . . . I wish I could post this on Instagram. It’s gorgeous.

  My second thought . . . I can’t wait to be able to post again. The whole social media ban wasn’t a big deal at first, but now, when I have downtime, I’m missing my friends and wondering what they’re up to. Aside from Naomi, I haven’t talked to or checked in with anyone else. No one was allowed to know I was coming, so I’m sure it came as a big shock when they saw me on TV.

  I could check on them. Log in to my accounts and browse their profiles. Silently stalk them. The urge to comment and wish my friends a happy birthday or congratulations would be too much, though. I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize being here. Not now.

  “They sure went all out,” Jace notes as he begins setting up behind the bar. We’re the first to arrive, which surprises me. “You’d think they could have at least sprung for a pair of briefs.”

  Rolling my eyes, I spread cheese on a cracker and savor the flavor as it hits my tongue, a small moan escaping.

  “There will be no more of that unless you want me to hide back here all night.”

  Looking up, I find Jace staring at me intensely. He’s dead serious.

  All I can do is smile as I shove another bite of cracker in my mouth and let out a moan, louder this time.

  “Tease,” he mutters at the same time Milo announces his arrival.

  “Let the party begin!”

  When I turn, I find him and Lennon headed in our direction. Both seem to be comfortable in their outfits.

  Nodding as he passes me, Lennon steps behind the bar and whispers something in Jace’s ear. When his eyes light up, I try to sneak a peek over the bar, but Milo pulls me away and toward the pool.

  “I see now why we were told we couldn’t swim at a pool party,” he says as he takes a step onto the wide platform that’s been built over the center of the pool. It spans from one side to the other and in the middle is a Greek-style trellis adorned in ivy.

  “This can’t be safe,” I state as I take a tentative step backward.

  That doesn’t stop Milo from proceeding, and once he reaches the trellis, he grabs hold of the nearest pillar.

  “It’s foam. Don’t worry.”

  Foam? As in, it doesn’t weigh much. Which is good considering the platform I’m standing on the edge of doesn’t look like it could hold much more than the weight of three people.

  “Yeah, I think I’m going to admire it from afar.” My voice is filled with skepticism. The last thing I want to do is fall into the pool in my already see-through outfit and get trapped underwater. No thanks. Not how I want this night to end.

  Or my life.

  “Dramatic much?” Teegan asks, her voice like nails on a chalkboard. Unwelcome and annoying.

  She and Bella are seated on two lounge chairs behind me. When the hell did they get here?

  “Depends. If you compare me to you, I’d like to think I was acting sensibly. But that’s just me,” I retort, glaring in her direction for a few seconds before turning and heading back to the bar to figure out what Lennon and Jace were up to.

  They’re both smiling at me as I approach. Well, smiling is an understatement. Devilishly grinning is more like it. Like they know something I don’t, which is more than likely accurate considering how quickly Milo pulled me away.

  “You two causing trouble?” I ask as Jace hands me a tall thin glass filled to the brim.

  “Never!” Lennon replies, feigning insult.

  All I can do is shake my head as I take a sip of the pinkish-purple concoction in my hand. It goes down smooth and has a sweet but minty flavor that lingers on my tongue. I can barely taste the alcohol, which makes me nervous. One too many of these and I’m going to need Jace to carry me to bed.

  “This is delicious. What is it?”

  “Well,” Jace begins as he hands a similar drink to Lennon, “if we were in Greece, I would have used ouzo, which is a Greek fermented liquor, and it would be called an outizo. Ouzo is basically moonshine. Since we’re not, I had to make do with what I had on hand. Mint-flavored syrup and juices. So that’s a pomegranate and pineapple mojito.”

  The others join us, and Jace begins handing out beverages. Milo is the only one who doesn’t indulge in Jace’s drink of the night, instead opting for water. I have a feeling he’s still hungover from their excursion off the ranch. I know he was last night even though he had two beers.

  “To the final few days,” Bella says as she raises her glass in the air. We all follow suit, standing in a circle. Jace is to my right, Lennon to my left. “It’s been a fun ride so far. I’ve enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you. If nothing else, I’m leaving here with new friendships that I will cherish forever. May the best man and woman be left standing at the end.”

  As our glasses clink together, I catch sight of Teegan out of the corner of my eye. She’s shooting hate-filled daggers in my direction, not even trying to hide her disdain for me.

  Jealousy doesn’t look good on her. She really should get over it.

  The sound system comes to life, and music echoes across the vast expanse of the ranch. I don’t understand the words, but it’s still beautiful, and I can’t help but slowly spin in place to the rhythm of the music. Bella joins me, and then the guys steal us away, Lennon leading Bella to an open area near the pool and Jace pulling me into his arms only a few feet away.

  “You like this?”

  “I’ve never heard it before. It’s different. It’s upbeat, but it sounds sad in a way.”

  “I’d hate for you to be sad,” he replies as he leans in closer, brushing his lips across mine. “Then again, I know a way to put a smile on your face so . . .”

  “You’re such a little horn dog,” I say as I smack his chest. “I think your lack of undergarments—”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I can feel him smile against the side of my neck as he trails kisses from my ear lobe to my shoulder.

  “Someone’s in denial,” I state as I turn us so his back is facing away from everyone else and slip my hand inside his toga. His smile widens the lower my hand slides, and then I hit fabric, stopping me suddenly. “Breaking the rules?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Care to explain why you’re wearing underwear then?”

  “Let’s just say I was missing a piece of my outfit. Lennon was kind enough to help me out.”

  Figures. That must have been what those two were in cahoots about. I knew they were up to something.

  “That was nice of him, but I have to say, the idea of you being naked underneath your toga turned me on a little. You k
now, since we had plans after this,” I tease, pressing my body against his.

  “You keep doing that, and the party is over.” I’d love to say Jace’s words are just an empty threat, but his toga hides nothing, underwear or not. I can feel how excited he is, which only adds to my growing need.

  “How much longer are we expected to stay?” I ask as he spins us in a circle. My eyes fall to where Bella and Lennon are swaying to the music, and notice something I hadn’t before.

  The way he’s holding her, gently but possessively. How her head is cradled in the crook of his neck, her eyes closed as if she is completely comfortable in his arms.

  Compare it to the way Milo and Teegan are dancing, at least two feet between them, neither looking at each other, and it all makes sense.

  They have a thing for each other.

  Something is growing between them

  It doesn’t look like lust, but then again, how would I know? Jace and I jumped from lust to love quickly. And for a moment I even thought I was love-lusting after Lennon. Hell, I may have been lusting after all the guys at one point. They each had good qualities that I found attractive.

  Well, everyone except maybe Gage. His true colors were hard to hide. He was an ass from the moment he got here.

  “I’m going to miss this,” I say as I continue to watch Bella and Lennon slowly spin.

  “What exactly are you going to miss?” Jace inquires, stopping suddenly.

  “This. The quiet. The little moments when you forget you’re on camera. When people show you who they truly are without even knowing it.”


  Of course I’ll miss him. There’s no doubt in my mind. Once this is all over, though, I know I’ll see him again. I’ve been thinking a lot about what Naomi and I talked about. About Jace’s offer. About moving to Miami, continuing our relationship. Possibly taking it to the next level.

  It all scares the hell out of me, but I know it’s something I want. Mainly because I want him. To be with him. To show him how much I love him. Without the cameras watching and the drama of competing with other women.

  “I won’t miss you because I’ll see you.”


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