Winning Skyhunter

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Winning Skyhunter Page 11

by Jessie Donovan

  The doctor finally caught up to them, but Honoria felt around the wall until she found the latch for the secret door. She slowly opened it until she could see into the room. Asher sat up on the table, his head barely off his chest.

  He was alive.

  "Asher!" She pushed the door open and ran to his side. His eyes found hers and the pain she saw there twisted her heart. "Ssh, I have a doctor. He'll be able to help you."

  Dr. Innes moved next to her and started checking Asher's wounds. Honoria took a step back, but Asher reached out a hand and grabbed hers. His voice was low as he said, "Don't leave me, Ria."

  "Never, Asher. I'll never leave you."

  And while some may think it was just the intensity of the situation making her say anything, Honoria meant it. They may be older and different people, but she loved him as much—if not more—than when she'd been a teenager.

  The only question was whether they would still have a chance at ruling together, or if Asher's injuries crippled him and he would no longer be considered.

  Her beast growled. Don't think like that. The doctor is here. We did all the coordinators asked, and more. The other dragon leaders at least should realize that.

  Honoria still had her doubts, but she managed to hide it from her dragon. Instead, she kept Asher's hand in hers the whole time the doctor helped him, letting Asher know how much she cared for him with her eyes.

  What she wouldn't give for some time alone with her dragonman. However, she had a feeling that would be a long time coming.

  Chapter Ten

  It was days before Asher was both awake and alone with Honoria. The bloody Scottish doctor kept running tests, barring visitors most of the time, and had even kept Asher unconscious for an entire day so his body could heal faster.

  And what snippets he had seen of Honoria had always been in the company of others. Which meant he still hadn't had the chance to haul her close—pain be damned—and kiss her like there was no tomorrow.

  Except they'd agreed to no public displays of affection and he wouldn't break his word. However, if he could get a bloody minute alone with her, maybe he could renegotiate. That would satisfy his randy beast, always banging out about their female.

  Not that he didn't want Honoria, too. But his human side understood Skyhunter's dire straits. For all he knew, there may not be a Skyhunter to live on in the near future. And he wanted one, even if he didn't end up leading it. More than anything, he wanted to settle down with Honoria and make a fresh start.

  Asher must've not kept that thought private, and his dragon grunted. She should be ours. I don't understand why you keep coming up with ways to delay it. Even if we can't claim her with our cock, we could do it with kissing or words.

  He could toe the line and say it was more important to talk with the other clan leaders and the DDA. They still hadn't found out what would happen to Skyhunter since no one had bothered to let him or anyone else know yet.

  However, he burned to talk with his female.

  Yes, his. After lying there, barely remaining conscious as Honoria talked with him back in the tunnel, he'd admitted to himself how he loved her again, far more than when he’d been a teenager. And as his vision had swum and faded to black, his last thought had been that he'd never be able to tell her the truth.

  He replied, I do want to claim her, but there's a time and place, dragon. We're not about to die. We have time.

  His dragon grunted. I don't understand your human way of thinking. Regardless, she should be here by now. If Ria doesn't come soon, we won't get any time alone with her. Again.

  Her text saying she would be here only came a few minutes ago.

  The door opened, silencing both man and beast.

  Honoria had her hair pulled up, showing off her graceful neck and a jaw Asher wanted to nibble. The tight top highlighted her curves, as did the jeans slung low on her hips.

  What he wouldn't give to get her out of those clothes.

  She smiled at him and walked up to his bed. "You're awake and not scowling. That's a good start."

  His dragon snorted. If she looked down, she'd see why we aren't scowling.

  Shut it, dragon.

  As his beast cackled, he focused on his female. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, barely noticing the slight twinges in his back as he did so. Her soft, warm skin under his lips only made his cock harder.

  It seemed certain parts of him were in perfect working order.

  He finally replied, "Excuse me for my earlier scowling. I only, you know, received over a dozen stab wounds. Ones that are still healing, by the way."

  She raised a golden eyebrow. "I showered plenty of sympathy on you the first few days. But you're healing well, so stop milking it for everything it's worth."

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. "There are so many things I love about you, Ria."

  While the comment was casual, Asher realized he wanted to say more than he loved aspects of Ria. No, he loved the female in front of him. For her courage, strength, humor, and so much more.

  His beast hummed. Then tell her.

  Given his recent ordeal, as well as his five-year prison stint, Asher tried to seize the moments he could. He, more than most anyone, knew tomorrow wasn't guaranteed.

  And yet, as Honoria stood next to his bed and stared into his eyes, the chance ripe for the plucking, his tongue lay heavy in his mouth.

  His dragon sniffed. Why? She could be ours. Just tell her. I'm sure she feels the same way.

  Honoria's voice prevented his reply. "So what does Mr. Dragon have to say?"

  His beast growled. Tell her.

  Asher grunted. "Just being bossy, as usual."

  Honoria grinned, and her beauty made his heart skip a beat. He wanted her. Not just for sex—which he couldn't wait to be healed for again, for sure—but also as his mate. Everything was better, easier, brighter when she was near.

  She replied, "You may not like it, but I find it amusing. Big, bad Asher who managed to survive multiple stab wounds and somehow not have anything vital damaged most certainly needs some humility. Otherwise, you might think you're invincible."

  He raised an eyebrow, one of the few parts of his body that didn't hurt to move. "I'm not fifteen and out to prove I'm a grown male. I'm well aware I'm not invincible." He took her hand and squeezed. "But let's not joke around right now. Someone could walk through that door at any time and there are things we should talk about."

  She searched his eyes. "What do you want to tell me, Ash?"

  His heart beat faster. This was it. He needed to tell Honoria he wanted her as his mate. And even if it was too soon for her, then maybe they could at least try living together so he could convince her how right it was.

  Just as he opened his mouth to take the plunge, the Scottish dragonman Dr. Innes waltzed into the room, followed by the Stonefire and Lochguard leaders.

  Asher's life seemed cursed with bad timing.

  However, the gaggle of males started talking before he could get in a word edgewise.


  Honoria's time alone with Asher had lasted no more than a few minutes, her not even being able to kiss him once, before someone else barged in.

  Someone always seemed to be barging in.

  If she were actually clan leader, then she wouldn't mind as much. At least in that case there would be a reason and purpose behind all the interruptions.

  But she swore people kept popping their heads in to ensure they were both still there and alive. While she hadn't heard anything about dangers to them or others inside the clan, maybe some kind of threat had come from Shane Farhall's partner. The male was currently detained and in the hands of the Protectors.

  Her beast spoke up. I hope he finally told everyone the extent of his and Shane's betrayal.

  I wish I knew. Being kept in the dark is crap. Even if we aren't allowed to become the leaders, I just want to know what the hell is going on.

  Her beast sniffed. They still don't trust us.

>   Maybe. But if you were the DDA or the other dragon leaders, could you blame them?

  Before her dragon could reply, Dr. Innes grunted and his voice filled the room. "I think it's still too early for Asher to deal with visitors such as you two."

  Finn’s brow rose as if offended. "Och, come on, Innes. I'm the most charming male you know."

  Bram sighed. "No, we're not getting into this again." He moved his gaze to the doctor. "It'll be short and to the point. Besides, the monitors will let you know if his health is in any danger."

  The doctor grunted again, a bit louder this time. "Fine. But if you worsen his condition in any way, then I'll pull my rank as doctor and order you out until I say otherwise."

  While it was true doctors were one of the few members of a dragon clan who could order the clan leader about, Honoria never remembered anyone telling Marcus King what to do. It was fascinating to watch.

  Her dragon chimed in, I'm sure once we have a new head doctor here, they can be coaxed to do the same.

  Even if they weren't the leaders was left unsaid.

  With one last glare at Bram and Finn, Dr. Innes exited the room.

  Asher jumped in before anyone else could. "Let's not repeat the last time we met and have you two joke around and take your time getting to the point. Just tell us what you need to say."

  The corner of Bram's mouth ticked up. "No sugarcoating, I see. That's good because what I have to say isn't easy."

  Honoria's stomach twisted in knots. She had no idea if Bram would tell them that Skyhunter was to be disbanded; or maybe he'd inform them of how they hadn't won the right to lead; or possibly something much worse than she could even imagine. Regardless, none of the options were good.

  But at least she might finally be able to hear Skyhunter's fate.

  Bram continued, "Your clan is on rocky ground, much like before. That idiot Farhall killed himself and injured a few of our people with his shifting inside a tunnel." He shook his head. "Who shifts in a fucking tunnel?"

  Honoria pointed out, "You put us there, so remember that."

  "Aye, we did," Bram stated.

  Finn jumped in. "Keeping the crazy arsehole in the running was a mistake, just like I said. Maybe next time you'll stand with me, Bram, instead of siding with the other leaders and even the DDA."

  Bram put up a hand. "You can argue with me about that later. I don't want to linger or risk Innes's wrath." He focused back on Honoria and Asher. "Even though the DDA originally wanted to disband Skyhunter as a result of the chaotic, dangerous outcome of the trials, we convinced them to give Skyhunter one last chance." He pointed to each of them. "You two, in fact, are getting that chance. It'll be your job to clean things up and start showing progress with the clan. If you can't meet set deadlines or goals, then the DDA will rethink the disbandment decision, and no amount of talking from me or my colleagues will change their minds."

  Honoria's dragon stood tall inside her mind. I knew we could do it.

  Ignoring her beast, she shared a glance with Asher. Even though there was a crapton of stuff to do, she couldn't help but smile. "We did it."

  However, if she was hoping for a smile, it didn't come. Asher's brows came together. "When does this start?"

  "Now," Bram answered. "Innes won't like it, but already your clan members are talking about what happened with Farhall. Leave them leaderless for even a week to let you heal, and I guarantee people will be stirring panic and maybe even fleeing in droves. Not that I don't like having more people in my clan, but I'd rather have an ally down here, in the south. Because if not, the dragon hunters will pounce on the opening and grow like weeds in the southern counties. And that's not something I want to deal with."

  A million thoughts raced through Honoria's head, but she forced herself to nod and reply, "Then we'll deal with it." She looked back at Asher. "When will you be strong enough to address the clan jointly?"

  "This evening."

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say no bloody way, but rationally, she knew Asher was nearly healed. He might have some physical therapy in his near future, but he could walk a few paces and stand for ten minutes.

  Not that she was going to like watching her male suffer at all.

  Her dragon spoke up. He's suffered worse. He's strong and will do what's needed.

  Asher spoke up again. "Now if you two could set up everything with the Protectors to have a clan meeting tonight, we could do with some time alone."

  Finn winked. "Aye, I suspect you do."

  Not wanting her cheeks to burn in front of the Scottish leader, she merely nodded her parting. Once the pair was gone, she turned to Asher. "We did it. The truth's still setting in, but we did it."

  He patted the bed, and she sat next to him. Taking her hand, he kissed the back of it. "Yes, we did. And while I'm prepared to spend almost every waking hour getting Skyhunter back on track, right now I need to kiss you, Ria. Come here."

  Since moving his torso could still be painful and trigger a spasm in his back, Honoria leaned over until her lips were a hairbreadth from his. Staring into his eyes, the heat and triumph there making her skin burn in a good way, it hit her. Asher would be her partner to lead the clan, but she wanted more than that.

  Honoria wanted him as her best friend, her lover, her partner in all things.

  The urge to let him know bubbled up inside her. Her beast hummed. Tell him. Now. While we have the chance. He is ours, and he should know it.

  Before she could stop herself, she murmured, "I love you, Asher King."

  With a growl, Asher closed the distance and kissed her.


  Asher wished he was whole and hearty for many reasons. The clan—correction, his and Honoria's clan—needed a lot of work and care before they could rein it in and make it thrive again. Not to mention they would need to start forming temporary alliances with various leaders as soon as possible, no matter how annoying they may be.

  However, right after Honoria said she loved him, Asher wanted to be healthy so he could claim his female and tell her he felt the same way.

  He wanted her, needed her, was starting to have trouble imagining a future without her.

  Since he couldn't claim her yet without possibly making his injuries worse, Asher risked the slight twinges to close the distance between their lips and kiss her.

  She opened immediately, and he took his time stroking, tasting, and exploring her mouth. Each lick sent heat rushing through his body, straight to his cock.

  His dragon hummed. She could ride us. That wouldn't hurt us or worsen our condition.

  We can't. Not until the clan is settled.

  Yes, we can. Later. Everyone needs a break sometimes.

  Wanting to treasure his female as much as possible, Asher ignored his dragon and pulled Honoria closer. Even though it'd been less than a week since he'd had her naked in his arms, it seemed like years.

  Fuck, he wanted her more than anything. Maybe even the leadership.

  But as her fingers brushed the K-shaped scar on his chest, memories of everything that had happened under his uncle's reign came rushing back.

  The pain, the manipulation, the fear. Families being torn apart, lives taken for petty reasons, and so much more.

  He couldn't let that happen ever again.

  As he pulled back, Honoria searched his gaze. "What's wrong?"

  "I want you to know that I love you, Ria. And I wish I could claim you right here and now, forgetting the outside world, and creating our own bubble of happiness. But we can't. The scar on my chest is a reminder of what happened, and I never want that to repeat. Ever. So forgive me, love. I need to not kiss and cherish you for a bit, until we get things a little more settled."

  Honoria smiled, the sight warming his heart. "That was a rather long-winded way to tell me you love me."

  He frowned. "That's what you got from that? Did you miss the part when I said I'll probably have to neglect and ignore you for a while, until things are more under control and
we're not teetering on the precipice of disbandment?"

  She stroked the hair at his forehead, the warmth of her fingers soothing away his negative emotions. "We knew what we were getting into. And I agree, the clan will have to come first for a bit." She leaned down until her hot breath tickled his ear. "But we have to take care of ourselves, too, Ash. Tell me again how you love me."

  His voice was husky to his own ears as he said, "I love you, Honoria Wakeham. Far more than any teenage boy ever could have. And as soon as I can, I'll prove it to you every way I know how."

  Her smile widened. "That's all that matters, and I can wait for as long as needed." She kissed him slowly, and he let her take control for a few seconds. Pulling back, she added, "And maybe it's good we can't go at it full force for a bit. I'm not sure I can hold my dragon back, and the last thing we need is for you to be injured again."

  He snorted. "Broken by dragon lust probably wouldn't go over well with the doctor."

  "Probably not." She kissed him again. "But just know that I'm thinking of every way I can take you as soon as we have time and you're healthy. Some of my dragon's ideas may even make your beast blush."

  His dragon huffed. She can't scare me. Now I have to think of dirtier things to do to her.

  He laughed. "Great, now there's a competition between our beasts for who can be the dirtiest. We may not get much of a say in the matter until they settle it."

  "Hmm, we'll see about that. However, my dragon knows how I'll be the first to claim the man I love, not her."

  Hear that, dragon? I'm going to do the same.

  His beast grunted. We'll see about that.

  Dr. Innes burst into the room. The bloody male kept doing that, to the point Asher wondered if he had cameras in the room, alerting him to when a patient may be tempted to do something they shouldn't.

  Honoria never moved from her position next to him, though. And the act made him love her even more.

  As he rubbed circles on Honoria's back—fuck the no display of public affection just then—she spoke up. "Yes, doctor? We haven't broken any of your rules, and Asher is fine, so I'm not sure why you're here."


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