Finding Love in Atlanta

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Finding Love in Atlanta Page 5

by Olivia Saxton

  “I have one best friend; known him for fifteen years. I have a few acquaintances, but that’s it. I’ve had to be careful of people who wanted to be my friend. A lot of them just wanted me to pay the tab everywhere we went.”

  “I’ve run into a lot of those type of folks,” Dominic said. “Annoying as hell. They’re like leeches. Once you find one, they are hell to get rid of.”

  Sebastian chuckled and took his hands off Dominic’s shoulders. “Leeches is a good word for them.”

  Dominic took a sip of his champagne as he turned back around on the sofa.

  Sebastian was swallowing a good portion of champagne. Then he took Dominic’s glass out of his hand. He placed both glasses on the table. He wrapped his arms around Dominic’s waist. “Let’s say we get some pillows and blankets and christen the tree,” he suggested with a smirk.

  Dominic smiled. “We did that after we put the tree up.”

  “So?” he said and winked.

  Dominic laughed. “All right, you get the linen out of the closet, and I’ll run upstairs and get the rubbers.”

  Sebastian’s face went blank.

  “What?” Dominic asked nervously. “What did I say?”

  “Dominic, what will it take to get you to trust me?”

  “What? I do trust you.”

  “No, you don’t. Not really,” Sebastian elaborated. “I told you I was willing to be monogamous with you until the end of the project, to see where this relationship takes us, so why do you insist that we still use condoms? Don’t get me wrong. The first few times we were together, I understood. I use protection when I’m with a guy I don’t know that well, too, but we’ve been together for a while.”

  “Sebastian, HIV and other STDs runs rampant in the gay community. Hell, I even used condoms with Jerome.”

  Sebastian’s mouth turned up like he smelled something bad. “That was different. You suspected that Jerome was cheating on you. I’m not seeing anyone else.”

  “I know that, but — when was the last time you got tested for STDs?”

  Sebastian tightened his hold around Dominic’s waist. “Two years ago.”

  Dominic nodded. A lot can happen in two years.

  “When was the last time you got tested?”

  “Last year,” Dominic mumbled.

  They were quiet for a moment. Dominic just wasn’t comfortable with not using condoms. In his early twenties, he had known people who had contracted HIV. All of them were dead now. Most of them didn’t live to see their thirtieth birthday, much less their fortieth like Dominic. Granted, HIV medications had come a long way in keeping a positive person alive, but that didn’t mean Dominic was willing to throw caution to the wind.

  Sebastian saw that Dominic was in deep thought. “Okay. I know you have trust issues. I understand that. After Christmas, let’s both get tested. Is there a clinic around here we can go to?”

  Dominic’s eyes widened. “Really? You’re willing to do that?”

  “Yes. We should feel comfortable with each other, and I want you to feel comfortable with me. We need to be able to trust each other, too. I’m willing, if you are.”

  “Okay. I know a place across town. They take walk-ins,” Dominic said. “We can get the results within fifteen minutes.”

  “Great. We’ll go after the holidays,” Sebastian said with a smile.

  Dominic gave him a smooch on the lips. Sebastian’s proposal made him feel like he really could trust him.

  Chapter 10

  Two days after Christmas, Sebastian and Dominic went to an HIV/STI testing center in Decatur.

  Sebastian sat in the chair in the room. The LPN, Molly, processed his test. Dominic was taken to another room by another clinic worker.

  She sighed with what appeared to be relief. “You’re negative.”

  He smiled. He wasn’t worried because he knew he didn’t have anything, but it was still good to hear it.

  “You know, you are the first negative person we had today,” she whispered.

  He was taken aback. “Well, surely you only had a few patients today.”

  “We’ve had twenty-three patients today, and they all tested positive. To say we’ve had a busy and stressful day would be an understatement. Our counselor has been busy, too. We had to call the other counselor in to help. It was supposed to be his day off,” she stated.

  “Twenty-three people in one day,” he repeated with surprise.

  “Yes. I don’t know what else can be done to educate people,” Molly said with a hint of distress. “Unprotected sex has serious repercussions. Yes, medications can keep a positive patient alive, but they’re still sick. They’re more prone to illnesses associated with HIV. Other things can happen, too. For example, what if an HIV patient loses his or her job? Wham. No health insurance or prescription coverage. Medications are thousands of dollars.”

  Sebastian slowly nodded his head up and down. He couldn’t get that number out of his mind. Twenty-three – in one day.

  A few minutes later, he was walking out to the lobby with his computer printout of his results.

  Dominic was already in the waiting area. “Clean bill of health,” he said and gave his results to Sebastian.

  Sebastian gave his results to Dominic without saying a word, and then he quietly walked through the double doors to the parking lot.

  Five minutes later, Dominic was driving down 285.

  Sebastian was in deep thought. He had dodged a bullet. He knew he had. It was true when he told Dominic that he used condoms with men, but he hadn’t with women. He hadn’t with Meghan. Luckily, she wasn’t promiscuous. She had told him that she hadn’t dated anyone in a year.

  “I can’t help but notice that you are a bit melancholy,” Dominic commented. “I thought you would be jumping off the walls because we won’t be using condoms anymore.”

  Sebastian was pleased about that. It was becoming an inconvenience. However, Molly’s revelation jarred him. “The LPN told me I was their first negative patient all day. It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. Twenty-three patients had tested positive.”

  Dominic inhaled. “Unfortunately, I’m not surprised. Atlanta is the HIV capital of America. It’s just that no one knows it.”

  If Dominic had said that a week ago, Sebastian would have dismissed it as exaggeration. But now, knowing what he knew, he felt the title was true. “Last year, new HIV cases hit an all-time low in San Francisco,” Sebastian mumbled. Sebastian truly believed the virus wasn’t spreading like it had fifteen years earlier.

  “That sounds nice,” Dominic said as he took the turn-off ramp. “Fifty percent of the people I know or have met in Atlanta are HIV positive.”

  “Seriously?” Sebastian asked in a high-pitched tone.

  “Yeah. Wendell and Darnell are HIV positive,” Dominic said nonchalantly.

  “What?” Sebastian didn’t mean to yell, but Wendell and Darnell didn’t look sick. Matter of fact, they looked healthier than some of the folks he had seen on the streets in Atlanta during the past two months.

  “Yeah. I didn’t tell you that?”

  “No. They . . . they look fine,” Sebastian stuttered.

  “Well, other than being positive, they are fine. Wonderful advances have been made with HIV medication. As long as they keep their T-count under control, they’ll continue to be fine.”

  “How did they get it?”

  “Wendell used to shoot heroine. He got it through shared needles. Darnell was having unprotected sex with his partner. Darnell got the flu, or so he thought. He couldn’t get rid of it, so he went to the doctor. That’s when he found out he had it. He didn’t have it before he started seeing the guy, and he wasn’t cheating on him. Darnell went home and confronted his boyfriend. That’s when he admitted that he’d had the virus for three years. The guy wasn’t taking any medications for it, so Darnell had no clue what was going on.”

  “Did he press charges?”

  “He did, actually. Darnell was so upset. He thought his lif
e was over, but as you can see, he’s living with it now, and we support him. The bastard that infected him got three years.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “He should have gotten more time.”

  “I agree,” Dominic concurred. “When I was in my twenties, I had loads of friends. They’re all dead now because of HIV. Most of them didn’t know they had it until it was too late. It had morphed into AIDS, so medications didn’t work. Three of my friends committed suicide after they were diagnosed. The rest of them died from complications of being positive.”

  “Shit,” Sebastian breathed. No wonder Dominic was so adamant about using condoms. He had known and still knew people affected by HIV. That would make anyone paranoid. Sebastian was glad he got tested with him so he would feel comfortable. He was also glad that Dominic got tested, too, since Atlanta had so many infected citizens.

  Dominic continued to tell Sebastian about his experiences with friends who had contracted HIV.

  Chapter 11

  It was New Year’s Eve, and Sebastian and Dominic were going to celebrate out on the town for a few hours. Then they were going to go back to the townhouse to ring in the New Year in private.

  They had decided to get dressed in Sebastian’s room at the Four Seasons since it was close to downtown Atlanta where most of the clubs were. However, they couldn’t help but start the celebration off with a quickie. Then they had decided to enjoy the luxurious bathroom.

  Sebastian and Dominic were soaking in the deluxe tub. Sebastian was relaxing his back against Dominic’s thick, hard pecs. Dominic wetted Sebastian’s hair. The tub was full of bubbles, and the jets were on low.

  Dominic reached around and started rubbing Sebastian’s chest.

  Sebastian rested his head against Dominic’s shoulder. He caressed Dominic’s leg under the water. “Hmmm. If we stay on schedule, we should finish the software and the security for the bank in early April.”

  “That’s a good time because the owners want to open the bank in late July.”

  Sebastian inhaled. He couldn’t believe he was about to do this, but he had thought of nothing but his idea for the last three days. “When we are done with the project, would you be interested in moving to San Francisco?”

  Dominic’s hand paused on Sebastian’s chest. “What? Are you serious?”

  Sebastian tilted his head upwards to look at him. “Yes. I . . . I’ve grown to care for you very much. I . . . don’t want to part ways once the project is complete. And besides, you hate Atlanta.”

  “Hate is a bit strong,” he mumbled.

  “Oh, come on, you don’t have one positive thing to say about this city. Not that I blame you. It is filthy in most areas, and the crime is unreal,” Sebastian stressed.

  “True, but we have the best club scene on the East Coast . . . with the exception of New York City. And . . . my mom is here.”

  “You were planning to move before you took on the bank job.”

  “I know. I planned on moving a year ago. Every time I’ve tried . . . I thought about Momma. She would be here alone. She’s an old woman. What if something happens and I’m not here?”

  “You can bring her with you. We’ll get her a place in a retirement community or a townhome. She won’t have to worry about yard maintenance.”

  “I don’t know if she’s willing to leave Atlanta. She’s been here for half of her life. She has friends here. I have friends here.”

  Sebastian’s heart started to sink. “Are you using your mother as an excuse to not be with me?”

  “No,” Dominic answered quickly. “These are real concerns. I am fond of you, Sebastian. Maybe more than I should be considering the short time that we’ve been together.” He was about to say something else, but he stopped.

  “I believe we can be happy together . . . long term. I have a penthouse and a house that’s more than big enough for us. Both of us are IT specialists.”

  Dominic smiled. “I like working for myself.”

  “I’m sure we can work something out. I don’t expect an answer now,” Sebastian explained. “Think about it. That’s all I’m asking. You have months to decide.”

  Dominic nodded and started rubbing Sebastian’s chest again. “I heard the weather was nice out there.”

  “It’s perfect weather,” Sebastian groaned with relaxation. “I think you’ll love it out there. I have a small yacht docked in Santa Barbara. She’s a sixty-footer. I usually fly down once a month and sail her.”

  “You? You know how to drive a boat?”

  “Yeah, I have my license,” Sebasrian said with a grin. “Are you impressed?”

  “Very,” Dominic said as his hand slid down Sebastian’s chest to his abs. “I’ve never been on a yacht before.”

  “Well, it would be my pleasure to give you your first experience on one.”

  “Perhaps Momma would be willing to move to the West Coast. She’ll be closer to Marjorie, too.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “That’s the spirit.” He kissed Dominic on the cheek.

  Dominic slid his hand down to Sebastian’s cock. He slowly started stroking it, teasing it.

  “Mmmm,” Sebastian groaned.

  “I’ll think about it, but right now, I want to think about something else,” Dominic breathed in his ear. He tightened his palm around his staff as he continued to stroke.

  Sebastian let out a low chuckle. “At this rate, we’ll never get to the nightclub.”

  Dominic gave his earlobe a short suckle. “My friends will understand. They know you’re irresistible.”

  Sebastian laughed as he turned his head. Dominic bent his head down to kiss him. Sebastian rubbed Dominic’s leg as they tongued each other down.

  “Good evening, Mr. Cole, would you like—”

  They broke the kiss and quickly looked to the doorway as Meghan let out a high-pitched squeal that echoed against the walls of the bathroom. She had dropped a loofa on the floor.

  “Shit!” Sebastian shouted with shock.

  Meghan stopped her ear-shattering shriek by covering her mouth with her hands. Her brown eyes were as wide as nickels. She was breathing heavily through her nose. Her tiny body trembled in the green teddy she had on.

  “Meghan,” Sebastian began. He didn’t get to finish because Meghan rushed out of the bathroom.

  “Shit!” Sebastian yelled as he hopped out of the bathtub. He snatched the bath towel from the rack as he drenched water all over the floor, quickly wrapping it around his waist as he entered his bedroom.

  The adjoining door to Meghan’s room was wide open. He quickly walked through the doorway.

  Meghan was flustering with her white skirt.

  “Okay, I know what you saw was a shock. I can explain,” he said as calmly as he could.

  “What is there to explain?” she asked as she whirled around to look at him. “You’re . . . you’re a fudge packer!”

  “Keep your voice down,” he said sternly.

  “The hell I will!” she cried. “I don’t believe it. If you are gay, then why . . . why were you carrying on with me?”

  “I like men and women,” he answered.

  Her eyes grew as wide as they were in the bathroom. She shook her head as she stepped into her skirt. “So, you were playing games with me,” she stated as she pulled the skirt up to her hips.

  “I . . . I . . . wasn’t playing. I found you attractive.”

  “Obviously, but you had no interest in committing to me,” she said as she picked up a green blouse from the bed.

  “Committing to you? We are employer and employee who liked to fuck. This isn’t a relationship,” he blurted out with a furrowed brow.

  “I knew that, but I thought—” She stopped as she put on her blouse.

  “Meghan, why did you come back early?” he asked. It was a question he wanted to take back as soon as he looked into her hurt eyes.

  “Because I missed you,” she spurted out. “My . . . cousin encouraged me to come back and . . . tell you how I felt. I came back e
arly to tell you . . . that I loved you. I wanted to spend New Year’s with you.”

  Christ! She was in love with him. Sebastian knew she liked him, but love? Damn it, I never should have started a fling with her.

  “I had hoped that you would give me a chance. I had hoped that there was a part of you that cared for me, too, and you just didn’t say it because you were a guy. Well, I see now that you don’t feel the same about me,” she sobbed as she quickly buttoned her shirt. “Then again, how could you if you . . .” She trailed off. Then she started to put her shoes on. “Perhaps I should have seen it when you didn’t want to have sex before I left for Jersey. I can’t believe I bought that you ‘were tired’ excuse.”

  “Where are you going?”

  Tears started streaming down her face. “I’m leaving. And if that is not clear enough, let me be blunt. I fucking quit!” she screamed.

  “Wait,” he said sternly. “You’re upset. Take a few days to calm down.”

  “I don’t need a few days,” she snapped as she finished putting her shoes on. Meghan rounded the bed. She closed her suitcase and started zipping it closed.

  “It’s New Year’s Eve, honey, we’re are you going to go at this short of a notice?” he asked softly. He didn’t want to provoke her. He was trying to calm her down.

  “What do you care?” she sobbed. Meghan grabbed her carry-on, purse, and suitcase.

  “Stay in the room for the night. You shouldn’t be running the streets in a hysterical state.” Sebastian really was concerned. She was so upset that she could get in trouble before she knew what happened.

  “I don’t work for you anymore, so stop telling me what to do,” she said sharply as she glared daggers at him with her teary eyes. “And don’t you dare try to stop me unless you want a kick in the coconuts.” Meghan stomped to the door. She slammed it closed on her way out.

  “Ugh, fuck,” Sebastian sighed loudly as he rubbed his hands through his wet hair. He slowly turned around to the adjoining door to see a pissed off Dominic.

  Chapter 12

  Dominic stood in the doorway with a white towel around his waist. He should have known it was too good to be true. Sebastian was a playboy and a liar.


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