Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1

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Paradise City: Harrison Series Book 1 Page 18

by L. L. Ash

  “He is. I adore my dad. I don’t have any other family to speak of. Dad adopted me when I was 12 after marrying my mom. She took off not a year later and it’s been me and him ever since.”

  “Sounds like an exemplary man.”

  “He is. If I can become half the man he is one day, I’ll consider myself lucky.”

  With that Dad took up his fork again and took another bite of his dinner.

  There was another long silence as we ate, but it wasn’t uncomfortable like it had been.

  “What do you have planned for the future?” Dad asked eventually as we were taking our last bites.

  Tyler took a sip of his lemonade and finished chewing before saying,

  “My future looks a lot the same as it does now. I intend to continue working at the hotel. Eventually taking it over when Dad’s ready to retire. But I want to have a family. A wife, kids, a home of my own, outside of the strip.”

  He looked at me as he said that. His eyes sparkling as he spoke of the future. OUR future.

  “These are your intentions with my daughter?”

  “If she’ll have me, they are. But we’re still making our way up to that point. I’m not quite ready to get married, and I doubt Sam is either.”

  After another nod and pause, Dad leaned forward, saying, “I appreciate your transparency and frankness Tyler. It makes me feel better that at least you seem mature and like your head is screwed on straight. Of course these are just words. Your actions will prove your character to me more then anything. But I’ll not get between you unless something happens that causes me concern.”

  “If something causes you concern, hopefully at this point, we can talk it through to understand each other. I’d like to keep an open and honest dialogue with you.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” Dad agreed and cleared his plate and mine from the table.

  Tyler stood with his and went to the kitchen with Dad to put it in the sink.

  “Well Mr. Bulliard, would you tell me about what you do for a living? Sam mentioned briefly that you’d gotten a promotion that landed you here in good ‘ol Las Vegas.”

  “That’s right,” Dad said as he sat back in his chair. “I’m a contracter. My company won a bid for a housing complex out here that’ll take the next 3 years or so to complete.”

  “And do you plan on sticking it out here once the contract is over?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. No offence, but I haven’t become a great fan of the city and am struggling to adjust to the busy lifestyle after living in a smaller city all my life. Quiet, slow life suits me.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do with myself with a slow, quiet life,” Tyler answered with a smile.

  Dad nodded and grinned, then invited us to move into the living room.

  We laughed and joked and relaxed, all the way up until it was time to say goodnight.

  I went to the door with Tyler and turned to Dad to say goodnight before he asked, “Where are you going?”

  “I was going to head back to the hotel with Tyler. My car is still at the store so he was going to bring me to get it.”

  “And then you’ll come home?”

  “No. I’m spending the night at the hotel since I start work really early in the morning.”

  “You live here, Sam. You’ve spent more nights away then home in the last 2 weeks.”

  “Dad, we’ve been through this. I’m not a child. If I want to sleep at Tyler’s place then that’s where I’m going to go.”

  “This is my house and my rules.”

  “Then maybe I should move out.”

  Dad’s face got all red and he glared at Ty before closing the door with a bang.

  “Great end to the night,” Tyler said sardonically.

  I sighed and folded my arms, walking toward the car. Tyler caught up with me and put an arm around me before opening my door.

  We drove back to the hotel in silence. The evening that had started bad and gotten to be pleasant had ended terribly.

  After getting up to the suite Tyler and I sighed and plopped onto the couch, discouraged.

  There was some giggling coming from the back room and moments later Scott came out of his room with a tall, blond, blue eyed woman I’d never seen before.

  “Oh, I thought you kids would be out a while longer,” he said when he saw us.

  “We thought we’d head home when the visit turned kinda vicious,” Tyler said with a sigh, as if the blonde didn’t even exist.

  “Uh oh,” Scott said with a sigh himself. “Just give me a minute and I’d like to hear about it.”

  He headed toward the door without introducing the woman and said goodbye, kissing her on the lips before closing the door. It didn’t take much thought to conclude what had happened in our absence.

  “How did it get vicious?” Scott asked as he took a seat on the recliner to the side of where we were sitting on the couch.

  “It started out badly,” Tyler told him, pulling the leg of his trousers down on the ankle that was propped on the other knee. “Mr. Bulliard actually talked and things seemed to get better. I was beginning to think we’d made a great step forward, and then when Sam told him she was coming home with me, he kind of flipped.”


  “What do you mean ‘and’?” Tyler sounded put out.

  Scott smiled and leaned forward, his forearms resting over his knees.

  “Ty, your inexperience is showing.” Scott said with almost a smirk.

  Tyler gave him an irritated look before Scott went on.

  “Think of it from his view. Here is his baby girl, the only thing left in the whole world to him… snatched up in a matter of days by a boy he doesn’t know. A boy who has taken just about every ounce of time his baby girl has. Then this same boy who had a terrible fight with said baby girl, leaving her miserable and depressed.”

  I wondered briefly how he knew so much, but then again, Tyler told his dad everything so it wasn’t exactly surprising.

  “Then if that isn’t bad enough, said boy comes back into the picture suddenly and takes his little girl away again, except this time his little girl isn’t ever home anymore, choosing said boy’s attentions over her daddy’s. Does that give you a little insight? I’d hate your guts too if I were him.”

  “Wow Dad, I’m not sure whether I should thank you or punch you right now.”

  “Well I’d prefer a thank you, but either way I can take you so...” Scott said with a shrug.

  “You’re high,” Tyler said, rolling his eyes.

  “If I can’t beat you with strength, I’ll beat you with brain.”

  “I’m not fighting with you tonight,” Tyler said, putting his hands up in surrender. “You just got laid, so you’ve got all kinds of adrenaline running through you at the moment.”

  “Smart move,” Scott said and sat back in the seat with a smirk.

  I bit the inside of my lip, wondering if this was what it would have been like if I’d have had a brother. If my dad and brother would have bantered like this.

  “Just give Sam’s dad some time to get used to the idea. You realize that he’s not just getting used to the idea of Sam dating someone seriously, he’s coming to terms with being an empty nester, and to someone who has lost their spouse, that means being alone.”

  “I hadn’t ever considered that,” I whispered.

  “I think he’s scared more than angry. And maybe a little hurt that this all happened so fast. I know I was really surprised and worried, until I got to know you, Sam. Now I’m giving Tyler hi-fives for scoring so well.”

  Tyler giggled into a closed fist before Scott looked at him pointedly and said, “Not THAT kind of score.”

  “No, there’s that kind, too,” Tyler gave a laugh and put his head back, closing his eyes and letting himself relax a little.

  “Sometimes I think we’re entirely too open in this family,” Scott said with a frown on his face.

  “You’ve only yourself to blame,” Tyler countered. �
��You’re the one who raised me.”

  I leaned back into the couch, resting my head against Tyler’s shoulder while a smile tweaked the side of Scott’s mouth in humor.

  “So, Sam, how’re you feeling about starting work in the morning?”

  “I’m nervous,” I admitted. “But I’m pretty excited.”

  “And about the Gala at the end of the week?”

  “Gala?” I asked, perking up. “Nobody said anything about a Gala.”

  “Ty, you didn’t tell Sam about the Gala?”

  “Not yet. It’d slipped my mind lately.”

  “Well, you’ll do fine. You’ll be there on a professional pretense so just do what you do and smile.”

  I gulped and Scott must have caught my nervousness because he added, “Georgiana is coming too. She’ll be there for you if you have questions. But you’ll mostly just get to sit and enjoy yourselves.”

  I nodded but looked at Tyler and smacked him on the shoulder, causing him to jump up in attention.

  “Is this the kind of boss you’ll be? Last minute warnings and no plan ahead time for anything.”

  “That’s your job,” he joked, but I wondered if he was partially serious.

  “Well, it’s getting late and we’ve got an early day of meetings so get to sleep,” Scott said as he stood slowly out of his chair. He stretched, showing his belly button as his t-shirt lifted.

  “See you bright and early.” he added as a goodnight.

  After he left I got up and pulled Tyler by the arm, trying to get him up.

  When he slouched further into the couch, face planting into the seat I let go and said, “Guess I’ll have to wear one of my special outfits for an empty room….”

  He was jumping up in less then a second, grabbing my waist as we quickly made our way to the bedroom.

  Chapter 14

  I’d already spent a good hour and a half getting ready for work. Between showering, shaving, dressing and doing my hair and makeup I almost felt like I was going on a date instead of to an office.

  “Sam, it’s time to go!” Tyler called into the room from the kitchen.

  I’d watched him sleep as I got up and started prepping. He got an extra hour of sleep before finally getting up and getting showered and dressed in less than 20 minutes, leaving him time for a leisurely breakfast.

  I ran out of the room, grabbed a bagel off the counter as I followed Tyler and Scott out the door. When we arrived at the second floor offices I walked behind Tyler and Scott as we approached their offices, side by side from each other.

  “Good morning Mr. Harrison,” Georgiana said as she shuffled some papers at her desk.

  “Good morning,” Tyler and Scott answered together and smiled before Scott went over to Georgiana and I followed Tyler into his office.

  “Ok,” he said and frowned at the stack of papers piled up on his desk. “Your desk is just outside the door here. We brought it in on Friday so you’d have a good space to be organized and comfortable.”

  Tyler sat down in his chair and pulled a couple of thick folders out of the pile.

  “Georgiana will get you going on how the filing system works and the software…. And Helena from HR will probably be stopping by and making an appointment with you to go over insurance, 401K and the likes.”

  When Tyler looked up he must have seen how overwhelmed I was at the moment because he stood and hurried around the desk to pull me into an embrace.

  “Hey, hey it’s ok. It sounds worse then it is. Just take one thing at a time and ask questions until you understand it. Georgiana is patient, that’s why we love her so much. She’ll take good care of you. And I’m here if you need me.”

  I nodded and put a smile on for him before pulling out of his arms to suck up my insecurities. If there was one thing I couldn’t give in to in this job, it was insecurity. I needed confidence if I was to succeed.

  “Sam, Sweetheart,” Scott called from outside in the hall.

  I took a deep breath, smiling again and went to see Scott.

  “Georgiana. This is Samantha Bulliard. She’s Tyler’s new assistant. I know you’ve already got a lot to do, but your patience and expertise is why I want you to train her. She’ll do a great job under great tutelage.”

  “Whatever you want Mr. Harrison. I’ll take care of her. Besides, the better I train her, the faster she can take over some of my duties.”

  Scott rapped on the desk as he barked out a laugh.

  “That’s the spirit!” he told her, winked at me then wandered into his office.

  Not seconds later his head popped back out as he said, “Thanks for the coffee Georgie.”

  “My pleasure,” she said, smiling at him as he went back inside, closing the door behind him.

  Georgiana looked at me, studying me, before saying, “I’m glad to meet you. I hope we can be friends as well as associates. The days get so dull sometimes I feel like smashing my head against the wall. Another girl around is a welcome sight.”

  The smile on her face looked genuine and I eased. Working with Georgiana had been one of my biggest worries.

  “And Sam, please ask lots and lots of questions. The type of work you’ll be doing here is all about experience and can’t be learned in a textbook, so if there’s something you want to know I’ll do my damndest to help.”

  “Thanks Georgiana. I hope we can be friends too. I’m a bit nervous this morning. I’ve never done this type of work so I feel a little overwhelmed.”

  “Oh, you’ll always feel overwhelmed,” she said. “But it’s worth it because Tyler and Scott are great, generous men who take care of their employees.”

  “That’s good to know,” I told her and settled behind my small oak desk. It matched Georgiana’s desk exactly.

  “Why don’t you scoot over here and I’ll go over the papers I have?”

  I agreed and swiveled in my chair to her desk.

  A good couple of hours passed as she went over filing, and let me listen in on a few calls.

  We found ourselves giggling and chatting, and neither of us noticed when Tyler came out of his office to lean against the doorframe and watch us.

  “Well I’m glad you’re getting along,” he said eventually.

  We both jumped, giggled again and I got up, pushing my chair back to my desk.

  “A moment, Sam?”

  “Of course,” I told him and followed him into his office.

  When the door closed he pushed me against it and kissed me violently.

  “I love this,” he said after a minute of breathtaking kisses.

  “I’m learning a lot,” I told him before being assaulted again.

  He pulled my hips closer, grinding into them before I leaned back saying, “I think this would count as sexual harassment.”

  Tyler laughed and loosened his grip a little before opening the door again.

  “You’re doing a great job. I’m glad you’re getting along. You look happy.”

  “I am,” I told him before sitting at my desk again.

  “Please make a reservation for lunch at Le Italiano. I’ve got an important lunch date.”

  “For how many?” I asked him, getting my notebook out and scratching the name of the restaurant down.

  “Just 2,” he said with a wink before closing the door again.

  I grinned and immediately called for the reservation.

  “So, how is your first day going?” Tyler asked as he dug into his meatball marinara, trying to avoid sauce-splash on his white shirt.

  “It’s a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I mean, Georgiana is great and so nice. I feel really comfortable with her.”

  “That’s good, because you’ll be spending a lot of time together,” he said with a grin.

  When we finished our lunch I got back to my desk and saw Georgiana talking with Scott, their interaction familiar and somewhat on the tender side.

  As soon as Georgiana sat down and shuffled through a file Scott had given her, I scooched over to her
desk like a 3 year old and asked, “Do you and Scott have a thing?”

  She laughed and waved at her face as if embarrassed.

  “God, I wish. I’ve tried but he’s always nicely rebuffed me. But there’s more than one Harrison to love...”

  She glanced over at Tyler’s door and I bristled on the inside.

  “You and Tyler?”

  “Only once. I think he was going through a breakup or something. He wasn’t himself. But man, he’s an amazing lover. That tongue is magic!”

  I bit so hard on my lip I could taste coppery blood.

  “I’ve tried again since, but he’s taken a chapter from his father’s book and politely rejects me.”

  At least there was that….

  “Why? Are you thinking about taking a shot at it? He’s notoriously difficult to get into bed. And Scott, he has his two or three women that he shuffles and waves the rest off. There’s no real chance there.”

  “I’m not interested in Scott,” I told her truthfully.

  “So Tyler? He’s so handsome isn’t he? I remember him mentioning something about a girlfriend. Boy do I rue the day he gets taken off the market for good. It’ll be a loss for all womankind.”

  “He’s off the market,” I mumbled under my breath and she turned to me.


  “Oh nothing. Thanks for the info,” I told her and stood before dragging my chair back to the desk.

  I worked through the anger as I filed the financial reports, so by quitting time I was basically back to normal.

  “Ready to go, Babe?” Tyler asked as he approached me, putting his hands on my shoulders, massaging, before kissing my neck.

  It felt blissful.

  Georgiana looked over and the look of horror on her face was almost humorous.

  “YOU’RE the girlfriend?” She asked me, looking betrayed.

  “Only after we punch out,” I said.

  Tyler scoffed before pulling me up.

  “Sam, I’m so sorry. If I’d have know I’d have never said….”

  “You only said the truth,” I assured her and waved, wishing her a good evening.

  “What were you talking about?” Tyler asked as we rode the elevator up.


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