Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set

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Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set Page 5

by Keira Blackwood

  “Art. Well, you know I've always loved to draw. I took some intro classes my first year, and really fell in love with oil painting. I'm still not great at it, but I found something I really love. I was thinking about getting my master’s and teaching grade school, but I haven’t decided. I think it would feel good to share my passion with others.”

  “You would be great with kids. That's wonderful, Hailey.” Cole's voice deepened as he spoke, saying my name in such a sensual way I felt it reverberate inside me. Was I so entranced by him to think he would be even a fraction into me as I was into him? This clearly gorgeous man could have anyone he wanted, and he’d already lost interest in me once. That memory stung.

  Oblivious to my negative thoughts, he asked, “Are you just here to visit then?”

  My stomach knotted at his words; of course he would want to know why I was here if I was planning to keep going to school. There certainly wasn't a college in this tiny town. What could I tell him? That I was a mess, that I ran away from an abusive asshole, that I had no idea what I was doing? “I don't know.”

  I sat quietly, not sure what else to say, listening to the sizzle of something that smelled amazing on the stove.

  “I'm glad you're here,” he said.

  My tension eased; he wasn't going to push. He was happy I was there. Did that mean I had fallen into the friend zone? I still didn't know anything about his life. Was he married? Dating someone?

  “Tell me something about you. How did you end up with such a gorgeous house?”

  “I built it,” he answered, matter of fact.

  “You built it?” I stared at him, mouth gaping.

  “Well, Lance helped me, and I had to hire some people like an electrician, plumber, roofer.”

  “How did you learn to do...” I gestured all around me, waving a hand in the air, “all of this?”

  “After my father died, my family pushed me to take a larger role in our business. I hated it. When you left, I started woodworking. I needed something just for me.”

  “It's beautiful.” I felt like such an ass. What else could I say? I left because I didn't think you wanted me anymore. I should have stuck around and been a better friend after your father died.

  Cole set a heaping plate in front of me. The huge omelet, with asparagus placed across the top, looked like something made by a professional chef in a high-end restaurant. A creamy sauce swirled across the plate. Beautiful. I stuck my finger into the sauce and tasted it. It was rich and full of flavor. Unfamiliar herbs, creamy, just awesome. He wasn't just as good at cooking as when I had left—he was even better.

  “Wow.” A good word to sum it up.

  He placed a napkin, fork, and glass of orange juice beside my plate. “You can have a fork.” He smiled at me playfully, something I hadn’t seen in a long time.

  I stuck my tongue out at him as my stomach growled loudly.

  “Just in time it seems.” He gifted me another smile before putting a second plate next to mine and sitting by my side.

  “This looks amazing. But I don't know if I can eat this much.” I eyed the giant portion.

  “Eat as much or as little as you'd like.”

  Cole took a bite of his omelet, so I did the same.

  “Mmmmm,” I moaned.

  I savored each flavor of the sauce, the vegetables, and the eggs. The combination with the cheesy mushroom filling was easily the best thing I had ever tasted.

  “I could get used to this. What are you doing for dinner?” I joked, smiling at him and loving everything about this moment.

  “Cooking for you,” he replied, looking deep into my eyes with his beautiful golden ones, telling me he was serious.


  “Absolutely.” His eyes sparkled, and I knew he was sincere.

  “I would love that,” I replied, never meaning anything more.

  “Then it's a date,” he said.

  My stomach fluttered in excitement. A date. With this sexy, talented, wonderful man. My thoughts took another negative turn. He was even more out of my league than he had been when we dated the first time. Plus we ended things so poorly, with him not returning my calls, not wanting to let me comfort him after his father’s death. I let him. I ran away instead of trying to be whatever he needed, without waiting for him to be ready to talk.

  I shook off the dark thoughts. I didn’t know if enough had changed, but I hoped so. Maybe we could figure this out.

  I devoured every last bite of the omelet. If I was alone, I would have licked the plate. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten so much, and had felt so giddy. “If it's a date, I'd like to wear a dress. You know, so no motorcycle. Can I have Olivia drop me off?”

  He smiled at me, an affectionate look I couldn't wait to see again, over and over. “I'll pick you up at seven. No motorcycle. I promise.”

  A faint buzzing rattled, his cellphone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the screen, his brows furrowed at whatever it said. “I'm sorry, I have to go. Can I take you home?”

  “Yeah, thanks. I had a great time,” I answered, disappointed that our time together was at an end. I hoped it wasn’t another girl that he was choosing to spend time with over me.

  Cole stood, and I followed. “Good, me too,” he said.

  He placed a hand on the small of my back, sending pangs of desire through me. Desire to touch him, to take him over to that pile of bedding on the floor and rock his world. I settled on feeling his firm chest through his suit jacket while we rode back to my sister's house, snuggling against his back and enjoying the moment for what it was.

  Chapter Twelve


  I listened as best as I could to my mother's lecture, but my thoughts lingered on Hailey. “...from the valley, and you weren't here. Where were you?” Zaria said.

  “I had something personal to do,” I said.

  “You can be sure they'll tell Crazy Eyes you weren't around. You’ve left us all vulnerable.”

  “I won't let them hurt anyone in the pack.” Not wanting to settle on a mate wasn't the same as not caring for or protecting my family.

  “It's too much temptation,” she said. “If you won't take your place as alpha he will come for it, and we will all pay the price for you dragging your feet.”

  There was some truth in her words, it was only a matter of time before an outsider came to put in a claim or someone local tried to step up. The longer we went without an alpha, the more likely it became.

  “If Crazy Eyes or anyone else puts in a claim, I will defend the pack. I don't have to be alpha for that.” It was what Garret had been doing for three years.

  “It's an unnecessary risk. You could be hurt, or worse.” Her brows lowered, but her tone remained steady and neutral.

  “I can handle him. Now, I need to get back to work.” I spoke firmly. This conversation was over.

  Frustration clear on her face, my mother accepted my dismissal. She was lucky she was my mother, since this is what she justified as a 911 text. She left me in peace with my stack of papers. Next on my pile was another report of a too-quiet patrol, and not nearly enough wildlife as there should be in the eastern section of our territory. From all over the land we held claim to, more reports came in of the same. A few incident reports of minor scuffles between shifters had been submitted, but nothing that needed to be addressed right away. Order requests for more liquor for the bar were mixed with the papers. The stack never seemed to end, mindless work. Seven missed calls, four voicemails, two texts, and each had come during my short time with Hailey. All had come from my mother except for one text from Harkins:

  Axel's back. Got it handled.

  I appreciated the heads up, but it still surprised me every time I receive a text from the behemoth. How those giant fingers managed the buttons I would never know.

  I watched the clock, counting the minutes until I saw Hailey again. I knew I shouldn't let her get close; she deserved so much more than a man who would spend hal
f of his life running around as a wolf. But just at the thought of her, my inner beast drove me to run to her, to touch her, to make her my mate. I struggled to keep my attention on my job, to restrain myself. I knew I was no good for her as a mate, but I had to protect her. I needed to see that she was well cared for. I tried to convince myself that if I knew she was healthy and safe, it would be enough. But I knew that was a lie.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It was easy to choose which store to go to for our groceries: Miller's Market. The small, family-owned general store had been the only one in town for my whole life. The worn wooden floors, the chest-high shelves, and the musty smell of age and lemon cleanser reminded me of my childhood.

  “While you were at school they opened up a Food Mart a block over, where that empty field was.” Olivia informed me.

  “Oh yeah? I didn't notice it.” I thought back to our ride over.

  “Well, no one went. They closed down within a few weeks,” she said.

  “Mrs. Miller probably shook her broom at anyone headed that way.” I could just picture her in her denim dress, swinging her broom on the doorstep of Food Mart at anyone that betrayed her, customer and employee alike.

  By the grin that split Liv's face, I was sure she was imagining just about the same thing. “I bet she would have if anyone dared to go over there. Everyone just kept coming here, pretending it didn't exist.”

  “And now it doesn't. Do you eat ramen?” I lifted a box off of the shelf filled with the easy-to-cook noodles.

  “Eh, sometimes.” Not a rave review.

  “This stuff got me through college, well for the couple years I went,” I said.

  “I prefer foods that don't look like cubes when you open them.” Liv scrunched her nose at the thought.

  “Well, then you’ll have to cook.” I didn't make a whole lot more than foods that looked like cubes.

  “I make a mean peanut butter and jelly.” Olivia winked at me.

  “Oh I remember. I think we lived on that and grilled cheese for like a year. The year of the cheese.” The first year after mom and dad died had been the hardest. Liv kept us fed though, and I loved her for it.

  “I've improved a bit since then. Let's get some spaghetti.” She put a package of noodles and a jar of tomato sauce in our cart.

  “Fancy.” I leaned my head on Olivia's arm as we walked slowly down the aisles. It really felt good to be home.

  Chapter Fourteen


  After the store, Olivia and I watched reruns of old shows on TV. The time flew by, and before I knew it I had to get ready for my date. Olivia offered to help me with my hair and make-up, and I gladly accepted. We pulled my hair up into a classy ponytail with looser pieces framing my face. Liv added dark, smoky shadow to my eyes and deep pink to my lips, balanced well to give me a sultry look. If I tried to do the same thing later on my own I would end up looking like a clown or a hooker; that was the reason I usually just put on lip gloss and mascara.

  Beneath my coat, the boning corset of my dress accentuated my hourglass figure, showcasing my breasts with a moderate amount of cleavage. The flowing skirt hit above the knee, making me feel sexy but still comfortable. The fabric was an almost black charcoal, and the whole look was finished with cream-colored stilettos.

  I stepped out onto the porch, knowing Cole would be here soon. Even in the icy air my palms were moist with sweat. I had trouble standing still. I felt like a teenager again, waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up for prom. Knowing that I had the same date now as I did then added to the effect. Butterflies swirled in my stomach, a pleasant excitement that I welcomed. I pulled my cream-toned trench coat in close as the cool night air bit at my skin. I could have waited inside, but I wanted to enjoy every moment I could alone with Cole. I wanted to be with him as soon as he arrived.

  I reached into my pocket to check the time on my phone, forgetting that I had left it at my apartment back in Elkston. It was a reminder of why I was here in Sawtooth Peaks. But it didn't matter what had brought me here—I was back, and I was going on a date with a sexy, muscular, matured version of my high school sweetheart.

  A shiny black truck rolled to a stop along the street in front of the house. I rushed down the steps, wanting to see him as soon as possible. As the gorgeous sex god climbed out of the truck in his striking suit, I took a mental picture of the flawless specimen of manliness in front of me. I still couldn't believe this strong, large, luscious man wanted to spend his time with me. I couldn't imagine what he saw in me. I jumped into him, throwing my arms around his waist. He put a large, gentle hand behind my head, and the other between my shoulder blades. Pressing against him, I felt the firmness of his abs and smelled the masculine, earthy scent of him. A rumbling growl deep in his chest told me he was enjoying the feel of me as well. I loved the animalistic reaction that I caused. I could stand here all night on the sidewalk, content just to be in his arms.

  “Hailey.” His deep, seductive tone turned my butterflies into an ache. An ache to touch more of him. What this man could do to me with just one word. I knew I would lose myself in him, do anything for him if he just asked. “Let's get to dinner,” he said.

  Dinner wasn’t what I was hungry for, but it was a more reasonable way to start a date.

  The interior of the truck was spacious, clean, and new-smelling. I stared at Cole sitting beside me. I loved the way his muscular arms flexed and controlled the huge vehicle with ease, shifting gears and steering.

  “New truck?” I asked, trying to distract myself from his physical perfection.

  “No, but I drive the bike as much as I can. I use the truck during the snowy months, and when I need to carry wood or other carpentry supplies.”

  “I guess you can't carry much on your bike,” I said.

  “That's true. You look beautiful, Hailey.”

  I blushed at his words, even as he watched the road instead of me.

  “So do you,” I said. So do you? Really?

  His lips turned up into a slight smile.

  I tried not to say anything stupid or drool while I looked at him for the rest of the trip.

  Chapter Fifteen


  During the short ride to my cabin I enjoyed the small talk with Hailey. Before I knew it, we were back in my living room.

  “Can I take your jacket?” I asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  I slid the coat off of her arms, slowly revealing her shoulders and bare neck. Her fair, warm skin was exposed just inches from me. Her natural scent intoxicated me. My inner wolf desperately pushed me to take a bite, to claim her. To make her my mate. It would only take a moment, and she would be mine, untouchable by any other shifter. I took a step away, maintaining control. Protecting her from myself, from my inner animal and what it would mean if I let him take over.

  I took her jacket and walked two steps back. She twirled her skirt as she turned toward me, her blue eyes shining happily as she looked into mine. She was a vision, an unattainable goddess. Her full, sexy breasts were highlighted by the snug top of her dress. The cinching of fabric around her waist accentuated her feminine curves. My inner wolf went wild, more desperate to touch her. To have her. A growl escaped me, an outward sign of my inner struggle.

  “That dress,” I growled.

  “You like it?” She beamed at me, clearly satisfied by my reaction. If she knew what I was, what I wanted, she wouldn't be so pleased.

  “I can barely resist you,” I admitted.

  “Then don't.” Hailey looked up at me through thick eyelashes.

  I moved in before I could think, faster than I should let her see. I pulled her close, feeling her soft curves against my chest. Bending my neck, I took her full lips onto mine. Her mouth was familiar yet different from how I remembered it, exciting to explore. Her lips were more pillowy than they had been and she moved them differently, more naturally than I remembered. She moved with me, her lips feeling mine, her tongue gently pushin
g my mouth open. She tasted exactly like I remembered, cool and tingly from her favorite mints, warm and moist, and oh so Hailey. My Hailey.

  I grasped at her back, needing to be closer, wanting to feel her skin against mine. Desire radiated out from our contact, setting my body on fire. My cock pressed hard against her through my pants. I caressed her tongue with mine, massaging deep into her mouth. My animal desires urged me forward. Growling, needing, hungry for Hailey. Take her. Mine. Mine. She lifted my shirt tails from my waistband with gentle, petite hands, touching my stomach with her fingertips. Finally, her skin on mine. I pushed my tongue harder, rougher into her moist and accepting mouth.

  I froze as I heard a quiet growl from within her. Oh shit. What was I thinking? I took a step back. I had promised her dinner, brought her here to provide for her. There I was ready to rip off her clothes and mate her, exactly what I had been telling myself I couldn't do. What I should never put her through. She deserved so much better than this, than me.

  I looked into her eyes, unsure what to say. The woman I loved with everything I was—man and beast—looked up at me with confusion and hurt in her eyes. Hurt that I had put there with just a kiss. Imagine the pain I would cause her if she knew what kind of monster I really was. I couldn't lose control. I needed to keep the wolf inside me at bay.

  “I should start dinner.” I took her hand and led her to the kitchen. I pulled out chicken breasts, button mushrooms, pinot grigio, and fingerling potatoes from the fridge. I grabbed two glasses out of the cabinet and poured some of the wine that paired nicely with my chicken marsala.

  I set a glass down in front of Hailey, who sat quietly on a bar stool. She stared down at the glass, not once looking up at me as I served the wine. Pain twinged in my gut. I was such an asshole. I shouldn't have let it get that close. I shouldn't have hurt her. Without a word between us, I cooked and she sat sipping her wine. We ate. I waited until she had finished every bite before speaking and ruining her appetite.


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