Stolen Fire

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by S. Dalambakis

  Stolen Fire

  Book 2 of the Gypsy Notes Series

  S. Dalambakis



  The Poem (so far)


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  The End

  Author Note


  More books By S. Dalambakis

  About the Author



  Stolen Fire Copyright © 2019 S. Dalambakis

  Edited by Muddy Waters Editing

  Cover Art by Consuelo Parra

  Model- Faestock.deviantart

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by means existing without written permission from the author, S. Dalambakis.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author's permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are the productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Created with Vellum


  We’re all in the same game; just different levels.

  Dealing with the same hell; just different devils.


  The Poem (so far)

  In the human realm is the first piece of the puzzle that you seek,

  In a house of white, hidden in plain sight.

  Adventure and treasure await those brave enough to look,

  But be careful for danger lurks.

  For one to succeed all she would need,

  Is the help and love in the form of her mates, which are three.

  Together they will change the realms for all to see.

  From the human realm you must go,

  To a place covered in ice and snow.

  Dance with the king and you will see,

  Not all appears as it seems.

  To get the treasure that you seek,

  You must show that you are not weak.

  For you may take a life, but do it with strife,

  And save more than just your pride.

  For the next piece that you seek,

  you will go down, down, far beneath the trees.

  Fire and brimstone are what you’ll find,

  But be wary of deceit and webs of lies.

  A date with the devil is what you’ll get,

  But you’ll have to be quick.

  For your gift will only get you so far,

  And you’ll have to rely more on your wit.


  Unknown Person

  “She has found and merged two pieces of the map,” my trusted advisor states.

  “I know,” I say as I wave my hand over the Fountain of Reflection.

  An image of Finley Sullivan appears. She looks so much like her mother. It was the hardest decision her mother ever made, leaving her in the Magic Realm. Finley’s mother refuses to tell me who fathered the child. Saying it was to keep Finley safe. If anyone were to learn of her child's existence, it would cause chaos. So I’ve left it alone, but the time is nearing when she’s not going to be able to keep it a secret any longer.

  Finley’s mother doesn’t know that I’ve been watching her daughter. There have been so many times I would have liked to interfere but couldn’t. I had to watch her struggle for so long. She always persevered. She’s strong and exactly who we need. The time has finally come for things to be set right.

  “What are you going to do?” my advisor voices, breaking my thoughts.

  “For now, we watch and wait. We do not interfere. Maybe this is exactly what all the realms need. Maybe it is time things changed,” I voice my inner thoughts. I wave my hand over the Fountain of Reflection again and the image fades. I turn to face my advisor. “I trust you know to keep this conversation to yourself. If anyone in power were to know the pieces of the map are being found…” I shake my head as I trail off.

  “She would be in more danger,” my advisor finishes.

  “Yes. This journey won't be easy.”

  “Are you sure there is nothing we can do?”

  “I'm afraid not.”

  “This secret I’ll take to the grave.” I nod. That may very well be the case if anyone should find out.

  “Let us hope it doesn’t come to that.” My advisor nods, before leaving the room.

  I wave my hand over the Fountain of Reflection once more, Finley reappears. She’s laughing with her mates. A part of me is mad that none of her mates are more divine, but I’m glad she has them to protect her. I was beside myself as I watched her get shot after retrieving the first piece of the map. I almost broke my own vow to never intervene, but she made it. I did however have a hand in pushing her to meet Obsidian, Verkor, and Stolas. They are the best at what they do. I know because I went looking. I didn’t know they would turn out to be her mates. I just wanted them to help her. At least now, they’re more invested in the journey and in her. I wave my hand over the Fountain of Reflection, removing Finley’s image when she started to undress her mate. There are some things I don’t need to see. The door opens and Finley’s mother walks in. She pauses when she sees me.

  “What are you doing in here?” she questions.

  “Just thinking. It’s one of the quieter places around here.” She doesn’t know I’ve been keeping tabs on her daughter.

  “Is something troubling you?” She walks closer, stopping in front of the Fountain of Reflection.

  “Nothing more than usual. Things will be changing soon,” I tell her.

  “What do you mean?” she questions.

  “Someone is collecting the pieces of the map.” She whips her gaze in my direction.


  “I think you know the answer to that question.” She runs her finger through her hair.

  She frantically starts shaking her head. “No. No, please tell me it isn’t her.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why? Why now?” her voice is shaky.

  “I don’t know, but maybe it’s time that everyone knows there are others out here. The Earth Realm knows nothing about the Magic, Hell, Shifter, and Heaven Realms. Those that do are in a position of power. Think of everything good that could come from this.”

  “Do you really think having demons walk the Earth Realm is a good idea?” she snaps.

  “Obviously there would have to be rules and things that need worked out, but it could work.”

  “Or it could start wars. All the realms are better off where they are now. It’s better if s
ome people remain blissfully ignorant.”

  “I don’t think we’re going to be given that choice,” I state.

  “Maybe not,” she fidgets with the sleeve of her white robe, looking away from me. “But you know what that would mean,” she whispers.

  “Yes.” It would mean exposing herself to her daughter and their lineage.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready.” She looks at me, her gray eyes meeting my blue.

  “I think you should prepare yourself for it, because it’s going to happen.” She narrows her eyes.

  “You’re probably right, but I don't have to do anything today,” she says through gritted teeth. Without another word she turns and stalks out of the chamber.

  The fate of all of us rests upon her daughter's shoulders. Because her daughter is already setting things in motion, and she’s going to have to face everything sooner than she thinks.

  Chapter 1


  “Jesus, Fin,” Stolas exclaims as he huddles against the furthest side of the shower, trying not to get hit with the hot water. “Why the hell is the water so hot?”

  “Well, I’m practicing for what I assume burning in hell will feel like,” I answer as I scrub my body. “You of all people should know that.”

  “For the last time, you are not going to burn in hell.” Stolas reaches around me and adjusts the temperature. “Yes, hell is hot, but that’s because of the fire and lava. It’s a comfortable hot.”

  “Says you,” I say as I rinse my body off. As soon as I’m done, Stolas changes our position. I watch in rapt fascination as he lathers his body with soap. I follow his hands as they move over every inch of sculpted, perfect muscle. Clearing my throat, I look up meeting his silver eyes and cocky smirk. I roll my eyes. Stolas knows I find him attractive. I’ve shown him just how much, multiple times, since we returned from our trip into the Winter Court of the Faerie Realm. “Question, has hell ever frozen over? I wonder if the old Earth colloquialism has ever come true.”

  “It was close once, but that was just because Lucifer forgot to pay his heat bill.” I blink at Stolas. I’m not quite sure if he is joking or not. But he takes pity on me. “I’m kidding,” he laughs. I swat at his arm. “No, hell has never frozen over.”

  “Is it possible?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, and you’ll see why when we get there.”

  I sigh, disappointed. “Well, that’s just depressing.”

  I move the shower curtain, stepping out and onto the floor mat. “Will I get to meet your family?” I reach over, grabbing a towel from the rack, wrapping it tightly around my body.

  “Of course, you’ll meet my family. My sister and brother work in hell. My parents on the other hand, they can be tricky to nail down. They like to travel since none of us live at home. Though, they are hounding us for grandpups.” Stolas smiles, shaking his head.

  “Will we be staying at your place down there?” I grab another and wrap my hair in it.

  “We’ll spend a day or two there. I can’t very well take you to hell and not show you my place.”

  “What’s it like?” I move and stand in front of the bathroom sink, wiping off the mirror above it.

  “That would ruin all the fun if I told what it’s like. Hell is something that you have to experience firsthand,” he answers. “Seeing is believing.” I roll my eyes at his non-answer and look at myself in the mirror.

  My skin is pink from the hot water, but other than that I look the same. Pieces of my pastel pink hair have fallen, brushing my shoulder. My stormy gray eyes look less worried. I see hope and love shining back at me. At one point, I didn’t think it was possible. But ever since Obsidian, Verkor, and Stolas entered my life, things have changed. For the better, of course.

  It’s hard to believe that it’s been a month since we returned from the Winter Court of the Faerie Realm. Verkor has heard from his cousin a couple of times since he has taken over as king. Cirro’s been working hard to fix and right all the wrongs that Kellan, the previous king of the Winter Court of Faerie, created. Verkor and Cirro have been working on their relationship as well. They were estranged for a long time, but Verkor sees how hard Cirro is trying. Verkor isn’t ready to go back and visit, but them talking has helped. He’s still processing everything that he learned about his parents, and every day is a little bit better than the last. I think he’s having an easier time dealing with that than he is over having to kill Kellan.

  Verkor took it hard for a couple weeks. Kellan had a veil shrouding his head, from giving a part of his soul over to the shadow magic. Some fae have the natural ability to wield shadow magic, like Verkor. But others, it requires a sacrifice of oneself to use it. Most use blood, but once they get a taste of the power shadow magic can give them, they want more. Most fae, once they start, they can’t stop, and that’s when they turn evil. That’s what happened to Verkor’s cousin. But he ultimately gave over a piece of his soul, and that is something you can’t come back from. Verkor was forced to kill him to release the hold the shadow magic had over him. Verkor is working through it.

  I run my fingers over my bare neck. It feels weird not wearing the necklace that Verkor gave me. It was his mother’s and he got it back when we were there. It’s a beautiful key with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. As much as I love wearing the necklace, I put it up for safe keeping. I’m worried that I would lose it on our journey. Not only would Verkor be destroyed but I would be as well. He trusts me with one of the few items he has left of his mother’s. I would be beside myself if something were to happen to it.

  The shower turns off, and Stolas steps from the tub. He grabs the remaining towel from the rack, wrapping it around his waist. He doesn’t waste any time before walking over and standing behind me. His arms wrap around me, pulling me up against his body. His face goes to the crook of my neck. I hear him inhale deeply. Stolas places soft kisses along the line of my neck, nipping a little here and there. A soft moan escapes my lips as I move my head to the side giving him better access.

  “Do you know how much I love the sounds you make?” I feel the warmth of hot air on my neck, causing me to shiver. The smell of fire and brimstone permeates the air. Stolas’ hellhound is close to the surface. I feel something hard and long pressing into my back side.

  “I can feel it.” I rub my ass along his erection. His hands travel up my sides, before ripping the towel from my body. He quickly, but gently, removes the towel from my hair.

  Stolas moves back a little, and I hear the rustle of fabric. In the next second, Stolas’ naked body is pressed up against mine. His hands caress my body, my skin tingling everywhere he touches. My body comes alive under his ministrations. He cups my breasts, pinching my nipples, and I swear I feel it all the way to my clit. I thrust my chest outward. I want more. Stolas’ mouth is right next to my ear.

  “There is something different about you, but I can’t quite figure it out.” He nips my earlobe, tugging on it. One of his hands releases my breast and makes its way to my pussy. But he stops. Touching, yet not touching at the same time. I whimper. I want to feel his fingers inside me. I want to cum on his hand before cumming on his cock. “Are you wet, love?”

  “Yes,” I say breathlessly. The anticipation is killing me. “Please.” Without another word, Stolas plunges a finger inside me.

  “So warm, so wet,” he growls.

  He pumps his finger a few times before adding another. His thumb goes to my clit, working it in furious circles. He adds a third finger, pumping them faster. I rock my hips against his hand, wanting… no, needing more. I feel the beginning of a climax rising to the surface.


  Stolas obliges. His thumb leaves my clit, but he curls the fingers inside, stroking the ridges of my g-spot. The cliff I was steadily climbing, I fall over, screaming my release. I slump forward, my hands landing on the counter of the sink. I let my body ride the waves of pleasure. I need a few moments to catch my b
reath, but Stolas doesn’t let me have it.

  “Place your forearms on the counter and go up on the tips of your toes.” His voice is rough and full of lust. I know if I look back, I’ll see his eyes are glowing red. They do that when his hellhound is close to the surface. When I don’t move, a sharp sting blooms on my right ass cheek. “Now, love. I need you.” I do as he asks. He growls, his hands roam from my ass up my back and back down again. I surge forward as he thrusts into me. My mouth opens on a silent scream. “Fuck, you feel so good, so tight, wrapped around me.”

  Stolas’ hands go to my waist; the tips of his claws dig into my flesh. I suck in a breath as he pounds into me from behind. “Look in the mirror, love. I want to watch your face as you cum.”

  I look up, meeting his red eyes. There’s desire, lust, love, and possession lingering in them. My pleasure only heightens as we watch each other. His black hair is wet and sticking up all over the place, like it does when I run my fingers through it. It looks sexy as hell on him, as does his beard and mustache that he keeps neat and trimmed. I watch as Stolas moves one of his hands to my breast. His tan skin is a sharp contrast against the pale of my own. He squeezes the soft flesh, then rolls my nipple in his fingers. His fingers trail a path across my stomach, stopping at my clit. He starts to circle it, pinching lightly. The muscles in his arms and abs flex as he pounds in and out of me.

  “Fuck.” My head falls back, I feel myself climbing that cliff again. Stolas thrusts into me a little faster and a little harder. The sound of our skin hitting echoes in the bathroom.


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