Flawed (The Clans Book 12)

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Flawed (The Clans Book 12) Page 11

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Yes, I do.” Melody smiles, as she slides the ring onto my finger.

  “It’s my pleasure to announce Mr. and Mrs. Mikel Lungu. You may kiss your bride!” Mariana beams, but before she even finishes I pull Melody into my arms and kiss the ever loving daylights out of her.

  This woman is my happily ever after. She’s everything I’ve wanted in this life, and I’m sure no matter what happens, we’re going to get through it with her by my side. She’s not just my wife, but my partner and best friend.

  Melody pulls away and laughs, as the crowd stands up and cheers, I start to see the chandelier slowly getting closer to us until I see smoke coming from the top of the church. Something isn’t right. I look up to the second level and spot a flame moving rapidly. “Bomb!” I yell, but no one realizes what I’m saying.

  I let go of Melody and look to Mariana, “There’s a bomb, they need to get out of here now!” I say. Mariana furrows her brow as a worry stricken look crosses her face. She sees the flame too. “Get out of the church, run!” She orders into the microphone.

  Those in the back rows are rushing toward the door when the collapse happens. It’s so strong I go flying back against the wall and all I feel is the pain striking the middle of my back, down my legs.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  It’s all happening so quickly that I can’t keep up with it. I think I’ve counted three bombs going off. Mikel flew back against the wall, but I spot Ion, Mariana, and their eldest daughter helping him up.

  Blood. Fire. Smoke. Screaming.

  My eyes focus in on a woman in a sun yellow dress. She has short curly hair, looking like one of those Texan debutantes. I see a piece of metal sticking in her chest. Her eyes go wide as she looks down watching the blood coating through her fabric. The expression on her face says it all. I don’t know this woman, but I rush over to her and kneel on the ground next to her, taking her hand in mine.

  As I look onto her closely I see a gold chain around her neck and it says ‘Daniella’. If I’m correct, Daniella is Stefan’s child. This must be his wife. “You’re going to be okay,” I lie, trying to convince myself the way I’m convincing her. With every second passing by I see the blood spreading across her chest. She tries to breathe, but it sounds horrific. Like glass in a blender.

  “N-no I’m n-not. T-tell my h-husband and d-daughter I l-love them.” She states, staring at me with the most serious look I’ve ever seen.

  I shake my head from side to side, not wanting to believe any of this is happening. This was supposed to be my wedding day. This was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives, for our family and friends. No one is supposed to get hurt. No one is supposed to die.

  “You tell them yourself. You’re going to get out of this.” I tell her, nodding my head while tears stream down my cheeks. I have no personal connection with this woman other than loving one of the men who are part of the mafia. She doesn’t deserve this. No one does . . . but this is the reality of our lives. Something like this can happen at any given moment.

  “Love t-them like a-any moment c-could b-be your l-last . . . r-remember to t-tell,” She coughs to the side and blood comes out, but while blood is dripping down her chin, she continues to speak. “t-them I l-love—” Her words halt and the life disappears from her eyes.

  I grab her shoulders and shake her, “Stay with me, please. Please come back!”

  “Oh fuck, is she dead?” Isabella, who’s married to Marcellus Funar asks as she drops on the floor with me. She’s hiding behind the benches like I am. It’s the only thing giving us a bit of protection, but look at this poor woman here, it didn’t help her in the least bit. The metal from the bomb went straight into her — literally.

  I nod. “There w-wasn’t anything I c-could d-do.” I cry, feeling every emotion come swarming through me.

  “Of course there wasn’t,” Isabella puts her hand on my shoulder and squeezes.

  “Presley! Where are you!?” Stefan’s voice rings out in the chaos, louder than anything else. He already sounds so distraught.

  I look to the left and spot Stefan with Mikel. My eyes land on my husband’s and he comes running over, as does Stefan.

  God, what did I marry into? The violence in South Africa is better than this. It . . . it . . . it’s not this horrible. I wish none of this happened, not any of this agony, mayhem, or catastrophe.

  “Mikel . . .” I cry as he looks down to the floor. The same time he does is when Stefan falls to the ground, pulling his dead wife’s body into his arms.

  “No, no. No!” Stefan roars, his hands shaking in front of him as he holds her.

  “I’m so sorry, Stefan. There wasn’t anything we could do.” Isabella tries to console him, tears now coating her own cheeks.

  “God dammit. Why. No. No. No!” Stefan pulls Presley’s body against him, burying his face into her neck. “The mother of my child . . . who killed the mother of my child?!” He rises, roaring out into the chaos.

  It feels as though everything goes quiet within a moment. I glance around to see everyone’s eyes are on him, all the sounds of chatter and screams have dissipated. “Who is responsible for this?!”

  Everyone in the room stares at him, holding Presley in his arms. Meanwhile, Mikel helps Isabella and I up.

  I watch as countless women place their hands over their mouths in shock and begin to cry, those who are still here that is. A lot of people ran straight out the door, while others wanted to stay and help the injured I suppose. “Who killed my wife?!” Stefan roars, looking around the room.

  He halts when his eyes land on Mariana and Ion. Mariana is bleeding badly from her left arm. “Whoever did will pay,” She promises, tears threatening to come from the strongest of us all. I can tell by her expression how hurt she is that her people have been targeted, and harmed, some even killed. Glancing around the room I see Presley isn’t the only body.

  “I don’t give a fuck what order you two give. I’m killing them. I’m taking from them what they took from me!” Stefan bellows out, looking to everyone. Bianca comes up from a few rows behind her with the right side of her cheek bleeding profusely.

  “Bianca, my God.” Ion mutters at seeing his daughter’s state. He takes off his tie and presses it to the side of her face.

  “We will seek vengeance and right the wrongs that were done today.” Mariana declares.

  “You see to her body. I will be hunting her killers, and the killers of who else died today.” Stefan states, setting Presley’s body on the bench. He kneels and presses a final kiss to her lips. “I love you more than anything else, and I promise I will find who did this. I will make them pay, my love. I will make them regret the day they were ever born.”

  Stefan rises, pulls out his gun and loads it, running out of the church like a man on a mission. I can’t blame him, if roles were reversed, I’d be just as furious.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I get over to Melody as quickly as I can, seeing her distraught as can be. I can guarantee she never anticipated this would happen. She shakes her head from side to side in shock, the full extent of everything weighing down on her.

  “Are you hurt?” I question, while an awful pain radiates from my lower back down my leg. I’ll get seen by a physician soon, but first I must ensure my wife is okay.

  She nods, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Thank God,” Wrapping my arms around her I pull her into my arms for just a moment, needing to feel her body pressed against mine, needing to make her feel safe and secure. Though, I’m sure it’s the last thing she’s feeling at the moment.

  “I need all able Clan leaders to meet us at the brownstone. All women, children, and others will head to the Moretti compound. Carla has so graciously extended it to us in this time of need.” Ion declares, raising his voice from the front of the church.

  “How are we going to get there?” a woman asks from the back.

  “Anyone who has a vehicle and is s
till able to drive, head in that direction. Carla and Philippe will provide you with the address. After our meeting is over with we will move everyone to a secure location.” Ion answers her.

  I watch as she nods, accepting what he’s deemed will happen. She’s probably still in shock like my wife is. “You go with Bianca, who I’m sure will be heading to the Moretti compound with her siblings.” I tell Melody, finally releasing her.

  She seems so unsure, so afraid of being taken away from me, but it’s the best option for her. Whoever is behind this knew many of us were going to be here today, more than that, they obviously know where Mariana and Ion live. God forbid the Petran house has been targeted too, Melody is safer with the others.

  “Please, do this for me.” I beg of her.

  She nods, “Fine, I’ll go.”

  “Thank you,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you and only want what’s best for you.”

  “I know, I do.” Melody replies, her voice cracking with emotion.

  “Mariana, Melody will head with Bianca and the rest of your children to the Moretti compound, if that’s alright with you.”

  “Yes, that’s fine. All women and children will be going with us, myself included.” I’m taken aback by what the queen has said . . . she’s never missed a Clan meeting since she’s been back.

  Ion must see my expression shift. “We’re splitting up for the meantime. If . . . the house has been targeted I’d rather ensure the children and our wives are okay. God forbid something happens to us, the Clans will still live on in the future generations.”

  “I understand, and assumed as much.” I reply, fully comprehending why they’re doing what they are.

  “Perfect, let’s get going.” Ion tells me, before clearing his throat. “All male Clan leaders will head back with us to the house. The Clan females and children will head with my wife and Melody to the Moretti compound. All others who are able to stay and help clear the church, please do so, we have many wounded here.”

  The audience hears what Ion says but doesn’t say much of anything. For they’re stuck in shock as well, not that I can blame them. “What will we do about the police?” a man asks from the back.

  “They’re already taken care of. They will still show up and take statements, but leave the rest to us. We have them in our pockets.” Mariana answers him while her younger three children come running up to her, all rather distraught. They begin to walk to the side entrance of the church and my wife goes along with them, as does the other wives of Clan leaders, along with their children.

  We’ve all crammed ourselves into Ion and Mariana’s office at their home, though thankfully the house hadn’t been targeted. We even managed to wrangle Stefan from wherever he was headed.

  “What aren’t you telling us?” Stefan hisses in disgust at Ion, showing obvious disrespect. He’s been through hell, though I doubt Ion will allow him to get away with such rudeness.

  Ion takes a heavy breath, shifting his neck to the left and right until it cracks. “I’m sure my wife wouldn’t be happy at what I’m about to say, though given the circumstances I feel the need to inform you all. Gabriele DiGiovanni isn’t dead, yet. He’s still clinging onto life, though I will inform you he’s barely alive. Mikel did a number on the old man.”

  A bit of pride swells in my chest knowing the fucker may meet his maker, though it quickly recedes. Someone attacked us, and given Gabriele isn’t able to make such orders, there are only few who could’ve been capable of such a thing.

  “Speaking of, we should get it over with and kill him.” Stefan snarls in Ion’s direction.

  Ion sneers in Stefan’s direction, obviously growing tired of his attitude. He might’ve just lost his wife, but that won’t give him a free pass forever. “We can’t act on emotion. We have to do things by the book.” Ion tells him. Out of every mafia we’re the ones with the most ruthlessness, and yet the most mercy.

  “Book? We’re in the fucking mafia, Ion! Or have you forgotten?! There is no book here. There’s only bloodshed.” Stefan roars across the room, starting to lunge for Ion.

  Philippe and Luca are quick to grab him, holding him back from making a deadly mistake.

  “Mikel, if you could get the women and children out to the bunker we have outside of the city I’d be forever grateful. I need them to be safe before we do what I have planned.”

  “Certainly.” I reply, keeping it simple.

  “The old man is barely holding on, but his children don’t know that. We will torture him and film it, then post it on the dark web. If I’m right, his eldest son, Giovanni, will come out of wherever he’s hiding. He’s the only one with enough balls to do this. More importantly, he’s the only possible enemy we have on the horizon. This must be the Italians.” Ion tells the room.

  “It’s always the fucking Italians.” Marcellus Funar adds in, showing his anger. He’s the nephew of Gabriele, so I wonder how he feels about this.

  “I mean no disrespect. Does this frustrate you?” Ion asks, seeming to be concerned as well.

  “I’m pissed that my uncle had to mess with the wrong people, and I hate that my cousin will likely suffer the same fate. Gio has often been too much like his father.” Marcellus tells him.

  “I’m sorry for the losses you’re about to experience, but I’m not sorry for needing to do what’s best for our people.”

  “Don’t be. They might be my blood, but the Clans are my people.” Marcel is quick to show his loyalty.

  “Thank you, Marcel. Mikel, please go get the women and children sorted. Philippe, it’s probably best you go along with him. You two get them out to the bunker and wait for my instructions. This war is about to become catastrophic, or it will be the start to something even far worse.” Ion states.

  Philippe steps back from Stefan, watching him for a moment to see if he’ll have to intervene before walking out of Ion’s office alongside me. Once we get the children and women sorted we can get back to the gritty business.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I accepted the type of lifestyle Mikel was in and I knew things like this were a possibility. With everything that happened in Africa . . . I should’ve figured out sooner how everything was connected, and living a life of danger is something I will grow accustom to now. Still, I’d put up with it if it means living happily with my husband, with a man who I feel so pulled toward. I didn’t believe in soul mates, not even as a little girl . . . but Mikel Lungu changed my mind. These days I know we were meant to be, the good and the bad parts of us.

  Mikel left a few hours ago with Philippe after they were able to get us to the bunker here. Apparently the Clans have bunkers in various cities and locations across the world. They were created for situations like this, where women and children would need to be safe for a short period of time until a threat was no longer an issue.

  “Are these new?” Aria asks Mariana, who sits on a bench with her daughter Bianca and her other children. She has another daughter, I believe Ysenia is her name, and two boys, Cristian and Darius.

  “No. I had them created after the . . . attempt.” Mariana chooses her words carefully, looking to her two smaller children who might realize the magnitude of her words. I had heard whispers about there being an assassination attempt on Mariana years ago, though her words prove to me it did in fact happen.

  “I should be out there, with my father.” A teenage boy bellows. He sits next to an Asian woman who rolls her eyes at him.

  “You’re a child. Sit down and be quiet,” She must be his mother.

  “Graham, my father said we were here to help protect our mothers and siblings.” Simion, Natasha and Anton’s youngest child speaks up.

  “Yeah, well your father is just telling you those things to make you feel better.” Graham snipes back.

  “Enough, Graham. What’s the matter with you? Hmm?” The woman next to him says.

  I focus in on her and Aria taps on my shoulder, causing me to turn m
y head to the right. “That’s Willow Adame, she’s the Clan leader in the United Kingdom.”

  “Ah, thank you.” I murmur back quietly.

  “It’s no problem. It took me quite a while to get everyone’s names down as well.”

  I stifle out a laugh, “You were able to memorize everyone?”

  “Sure. It’s not too bad once you get the hang of it. Would you like me to point everyone out for you?”

  I don’t mind taking her up on her offer. “Alright, so I obviously know Willow and Mariana. I’m familiar with Blanka and her children as well, and you of course.”

  Aria wiggles her eyebrows, “Oh, is that because my husband is an assassin?”

  “Something like that,” I chuckle, causing her to laugh too. “If you don’t mind me asking, how do you get invited to events like these, since Marcellus is your brother and he’s head of the Funar Clan, right?”

  Aria nods, “He is. Though I’ve always been involved in the Clans since my marriage to Sal. The Arcane and the Clans have an alliance, so we’re privy to a bit, including attending galas and marriages.”

  “Ah, okay. Thank you, and I apologize if that came across as rude.”

  “No, of course it didn’t.” She immediately tells me. “So, my Sorina is over there speaking to Artem and Ivan, who belong to Vera and Rhys Albu. Daria is sitting on a bed next to her mom, with the curly blonde hair. Across from them is Elena Ungur, who’s married to Luca . . .”

  “You say his name like he’ll appear out of thin air.”

  “If you knew about him, you’d be worrisome to utter his name as well.”

  “Now you have to tell me why you’re so nervous.” I chuckle, sure this can’t be anything too serious.


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