The Broken Canvas

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The Broken Canvas Page 6

by Tai Barnett

  “Wait, you were having sex since high school?”

  Brody gave a devilish smile.

  “Honey, I started fooling around with sex from my primary school years…before you were in born,” he said devilishly.

  “Ohh my God! When I was in high school, I was tutoring kindergarten kids and publishing poems in the school’s weekly magazine. I didn’t even have a date for the prom.”

  Brody looked at me and smiled.

  “Ahh, come on. I am sure you weren’t so much of a nerd?”

  I threw the pillow at him and we both laughed.

  “I wasn’t a nerd…I was completely fascinated by the world and focused on not having any giddy headed boy ruin that for me. Little did I know, Rose’s dad would have done so anyway…”

  “Well, Rose’s father, from what I hear, was a coward loser…now, let me finish my story. When I heard about them sleeping together, I was so angry, I crashed my dad’s car into the rear end of our neighbor’s pick-up, in a fit of rage. Luckily, I wasn’t injured. Of course, my father was mad as hell and my mother was hysterical. But my mom was the one who feared for me the most though. So, I decided that I had to do something about this or something bad was bound to happen to me soon. My system is simple, Natasha, life is a big game and we are all players, I have to always be one step ahead of everyone, especially in thought. That’s why I don’t trust anyone…especially women,” he declared.

  I cringed while still listening attentively.

  “And the biggest players are the women. Men, you know, we are physically stronger and practical thinkers. But a woman…naah, that’s a whole other ball game. Women are crafty and logical, always thinking ahead and observing. They can seep into the gorges of a man’s mind and have him rip out his soul. They are always ready and one step ahead. Always prepared and well-armed for a battle with their tongues, their minds and most of all their seduction,” he said.

  “That is such a sexist statement…I can’t believe you just said that. Oh, so I see…is this your way of punishing the female masses? Playing with their feelings—sleeping with them and just never calling them back the next day?”

  “Ooh, now you’re making me out to be the bad guy here but let me school your apparent obliviousness about the real-world Miss Bishop, do you know that more than half of these women that I have slept with forced themselves on to me? Believe me, they are the biggest players of the game. You all have an entire system of your own!”

  “And I understand your point, Brody. But you know, I still believe in the possibility of love and romance and all that. I mean, I can personally understand where you’re coming from going through that horrible period with Nathan. And while I am completely so not ready for an exclusive public relationship with Andrew—and I am completely unenthusiastic about marriage right now, I just desire to be in a committed relationship where I am content.”

  That was such a hypocritical and shallow statement because the truth was that I was happy. And that should have been enough for me but apparently, it wasn’t. It seemed that I had desired something more or more accurately, someone else.

  “So, aren’t you? Content, I mean?” Brody said.

  I paused for a second but quickly started to answer in fear of him judging my relationship,

  “Well, Andrew is just wonderful and committed, a completely loyal and honorable man, but to be honest, I always pictured myself with someone else…an older man.”

  “So that’s why you haven’t gone public. By the way, no man is that faithful, hun. You can go ahead and let him fool you,” Brody said with a grin.

  “Honestly, I am just going with whatever comes right now and Andrew has completely thrown out my theories about relationships, since recently. I mean I am now looking into the possibility that a man could want to be with me and me alone. And, well, while you do make some good points, explain this: Is that why you’re so picky with women? Because of your system? You have to admit you have superficial ‘celebrity-type standards’ thin, tall, maybe glamorous looking…”

  “Well, every man has his type but for me, my structure is focused on being the best and having the best. We shouldn’t settle for anything…or anyone less!”

  That statement pierced my heart, but I wasn’t about to let him notice. Because based on his actions right after I left Scotland, I was not up for his picking. And he hadn’t even observed how destructive his statement was to me just now.

  “Well, what about the latter? You haven’t answered that part of my question yet?” Brody asked.

  “Ahh…listen I have no problems with your family. They are actually wonderful, caring, fun loving people. And well, you know, what I think of you!”

  “Yes, you hate my guts I know, I remember!” He said and laughed.

  “I don’t…hate you, Brody, you always say that. What I do hate is that I actually believe that somewhere in you—beyond all of this fame and celebrity life is a man that is unbiased and looking for a traditional woman to care for and love him. I think you’re hiding behind this mask you have created and now you have truly lost your true nature within this character that you’re playing. And, I have actually seen that man, remember?”

  He looked at me intensely and then looked away into the other direction in silence for a while. He said nothing in response to what I had just said.

  Brody and I spoke for another 30 minutes. We spoke again about our careers and family. He told me about his next movie while we watched the television.

  Our conversation was interesting, but I was becoming a bit too comfortable, so I decided to wash up the few dishes that were in the kitchen sink and turn in for the night. It was just almost 11:30 pm.

  When I finished washing up, Brody saw me approaching the stairs. He took up the six-pack and pointed at me, “Have one beer with me then go. I promise you, just one.”

  I stood by the foot of the stairs with my legs crossed at the ankle while holding on to the wooden Mahogany handle of the stairs. I was trying to think of a reason why I should go upstairs to my room.

  He suddenly sighed, took the beer, grumbled, and placed it beside him on the couch.

  “I know what your problem is,” he mumbled. He faced the television while resting his feet on the coffee table and acted as if he was suddenly fed up with me.

  “Excuse me? I don’t have any problems…what are you even talking about?” I said with arms folded, eyebrows frowned and walked slowly towards him now.

  “Yeah…you’re afraid of what you will do if you’re alone with me for too long. You don’t trust yourself, you fear cheating on that little boyfriend of yours. But I can assure you dear—I am going nowhere near those laced pink panties that you have on your fat ass,” he exclaimed while taking a big gulp of his beer.

  “Ohh my God! I just knew you were up there. I can’t believe you’re so perverted!”

  Ohh hell no! Brody did not just call my ass fat! I was furious now and wanted to hit him with the wooden candle stand that was on the center table

  By now, I was standing directly in front of the television, breast and short shorts exposed while watching him open another beer and gulping down about half of it.

  “And by the way, my fat ass is very real, thank you very much. Unlike that Mia…or Pia or whatever her name was that you dated back in 07!”

  As I started shouting and was becoming angrier and angrier, Brody simply continued looking at the television and gulped his beer now and again, shaking one leg, smiling, and sighing intermittently.

  “News to Brody…real women have ‘real’ fat asses. Instead you’re shacked up with some pint size model that you don’t even love, you don’t see real women. Women like myself are even more invisible to your wonderful system, am I right?”

  “You’re foolish, I tell you that…and you know nothing about who I love and don’t love, so don’t you dare go there, Natasha!” he exclaimed.

  “Oh, so now I am foolish? Now you’re calling me names.”

  He leaned back into the
couch while shaking his legs even harder and still trying to ignore me trying to look at the television around one side of me.

  “Well, you’re the ridiculous dick for not seeing when someone truly cares about you. No, you’re sticking to your ridiculous ‘system’. You know women—even this poor one that you’re dating—is not just some game you have to be one step ahead of! She might actually truly care for you.”

  “OK, enough of your yapping. Just go upstairs and lock yourself into your little hole, like you always do. See if I care!” Brody shouted.

  “Well, OK. Fine! I can’t believe I actually fell for you…had sex with you!” I was storming off upstairs and mumbling to myself.

  As I was about to close my door, I felt it pushed open.

  “Brody, just please get out of my room, please. We will be out of your way in just three days…”

  Brody suddenly turned me around—placed me against the wall while pressing his alcohol-soaked lips onto mine.

  I was angry and confused. But I was more surprised that he came after me. I tried resisting his grasp at first but found myself kissing him back and feeling something taking over my body as he released me from tipping.

  We were both breathing heavily as we looked into each other’s eyes.

  “If you truly want me to leave, say it now and we can forget that this ever happened. But don’t you dare look into my eyes and tell me you don’t want to be right here with me right now!” he exclaimed.

  A million things started running through my head a hundred miles per hour.

  Until, I suddenly pushed him off from me and quickly walked toward the door. I stood there looking at him and waiting for him to leave. As he exhaled in surrender and walked toward me, I shut the door and took his head while anxiously pressing my lips against his.

  What a pickle I was in because I gave in that night. I gave in to Brody’s overpowering advances. I pushed him on to the couch and started kissing him while removing his clothes. His hands now on the side of my thighs, clutched them tightly as he lifted me and put me on top of himself.

  Ohh! I was in so much trouble! But I didn’t care anymore. I didn’t care if we were both seeing other people because Brody was making love to me tonight.

  His sturdy hands pulled my waist firmly unto him as he looked into my eyes while taking me a second time on top of the bathroom basin. He knew how and what I wanted. Aggressively, he ripped my bra off and lifted me into the air while taking me to the bed.

  He must love me in some ways. I was thinking and trying to negotiate with myself why this was right. And why even, after not being his type, was he still engaged in steamy sizzling love making with me?

  I forgot everything—where I was or the people that I was hurting. For one moment of thoughtlessness, I finally gave into my sweltering desires for Brody Banister a second time.

  But we made one big mistake. We fell asleep and never woke up until we heard a knock on the door the next morning.

  Happy Morning, Love

  There was a second knock at the door as Brody and I gawped at each other and finally realized that we fell asleep after spending almost the entire night talking and making love.

  Placing one hand on my mouth in shock, I saw Brody calmly and quietly hurdled out of the bed and started putting on his pants. He casually walked into the bathroom and locked the door while I scurried out of bed.

  There was a third knock, “Ahh, I am coming. One sec, please.”

  As I tried composing myself to appear normal, I dragged on my robe and opened the door with a cheesy smile on my face.

  “Oh, sorry to wake you, dear. Happy morning, love…the kids wanted their mom, so I brought them up for you,” Mrs. Banister said from outside the door while holding Charles in her hands—which he usually is since he met her, with a big smile on his face.

  I opened the door more widely and brushed back my messy hair from my face. I was a terrible liar but hopefully, I could stick to my innocents. Then I saw Rose with her arms folded, standing by Mrs. Banister’s side with pouted lips and staring crossly at me.

  “Ohh, my darlings!” I rubbed Rose’s hair and took Charles from Mrs. Banister.

  “What’s the matter, Rose? Why do you look so angry?”

  “I am still angry that you never came with us last night!” Rose said.

  I gave her a big kiss on the cheeks.

  “She spoke about you almost the entire night, dear, until she met with the other children!” Mrs. Banister said looking at Rose.

  “Well, Mom is going to make it up to you. How about later on I take you both for ice-cream and chocolates?”

  Bribing my children with fattening and sugary death, I really was becoming an awful human being now it appeared and feeling shameful and guilty.

  Rose’s chubby face sparkled in delight as she shouted, “Yes, Mom! Yes!” Charles on the other hand, was unprovoked and was too busy twirling strands of my hair. As I kissed his fluffy cheek we looked into each other’s eyes. He gave me a bashful smile and placed his head onto my shoulders.

  “Have you seen Brody? I am not sure if they dropped him off last night because he never drove his car and it’s still parked outside. I bet he must have slept at one of the guys’. They never change, huh? A huge star and he is still out having drinks with his best friend and sleeping out!” Mrs. Banister said.

  “Hmm, Brody…oh, ahm…no…I haven’t seen him this morning.”

  But Mrs. Banister was becoming suspicious now, mostly because I was such a terrible liar.

  “…so, Rose, my love, how about that ice-cream later, hun? Which flavor would you prefer?”

  Rose looked at me and frowned. “Mom, you already know that my favorite is strawberry,” Rose said.

  I turned and peeked at the bathroom door. But what I failed to realize is that Mrs. Banister had by now seen her son’s shoes and socks on the floor, and his cellphone on the side table.

  “Ohh I know, honey. What I meant was…I know what flavor you like when you’re back home. But what flavor would you prefer when you’re in Scotland?”

  Mrs. Banister looked at me and smiled. She then looked at Rose.

  “Ahh, my little princess Rose, be a dear and take your brother downstairs to grandpa for a couple minutes. Do you think you can be a big girl and do that for Nanna?” Mrs. Banister said to Rose while caressing her hair.

  Mrs. Banister carefully took Charles from me and put him on the floor beside his sister, and I now realized that she was aware about the situation.

  “Yes, I can. See you later, Mom,” she said as she held her brother’s hand and went down the stairs.

  “Yes, my love, I will be down soon.”

  I sniffed my nose a couple times—my sinuses were acting up again—although, I was trying to appear like I was a bit under the weather too. I walked into the room and folded my hands around my robe while looking innocently at Mrs. Banister.

  “Is everything OK, you wanted to talk to me about something?”

  Mrs. Banister blinked twice and said nothing as she walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

  “Can you please tell my son that he can stop hiding in the bathroom? He is not 16 anymore!” Mrs. Banister said reproachfully.

  One would think that she was anxious because of the situation, yet she held a tranquil expression on her face as she walked over to the couch by the window and sat down.

  Brody unlocked the door and came out wearing only jeans. I held down my head waiting to receive our long lecture. As he stood beside me, we both looked at each other and back at Mrs. Banister—not prepared for what she might say next.

  “Mother, I—”

  “Not one word from you, Brody. Now, I don’t care how old you are or how many awards you have won. If you act like a child, I am damn well gonna treat you like one and—” her voice turned orotund, “here I am thinking that this was an innocent family reunion, yet you two are foolish enough to be sleeping with each other? What is this? I mean really what are you two
doing? Are you stupid or something?” she exclaimed. She looked at Brody. “You both have a child now. Brody, I thought you were in a loving, happy relationship with Mariska and she was the one. So exactly what is going on here? Your weakness was always women—always sex—it turned you into some…wild devilish charmer who thinks he can always get away with cheating. Is that how I raised you? Huh?” she yelled.

  Brody was annoyed and groaned while looking at his mother. But he tempered his tone because he respected and loved his mother so much.

  “You’re right, Mother. We were wrong, but we are not children and I would really appreciate if you stayed out of this —”

  “Ooh! And that you would very well like…well, let me remind you of something, my dear first born, you have a child now. You’re a father! Now I usually stay out of your relationship business but not anymore—not while you need to set an example for Charles and finally settle down for his sake!” she exclaimed, admonishing her 56-year-old son towering over her.

  She turned her face away and sighed. Then she stood up and walked closer towards us. She looked at me.

  “And you, Natasha, you are such a sweet, kind and loving woman—such a caring mother. It is because I see that you’re such a good, rare woman that still loves my son why I am gonna say this to you—Brody is not the one for you, dear.”

  Brody’s eyes widened, he was shocked to hear that I might still be in love with him and that his mother was telling me that he didn’t love me and that I should move on.

  Tears started running down my cheeks as I listened to her.

  “I know my son—he is hard and fickle, especially with women. You deserve a man that loves you and one who truly wants to be with you. You deserve a man who will accept you and will be faithful to you. I really do care about your well-being. So, please listen to me, my dear lass, when I say for a second time that my son, Brody Banister, is not the man for you, Natasha!”


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