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Carnival Hill (The Harlequin Crew Book 3)

Page 15

by Caroline Peckham

  “I’ll add more healing crystals to your room,” she said. “Are the bedsheets sterilised yet so I can start sleeping with you again?”

  “No and there’s been a lot of…shedding,” I said, making shit up on the spot and she gasped.

  “Shedding?” she breathed in horror. “Like a snake skin?”

  A laugh hitched in my throat and I swallowed it down, forcing a harsh frown onto my face. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Sorry, baby,” she said softly, patting my arm. “My cousin is a chiropractor, maybe I could call him for some advice?”

  “It’s not my back that’s the problem, Mia,” I bit at her. “It’s my cock. And my balls too. My balls are very swollen, they look like two purple turnips. And don’t get me started on the smell or the weird diaper I have to wear so that-” I cut myself off, holding a fist to my mouth and closing my eyes like I was horrified by what I’d said.

  The guy driving the car glanced at me in the rear mirror with wide eyes and it took everything I had not to crack up laughing. Rogue would have loved this game.

  “Oh no,” she gasped.

  “Yeah,” I gritted out. “So can we please stop talking about it?”

  “That Rogue girl has a lot to answer for,” she growled and I nodded. Sorry, beautiful, it had to be you who gave it to me.

  We arrived at the huge gates to the Rosewood Manor and my amusement fell away as I sat up straighter. I’d wanted to get in here for so fucking long. I’d put in the time, I’d earned it. And now it was finally going to pay off.

  A couple of armed guards opened the gates for us and as we drove inside, I took in the immaculate grounds which had once been overgrown and neglected. I’d preferred it like that, with the grass long and wildflowers everywhere. Kaiser had stamped the character out of it, the lawns perfectly kempt, the old cracking drive repaired and the manor house now gleaming, the porch freshly painted in white and a group of expensive looking rattan garden furniture out on the new decking.

  My driver parked us up alongside another vehicle and I scowled out at Fox’s truck before exiting the car. I adjusted the gun on my hip as Mia moved to my side and we walked towards the porch where a few guards were standing with machine guns across their bodies. Kaiser wasn’t fucking around when it came to security and I had to wonder what he was guarding so fiercely here, or if he was just a nut.

  They frisked us then let us inside once they’d taken my gun and we moved through a grand entrance hall with oak flooring and a huge stairway with red carpet that twisted up off towards the next floor. One of the guards led us through the house past opulent rooms that had the scent of fresh paint and new money about them. Kaiser’s taste was gross. Everything was bright, mismatching and uncomfortable looking. There was a violently orange rug over a black and white tiled floor and the pictures on the walls looked like something I could have done with a paintbrush clenched between my ass cheeks.

  “It’s so beautiful here, isn’t it?” Mia sighed and I wrinkled my nose. Of course she fucking likes it.

  We arrived in an enormous room with a large round poker table at the heart of it, the walls decorated with man-sized playing cards, giant guns and a mural of a cartoon version of Kaiser with a gangster hat on and two tommy guns in his hands which fired golden bullets.

  What in the fuck is that ugly shit?

  Fox was sitting at the table with Rogue beside him in a blood red dress that made her look fucking edible. My gaze dragged over her with intent and my cock woke up like Snow White after being kissed by the prince. She wet her lips as she looked back at me and Fox bristled beside her, his eyes full of a menacing warning which I didn’t give two fucks about heeding.

  “Mi-Mi!” Kaiser stood from his seat with a wide smile, raising a glass of whiskey to toast our arrival. There were a bunch of other people sat around the table and I recognised Mayor Hardanger with her long red hair and a couple of the local cops among them.

  Mia tugged on my arm, pulling me along towards her stepfather who dragged her in for a hug. My gaze moved to a woman as she stood up beside Kaiser, her tits pushed up to the moon in her tight black velvet dress and her upper lip so full of filler it looked like a wet fish had been stapled to her face. Her hair was dark like Mia’s, hanging around her shoulders in rippling, silky waves. Her arms were covered in tattoos and one look at them told me who had been in charge of the décor in this place. One sleeve was just a mish-mash of bright, intersecting colours that surrounded a picture of her and Kaiser wrapped around each other naked.

  “Come here to Mommy, Maverick, it’s so nice to meet you at last. I’m Jasmine,” she said in a sultry voice, grabbing me for a hug I didn’t consent to and trying to draw my head down to nuzzle her tits. That would be a fuck no.

  I vaguely squeezed her back then pulled away, but not before she planted a lipstick kiss on my cheek with those fish lips of hers. It felt like a rhino’s asshole stamping to my cheek and they practically popped from the suction as they pulled off of my skin.

  “It’s great to finally meet you,” I said, forcing a smile and Kaiser grabbed me in for a hug next like we were goddamn family.

  I felt like I was being molested in front of the whole room, and the fact that Fox was watching this display got my fucking back up. But I had to play along, because this was what I’d been angling towards for a long damn time, it just sucked that he had to be here to witness how low I’d stoop for this shit.

  Kaiser clapped my back several times and I nearly choked on his aftershave before he let me go.

  “Everyone, this is Maverick Stone, my Mi-Mi’s boyfriend,” Kaiser announced, then looked to Fox. “Obviously there’s a little tension between you and another of my guests so I ask that we keep this civil. Guillermo will be keeping an eye on you all to make sure things remain so.” He gestured to his man who was built like a barn and had a machine gun over his chest and an ammunition belt wrapped across his body. “Now please sit and we’ll begin the first game of the night.”

  Mia towed me to our seats which happened to be right next to Rogue and Fox – a fact I had to assume was intentional, but I didn’t know what Kaiser’s angle was. Maybe he just wanted to figure out how deep our hatred really ran. Mia tried to take the seat next to Rogue, but I smoothly dropped into it before she could stop me from sitting beside her.

  “We won’t have any issues, will we Foxy?” I leaned forward to look at him beyond my girl and he gave me a death glare.

  “Not unless you cause any,” he said icily.

  “I never cause trouble, do I baby?” I nudged Mia and she gripped my hand on the table, winding her fingers between mine.

  I turned to look at Rogue, examining every inch of her outfit and her gaze narrowed on my hand around Mia’s. I could smell coconut on her skin, but it wasn’t nearly enough to sate my hunger for her. I wanted to take a vicious bite and leave my mark on her. I also wanted to fuck with her straightened hair and perfect make up, show the world how good she looked roughed up and freshly fucked by me.

  “Hello, beautiful,” I said in a low tone.

  “Hey, Rick,” she said with a light, playful smile. Hmm, she definitely wants my cock.

  A waiter appeared to take our drinks order and another guy cashed in some chips for me and Mia to play the game, so we were soon being dealt our cards and I finally had an excuse to let go of Mia’s hand.

  I peeked at my cards, glancing at Rogue knowingly. Her poker game was supreme. She could beat our asses as kids ten times over. And I for one was excited to see how hard she could thrash these rich assholes tonight.

  Idle chatter broke out around the table as we played and I started to plan how to excuse myself from this shit so I could go and check out the crypt. Rogue had told me she’d gotten onto the property to see it not long after she came back to town, but with the renovation work Mia kept telling me was going on at this manor lately, I’d been worried Kaiser might have done something to it since then. So I needed to see the crypt for mysel
f tonight and make a plan to bust in there ASAP.

  “So Foxy, how’s Harlequin business?” I asked casually as Mia fell into conversation with the mayor on her other side.

  “It’d be great if it wasn’t for the two assholes trying to destroy my town. I’m not sure who’s more of a threat right now, the piece of shit who hurt Rogue and is now trying to take her and my land, or the family traitor who’s also trying to take my girl and thinks he can do whatever he likes without facing the consequences of his actions,” Fox said smoothly.

  “I’m not your girl,” Rogue murmured, but only low enough so we could hear it and I guessed she was playing her role as his tonight for the onlookers.

  “Wow, you do have a lot on your plate, brother. It would almost be easier to give up on trying to keep my girl from what she really wants,” I taunted, looking to rile him.

  “I’m not your girl either,” she sang, pushing a couple of chips into the game as the play came our way.

  I folded, tossing my cards down and giving Rogue and Foxy my full attention.

  I dropped my hand onto her thigh under the table, wrapping my fingers around the inside of it and squeezing, making a tiny gasp escape her.

  “I beg to disagree, beautiful,” I whispered, but Fox caught it and his jaw tightened as he glared at me.

  “You’re never going to have her,” Fox said in a growl and something in his eyes told me he was plotting to make sure those words came true.

  “Already have. Been there, done that, came in her, will repeat,” I said through a polite smile as Guillermo drifted a little closer and Fox’s hand curled into a fist on the table.

  “Can you stop bartering over me like I’m a prize cow?” Rogue asked lightly. “I’m not either of yours, never have been, never will be.”

  Challenge accepted.

  Fox painted on a tight smile as my hand slid higher up Rogue’s thigh and her legs clamped down on my fingers to stop me going further. I pinched the inside of her leg and she leapt a little in her seat, making her thighs widen enough for me to reach up her skirt and pinch her clit too. She gasped as I tugged my hand away and got to my feet, a smirk dancing around my lips as I ignored her staring up at me in shock.

  “What happened?” Fox murmured to her and I sniggered as she shook her head in a refusal to reply.

  “Which way to the restroom?” I asked Guillermo and he pointed with his gun towards a door across the room. I nodded, stepping toward Fox and peering over his shoulder as my fingers brushed Rogue’s arm and I painted the word mine on her flesh.

  “A ten and an ace? You’ve got this in the bag, buddy,” I said loudly then slapped Fox’s shoulder as he swore under his breath and I walked away to the door, stepping out of it and hurrying down the corridor.

  There was a red velvet rope blocking off the end of the hall but no guards around, so that was a good sign. I slipped into the restroom and took out my phone, shooting a text to Rogue.


  Make your excuses and meet me for a quick fuck.


  How about no, dickwad?


  Fine, meet me for a surprise.


  Is the surprise your cock?




  No thanks! My vag isn’t taking requests.


  How about we go on our adventure then? Operation crypt.


  Keep talking…


  Get your fine ass up and walk it down the hall to me and come play with me out in the dark, dark woods where no one will see me fucking you senseless against the crypt wall.






  *Cow emoji*




  Stop cow buying me.


  Fine. Sneak out. Creep to the crypt. No fucking.




  Glad you didn’t rule out fingering, eating you out, sucking my cock or a cheeky handjob.


  *Ruler emoji* *exit sign emoji*


  You just ruled them out didn’t you…



  She walked through the door swaying her hips. “Kaiser just called an interval. We’ve got thirty minutes until the game starts again. Fox has been snagged by Kaiser, but he’s gonna be on the warpath when he realises I’m gone.”

  “Luckily I don’t give a shit what Fox thinks,” I said, grabbing her hand. “But I’d rather he didn’t find us sniffing around by the crypt we’re gonna use to destroy him.”

  A small crease formed between her eyes that made me frown, but then it was gone and she towed me out the door. We ran like kids towards the red velvet rope, leaping over it and tearing away down the corridor while stifling our laughter.

  A few turns took us to a side door and we pushed through it, finding ourselves in a stone courtyard that led to the gardens. We raced through it, moving faster and faster as we slipped down a pathway and headed for the crypt at the far end of the grounds.

  It wasn’t long before we made it into the graveyard, finding it carefully tended to unlike the wilderness it had once been ten years ago. The crypt stood tall at the heart of it and my pulse settled as I laid my eyes on it at long last.

  We hurried up to the door and I checked that it was all intact then ran my finger over the circular ring of five bronze keyholes with tiny animals beside each one that linked them to our keys. Rogue lay her palm flat to the stone and moved them over the keyholes and I looked down at her as she shut her eyes.

  “You okay, beautiful?” I asked and as she opened her eyes, I found them gleaming wetly.

  She shook her head and suddenly she threw herself at me, burying her face in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her in surprise.

  “What’s wrong?” I growled, ready to destroy whoever was the cause of this pain. If Fox had done something, I’d kill him tonight. I’d string him up in front of the whole goddamn party if I had to and take my chances with fucking Guillermo and his machine gun.

  “I miss him,” she choked out and she didn’t have to say who as my chest tightened. I knew instinctively because as soon as she said those words, they opened up a wound in me that I’d been working so hard to ignore.

  I cupped her chin, drawing her head up to look at me as tears rolled down her cheeks, making me fucking break.

  “You’ll be alright,” I said, but she shook her head.

  “I won’t,” she said, a crack in her voice. “I won’t, Rick, I keep trying to move on, but I can’t. Every day is like swimming through tar and one day I’m gonna grow tired and I won’t be able to do it anymore. I’ll just sink into this grief in me and it’s gonna eat me up.”

  “Don’t talk like that,” I said firmly. “This will pass.”

  “It. Won’t,” she said fiercely, her eyes flaring with pain. “It’s over. Any chance I had to be whole is gone. I know it doesn’t make sense, I know I’m supposed to hate them all, but I love them too. And now Chase is…is dead,” she rasped and my chest crushed like it was under the weight of a ton of iron. “I’m broken for good. I can’t recover from this. He’s a piece of me which I need in this world, even if he hurt me, even if I hate him more than I love him.” She knotted her fingers in my shirt and I pushed her up against the crypt, our end awaiting us inside it.

  Through all my plans to destroy the Harlequins, I had never had to factor her into the equation. But I could see she was torn, it was written all over her face. This plan we had to unleash the secrets of this crypt was one I’d been working on for a long time, but if she couldn’t handle it, if opening it destroyed her too then how could I go through with it?

  “Baby girl,” I growled, smearing a tear across her cheek as she looked up at me for an answer I didn’t have
. “You’re stronger than anyone I know. You can recover from this.”

  “Can you?” she breathed, searching my eyes. “Do you really not care he’s dead?”

  I fell quiet, the answer to that question sitting on my tongue. The truth I didn’t want to give. Her fingers dragged along my cheek and I leaned into her touch as my heart beat powerfully for this girl.

  “I see him all the time,” she whispered. “In every dream, in every waking moment, he’s there, feeling so close it’s like he’s not gone at all. But he is. And the moment I accept that, I’m going to shatter and I won’t recover this time, Rick. I don’t want to recover.”

  “Don’t say that,” I growled, taking hold of her throat in a light grip and pressing her back against the stone door. “I’ll hold you together, I’ll wrap you up so tight you won’t even feel the cracks in your walls.”

  “You can’t,” she croaked. “It’s too late for all that Rick. Ten years too fucking late. And now he’s gone and I…” She closed her eyes and more tears rushed down her cheeks.

  I felt frantic, hating that I didn’t know what to do or how to heal this pain in her. I couldn’t bring Chase back from the dead, and it looked like that was the only thing that could mend this ache.

  “I’m sorry, beautiful,” I said heavily. “I shouldn’t have let him go off alone the night The Dollhouse came down.”

  “Why were you there with him?” she asked, looking at me once more and I realised we’d never had this conversation.

  I swallowed thickly, not wanting to go there, to let this wound split apart. I didn’t want to bleed. But Rogue needed me to. I could see how alone she was and I needed to climb down into this pit of despair with her and just let her know I was breaking too. But if she saw that, she’d question everything, I’d fucking question everything.


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