Stolen Fire

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Stolen Fire Page 14

by S. Dalambakis

  Stolas is at the stove cooking, while Verkor is grabbing plates and utensils from the cabinets. Finley moans beside me.

  “That smells amazing.” Stolas looks over his shoulder at her and smiles, before turning his attention back to the stove.

  “Good, because it’s my mother's recipe for spaghetti sauce,” he says. I guide Finley over to the table, pulling out a chair for her.

  “Thank you,” she says, smiling up at me. I nod and take a seat next to her.

  “How long has this food been sitting here? Is it safe to eat? Why didn’t I know you could cook? I’ve only seen Verkor cooking.” Finley glances over at me. “Can you cook too?” I shake my head.

  “Not unless you want burned food,” I reply.

  “Verkor is the best cook out of all of us. I only know simple dishes. My mother taught me enough to make sure I didn’t starve when I moved out. She expected me and my siblings to be over on the weekends for dinner. She would make more than was necessary so we could take leftovers home.”

  “I thought you said they travel a lot?” Finley questions.

  “They do now,” Stolas responds. “When mine and my siblings’ jobs started cutting into family weekend dinners and didn’t look like any of us were going to be giving them grandpups anytime soon, they decided to go out and enjoy themselves. I can’t blame them. They raised three kids. We’re all grown. Why not go out and see the realms?” Finley hums her agreement. “But to answer the rest of your questions, I told my siblings that we were coming here. My sister went grocery shopping for me. Both her and my brother have a key to my place. They check on it from time to time. I always let them know when I’m going to be here. So, the food is fresh and safe to eat, like I would give you something to harm you or our pup,” Stolas scoffs, but there is a playfulness in his tone.

  “Well, that’s good to know. I can’t wait to taste it, because it smells heavenly.” Finley takes a deep inhale, and her stomach growls, causing all of us to laugh. She blushes furiously and clears her throat, thoroughly embarrassed.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be making a plan about how to the next piece of the map?” she questions, trying to take the attention off of herself. I’m the first to gather myself.

  “She’s right.” I catch the grateful look that crosses her face. “What was this verse of the poem?”

  “For the next piece that you seek, you will go down, down, far beneath the trees. Fire and brimstone is what you’ll find, but be wary of deceit and webs of lies. A date with the devil is what you’ll get, but you’ll have to be quick. For your gift will only get you so far and you’ll have to rely more on your wit,” Finley replies.

  “Well, the first part is done. We’re here in hell. So far there hasn’t been any deceit or webs of lies. That is something we’re going to have to pay attention to, especially in the ninth level,” I state.

  “Why?” Finley asks, turning in her chair to face me. Verkor answers before I can.

  “The ninth level is treachery. It’s the level where those who betrayed their loved ones, families, friends, masters, countries, etcetera go. If there is any level where deceit and lying come into play, it’ll be that one.”

  “So how do you try to avoid that?” Finley inquiries.

  “I don’t think we can,” I state, shrugging my shoulders. “It’s part of the poem. I think it's inevitable.”

  “Maybe not. The poem states to be wary of deceit and webs of lies. What if we go into the level with a mental note not to believe anything we hear, or that’s said to us? Could that stop that part of the poem, but also fulfill it?” Finley asks. Verkor moves, taking a seat across from me.

  “I don’t know, but it could be possible. You found and retrieved the first piece of the map without us,” Verkor says, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.”

  “We’re aware of it, so that may work out in our favor.”


  Stolas places a bowl of salad and a plate of breadsticks in the center of the table. He goes back to the stove but quickly returns with a huge bowl of spaghetti. Verkor stands, walking over to the refrigerator, grabbing out four bottles of water. He hands each of us one, before taking his seat. Stolas fixes Finley her plate, taking his seat across from her after.

  “I don’t think that’s the part we have to worry about the most. It’s the following part. A date with the devil. We all know who that’s going to be.” We all turn as one looking at Finley who is shoving food into her mouth. She pauses with the fork half to her mouth and shrugs.

  “I’m not worried about it,” she states.

  “You might not be, but they rest of us are,” I growl. Not at her, but because I don’t want her getting that close to Lucifer. There’s no telling what he will do. He is the King of Hell.

  “You act like the rest of you aren’t going to be nearby.” She waves her hand dismissively. “The question is, how do I get a date with the devil?” That question leaves all of us stumped. “Let’s table that for now. Are we going to assume that Lucifer has the map hidden somewhere in his castle?”

  “I think that’s wise. The being with the most power in that realm seems to be guarding their piece of the map. I think it’s safe to say that Lucifer will have the map somewhere in his castle,” I voice.

  “How do we get into his castle? It has to be guarded right?” Finley directs her questions to Stolas.

  “It is. I’ve never personally been there, but my brother guards the gate that leads to Lucifer’s castle.”

  “I’m sorry, did you just say your brother guards the gate to Lucifer’s castle?” You can hear the shock in Finley's voice. Stolas nods. “I know you said your family guards a gate to hell, but I didn’t think it would be the gate.” Stolas shrugs his shoulders like it’s no big deal.

  “My family has always guarded the gate, as you say. It’s always passed down to the eldest child. My father guarded the gate and now my brother does. When he mates and has his own child the gate will be passed down once my brother is ready to retire. I’m sure I mentioned that the only way that I would guard the gate is if something were to happen to my brother before he had an heir, or my sister. I am the baby. The chances of me guarding it are slim.” Finley looks down at her belly, placing a hand protectively over it, before setting her gaze back on Stolas.

  “So, if something happened to your brother or sister, and they were no longer able to guard the gate, you would take over. Since I’m pregnant with your pup, he or she would guard the gate to Lucifer’s castle after you?” Stolas nods. Finley plops back in her seat. “Holy shit,” she whispers.

  “I know it's a lot to take in, but the chances of that ever happening are slim. My family is good at what they do.”

  “I-I” I watch as Finley’s eyes widen as she stares at the space above Stolas’ head. Her eyes glaze over as she thinks about, what I assume, was just said. None of us say anything as we wait for Finley to process everything. But the longer she’s quiet, the more worried I get.

  “Finley.” I reach over nudging her. She blinks a few times, clearing the haze.

  “Hm?” is all she says. I glance over at Verkor and Stolas and see that both of them have concern written on their faces.

  “You ready for bed?” I ask.

  “You should go upstairs and rest, baby. You’ve had a long emotional day, and with the information you learned, plus trying to decipher the poem and make a plan,” Verkor pauses, “you have to be tried, maybe even stressed.” Finley sighs.

  “You’re right. I am tired,” she says, slumping in her chair.

  “Stolas, go ahead and take Finley upstairs. Verkor and I can clean up the kitchen.”

  “Is that alright with you, love?” Stolas looks worried about her answer. Finley simply nods. He pushes his chair back, stands, and walks over to Finley. “Are you sure? I can put you in one of the guest rooms if you’d rather be alone.”

  “Just take me to bed Stolas. I wouldn’t have s
aid I was okay with it if I didn’t mean it.” Stolas doesn’t say another word. He leans down scoping her up in his arms, carrying her out of the kitchen. I hear his footsteps on the stairs, then the soft click from his bedroom door closing. They need this time to be alone together.

  “We never did finish trying to come up with a plan,” Verkor states, pulling my attention away from the doorway. I get up from my chair and start gathering plates off of the table.

  “We can do that tomorrow over breakfast. Give her time to let today sink in.” Verkor grabs the rest of the plates from the table.

  “Finley is a strong woman. She knows what she wants and goes after it. It’s hard seeing her cry or show a moment of weakness.” Verkor cleans off the plates as I fill the dishwasher.

  “I think that bothers her more than anything. She’s used to not showing any kind of weakness, because it could hurt her in the end. I expect it to happen quite often once we start digging into her past.” I load the last of the dirty dishes, put the detergent in, and turn on the dishwasher. I turn and see Verkor wiping down the table. I lean back against the sink, crossing my arms and legs. He stops and looks at me.

  “We’ll have to make sure she’s never alone in that process.” I nod, like her being alone ever again was going to be an option. The sound of a headboard bouncing off the wall halts any further conversation. I look up at the ceiling, shake my head, but smile.

  “I think she’s going to be just fine.”

  Chapter 11


  I wake up, wrapped in a warm embrace. Inhaling deeply, the smell of fire and brimstone tickle my nose. Stolas. I roll over and realize that it’s just us in bed. Stolas is still sleeping. I curl my arms up against his body, trying not to disturb him. I take a moment to look him over. His black hair is a complete mess, but he looks damn good. My fingers itch to run over his beautifully sculpted muscles. Neither of us got dressed after making love last night.

  “Like what you see, love?” Stolas voice surprises me, and I jump. I look up, seeing one silver eye open and a grin on his face.

  “When did you wake up? I swear you were just sleeping.” I feel the rapid beat of my heart against my arm.

  “I woke up the second I felt you move in my arms.” He reaches over, scoping me up in his arms, before rolling over to his back. I rest my head on his chest and a hand on his stomach.

  “I wish we could stay like this all day,” I whisper. I’m comfortable in his arms. The stress and worry about the outside world and this mission are nonexistent. We’re in our own little bubble, and it’s nice.

  “I would love nothing more than to stay in this bed with you wrapped up in my arms, making love all day. However, I think the pull of finding the last piece of the map will be too much.” Stolas runs his fingers up and down my side. My thoughts drift to him doing the same thing to my body last night, but in more intimate places. I try not to squirm against him.

  “I think Verkor and Obsidian might have something to say about that.” My voice comes out huskier than I wanted.

  “Mm.” Stolas moves fast. One second I’m lying beside him, and in the next I’m under him, and his body is nestled between my thighs. “You might be right, but you’re in my bed and I have you all to myself.” He leans down, kissing the side of my neck, right over his claiming marks. “What should I do with you?”

  “Share her with the rest of us,” Obsidian’s voice comes through the door. “Breakfast is done, and she needs to eat. You have ten minutes to get your asses to the kitchen before I come back up here and break down your door.” I can’t help but laugh as Obsidian’s booted footsteps disappear down the hall. How did I miss hearing him in the first place? Stolas moves his hips, rubbing his hard cock against my core. That’s how. Stolas is a wonderful distraction.

  “How about we finish this in the shower, love? Conserve water and save some time. It’s a win-win for everyone.” He grinds his hips against me once more, nibbling on my neck at the same time.

  “Hell yeah,” I say breathlessly. There’s no way I want him to stop. This time Stolas chuckles. He wraps his arms around me.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist.” I do as he says. He lifts us both from the bed in an impressively smooth move. He carries me to the bathroom. I yelp when my bare ass hits the cold granite countertop. Stolas just laughs and I swat at his arm.

  “That’s not funny,” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Awe don’t be that way, love. I promise to make it up to you.” His voice deepens, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “You better.” Stolas keeps his promise, and it’s one of the best showers I’ve ever had.

  We took longer than the ten minutes Obsidian gave us, and it’s worth the scowl he gives us when we enter the kitchen.

  “Sit,” Obsidian says in a no-nonsense tone. He points to the chair I sat in last night.

  Verkor places a plate with eggs, bacon, biscuits with strawberry jam, and fresh fruit in front of me. I moan at the sight and the smell. Verkor takes the seat next to me. He leans over kissing my forehead. I look at him and smile. He looks good in his blue t-shirt and black cargo pants. His blue eyes are sparkling this morning, and his blonde hair is perfectly styled to the side.

  “Good morning, baby.”

  “Good morning.”

  “How are you feeling?” he asks.

  “Good. Better,” I say honestly. I do. I needed to release all those pent-up emotions. I do feel like a weight has been lifted. As much as I really would have liked to stay in bed Stolas or any of guys all day, I’m ready to seize the day.

  “Eat, Finley,” Obsidian states in a matter of fact tone.

  I turn my gaze to him as he takes a seat across from me. His red hair looks like he just ran his fingers through it and called it a day. It’s a sexy look on him, the messy bed head. I stick my tongue out at him but pick up my fork and start eating. A moment later Stolas takes a seat with his own plate.

  “You know,” I say, pointing my fork at Obsidian, “you’re pretty brave wearing a white shirt here.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “I’ll take my chances.” I smile, returning to my food. The rest of breakfast is spent eating in comfortable silence. I know what’s coming, and Obsidian waste no time.

  “Before we leave for the seventh level of hell, we need to talk about the poem and formulate some idea of what we’re going to do.” Everyone groans, but we know he’s right. Obsidian looks at me. “Can you repeat the poem?” I nod.

  “For the next piece that you seek, you will go down, down, far beneath the trees. Fire and brimstone are what you’ll find but be wary of deceit and webs of lies. A date with the devil is what you’ll get, but you’ll have to be quick. For your gift will only get you so far and you’ll have to rely more on your wit.”

  “We established that we completed the first part. We’re here in hell. We also said that we have to be careful in the ninth level of hell because it’s treachery, and that’s where we would most likely run into deceit and lies. The biggest part to how to get a date with devil. It’s not like Finley can just walk up to him and demand one,” Obsidian states.

  “No, but I could play my violin for him,” I suggest.

  “Okay, that’s a nice idea, but how do you plan on getting close enough and for long enough to play for him?” Verkor inquires.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. I’m just throwing ideas out there. We haven’t come up with anything else.” I look over to Stolas. “Have you been to pits of hell where Lucifer calls home?”

  “Yes, but only to my brother's house and the markets that are there. I have never been to Lucifer’s home. Hell, I’ve never met or seen him anytime I’ve been to the pits,” Stolas answers.

  “Well, that doesn’t help us,” I say with a groan.

  “No, but maybe my brother can. We’re going to have to stay at his place once we get through the last level. We talk to him about it and see what he thinks,” Stolas interjects. “We can get through
the last three levels today if we move quick.” Stolas gives Obsidian a side eye.

  “I’ll be fine. We just can’t linger,” Obsidian responds. I open my mouth to ask what’s going on, but Obsidian answers before I can. “You know how the anger level affected you?” I nod, knowing where this is going. He sighs, running his hand over his beard. “The next level does the same to me.”

  “What is the next level?” I question. Obsidian’s amber eyes meet mine.

  “Violence.” Well, fuck.


  I see the moment the seriousness of what’s to come crosses Finley’s face. I don’t want her to see how vicious Obsidian can be. It doesn’t matter how many times we come through the violence level; it still affects him the same. I know Obsidian doesn’t want Finley to see him at probably his worst, but there is nothing we can do about it. There’s no way he would stay behind. The only thing we can do is protect her from seeing too much, if it gets out of control.

  “How bad is it going to get?” Finley inquiries. Obsidian’s chair scrapes across the tiled floor as he pushes away from the table. I know he hates talking about this, but Finley needs to know. She needs to be prepared.

  “It gets bad. Okay?” Obsidian bellows. “It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve been through that level, it’s always the same. I don’t know how to stop it.” He starts pacing in front of the sink.

  “I’ve never been there with you. Maybe it will be different this time because I’m there. Maybe I can help you keep the violence away.”

  “No!” Obsidian practically yells. “I don’t want you near me when we get there. I would never forgive myself if I did something to hurt you.” Finley quickly stands, placing her hands on the kitchen table, leaning forward. She narrows her eyes at Obsidian.

  “Well, too fucking bad. We don’t always get what we want,” Finley growls. “You didn’t let me suffer or get lost in my anger, so why would you think I would let you get lost in your violence? I may not be as strong as these two,” she gestures toward Stolas and I, “but there is one big difference between me and them.” Smoke plumes from her nose. “There is one difference this time that you didn’t have the last time.” Obsidian stops pacing, he narrows his eyes at Finley, crossing his arms over his chest.


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