Guardians Of Magic: The Revelations of Oriceran (The Leira Chronicles Book 8)

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Guardians Of Magic: The Revelations of Oriceran (The Leira Chronicles Book 8) Page 6

by Martha Carr

  “Mitzi, you’re gonna have to hold Lemon. She’s already licked the icing clean off one cupcake.”

  “Mike, did you bring the song list like I asked?”

  “Oooh, we don’t have much time left, we better get a move on.”

  Estelle came through the middle of the whirlwind, her red bouffant decorated with a small gold pixie hair clip, a cigarette dangling from her lips. She took a look at the progress and gave a satisfied nod to her head and went back to tend the smoker. She had been up since before the sunrise tending to the brisket and making sure the coolers were stocked with enough beer and there was enough whiskey behind the bar for everyone. Just this once, Estelle was going to break one of her own hard and fast rules and have an open bar.

  She went and got on her stool and took the short stub of a cigarette out of her mouth, blowing out a perfect O, expertly blowing another, smaller O straight through the center. She chuckled and looked out over the patio, satisfied with the efforts. “Nothing but the best for the Berens’ women,” she said as she ground out the cigarette and headed inside.

  “It’s time! It’s time!” Micky clapped her hands as Scott helped Mitzi check the tables one last time.

  Toni, and some of the others from the Jackalope came in greeting the regulars like old friends. Kimberly and Paul made sure everyone had a cold drink in their hands as the volume quickly picked up. Eireka and Don came through the side gate unnoticed with Leira, Correk and Mara right behind them. They stood off to the side smiling and holding hands and waited for others to notice they had arrived.

  Leira quietly slipped over to the guest house and went inside, carrying her purse to the couch. Yumfuck was out of the purse before it even landed, scrambling to the top of the couch and leaping off again, excited from the sounds of the party outside.

  “I hate to do it to you, but this is Mom’s day and she’s earned it and then some. Nesturnium. Don’t look at me like that. I’ll bring you plenty of food all night long. Won’t even make you wait till the end. And look, I got you all the Superman movies and even a Green Lantern and the old Wonder Woman TV show. Get a little Linda Carter action. You can spin around and… no? You’ll have a blast. Wait, one more thing.”

  She ran to the kitchen and got the large container of cheese puffs down from the shelf in the pantry and went back to find the troll already working the remote.

  “This should tide you over for a while. They’re all yours.”

  “Trolls are great at parties, you know.” He stuck his tongue out at her but finished with a cackle.

  “Proven fact, I know. You’d even make a helluva deejay but maybe we don’t educate the regulars today about the coming magic. How about we save that for say, after the wedding?”

  “Your energy is different,” squeaked Yumfuck. “Something about you has changed. You can get to your feelings more easily. What’s up, sister? What’d you do?”

  “Great, a nosey troll. I miss the days when you would only cackle at me. Mind your business. You don’t see me asking you where you’ve been on your walkabouts, even after you managed to get so many hits with that reporter’s video on YouTube. And I could have sworn I smelled bacon on you once. Then there was the time you reeked of old lady perfume. I was not sure I even wanted to know…”

  “Okay, okay. Point taken. Have a good time.” He blew her a raspberry as he pulled out a cheese puff, smelling it first before opening his mouth wide and pushing it in, chomping as fast as he could till it was gone. “And repeat…”

  “I’m out of here. Better there are no witnesses to what you’re about to do with that entire jar.” She glanced at the ceiling and the perfectly round orange circles. “I’ll paint over those some day.”

  Leira straightened the front of her green dress and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. Eireka and Don were surrounded by people asking them questions, admiring the ring and making toasts. Correk was standing in back with a beer in his hand, smiling. Leira went and stood next to him, taking his beer from his hand and taking a long swig, handing it back.

  “You look pretty good in a suit. You should try it more often.”

  “I’ve needed more battle gear during my time on Earth than suits. Maybe something flame retardant. Too soon? You look pretty good in a dress. Reminds me of that ball we went to in Chicago.”

  “Seems like a million years ago, now. So much has happened.”

  Correk put his hand in the small of Leira’s back and rested it there as Estelle passed behind them, a new cigarette dangling from her lips. “Bout dang time,” she said, without breaking her stride. “Here, you can have your own beer and swap spit later.” She handed Leira a Shinerbock and took Correk’s empty bottle from his hand, handing him another.

  Leira looked at the smile across her mother’s face and at Toni and Mara laughing, their mouths wide open and heads back. “I want to remember this moment forever. It’s perfect. I have everything I want and then some.”

  Correk saw the flash of pain come across her face. “It will last, and if it doesn’t we will rebuild it together.”

  “I know that darkness is coming and harder times. I can feel it and all the signs are flashing it like neon on a no-tell motel.” She shook her head, determined. “Nope, today we celebrate this. Just this. A little piece of happiness between two people who waited a helluva of a long time to be together.”

  The gate opened and Hagan stood there in his best suit, holding it open for Rose who was carrying a pie.

  “Felix, you came!” Eireka broke away from the cluster of people around her and went to greet them.

  “I made a pie, I hope you don’t mind. I know the invitation said no gifts, but I wanted to bring a little something from us. Oh, the tables look lovely! Felix and I are so happy for you.”

  Leira came and stood beside Hagan, giving him a dead fish look.

  “What’s the look for, Berens?”

  “Just getting used to everyone calling you, Felix. It’s an adjustment.”

  “It’s my great-grandfather’s name, a distinguished cowboy in his days from these parts. This is a great day, Berens. Even left my gun at home in the lock box. Rose insisted, but I would have done it anyway. Boy, when I first met you I did not see the story taking a turn like this. I mean, you were holding it together just fine, but I saw you more as a great cop and a permanent loner. Now, you’re a great Fed and surrounded by people.” He shook his head with a chuckle “You might just make an optimist out of me yet. Well, if it weren’t for all the dark magic running loose.”

  “Yeah, there’s still that… but today there’s this. Our family grows by one more and he’s a good one.”

  Rose was moving through the crowd occasionally looking back at Hagan and Leira.

  “How’s Rose adjusting to knowing magic is real?”

  “Better than I thought she would. Of course, I left out all the dark and harrowing parts, but I did that when I was working homicide. It’s bad enough we have to know the darker side of all kinds of beings. You know, I don’t think you’re supposed to be hanging back here with me. Go greet your guests, be with your mother and grandmother and make some good memories. Store them up…”

  “…in the face of what’s to come.”

  Hagan hesitated but finally shrugged. “Well, yeah… maybe. Or maybe it will just be for your old age. Go, I’m gonna get a beer and chat up a few of the regulars about bowling. Maybe even join the team.”

  Hagan turned to go toward the bar just as Estelle walked by him holding out a cold Rocket 100 still in the can. She didn’t even break stride. “God, I love that woman,” he said, taking a deep swig.

  Leira was already getting a tight hug from Toni, her soft afro bobbing with her excitement. Hagan let out a troubled sigh, making sure to keep a smile on his face as he made his way around to Correk. Michael held up his beer in a toast as the gathering all cheered and Hagan held up his as he sidled up next to Correk.

  “I was listening to the police scanner on the way over here
. Habit. There was interesting chatter about something weird going down at the Driskill Hotel. Something about a hairy beast changing into a man and leaving a big mess on the third floor. A lot of unidentified goo left everywhere.”

  Correk’s eyes grew wide and he turned to look at Hagan, his eyes narrowing.

  “No, no,” said Hagan, “this is a party. Nothing we can do about it now. Keep a smile planted on your face for those three women over there. If you don’t, I’m pretty sure the tiny redheaded one who runs this show will do a fine job of kicking your ass.”

  Hagan forced himself to relax and take in slow, even breaths. “The world in between is even spitting out shifters.”

  “Shifters with a dark cloud kind of trailing behind them. Maybe the thing has finally taken shape.”

  “When this party is over, we will go check it out.”

  Neither one noticed Turner Underwood standing behind them, a pink rose in his lapel, leaning forward, resting on his cane. “I have a better idea, gentlemen.”

  “You really have to teach me how you do that one, Turner.” Correk took a sip of his beer to hide being startled all over again by the old Fixer.

  “It’s in those books. Takes years of practice to get it just right. Fun at parties, too.” He smiled but his eyes were icy. “Correk, find me later. I have an old friend I want to introduce you too. For now, how about we drop the shop talk and enjoy the day. I hear there’s brisket!”

  Correk waded back into the center of the party as the toasts progressed until Estelle made everyone get in line and eat till they couldn’t move. Craig threatened to undo the top button of his pants but one look from Mitzi and he dropped the idea. Even Lemon got her fill of brisket and true to her word, Leira dropped off food with the troll. Enough to keep him happy.

  The sun was setting by the time the last stragglers finally, happily left through the bar, slapping each other on the back and laughing together. Only Hagan and Rose, Turner Underwood and Leira and Correk were left. Even the happy couple had headed off together somewhere and Estelle was busy in the kitchen directing the staff in the clean up.

  “I’m going to drop Rose off and I’ll meet you fellas down on 6th Street.”

  “No need, dear. I’ll take the car. You can ride with them.” Rose gave him a patient smile and picked up the empty pie plate. “You go to work. I’ll see you at home.” She kissed him on the cheek as Estelle rushed out of the restaurant with a bag of leftovers for her. “Thank you, Estelle! I’ll make sure Felix parses this out over a few days.”

  “Instead of a few hours…” whispered Leira.

  “I heard that.” Hagan pressed his lips together.

  “I meant for you to.”

  “See those two already have their heads together. I’ve seen that before. Start of another adventure. I’ll see myself out the side gate. Get to it, dear!”

  “Yes honey.” Hagan waved to Rose as Estelle gave a satisfied nod, blowing out smoke that encircled her head momentarily in a grey cloud. She marched back into the bar and headed for the kitchen, throwing a bar towel over her shoulder.

  “Okay, spill it. You guys have been more than your usual amount of weird all day. I appreciate that you did your best to hide it but the party’s over. What’s happened?” Leira crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her hip, waiting.

  “Where to begin…” Turner tapped his cane on the ground. Leira knew by now that meant he was buying time trying to figure out how to ease into something. This is bad.

  “Okay, Hagan, you start. What do you know? I checked my phone. There’s no messages from the general.”

  “Something slimy creeped its way out of the world in between from our favorite room at the Driskill Hotel and allegedly pulled off a werewolf kind of transformation.”

  “A fucking shifter from the world in between,” Leira said in a hush. “No…”

  “Thank you, Hagan. That’s the best segue I’ve ever been given. Leads nicely to my piece of this story.” Turner placed a heavy hand on Correk’s tall shoulder, holding him firmly. “That beast was once known as Lucius about eight hundred years ago.”

  Correk’s entire body shook as he did his best to absorb the information. “No… not possible.” He flexed the muscles in his legs, determined to stay standing.

  “Lucius fought bravely in the wars against Rhazdon and was believed dead even though we never found a body. There were some who believed Rhazdon did something to him but none of us ever imagined the bitch went this far.”

  “What do you mean, this far? What does all this mean?” Leira played with the bracelet on her wrist.

  “She threw a spell on him just before she tore an opening in the veil and threw him in. Rhazdon knows how to make shifters without all the need for experimentation.”

  Correk balled his hands into fists, breathing hard. “Lucius was protecting the old king. Rhazdon must have thrown both of them into the world in between.”

  “I think the king falling into the void was a happy accident for Rhazdon. It was Lucius she was cursing to hell and back. The back from hell part has finally shown up and he’s out there on the loose.”

  “Searching for Rhazdon. That’s a wide swath of destruction to try and dig her out of whatever hole she climbed into. It could be anywhere on two different worlds.” Leira looked toward the guest house where the troll was ensconced. “Things are getting more complicated.”

  “Lucius isn’t himself and we don’t know what the curse and the hundreds of years in that isolation void of slime has done to his mind.” Turner tapped his cane hard against the ground. “His lust for revenge of some kind makes him unstable.”

  “Not to mention the whole fur and fang thing. Okay, we are forewarned.” Leira held up her hand before Correk or Hagan could say it. “And I’ll keep the troll close. I’m not going to pretend I can handle all of this. Things have taken a turn for the hairy weird.”

  “And around here that’s saying something.” Turner let out a weary laugh. “Alright, time to get moving. Correk, I have an assignment for you, if you can break away. Nothing important you were doing?”

  Correk made a point of not looking up at Leira who was giving him a crooked smile. “I’m all yours. Ready to be of service.”

  “Go get ‘em!” Leira patted him hard on the back as Hagan narrowed his eyes, watching the two of them.

  “Uh huh,” he muttered. “I see…”


  “Did you get some kind of signal?” Correk was looking around for signs of trouble standing out on Rainey Street but things were quiet. Tourists walked up and down, mixing with the college students who were always near the food trucks or going in and out of the bars.

  Turner Underwood smiled wearily and cocked his head to the side. “I am actually not sure what to do next. It’s been years since that has happened to me and not a good look on a Fixer.” He placed his hand on Correk’s shoulder, one hand still on his cane.

  Correk looked at the hand, skeptical. “The last time you did that you told me Lucius is a cursed beast back from the ancient past. Is this your tell?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  “Good answer. Spoken like a worthy Light Elf and new Fixer.”

  “You’re not taking down your hand.”

  The Fixer thought about it and slowly removed his hand. “This one is going to have to be a show and tell deal. Come on, there’s a mission at hand but first we need to make a stop at my house.”


  Turner Underwood drove his late model Bentley up the curved driveway with Correk sitting in the passenger seat. He had owned the sleek black Mark IV since it was brand new in 1946 and they had both aged well together. He dreaded what he was about to do as much as he was filled with joy for both of them. Things were changing rapidly and the old rules were breaking down. The return of the old King was a welcome reprieve but the veil that kept in the world in between was breaking down.

  Who knows what else is lurking i
n there?

  “You haven’t said a word the entire drive.” Correk glanced over at Turner as he opened the door and stepped out of the car.

  “Words fail for some things. Come with me.”

  The old Fixer waved his hand as he approached the large wooden front door, pincurls of light shooting out and unlocking the door, swinging it wide. He moved quickly through the house to the far wing, not looking back at Correk as he went. He got to the sitting room where he usually put guests and gave a soft tap as he opened the door.

  The old King of Oriceran sat in an upholstered blue linen chair by the window looking out over the lake. “It’s the simple things you miss the most. You wouldn’t think it would be sitting in a chair quietly watching a heron land on a lake but it’s the sweetest thing I’ve seen in far too many years.”

  Correk let out an audible gasp and crossed the room swiftly, kneeling on one knee in front of the old King.

  “Your Majesty… How? After the battle I thought you were wounded.”

  The king looked up, a cold look in his eyes. “Wounded takes on different meanings in the world in between. There’s time to heal most things or for things to fester.” He got up out of the chair as Correk stood and he hugged him tightly, slapping his back. “I knew your father. Good Light Elf. You look just like him!” He stood back and saw the pain in Correk’s face. “Your father may turn up yet. I’m sorry… no, I didn’t see him in there. Doesn’t mean he’s not but after a hundred years I saw no sign. You were fairly young when he disappeared. Turner has been catching me up. Apparently, there’s no time to let things unfold.”

  “Too many beasts running loose of every ilk,” said Turner, as he swept his arm around the room, setting loose more pinwheels of light. “You can never be too careful. A little added protection these days will go a long way. Have you finished the third tome of spells?”

  “I’m onto the fifth book… making progress.” Correk kept studying the king’s face.


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