Supers 2

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Supers 2 Page 8

by Patrick Stewart

  She didn’t feel bad for Jocelyn. Not much, at least. She didn’t think Jocelyn was inherently a bad person, but Jocelyn was a Super, one who had believed her own hype, like the vast majority of Supers did.

  Getting hurt a little by Lucas might humble her enough to see sense. Jocelyn had no other option. She couldn’t run for Mayor herself, what with still missing an arm, one that did not look like it was growing back any time soon.

  She would have to fall behind another Super, which she hadn’t done yet. Michelle was her best bet. But the girl was being stubborn.

  It was her dominant nature. Jocelyn was into BDSM. She enjoyed the power trip, having girls suffer for her pleasure.

  Michelle’s cheeks warmed as she recalled being dominated by Jocelyn. She didn’t have submissive tendencies, yet she had found the experience pleasurable.

  It was a thought…

  If she could somehow show Jocelyn the pleasures of being submissive, that could translate into her being more obedient when it wasn’t sexual. It would be a hell lot easier and less painful for Jocelyn than whatever Lucas was doing to her.

  Maybe she should check up on them. The last thing she needed was for Lucas to permanently damage the girl some more. Not that she blamed him for blowing off Jocelyn’s arm…

  Michelle was about to head back down the stairs and into the basement when Anika appeared. Her face changed when she spotted Michelle. She stopped by the door and leaned against it, arms folded across her chest.

  “How long are you planning on staying?” Anika asked.

  It was a strange question, one that caught Michelle completely off-guard. “Excuse me?”

  “This house belongs to me, Hannah and Lucas.”

  “I thought it was Lucas’s house?”

  Anika’s dark lips tightened and she stared at Michelle, an intensity in her eyes. “It’s getting crowded. We can’t kick Jenny out. She belongs to Lucas. And Lucy, well, he’s just invited her over. Poor helpless girl has nowhere to go. You on the other hand, you’re a capable Super. There are plenty houses out there. Why are you still here?”

  Michelle frowned. She hadn’t spoken a huge amount with Anika since rescuing her from the Red Heads. The girl had spent most of the time recovering from her ordeal. She seemed grateful initially.

  Michelle did notice a change of late.

  The sideway glances, the awkward small conversations, sometimes complete lack of acknowledgement as they passed each other.

  “What’s this all about?”

  “I just told you. We’re crowded. There’s really no need for you to stay in our house.”

  “Lucas’s house,” Michelle corrected. “That’s what it’s about, isn’t it? Lucas.”

  Anika walked into the room, taking long strides, she stopped a couple of feet away from Michelle. “We had a delicate balance in this household, and we needed it for it to run smoothly. You’re upsetting the balance.”

  “Upsetting the balance for who exactly? For you? I don’t think Hannah cares as much, does she?”

  “You should leave,” Anika said, taking another step. “Find another house. If Lucas wants to meet with you, he can meet you there.”

  Anika now stood a foot in front of her. The black girl was wearing a sheer white top, no bra underneath. She had large nipples on small breasts. This girl sort of reminded her of Clarissa, her girlfriend back in Lentville.

  Michelle missed Clarissa. She missed playing with the girl’s dark nipples. Sucking on them, squeezing them, turning them over in her fingers.

  An idea floated in her head.

  She grabbed Anika’s nipples over her sheer top.

  The black girl’s body stiffened; her eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

  “Touching your nipples,” Michelle replied. “Why? You don’t like?” she asked, as she rubbed them gently.

  Anika didn’t respond. She swallowed nervously; her button nose flared. She made no attempt to stop her. Why would she? Michelle hadn’t been completely oblivious to the tension between Anika and Hannah. All wasn’t well between the two. It might have had something to do with the fact that Hannah, the supposed lesbian, was now interested in cock.

  Lucas’s cock, to be specific.

  “You like being the centre of attention, don’t you?” Michelle asked. “It was perfect when you had both Hannah and Lucas to yourself. You’re afraid of losing that power, aren’t you?”

  Again, Anika remained silent. But her eyes gave it away. Michelle pinched Anika’s nipples and saw the girl flinch.

  “Why not let go?” she asked. “Why not lose the power you hold, let someone else take charge?” she whispered. “It can be freeing.”

  Anika continued to remain silent. She’d made no attempt to move Michelle’s hands from her breasts. On the contrary, Michelle thought she could see a longing in the girl’s eyes.

  She let go of Anika’s nipples and rested her hand on the waistband of the girl’s skinny black jeans. They moved inwards, to the single brass button. Michelle unbuckled it.

  Still, Anika did not stop her.

  She slid the zip down.

  Still no resistance.

  Anika was wearing black panties with flowers around the trim. In the centre was a wired patch that showed the lines of her pussy. Michelle pulled it down. There was still some bruising around the edges of her cunt.

  Michelle pressed her thumb against the pussy lips before pushing past. Anika was wet. Dripping, almost. But she winced as Michelle rubbed her thumb against her pussy.

  “It still hurts?”

  Anika nodded.

  “Shall I stop?”

  “I-” Anika stopped. “I don’t know…”

  Michelle continued to rub Anika’s pussy. The girl moaned, half in pain, half in pleasure. Her finger pushed past the pussy lips and into Anika’s opening. The girl groaned, her legs tightened, her knees bent some.

  “This really hurts, doesn’t?”

  Anika shook her head, biting into her bottom tongue.

  “You’re a bad liar,” Michelle said, as she withdrew her finger.

  “I want sex,” Anika gushed. “It’s been such a long time… I miss it. I think it’s making me cranky.”

  Michelle raised her finger to Anika’s lips and pressed it against them. There was brief resistance. But as their eyes met, something happened. An exchange of power, perhaps. Anika’s lips parted and she sucked on Michelle’s finger.

  Michelle felt the urge to stroke the girl’s hair, as if she were a pet. It was something Jocelyn would have done to her, take control, show she was in charge. It was something Jocelyn had done to her.

  Learn from the Master.

  Or Mistress in this case.

  Michelle rubbed Anika’s hair, stroked it as if she were a cat.

  A little pussy.

  She wanted to take proper charge of Anika, to take the girl up to her room, the one she shared with Jenny. To strip her of her clothing, to sit on her face. Just the thought of it, the power of taking control of another being, it was making her horny.

  But she couldn’t take the black beauty up to her room.

  Lucas’s head appeared in the kitchen doorway. “Got an address,” he said.

  “An address?”

  He nodded. “Of a Super that you could persuade to join your cause.”

  And then, more of his body appeared in the doorway. He watched the two girls with curiosity. Michelle realised her finger was still in Anika’s mouth. She pulled it out and wiped the girl’s saliva on her jeans.

  “Everything olrite here?” Lucas asked.

  “Yup,” Michelle nodded, smiling.

  “Great,” Anika said. “Thanks.” She gave him the thumbs up.

  It was an odd gesture, and Lucas’s eyes narrowed. But like a guy, he either forgot about it immediately, or just didn’t care to know the details.

  “Let’s go,” he said, and then he disappeared from the doorway.

  Michelle sighed.

  Lucas had broken Joce
lyn without her, and apparently in only a few minutes.

  She needed that ruthlessness.

  Chapter 10

  Michelle sat beside Lucas in the Mercedes GLC. The door on her side had been dented some when she had thrown Jocelyn at it. The glass had somehow managed to stay intact, not a single crack on it. But the bottom frame of the interior was caved in like a triangle, and it poked at her rib as she leaned against it.

  It didn’t hurt.

  The materials were soft.

  But it was annoying.

  Like that feeling of being watched, or having a thumb held an inch before your temple.

  Lucas was in the driving seat, and he rode with determination, concentration etched across his face as they whizzed down the empty motorway towards Buxworth Town. Far too much concentration on his face considering they were driving down a clear and wide road.

  What was he thinking about?

  “How’d you do it?” Michelle asked.

  He turned to look at her briefly before his focus returned onto the road. “Do what?”

  “Get the information out of Jocelyn. She was pretty stubborn to me.”

  “I beat it out of her,” Lucas replied. And then, he turned to look at her once more, blinking. “I didn’t have to beat her much,” he added quickly. “I think she’s afraid of me.”

  Great, Michelle thought. “And not afraid of me at all.”

  “It’s not the worst thing in the world,” Lucas said back, his voice somewhat distant as he stared down the road. “You’re still human,” he added.

  “I’m still human?” Michelle chuckled. “And what does that make you?”

  “You know what I mean,” Lucas muttered. “My experiences have changed me… I’m cold, calculating. Jocelyn feared I would damage her permanently if she didn’t give me information. She was probably right…”

  Michelle stared at Lucas, taken aback by his comments. She hadn’t seen this side to him, the one that wondered whether what he did was right or wrong. She had always imagined him to be one-dimensional when it came to dealing with Supers. He did whatever needed doing in order to survive. Not once did she think he questioned his actions…

  She placed a hand on his lap. “It’s not your fault,” she told him. “You’re an adept survivor.”

  Lucas shrugged, though he did give her a smile.

  A sad smile.

  “Cheer up!” she pushed his shoulder. “Life isn’t that bad. You’re alive, you’re a Super now. You avenged your father’s death. You live in a house full of hot girls that want you desperately. And that includes Lucy, you know. That girl has wanted you for a long time.”

  “Girls that want me desperately?” Lucas asked, his lips twitched. “Does that include you?”

  “Funny,” Michelle rolled her eyes.

  He knew she wanted him.

  He did know, right?

  He must know… They had slept together. She gave him regular massages. Okay, not exactly regular. She’d given him a massage once. But it was from his lack of wanting, not her lack of giving.

  She wished she still shared his bed. Sure, she was only a short trip down the corridor. She could pop into his room in the middle of the night if she wanted his cock.

  Wanted his cock.

  Michelle’s cheeks warmed at the thought.

  It was an easy thing to think, another matter totally in doing so. Michelle didn’t have the confidence to just walk into his room, middle of the night, demand sex.

  That was something Anika would do. She was only down the corridor too…

  “You won’t believe what Anika said to me earlier today,” Michelle said.

  She told Lucas what had happened, how the black girl had cornered her in the kitchen, demanded she leave, before Michelle turned the table on her, using the little she had learnt from Jocelyn in sexual domination.

  “Living in a house full of hot women isn’t fun,” Lucas muttered, when she was done. “No one thinks about the jealousy.”

  “Oh, you poor thing,” Michelle rubbed his arm. “All these women wanting you for themselves, it must be hard.”

  Lucas glared at her. “It’s not easy, okay.”

  “You’re right,” Michelle conceded, being more serious now. “I think you should establish order in that house.”

  “Yeah? And how do I do that?”

  “Dominate them.”


  “I’m telling you. Jocelyn might have stumbled onto something. I’m not submissive in nature, but that girl dominated me, turned me into her bitch and I enjoyed it. I think you could do it into any girl.”

  Lucas cleared his throat. “Jocelyn did what to you now?”


  Michelle’s cheeks turned rosy.

  Being comfortable in his presence, she’d shared far too much. “She uhh… when I first met her, she sort of dominated me… sexually. It was weird… I think I liked it.”

  “Ah, right,” Lucas said.

  Michelle stared at him carefully, noticed his cheeks colouring. What do you know, the guy isn’t completely infallible. There were somethings that made him blush.

  “Yeah,” Michelle said, now feeling a bit more confident. “She stripped me naked, had me clean her in the shower, then rode my face until she came. She’s got a Normie slave that she keeps naked at all times too.”

  Lucas swallowed but remained silent, his eyes on the road. He was nervous, and Michelle was enjoying this.

  “Maybe you could do it to the girls in your house,” she continued. “They could do with a firm hand, a spanking to keep them in line. You should show them whose boss.”

  “That’s actually not a bad idea,” Lucas mumbled.

  Michelle had meant it as a joke, somewhat. Sure, she was thinking of doing it to Anika just because the girl had wanted her to leave the house. She’d enjoyed that brief power exchange, been excited some. Would it be the worst thing if Lucas did the same to the girls?

  They could do with a firm hand. The world was falling apart around them. No, the world had fallen apart around them. People were dying in the streets. Gangs shooting at each other, Supers throwing cars around like they were footballs.

  And the girls were more concerned with their petty little infatuations?

  They motorway came to an end as they entered Buxworth Town. The streets were deserted and dirty. The tarmac was worn and chipped, marked with holes, some so larger, you had to drive onto the pavement to get across.

  Buxworth Town had always been like that.

  But now, you could see the additional damage done by the gangs vying for power. They drove past a deserted street, the ground littered with shells, the walls on opposing sides chipped away from bullet fire, doors riddled with holes, windows shattered.

  There was evidence of Supers battling too. Cars turned upside down. Large chunks missing from corners of walls, or holes in the centre, some surrounded by scorch marks, as if balls of fire or something burning hot had broken through.

  “Jesus,” Michelle muttered. “Not a single person about. It’s a ghost town.”

  “It’s good that most of the people have fled or are hiding,” Lucas said. “But it’s not a ghost town,” he added darkly.

  “What you mean?”

  “We’re being followed.”

  Michelle spun around to look behind through the rear windshield. There was nothing there. The road was completely empty. There were no cars behind them, no Normies or Supers running along the pavement beside them. Not a person in sight.

  “Are you sure?”

  Lucas nodded. “Certain. Look right.”

  Michelle turned and stared out the window, eyes peeled. All she could see were terraced houses of redbrick, some rendered in a horrible grey. The road came to an end. Lucas hit the brakes; the car came to a halt in the centre of the crossroad.

  Michelle continued to stare out through the window. A black car with tinted windows appeared. It was only visible for a few seconds before it drove past the opposite c
rossroad section and vanished.

  “Wait for it,” Lucas said.

  And sure enough, a moment later, she heard the screeching of tires as the car did a hasty U-turn. It reappeared by the crossroad, where it stopped. The windows tinted, and from the distance they sat, along with the cloudy skies, it was hard to tell who or how many sat in the car.

  “What’s the plan?” Lucas asked.

  Michelle turned her head to look at him. “Why are you asking me?”

  “You want to be Mayor, right?” Lucas grinned. “You’re going to have to start calling the shots at some point.”

  “Right,” Michelle nodded. She turned to look back at the car, trying to analyse who or what may be sitting inside. That’s what Lucas would do, right? She had nothing. It was just a car. “Shall we step out?” she asked, but then shook her head. “Right. I’m in charge.”

  She grabbed the door handle and pulled the buckle, but then stopped. The car couldn’t be following them for any good reason. It was Buxworth Town and it was 2020. They had hostile intentions. A fight could take place. “What if they’re Supers?” Michelle asked.

  Lucas shrugged his shoulders. “So what?”

  “Right,” Michelle said.

  She still didn’t open the door.

  If that car were full of Supers, this could go badly wrong for them.

  She couldn’t be like Lucas. He was killing Supers back when he was a Normie. That required a certain type of confidence that she just didn’t have.

  Sure, some might think she’d needed confidence to fight Mayor Carcass, but she’d disagree. That was rage. And right now, she wasn’t feeling rage. Just a whole load of apprehension.

  Beside her, Lucas sighed. “What’s the matter?”

  “There could be five Supers in that car, against two of us. And uh, no offense, but you’re not a Super… Super… just yet.” She stopped to examine his expression. It was unreadable. Damned dude, too fucking cool for school. “We could lose.”

  Lucas shook his head. “They’re not Supers.”

  Michelle frowned. “How can you be so sure?”

  “They’re following us because they don’t know if we’re Normies or Supers. Their waiting to make sure. If it were Supers in that car, they wouldn’t have cared. They would have just attacked.”


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