Unearthly Realms

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Unearthly Realms Page 6

by Ron L. Carter

As they were getting ready to leave Cho’s Kitchen Ty grabbed Markus by his arm and stopped him in his tracks. He said, “What are you talking about when you say things about Alien dimensions and parallel worlds?” That was the first time Markus had spoken to Ty about them. He wasn’t sure how Ty would react to the information he was about to give him so he proceeded very cautiously. He began to tell Ty everything he knew about them. He told Ty that there are portals to other parallel worlds where we can observe mists, orbs, light streaks, Bigfoot, aliens and other figures. We can even watch the spaceships come and go from other dimensions through the portal. Ty knew that he would like to see what else was in the universe and get a glance into the alien portals and parallel worlds and see if they did truly exist.

  Markus told Ty that unexplained aerial observations have been reported throughout American history. He told Ty people that believe in the U.F.O. (Unidentified Flying Objects) spaceships argue that they display unbelievable flight characteristics and come in every conceivable shape, size and performance which is unknown to earthly conventional technology. They fly at supersonic speeds without creating a sonic boom. He said some believe the aliens have found a way to part the air in front of the craft. The term UFO is usually associated with alien spacecraft and many reported siting’s have been made by such trained observers as pilots, police, and military. Many reports have involved simultaneous earth radar tracking and visual accounts. They’ve been the subject of extensive investigation by various governments for a long time. Groups such as NICAP (the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) and CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) do independent studies of the UFO siting’s and reports. Markus told Ty he knew the real truth behind the UFO’s because he had a friend who’s an alien pilot named Zitrik. He had ridden on the spaceship with him a few times. According to Zitrik there are several other planets that have alien life forms and each have their own style and shape of spaceship which they fly.

  Although Tyler wasn’t sure he really believed in the entire theory of UFO’s being from another planet he remembered reading books about caves in different countries on Earth that depicted what appeared to be spacecraft painted on the walls that dated back 29,000 years. Even though there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of reported UFO siting’s all over the world Tyler believed a lot of them were just some type of military experimental plane that was misidentified. He had read about Groom Lake (better known as area 51), the military base located in the Nevada desert and knew the United States military were hiding advance technology and believed that’s what a lot of people were seeing. He knew the military has been testing secret airplanes for a very long time, including the Stealth bomber. They were able to keep it a secret from the public for several years before it’s unveiling during the first Iraq invasion. He had even read reports that Germany was on the verge of developing a spacecraft that resembled a UFO in 1938. They were working on trying to fly it by using a method called reverse engineering. He remembered reading about other possible secret aircraft that could travel several thousands of miles per hour utilizing some type of anti-gravity field. One thing Tyler wondered about was how they were able to fly at such high rates of speed without the G force effects of high acceleration ripping the pilots apart who were flying the aircraft. He believed it had to be some type of alien invention because it was almost unconceivable to believe we had developed technology as highly advanced as reverse engineering and parting the air for our aircraft to travel through space.

  Markus was telling Ty things about the aliens and their spaceships that he had always wondered about and was a little skeptical. He told Ty that everyone on earth still just called the beings “aliens.” “Some of the aliens flying the spaceships are more like energy driven terrestrial beings. Their intelligence level is far beyond anything we could ever comprehend on Earth. It doesn’t matter how smart the people on Earth become they have yet to conquer even one tenth the brain capacity the aliens currently possess and use. They have the ability to talk telepathically to each other, to humans, and beings from other planets in and out of our solar system. They can move objects by levitating them with their mind. There aircraft can travel in light year speeds and they have weapons that we could only imagine in our wildest science fiction imaginations.” Ty asked, “Why do they need weapons? I thought they were supposed to be friendly.” Markus said that his friend told him that sometimes they come under attack from beings from other planets, including Earth. They’ve had to defend themselves when the other planets fired weapons at them. On a few occasions Governments on Earth have actually shot at them with their new energy directed laser weapons. Fortunately for the aliens, their aircraft has always been too fast for the energy beams to stay on target with them. Ty asked, “Is that why they instantly disappear when our military pilots have pursued them in a chase through the sky?” Markus said that Zitrik told him that they have to do a lot of instant forty five and ninety degree maneuvering to avoid some of the newly advance military equipment our military had developed to keep from being shot out of the sky. Sometimes they even have to instantly move into another dimension. Markus said that for the most part, the aliens are peaceful and loving beings until someone threatens them. Even then, they try to avoid a confrontation. Their desire is for the beings on all planets, including Earth, to live in harmony with each other. They watch all the ridiculous wars and conflicts people from Earth and other planets have with each other and think it’s totally insane. Although they don’t interfere with the squabbles of each planet’s everyday lives they keep a watchful eye to make sure the planets don’t annihilate each other with their primitive weapons. They study the people from earth and other planets like we study an ant colony. They watch the earthly beings stay on a relentless and senseless path to build, accumulate and cherish material things that alien beings believe are of little importance or value. All that really matters to them is what happens to our energy souls or spirits once we pass from our earthly bodies. Eternal life is the single most important thing to them. Markus said Zitrik told him, “All the kings and rulers of Egypt and other worlds have tried to take their most valued possessions with them in the afterlife. They had them buried in their tombs or graves with them. Some have been unearthed thousands of years later by archeologists or grave robbers and those material possessions are still there. They weren’t able to take anything with them except their souls.”

  Ty asked Markus, “Why don’t the aliens just make themselves known to the people on Earth and try to explain their existence to everyone?” Markus told Tyler the aliens he’d met told him they had tried to make contact with the earthly beings hundreds of times, but had very little success. The humans are a warring race of people and they try to destroy anyone invading their air space. Markus told them that one of the examples the aliens have tried to make contact with humans is by making crop circles with messages, but humans can’t understand the meaning of them. They also built Stonehenge in England and created the Nazca lines in Peru where there are geometrical lines and lines of animal figures you can clearly see from space knowing that someday humans would have craft to observe them. They helped build the Sacsayhuman Walls a few thousand years ago near the city of Cuzo that are made out of rocks weighing 300 tons, 6 meters high and 360 meters long. They taught people on earth, including the Egyptians, how to levitate stone where they could build great Pyramids. They helped build the walls on the hilltop at 7,900 feet above sea level at Machu Picchu in Peru by levitating massive stones and putting them in place. That’s just of few of the things they’ve tried, but the people on earth are either not capable or just not ready to accept what the aliens are trying to show and teach them. Ty rolled his eyes and said, “What else am I going to learn that’ll blow my mind? This is pretty unbelievable stuff, Markus.”

  Everything Markus was telling Ty brought back a story he remembered that he’d heard when he was young about a UFO encounter
that a friend of his father told them about. His father’s friend was Andrew Swanson and his father respected and admired him a great deal. They were having lunch after church one day and Andrew told them the story of his encounter. He claimed that he and two of his friends had a UFO encounter while fishing at Blue Lake south of Lake Tahoe, California in the 1980’s. He told Ty and his dad that for several years his extended family members would camp every year at Silver Lake campground for a week to ten days. They loved it there because there are a lot of lakes to fish in and it isn’t far to go into Lake Tahoe to watch a show or gamble.

  One of the favorite things for Andrew and the rest of the guys to do while camping was to take the fifteen foot aluminum fishing boat with its seven and a half horse power outboard motor and troll for trout in Silver Lake, Caples Lake, Blue lake, Red lake and occasionally Topaz lake in Nevada. One of Andrew’s favorite lakes was Blue Lake because it was hard to get to in the early years and it had nice, big, fat, Cutthroat Trout. He would have to take a paved road off of highway 88 for about ten miles and then the road would turn into just a rock and dirt road filled with pot holes for another eight to ten miles. It was dusty and very slow moving on the dirt road, especially pulling the boat. He liked the lake because there weren’t very many fishermen that would risk their boats going up the winding dirt road.

  On this occasion, during the 1980’s, Andrew and two of his retired friends, were fishing in the boat at Blue Lake and while they were trolling along at a very slow speed a silver saucer shaped craft came over the tree line and hovered above the lake and not too far from them. They said they watched it for several minutes as it sat there suspended in the sky and it never made a sound. After observing it and trying to figure out just what it was it finally sped away at lightning speed. He told them he never believed in UFO’s or aliens and he would be the first to say he wasn’t sure exactly what he saw, but knew it wasn’t a helicopter, airplane or anything he could identify. Tyler knew he wasn’t the type of person that would fabricate a story like that and for that reason always believed his story was credible.

  Ty decided he wanted to find out more about spaceships and aliens so he asked Markus if there would be a possibility they could catch a ride on one of the alien spaceships and see other parts of the universe. Markus told Ty he had met Zitrik purely by accident while trying to get acclimated to his new life in this dimension when he first passed away. He said he didn’t have anyone to show him around and stumbled into Zitrik’s dimension by mistake. He was found by Zitrik and they instantly became good friends. Markus said he helped and guided him back to where he was supposed to be. He told Ty that since he and Zitrik had such a good relationship with each other he would try to find him and see what he said about giving them a ride on his spaceship.

  Markus had Ty and Holly follow him to the alien portal. This portal allowed beings from other dimensions to enter and leave from there as they desired. Once they arrived and were in position, he old them to wait at the portal opening until he returned. He said he would meet them there once he was able to make contact with Zitrik. He left and went through the portal searching for Zitrik. He traveled through space passing brilliant stars and planets until he came to Zitrik’s planet. His planet wasn’t blue and beautiful from out in space, just like Earth. It was larger than earth and its color was green and tan with some blue mixed in with it. He went to their headquarters and starting asking around to see if he could locate Zitrik. After searching for some time, he was finally able to find him and asked him if they could ride along on his next mission.

  Ty and Holly spent their time waiting for Markus to return, talking and getting to know each other. They also watched in amazement as spaceship after spaceship passed through the portal. There were many different shapes and sizes. They would slow down to almost a hovering speed at the portal and then blast off at lightning speed. While they were taking it all in one of the spaceships stopped almost instantly, right in front of them. It was Zitrik with Markus on board, Markus was laughing and waving for to them to come aboard. Zitrik opened a hatch door and said, without moving his lips, “Get in and find a place comfortable to sit.” They quickly made their way onto the ship and while doing so, Markus introduced Zitrik to Ty and Holy. Zitrik didn’t show any emotion as he said, “Welcome aboard.” He had complete control of the spaceship and was okay with giving them a “ride-along” during his mission. Once everyone was aboard he maneuvered his hands over a control bar in front of him and in an instant the spaceship shot through space at thousands of miles per second. Ty thought it was like just comfortably traveling along while sitting in a car or airplane, but at light year speed.

  Markus told Zitrik that Tyler had just crossed into his new dimension recently and hadn’t seen any of the spectacular sites of the Universe. He told Zitrik they were hoping Ty and Holly could see some of the sites while he was on his mission. Zitrik had earlier told Markus he didn’t mind them riding along but he had to complete his mission in Utah first. He said they were going to a place known to some earthlings as “The “Fleshwalker Ranch.” Ty asked him what his mission was going to be while he was there. He told them there was a portal opening on the Fleshwalker Ranch, like the one they had already seen him pass through. He told them they could enter and leave from one dimension to another from the portal. His people had been conducting tests on some of the cows and other animals on earth for a lot of years to see what types of effects the changing environment and radiation levels was having on them.

  He told them the portal is also used by for what the earthlings called “Bigfoot.” A place where their spirits and other beings can come and go freely into their own dimensions. Ty was astonished to hear this because it struck a nerve with him. He immediately spoke up and said, “Wait, what do you mean Bigfoot spirits? I thought all the accounts of the “Bigfoot” sighting claimed they were of flesh, blood and bones, just like humans.” Zitrik laughed and said, “Yes, that’s what the humans believe to be true, but have any Bigfoots ever been captured or any remains found on Earth? They’re just spirits like you, but they can materialize into an earthly form while they’re on Earth just like my people can. Sometimes they shape shift into different forms of animals like wolves, “bear like” creatures and others. They like the large size they use because there aren’t very many creatures on earth that can match their strength and agility, including humans. Many people on Earth, because of their primitive way of thinking, have fired weapons at the Bigfoots. If they are hit by one of the bullets, they just shape shift back into another spirit type of energy form and there is never a body found. Markus looked at Ty and he could tell that he was having a hard time with this story. Yet, there he was sitting in an Alien spaceship and carrying on a conversation with an alien being. That was also something he would never have believed. Markus was only half-kidding when he spoke up and said, “Ty, if you want to visit the Bigfoots we’ll do it at another time, Okay?” Ty was totally overwhelmed with all the things he’d heard in the past few days. Some of it was almost unbelievable for him, even if he was in his present spirit world. He just shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Sure, whenever you’re ready. What else do I have to do with my time?”

  While on the way to the “Fleshwalker Ranch” Markus asked Zitrik, “What other strange things have happened at the portal.” Zitrik told them that the humans had developed an energy directed weapon that they’ve been practicing with and occasionally they take shots at the alien spaceships as they make their way through the earthly dimension portal. Sometimes they shoot at us right after we’ve come through or left the portal. Markus asked him if any of the spaceships had ever been hit or shot down by any of the advanced weapons. He said, “No, not yet, but their technology is getting closer to developing something that might be able to in the future. Markus asked him what they were going to do once the humans developed weapons that could possibly blow them out of the sky. Zitrik replied in an angry
voice, “We’re not going to let that happen. We’ll do something to stop them before they go that far.”

  Markus said to Zitrik, “So, is it true that governments are aware you and all the other alien beings exist?” He replied, “Yes, the governments all over Earth are aware that we exist, but haven’t made it known to their people. The governments must fear for their citizens and think it would cause mass hysteria and panic throughout the world. Just like the Movie that H.G. Wells produced years ago called “War of the World, people were committing suicide after hearing about or watching the science fiction movie and believing it was real. The governments must also believe that it would change the way worship their Gods or that the knowledge of us would change people’s belief in God.”

  Ty had been setting back and observing Zitrik as he talked to Markus, but now he also had some questions he was hoping Zitrik could answer. He began by asking, “Why is it that your mouth is so small and you don’t appear to be use it when you talk? It doesn’t move when you speak. Zitrik laughed and replied, “It’s moving but I’m wearing a sheet of metal armor that covers my entire body, except for my mouth, eyes and ears. Underneath the suit our body is frail and week consisting of mostly skin, bone and tendons. We have arms, legs and a head much like humans, but because of the lack of exercise we’ve lost our muscles tone over the years. Hundreds of years ago we learned how to move everything telepathically and there was no need to use our muscles. Although my mouth is moving, you can’t see it move because of the suit. Our body suit is much like a synthetic material they have on Earth. We can move in it freely but if we are attacked by someone or something, and for our own protection, it becomes hard like stone for a certain length of time. It is made of a mineral that comes from a few planets in the Universe, including our own. We call it Zieliumide and we also use it on the outside of our spaceships. Once we get off our ships and have been off of them for several hours, our bodies begin to lose their strength. Because of the loss of strength, we also lose the ability to protect ourselves. We also temporarily lose communication our ship and planet.” Ty asked, "So how long do you live on your planet? Zitrik replied, “We no longer have plagues or illness like you have on Earth so if we don’t die of some type of accident we live for hundreds of years before our spirits leave our body. Then we become spirits and live in eternity with God, just like you.”

  Ty figured he’d better not press Zitrik any further on those types of questions so he quickly asked him what he was going to do once they arrived at the “Fleshwalker Ranch Portal.” Zitrik said that his mission was to pick out one of the healthy cows from a herd of cattle and kill it with one of his energy directed weapons. Once it was dead he was to quickly exit the ship and surgically remove its tongue. Once he had it on board he was to pack it in an airtight container that preserved it until his return. Zitrik told them that when he was done he would head straight back to the ship so they all needed to stay on board while he was completing his mission. If they didn’t follow his instructions they may get left behind, when he took off. He said that the United States military aircraft may be watching from their helicopters or other aircraft and if we get detected, they’re at risk being shot at. He told them that he didn’t like hanging around any longer than he had too. Holly and Markus agreed but, Ty didn’t say anything, he just nodded his head in agreement.

  It wasn’t long before the spaceship was hovering above the portal at the Fleshwalker Ranch. As they made their way through, Zitrik immediately started looking for his target. Once he had the cattle spotted grazing in the field it was only an instant and the spaceship was hovering about one hundred feet above them. He ran his hand over a control panel and from what looked like a rotating weapon as it zeroed in on a single cow. He made a motion with his hand and a beam of light instantly shot from the ship and hit the cow. She went down as if she had been hit with thousands of bolts of electricity and didn’t move as she fell to the ground.

  Zitrik landed the spacecraft and opened the door hatch and began to get out of the ship. He pushed a button and a flat riveted ramp unfolded from the ship to the ground. Before he left, he grabbed a bag and a bright shiny metal container and said I’ll be right back. He again told them to make sure they stayed in the spaceship. He began his short walk down the ramp and as he did that Ty told Markus and Holly he was going to check it out and see exactly what Zitrik was doing. They were pleading with Ty to stay on the ship, but he wouldn't listen. He exited the ship and stayed a safe distance from Zitrik, in order to not bring attention to himself. Once Zitrik was in position to cut out the tongue from the cow, Ty noticed there was no blood or any visible sign of how the cow died. Zitrik took out a surgical tool and carefully moved it in a circular motion inside the cow’s mouth. Ty watched the entire procedure and he was amazed at the lack of blood and the precision of which Zitrik was able to remove the tongue completely intact and put it into the metal container. The entire procedure took less than fifteen seconds. When Ty realized Zitrik was done he quickly hid behind some low growing shrubs so Zitrik wouldn’t see him. He didn’t want Zitrik to know that he disobeyed his orders to stay on the spaceship. He was also hoping he could sneak by Zitrik once he made it inside the spaceship without him noticing he had gotten off the craft. As soon as Zitrik had his task completed he was quickly back on the spaceship and within seconds closed the hatch. Ty didn’t have time to sneak past him.

  Once Zitrik was aboard the spaceship Markus and Holly began to yell and scream that Ty had gotten off the spaceship and was now on the outside. Zitrik didn’t say anything as he ignored all their pleas to wait for Ty. He knew that Ty had gotten off the spaceship but didn’t say anything to Holly and Markus about it. He wasn’t happy about Ty disobeying him as he got into his flying position and pushed a few buttons. In an instant the spaceship was through the portal and back flying through space. Markus and Holly started beg Zitrik to go back and get Ty but Zitrik wasn’t saying a word. After a few minutes, he finally said in a very angry voice, “He can just stay down there for a while, I told everyone to stay on the ship and he didn’t follow my orders.” Markus and Holly continued to plead with Zitrik to go back and get him, but he just continued back to his planet.

  * * *

  Chapter 7 – Finding out How to Contact Loved Ones


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