Supers 2

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Supers 2 Page 4

by Patrick Stewart

  It wasn’t his Katana made with the metal found in meteorites, so sharp it could cut through skin, flesh and bone like it were butter. But still, with a good swing, he wouldn’t have too much trouble in removing the Super’s heads from their necks.

  It was the only way to kill a Super, to decapitate them. Anything else, and the bastards recovered.

  Lucas was right.

  As he turned and walked back towards the Supers, Annie was once more on the ground. But this time, things were much worse for her. She was surrounded by the two male Supers. The one with the sword for an arm, the sword that had shattered, it had regrown itself and he held his blade, the tip an inch above Annie’s neck.

  “You ready to submit, bitch?” he asked.

  “Submit? I thought I was joining the cause to support Carnage?” she replied.

  “As our entourage, bitch,” the guy replied. “I’m gonna dress you in a miniskirt, whore your ass out. Bitch!”

  Lucas rolled his eyes as he dropped to his knees and pressed the butt of the rifle against his chest. Until very recently, Lucas hadn’t had many conversations with Supers. They held a different position in life. A class above Normies. Being so caught up in his own world, where he tread a dangerous line, killing Supers and living to tell the tale, not literally of course, Lucas forgot how, beneath it all, Supers were just lame immature assholes.

  Placing his eye on the scope, he stared through it. The four lines that converged together and created a small red dot in the centre, it was pointed at the head of the Super with the sword for an arm.

  Lucas was about to pull the trigger when he had an idea.

  He lowered his aim, now pointing at the Super’s neck, he pulled the trigger.

  Bullet after bullet flung up from the magazine, stormed through the barrel and struck the Super on the neck. Lucas adjusted his aim, shifting slightly to the left, then to the right. When he was done, he rested his rifle on the ground and stared ahead.

  The Super with the sword arm staggered back, blood dripping down his neck, his sword arm returned to its normal human phase. He had both hands around his neck. On the ground, Annie backed away on her bottom, her eyes on the bleeding Super.

  And then it happened.

  The Super fell back. As his body hit the ground, his head rolled off.

  “Can’t believe that worked,” Lucas muttered.

  And all this time, he’d risked his life getting close to the Supers and slicing their heads off with his Katana. Sure, he wasn’t always going to find a target standing still waiting to be shot, but it did open up his options.

  He climbed to his feet and began a gentle trod towards Annie. His finger on the trigger, the barrel pointed at the remaining Super. Seeing him approach, the Super glanced at his headless friend, before glancing at Lucas approaching, he turned and fled, running at the speed only a Super could muster.

  Lucas lowered his gun and swung the strap over his shoulder. Annie had hopped away on her bottom, her back now against the concrete slabbed fence before the terraced house. She stared up at him, eyes wide, her chest heaving.

  “You olrite?” Lucas asked, as he stood over her.

  “What the fuck,” she whispered, before her voice rose. “What the fuck?!”


  “You-” she raised a shaky hand and pointed it at him. “You killed him!”

  “You’re welcome?”

  “I didn’t say thank you!”

  “I know. Which is weird cuz… I’m sure I just saved you from being raped and worse.”

  “You killed him!”

  Lucas dropped to his knees and stared at the girl, curious. “Can’t be the first time you’ve seen someone die, can it?”

  Annie shook her head, but her eyes told another story.

  “Jesus… how can you have lived in this town and not seen someone die before?”

  “I’m not from this town, dipshit. I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks,” Annie replied, her lips curled.

  Great, Lucas thought. Another Michelle. Not that he had anything against Michelle. He was actually quite fond of her. But her idealism had nearly gotten him killed. It had also gotten the town rid of the piece of shit Mayor Carcass, but Lucas wasn’t sure he was ready for another such adventure.

  He climbed to his feet. “Kay so, towns full of dipshits. People die all the time, usually killed by the Supers, or gangs. Toughen up or go back to the village you came from.”

  “Oh fuck you Mr tough guy,” Annie shouted back at him.

  Lucas didn’t look back as he walked towards Jenny and Lucy. Both girls were back on their feet. With a final glance at his wrecked BMW X5, Lucas set off homewards on foot, hoping to find a ride to steal along the way.

  Chapter 4

  Half an hour later, Lucas was beginning to feel his superpowers waning. The shards of glass imbedded across his face hadn’t fallen out. Supers bodies were supposed to reject foreign objects. Lucas had seen it happen many times before, when a Super’s body was riddled with bullets, instead of dying like a Normie, the bullets would fall out, the skin around the wound would heal.

  That hadn’t happened yet.

  He was tired too.

  Which was surprising because he hadn’t done much in the way of exercise. He was hungry as well. Really thirsty. That made sense. Ever since touching the green crystal, his appetite had increased four-fold.

  They hadn’t made it much closer to home. They were still in Buxworth Town. His house was half an hour’s drive on the motorway, doing speeds close to a hundred miles per hour, there was no fucking way they would make it home today if they were walking.

  “We need a car,” Lucas said.

  He stared down the street. It was like every other street in Buxworth town. Terraced houses of dirty brick covered in moss and mould, vines growing up some of the houses, half were damaged from the meteorite strikes, a quarter damaged by The Riots that followed, and by the general vandalism.

  There were large holes in the ground from the meteorite strikes, fallen lampposts, trash littered around the curbs, against the fences bordering the houses. There were a few cars on the road, most were burnt crisps or rusting heaps.

  “What about that one?” Jenny asked.

  Lucas stared at where her hand pointed. His eyes widened in surprise. There was a silver Mercedes Benz GLC equipped with armoured plates, thick alloys and tinted windows.

  “Where did that come from?” Lucas asked.

  “It belongs to a gang, doesn’t it?” Lucy asked, standing next to him, she leaned against his shoulder.

  “Probably. What are they doing here?” he wondered.

  He took in the street once more. It still looked the same. Old. Tired. Weary. Nothing of significance.

  “Are you thinking of stealing it?” Lucy asked, her tone hushed.

  Lucas wondered if he were that desperate. If he got caught stealing from a gang, it would be the Red Heads all over again. He’d have a mark on his head.

  But only if he got caught, right?

  It was a damned long way to his house, not one he wanted to walk. And surprisingly, the streets were empty of useable cars. They were empty of Normies too. Where the fuck was everyone? Had they all just left town, waiting for the dust to settle?

  “You two stay here,” he said to the girls. He pointed at a burnt car to their left. “Hide behind that. I’m going to see if the car is steal able. If it is, I’m going to steal it. Be ready to jump in.”

  As he set off down the road, Lucas wished he had his long coat. It was bullet proof and had all his gear in it. Rifle, magazines, pistol, grenades. Useful when planning on stealing a car from a gang.

  Lucas stopped a couple of meters away from the car and glanced at the houses surrounding it. Again, there was nothing to explain why this car was parked here. He was about to step up to it and do his best in first breaking in, and then hotwiring the damned thing when he spotted the door to the house on his right.

  It was a foot ajar.

>   Lucas jumped over the fence and landed lightly on his feet. He crossed the front lawn and stopped by the wall. He stared in through the gap and down the corridor. There was no one there, but he heard sounds.

  With the barrel of his rifle, Lucas pushed the door enough to step inside. He could hear the sounds of speech drifting down the stairs. Lucas tiptoed up the stairs and onto the landing. He spotted the gang members immediately, thanks to the smoke drifting out from the third open door.

  Two girls and two guys, they sat on the worn laminated floor, backs against the dirty peeling wallpaper, an empty glass bottle of liquor lay on the ground on its side as they passed around a joint.

  They had guns on them.

  He counted an assault rifle and three pistols. But the redness in their eyes, the sunken features on their faces, these gang members were addicted to more than just weed.

  Lucas walked up to the door and leaned against the frame, his rifle held before him, pointed loosely in their general direction. He stood there for a minute before any even noticed him. It was the girl with dirty blond hair and a grey top with tears on the sleeves that finally realised he was there.

  “Hey,” she nodded at him, before nudging the guy sitting beside her, his head resting on her shoulder. “Look at him. He’s a tall fucker. His head is touching the ceiling,” she whispered.

  Lucas’s head wasn’t touching the ceiling, but he did wonder what it was the girl had smoked. There were drugs that could allow one to hallucinate.

  “Wow man. He’s got a gun!”

  Lucas watched as the four realised he was armed, as they scrambled to collect their weapons. One even managed to point it in his general direction and pull the trigger. Lucas wasn’t worried. He could see where the barrel was pointing, could see the look in the guy’s eyes, as if he were seeing double.

  The bullets left the barrel and embedded into the wall to his right, a meter away. The sounds of gunfire sounded much louder to the others than they did to him. The guy dropped the gun and curled up on the ground, hands pressed to his ears, like both of his gang members.

  It was only the girl that continued to stare at him. “Are you with the Flying Eagles?”

  Lucas was about to say no, but then, an idea formed in his head. It was better for him to blame the other gang right? They were already at war. “Sure,” he said.

  “Are you going to hurt me?”

  Lucas shook his head. “Only here for the car keys.”

  She reached into her pocket and fished it out. “What happened to your face?” she asked, as she chucked them at him.

  They landed by his feet. A terrible effort.

  “Got into a bit of an accident,” Lucas said.

  He reached down to pick up the keys. As he did, the girl reached for her pistol. Her hand was quick, her arm was steady, the glazed look in her eyes did nothing to dent her aim.

  Lucas heard her finger press against the trigger, heard the click it makes as it passes the point of no return. He turned sideways as the bullet soared towards him. It struck him on the arm. He hit the ground and turned, his rifle out, he aimed towards her arm and let loose a volley of bullets.

  They struck her on the arm, shattering the bone, her pistol fell out of her hand as blood splattered the wall.

  Lucas jumped to his feet and kicked her gun away.

  “Why’d you do that?” he asked, sighing.

  “You were robbing us of our car. Why wouldn’t I shoot you?”

  Her arm hung limply, riddled with bullets, covered in blood, bits of white bone poking out. Despite that, the girl smiled. Fucking druggy.

  Lucas put his gun down and pulled of his t-shirt, the one that bore the bullet hole from earlier. He wrapped it around the girl’s arm, doing his best to stop the bleeding. Again, she made no sound as he tightened the shirt, as he squeezed her broken bones.

  “Don’t let these guys drink or do anymore drugs,” he told her. “Once they sober up, get them to take you to-” he stopped.

  There were no doctors in Buxworth Town and the hospital was in ruins, damaged by the meteorite strikes, stripped bare by looters soon after. There was nowhere for her to go to fix her arm. Lucas sighed. What a waste. There was nothing more he could do.

  He picked up the keys and walked down the stairs.

  Chapter 5

  Two weeks since Mayor Carcass’s death, things hadn’t exactly gone according to plan for Michelle. Truth was, she didn’t have a plan. More a sort of imaginations, or a set of fanciful ideas.

  Mayor Carcass was an evil fucker. A powerful evil fucker. After killing him, she had been on a high. It felt like she could do anything she wanted. She could change the world.

  Or at least, she could change the town.

  But Lucas didn’t seem to share her same enthusiasm.

  Mayor Carcass had killed Lucas’s father. It changed his life, made Lucas what he is. A survivor. A driven and calculated killer, but one that was still good deep inside.

  Now that mayor Carcass was dead, Lucas seemed to have lost some of that drive. They spent the past couple of weeks sitting in this house of his, doing nothing. Four girls and one guy. Michelle wasn’t exactly thrilled. It had been quite tense in the house.

  Lucas being a man, didn’t seem to notice any of it. He spent all his time either hitting the gym or going for long walks in the fields beyond.

  But Michelle did.

  She noticed the look in Jenny’s eyes every time Lucas came into view. Her wants, her needs. She noticed the tension between Anika and Hannah. It was a weird situation.

  Hannah, supposedly a lesbian that until recently had disliked Lucas in that way, now wanted him. And Anika, the bisexual girl who probably enjoyed being the centre of attention, desired by both Hannah the lesbian, and Lucas, the straight guy. She had lost that centre of attention, and she wasn’t happy.

  Anika was jealous, Hannah was confused, Jenny was desperate.

  And then, there was Michelle.

  Being bisexual in a house full of horny women, and an insanely attractive man, somehow, it wasn’t as great as it sounded.

  Michelle wasn’t getting any at all.

  There were three bedrooms in the house. Michelle ended up sharing a room with Jenny. Anika and Hannah shared another and Lucas slept by himself. What with him seeming so distracted, it didn’t seem right for her to make a move on him.

  And Jenny, as hot as the girl was, there was only one thing on her mind.


  It seemed every girl had him on their minds for one reason or another.

  So, not getting any action, Michelle did the next best thing.

  She hit the gym.

  Being a Super, the speed setting on the treadmill even at its maximum speed wasn’t fast. But it did build up her stamina, and after hours, she was able to work up a sweat.

  She tried the boxing bag too. It was a good way to get rid of some of her pent up frustration. But she had to be careful, something Lucas wasn’t very good at. He’d gone through a whole bunch of boxing bags, not used to his new strength.

  He was a Super now. As if the guy needed more to be fucking cool, he was a damned Super now.

  Except, he didn’t seem very happy about it.

  Michelle slipped on the boxing gloves and got into pose, hands raised before her, curled into fists, she started to punch the bag. It swung wildly with every strike. She’d seen Lucas box. He struck as hard, but somehow, the boxing bag didn’t swing wildly. It jolted on the spot, as if his strike had penetrated the entire body of the bag, and not just the spot she’d struck.

  Ten minutes on the bag, and Michelle began to feel somewhat better.

  She’d worked up a good sweat, her tights and sports bra felt uncomfortable. As she walked up the stairs, she flirted with the idea of taking her clothes off. Hannah mentioned Lucas doing that in the past.

  It would be a good way of getting his attention, without seeming like she was trying too hard.

  Michelle pulled her tights down to he
r ankles. Her panties followed next. She instantly knew why Lucas did it. That cold blast of air that hit her exposed area felt amazing.

  Michelle closed her eyes.


  Too desperate.

  She pulled her panties and tights back up.

  Michelle was on the ground floor corridor when the front door opened. It was Lucas. He was back with Jenny.

  She frowned.

  There was another girl too. A pretty girl, Michelle recognised her, though she couldn’t remember the name. It was the waitress from café Vinero. Great, another girl in the house, another girl infatuated with Lucas.

  And then she noticed Lucas.

  Properly noticed him.

  He had one arm slung over Jenny, the other slung on the café girl.

  He was bleeding.

  There were shards of glass pierced into his cheeks, and some on his forehead. There was blood on his arm too.

  “What happened?” Michelle asked.

  “We got attacked by a gang, then by Supers. And then, Lucas got shot by some drugged up girl,” Jenny said.

  Michelle frowned. “A Super with glass… shooting… powers?”

  “No,” Lucas replied, teeth gritted. “He threw a car at some other Super. Missed by a fucking mile. Struck my side window and shattered it. The BMW is a write-off.”

  He was hurting.

  Still hurting.

  Shards of glass on his face, that shouldn’t have hurt him much. Nor the bullet wound on his arm. Neither should have caused him the pain he seemed to be in. In fact, it was surprising they were still imbedded in him.

  “Where’s Hannah?” Lucas muttered, as the girls carried him into the living room and sat him down on the sofa.

  “Upstairs, I think,” Michelle said, pointing a finger up at the ceiling.

  Jenny left to find Hannah. The café girl stood in the corner of the room and gave Michelle an awkward smile when they made eye contact.


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