Taken By Choice (Taken Trilogy Book 3)

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Taken By Choice (Taken Trilogy Book 3) Page 26

by Jessica Frances

  We’re each given a backpack to take with us, plus a new uniform. It’s black and I’m sort of disappointed by how stereotypical it is.

  As I eat dinner that night, Blake sits down next to me, setting his chair so close to me that our shoulders bump.

  “We need to talk,” he hisses quietly. I can tell he’s annoyed, his body feels tense next to me.


  “Meet me outside in ten,” he demands, pulling his chair away from me so that I don’t have a chance to disagree without everyone around us hearing. Will narrows his eyes at me, perhaps asking me what that was about, but I merely shrug at him. Although I have a pretty good idea what it’s about—Blake has had itchy feet since he’s been here, and we’re being let out on a mission. I know what he wants to discuss with me. I have ten minutes to think how to talk him out of it.

  Unfortunately, ten minutes has never gone faster. He quickly gets to his feet and, with one quick glance at me, rushes for the door. No one pays him any extra attention except Ethan and Will.

  I shake my head at them, not needing the extra complication and slowly get up, taking my plate full of my barely touched dinner to the sink, acting calmly.

  When I get outside I see Blake is pacing the length of the side wall.

  “We need to talk about being here,” he blurts out as soon as he sees me. I quickly bridge the gap between us and lower my voice to a whisper.

  “We’re not going to try to escape on this mission. I won’t accept you putting Rose and Charlie’s lives in danger.”

  “So their lives are worth whatever crimes we do then?” he hisses back.

  “This mission sounds legit; that guy is a murderer.”

  “And the next one? What if that one isn’t quite so tidy for us morally? When does this stop?”

  “Look, I know you miss your family, but you’re not the only one who is in the same situation.”

  “I do miss my family, but I get that I have to be here. I already murdered a guard in cold blood and a cop. I’m not ready to be the cause of more death. Escaping this place isn’t what I’m getting at here.”

  “Then what are you trying to say?” I ask curiously.

  “If we go along with this mission and give Stan that Intel, how do we know what we’re actually giving him?”

  “You think the Intel is a lie?”

  “I think that we’re taking Stan at his word that the information the guy has puts Americans in harm’s way. What if what is on there is something we shouldn’t have, something that Stan will use against us instead of for us?”

  My mind races. I’ve already accepted that this mission is right because it’s easier to not think about it than know something’s wrong. To go against P.A.G.E. puts Charlie and Rose at risk, not to mention, us as well. However, what if Blake is right? What if we’re passing along something horrible, something that we’re meant to stop?

  “What are you saying we do then?”

  “I don’t know exactly, but the bastard and I are going in there. If I can get my hands on it, then maybe I can see exactly what I’m looking at.”

  “You think Corby is just going to give you some reading time?” I snort.

  “Like I said, I don’t know exactly. It’s the best plan I’ve got.”

  “It’s too risky,” I say.

  “Doing nothing is too risky. When I first met you, I could see that you were upset and heartbroken. I felt that same way. But I also saw how determined you were. You were willing to go into The Core and fight to the death. Where is that, Zoe?”

  “I’m not a fighter, Blake.” I shake my head at him.

  “You are, you might not be when you’re sitting in neutral, but once you decide to put your foot on the gas, you are speeds ahead of everyone here. I saw it back at The Core, and I need to know that is still somewhere inside you.”

  “I was weak at The Core; you did everything there. I stood back and freaked out,” I argue.

  “Then you and I remember things differently.”

  I take in his words, feeling pretty sure that I’m remembering things correctly. There isn’t anything I can do that won’t put Charlie and Rose in trouble. “It’s too risky to do anything, Blake. They’ll be watching us like a hawk. Corby especially; he has it in for you big time.”

  “Fine. I guess I’m in this on my own.”

  “Blake…” I sigh his name as he quickly storms passed me. I don’t bother going after him. He’s angry, and I completely understand why. We’ve been put in an impossible situation and I can’t see any way out for us.

  Even my dreams have been useless. Other than seeing Rose and Charlie’s grief, an occasional wedding planning from Rose or my fake dreams, I’ve seen nothing of my own future. I don’t have a clue what is in store for Will, Blake and me at P.A.G.E.. I haven’t even considered why that is, but maybe it’s because our future is so grim and full of pain that I’ve blocked it out. Maybe it’s time I tried to focus on my own future.

  “Zoe?” Frank’s voice sounds hesitantly from behind me. I inwardly groan before composing my face to disinterested and turning around to face him.

  “What is it?” I sound harsh even to my own ears. I’ve hoped I wouldn’t have to deal with him again.

  “I wanted to see you before you left tonight on your first mission.”

  “Well, you’ve seen me now, so?” I shrug at him.

  When he steps closer to me, I cross my arms over my stomach, resisting the urge to take a step back to counter his closeness.

  “I want to wish you luck. I’ve seen how much you’ve improved here and I have every bit of faith that you will do well on this trip.”

  “You’ve been watching me?” I frown at him, observing him as he takes in my disdain.

  “I saw you yesterday at training. I only just returned myself from…” He trails off, and my curiosity is piqued instantly.

  “Returned from what?”

  “From my own mission.”

  “Oh, really, and what did your mission entail?” I ask half-heartedly, knowing he won’t tell me.

  “I can’t discuss it, Zoe.”

  “Well, that’s a shame because that might be the only reason I would keep talking to you.” I throw it out there, wondering if he’s willing to crack and talk to me from that threat. Not that I really care about hearing of his mission. No doubt it has been to do something awful. Besides, I already have my own mission to worry about.

  “I know you don’t believe this, but I do love you. I care about you and I want you to be happy.”

  “That’s a little hard to believe when you shove me in this place after faking my death and making everyone I love and care about think I’m dead,” I hiss at him, surprising myself by how angry I still am. The anger is always inside me, always just simmering beneath the surface.

  “I’m sorry, but I will prove it to you. I’ll do anything within reason to show you how much I care for you.”

  “What does ‘within reason’ mean?”

  “I can’t break you out of here, and I can’t get a message to your friends or mother.”

  I think over his words, wondering if there is something else Frank could do for me.

  “How much do you know about the mission I’m going on?” I ask, watching his expression turn to surprise.

  “I’ve been read in.”

  “How sure are you that what we’re taking has American Military Intel on it?”

  “I’m positive. What has that got to do with anything?”

  “I just wondered if this was a mission that isn’t for our government, but for someone helping to pay the bills.”

  “The American Government pays the bills for P.A.G.E.. We don’t do anything that they don’t approve of. We might end up doing the dirty jobs that the public never hears about, but we do it on the President’s word.”

  “Oh, really? Because I’ve already been to four training facilities here, all with the best medical equipment. I’ve seen countless doctors and scientists working
away. Most of the places have had incredible amounts of guards and weaponry. The government just pays for all that?”

  “We’re part of the military and they have a large budget set aside for us.”

  “Right, but the military is huge, and loads of organizations run off that, too. How is it that they can afford everything? How is it that Stan and Martha seem to survive so well? Aren’t we having some huge economic crisis?”

  “They know how to invest in what we need. You’re reading too much into this.”

  “If you want me to believe that you care about me, then maybe it’s you that needs to be doing a little more reading into things.”

  I leave him with that thought, not ever once believing that he’ll check on it. He’s hooked into this lie, just like everyone else.


  The ride is one of the bumpiest and most uncomfortable rides I’ve ever had. Everyone appears to be grumpy after we get off the small plane except Corby who has a sick smile on his face.

  I’m feeling nervous, so I stick close to Will.

  “You have to be careful in there,” I say, worried something might happen to him. He’s too young to be doing things like this, he’s risking too much.

  “I will be,” he replies easily, clearly uncomfortable from my intense gaze.

  “Good.” I know my worry isn’t really necessary. He is practically bullet proof. My main worry should be for Blake. Not only is he going to be with Corby, but he’s also planning something stupid. I did try to talk to him again before we left, but we weren’t ever alone and, as soon as Corby started hanging around, I left. Although it occurs to me that with his ability there is a good chance he heard a lot I wanted to say to him from reading my mind.

  “Let’s go.” Ethan adjusts his straps on his backpack and we walk over to the cluster of cars they have waiting for us. They’ve all been hired. In our backpacks are different routes that we’re to take.

  Ethan gets in the driver’s seat and I hesitantly climb into the passenger side. I’m not sure what is making me more hesitant. The fact that we’re about to engage in a possibly dangerous mission, or that I’m going to be stuck in a car with Ethan for several hours.

  Maybe both.

  “You look like you’re going to puke,” Ethan notes and then, seeing my glare, he keeps talking. “If you are, could you stick your head out the window? No one wants to be smelling vomit for six hours straight,” he complains.

  “Got it. If I’m going to puke, I should turn my head and aim for you,” I sneer.

  He rolls his eyes. “Well, sure, I guess if you want to smell it on me, then go ahead. We’re stuck together for the next several hours, so think about that.”

  I don’t reply. I don’t actually feel like vomiting anyway. I barely ate at dinner and I had nothing on the plane ride over.

  “So, what do you want to talk about?” Ethan asks me easily, his posture saying he is completely at ease.

  “Aren’t you nervous about the mission?”

  “Nah, not really. As far as missions go, this one feels pretty easy.”

  “So you’ve been on lots of these then?”

  “I’ve done a few. You just have to trust your training.”

  “I’ve only been in training for a couple months. I know nothing. I can’t even shoot straight.”

  “Well, when in doubt, trust that you’ve been given a job that you’re capable of. You won’t need to shoot at all through this. We’re just backup who will be sticking to the perimeter. We’ve got it easy.”

  “And if something goes wrong?”

  “Nothing is going to go wrong, it never does. Trust me.”

  I sense how wrong his comment is, and this time I know to trust my instincts. Just what will be going wrong, I don’t know. However, whether I get myself into trouble—or Will or Blake do—I know I’ll have no choice other than to stick this out and hope for the best. Whatever is coming for us will be here within hours.

  Chapter 21 – THE TRUTH

  We arrive at our final destination after dark. No expense is spared and we have night vision goggles; ones that are a lot better than what we used in the mock missions. Wearing them, it feels like it’s the middle of the day.

  I mentally go over the maps of this place in my head. We’ve studied them the past two days and I know our route by heart. Satellite photos and building plans are mostly what we had to go on. We know our exits and what we’ll need to do to disappear if needed. The house, which is more like a mansion being four stories high and looking like a holiday home for the Queen or something, is surrounded by mountains, trees and small lakes. The security is tight and, thankfully, a marksman takes them out to begin with. We all have guns, but so far, we’re only using tranquilizers.

  Everything moves quickly then. I have an ear piece in and I hear Stan’s voice telling us all to stay on guard. I can’t see anyone else, but by the voices, I know Blake and Will are inside.

  Spencer is also here, yet I only saw her briefly on the flight over. She hasn’t trained with us at all at The Ranch, however she has looked sturdy and content for the few seconds I saw her. She’s young, maybe early twenties like me. She is the reason they have a location for our target.

  Ethan is alert, carefully watching our surroundings. My ear is buzzing with voices and, as Corby’s voice whispers through my ear, it sends shivers of fear through me. Hearing Stan’s is bad enough, but both of their voices in my ear is too much.

  I focus instead on my surroundings, trying to tune out Corby’s words. I’ve gathered enough to know that he and Blake have made a clean entrance. From Gully speaking, I know she and Will are in also.

  Otis and Ocean haven’t checked in yet, which seems to be making Stan nervous. Otis is another one like us, able to transport himself. However his training hasn’t progressed very far in that area. He’s a good fighter, though, and he’s happy to be here. Ocean said he had already signed up for the army when he was grabbed.

  I watch the trees swaying in the distance from the strong breeze. It’s cold, my breath fogging the air in front of me. The day hasn’t been that bad, but the night air is freezing.

  We’re the furthest out from this place, but the distance doesn’t make me feel any better. In fact, I think I might actually throw up for real this time.

  Muffled gunshots sound from the house and moments later they blast from inside my ear as if I’m standing next to the gun being fired.

  “We’re under attack, target has disappeared, no sign of Intel. We need backup,” Gully’s voice screeches into my ear.

  I wince, hearing Stan’s voice order us all to engage.

  I hesitantly race forward with Ethan, not wanting to go into what is sounding like a warzone, at all.

  Just as Ethan turns his head to yell at me to hurry up, I completely stack it. My foot hooks onto something and I stumble to the ground.

  “Holloway, hurry the fuck up!” Ethan hisses at me, turning back to grab my arm and pull me up. My foot is still caught and strangely enough, as Ethan lifts me up, my foot moves with us, as well as what is caught on it.

  Using our night vision goggles I see that we’re surrounded by grass, however whatever my foot is caught on is completely hidden, and it’s brought up a lid for a tunnel.

  “What the hell?” Ethan gasps, stopping me from moving and then stepping around me to see the tunnel. “Sir,” he holds his finger to his ear, “team Dreamer here. We’ve found a tunnel out here carefully hidden away. Permission to take a look.”

  I can tell Ethan is eager to get inside; he’s practically bouncing on his feet.

  “Will do, out.” He stands up straighter as he responds. More gunshots sound in the background. He looks at me, moving his hand away from his ear. “Let’s do this.” He quickly knocks my foot loose and I gingerly place it on the ground. It feels sore, but not broken or sprained.

  I take a look down the tunnel, my night vision enabling me to see that there are stairs leading downwards. There also appears to be strong l
ight further down the hidden tunnel, beyond the stairs.

  “Weapons ready for this one, Holloway.” Ethan taps his side arm before quickly swinging his legs into the tunnel and rushing down the stairs, jumping the last few to hit the ground silently.

  I’m slower and less graceful; I don’t jump any of the stairs. I hold out my gun, just like I’ve been told to do in training, but I don’t put my finger over the trigger like I’ve been told. I honestly can’t imagine myself ever shooting someone. It can’t happen.

  We move slowly down the hallway, our night vision adjusting immediately to the light. Ethan was really excited to get these, but I find them annoying. I’m not used to having them on and they feel distracting to me.

  Ethan stays in front as I stay behind him, looking back every few steps to make sure this isn’t some type of ambush. Our ear pieces are ominously silent, causing a fear to shoot through me that everyone is dead.

  No. Will, Blake, Ocean, the others, all are fine. They have to be.

  “In there.” Ethan nods his head at a small room that is off to the side of the tunnel. This room is completely dark, and our head gear shifts immediately back to night vision so we can see everything perfectly. The room is small and Ethan clears it quickly. He finds a light switch and turns it on, our vision changing to clear once more.

  “Sir, this is team Dreamer, we’ve found the Intel.” Ethan touches his ear, but I can’t hear him through my own ear piece.

  “We mustn’t have a signal down here,” I say, hoping that explains why we’ve had no news from the others.

  In the room is a laptop that is turned on. It sits on top of a desk that is full of documents. Next to the laptop are three USB drives.

  “Check the pages. We’ll grab the USB’s and get out of here. I’m going to check further down the hallway. I’ll be right back,” Ethan tells me, darting out into the hallway before I can argue.

  I stare at the laptop that is turned on and ready to go then I look at the USB’s sitting next to me. Blake’s words rush through my mind and before I can talk myself out of it, I quickly grab one and plug it into the laptop.


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