Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC (Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC Book 4)

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Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC (Raw Honey: Knights of Silence MC Book 4) Page 15

by Amy Cecil

  "So which one did I kill?" he asks, worried.

  "The right one?" Hawk says. "Hell, I don't know, Ice. This is so fucked up."

  "So you think that this twin is the one terrorizing Emma?"

  "It makes sense," Hawk replies.

  "Where does he live?"

  "Upstate New York. I'm sending a few guys up there today to check things out."

  "You got a name?"

  "Yeah, Joe Russo."

  "Ok, good work, Hawk. Keep me up to date on what you find out."

  "I will."

  "Anything else going on that I need to know about?"

  "Nothing earth-shattering, but things are moving along here. Brianne is out of detox and awake. I've had Spike detailed to her room and I've been checking on her daily. Doctors say she will be heading to rehab in a day or two."

  Emma jumps in and says, "Hawk, please ask them to wait to send her until I can get home. I really need to see her."

  "I'll see what I can do, Emma, but I can't make any promises."

  "Anything else?" Ice asks.

  "Clubhouse renovations are moving along. And I met with Gypsy yesterday. Everything's going as scheduled with the Satans. What about you guys? Any luck with Rebel's parents?"

  "Yeah, we finally got a lead. If all goes well we should be home day after tomorrow. If anything changes, I'll let you know."

  "Sounds good."

  "I'll wait to hear back from you about the brother," Ice says.

  "Will do, boss. Talk to you soon."

  He disconnects the call and looks around the room. "Any thoughts?"

  Nobody says a word for the longest time. Then, Emma breaks the silence. "It all makes sense now," she says as if she is talking to herself.

  "What, babe? What makes sense now?"

  "Mark. There was always an uncertainty that I felt about him. I could never pinpoint the reason why I was never able to set a date for the wedding. I always thought it was because of you, but at the time, I never believed that you would be back in my life. It's the question that's always plagued me about him and it's all so clear to me now," she says. When nobody responds to her words, she continues, "Mark was always odd. One minute he would be this sweet guy and then the next minute he would seem very aloof and detached. He truly scared me during those times, but I always chalked it up to him having a bad day. There were so many times when I almost believed he was two different people. I thought I was losing my mind. Now I know he was two different people, and both of them messed with my head." She gets up from the table.

  Ice shakes his head and says in almost a whisper, "What a fucking asshole." He walks over to Emma and pulls her into his arms, "You ok, babe?" He pauses then adds, "We'll get him. I promise."

  "I know," she says. "I know."

  He really does love her. I can see it in his face, the way he speaks to her and his actions. I guess I always knew it, but seeing them interact like this, it's staring me in the face.

  He turns back toward the group. "I think we're done here. Unless anyone else has anything to say? We've done everything we can on the Grayson thing. It's now a waiting game until we hear back from Hawk. And everything is ready for Friday. So, I think you all deserve a break. What do you think?"

  "A break?" Rebel asks.

  "What do you mean, a break?" Ryder chimes in. "You never give us a break when we're working on shit." He laughs.

  "I do too!" he says defensively.

  "Yeah, boss, sure you do," Doc says sarcastically.

  "Well, if you all don't want a break …" he teases.

  "No, no, we do. Really, we do!" Ryder says quickly.

  "That's better! Now, what I was saying is that you all have been going 24/7. But now everything is in place and we don't need to do anything until Friday. So, if you want to take in the city, do it. If you want to go hang with Declan at our sister club, do it. Take the next 36-odd hours and do what you want to do." Everyone still looks shocked; I think he may have just lost his mind. "What?" Ice asks. "Can't I give you fuckers a day off?"

  "Well, Ice," Doc says, "in all the years you have been our prez, you have never given us a day off."

  "Of course I have."

  "Name one," he retorts.

  "Well, there was the time when … ok, so maybe the time when … oh, fuck it. Never mind. Just take the fucking day off."

  They all start laughing. He turns to Emma, who is laughing right along with us, and says, "You too?"

  "Well …" she says sheepishly, "you have to admit, it's kinda funny."

  "Fuck it, you fuckers can do what you want. My girl and I are gonna do some sightseeing. If anyone wants to join us, feel free." He pauses and says, "Babe, get on the web and check out the sights. Let me know where you want to go. The day is yours."

  Every one of them gets up from the table and hurries out of the room. We can hear Ice laughing as we leave.

  Chapter 23

  Later that day, after getting myself settled, I go back downstairs and enter the living room. Everyone is talking about going somewhere and I want to go, too. I think.

  "Go where?" I ask.

  "We're gonna do some sightseeing. Wanna come?" Emma says.

  "Sure, where're we going?"

  "Rebel, can we go?" Ari asks.

  "Fucking stop! You all are making me fucking dizzy," Ice says and we all stop talking and look at him. "This is what's gonna happen. Emma and I are going sightseeing tomorrow—Giant's Causeway, Game of Thrones tour, and a night on the town in Belfast. Today, we're hitting the Harley store so she can get appropriate riding attire. Anyone who wants to go, be ready in thirty minutes."

  Thirty minutes later, we all leave for the Harley store. Emma gets a pair of boots, a sweater, and a jacket. Ari gets herself some boots. I, of course, already have everything I need, so I can actually save some money. But of course, I never miss an opportunity to go to the Harley store. You never know what might be new that I have to have. After shopping, we all grab some lunch and then return back to the house around four. We spend the rest of the evening just hanging out.

  The next day the sightseeing begins. We leave right after breakfast and spend the whole day enjoying the sights. Ireland is a beautiful country and even though we are here for some rather unpleasant circumstances, I'm so glad that I came.

  The next morning, Ice and the boys spend most of the day in the basement. He says that we need to be ready to go back to the States today and that Damon and Patrick will be taking us to the airport later tonight. I'm not so sure about Damon and Patrick. There's something fishy about those two…frankly, I don't trust them.

  We get our stuff together so that we are ready to leave and then we spend the rest of the day keeping ourselves busy. Emma and I are reading some smutty romance novels and Ari is totally occupied with her phone, probably on Facebook. I can't concentrate on the book. I'm worried about the guys and what's about to happen. I get up several times and pace. Emma tries to reassure me, but it's not working. I just have an uneasy feeling about everything and I can't shake it.

  The boys come up from the basement late in the afternoon and start to get their stuff together to leave Ireland. They're all loaded up with weapons, they look like a fucking swat team. When it's time for them to leave, Ice comes over to us with a guy that none of us have met yet. He says, "Emma, this is Reese. He will be staying with you and will make sure that you all get to the airport on time tonight."

  "Oh," she replies, surprised. "I thought Damon and Patrick were taking us?"

  "They are, Reese is just insurance. I really don't completely trust those two and although I felt I needed to give them something to do to keep them out of my hair, I also had to make sure that the task I gave them got done." He smiles.

  I knew there was a reason not to trust those two.

  "I get it," Emma replies.

  Ice leans in and kisses her on the cheek and says, "We've gotta go, babe. I'll see you at the airport." He kisses her on the lips this time and turns to leave.

bsp; "Caden?" she calls after him. He turns and raises an eyebrow. "Please be safe. Come back to me in one piece, please," she says and I can see she is just as worried as I am.

  He walks back over to Emma and gives her another hug. "Do you really think you can get rid of me that easily? I'll be back, I promise." He kisses her again and then proceeds to hug Ari and me.

  "See you later, Emma," Rebel says as he gives her a hug. Doc and Ryder both say their goodbyes as well and they all head out the door, accompanied by Liam.

  At first, we try to keep busy. We're all so worried about the boys and we know that if we just sit around the house doing nothing, our worries will get the best of us and make us crazy. We have a couple of hours before Damon and Patrick take us to the airfield and since all our stuff is already packed and ready to go, we decide to watch a movie. Nothing passes time better than a good movie.

  The waiting is killing me.

  "Damon, would it be ok if we headed over to the airfield now?" Emma asks. "I don't mind waiting there and I am sure the girls don't either."

  "I don't," I reply.

  "I'd love to go now," Ari adds.

  Damon looks over at Patrick and says, "It's a little early, but what do ya say bro? Wanna head over to the airfield? It might give us some extra time to take care of that other matter."

  Patrick gives Damon a knowing look and nods. "Ok ladies, we'll get your stuff loaded in the SUV."

  After all our bags are loaded, we all get in the car and head out. None of us have any idea of what to expect, all that we know for sure is that we're going to an airfield.

  Forty minutes later, we arrive at the airfield. There isn't much there, just a building and a couple of runways for the transport flights that go in and out of this facility. Ice said that our flight would be leaving at midnight. I look at my watch; we have three hours to wait.

  "Well, Emma, Patrick and I need to go. Will you girls be alright?" Damon asks Emma shortly after we arrive.

  Surprised that he is just gonna leave us here, she says, "You're not staying until the boys get here?"

  "We can't. We have something that we need to take care of." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "But you ladies have Reese. Isn't that why Ice had him tag along in the first place?"

  I knew these assholes were gonna bail on us. Ice did too, that's exactly why he had Reese.

  Damon says, "It was nice meeting you girls. Have a safe flight home."

  Patrick adds, "Yes, really great to meet you all."

  And just like that, they are both walking out the door and we're now left alone with Reese in a strange airfield.

  As the time ticks by, the more worried and concerned we become. Ice made it perfectly clear to us that we were to get on that flight whether he and the boys made it or not. As it gets closer to midnight, I begin to worry.

  At 11:30, the pilot and co-pilot greet us.

  "You ladies with Caden Jackson?"

  "Yes," Emma replies.

  Looking around, the pilot asks, "He here?"

  "No, not yet."

  "And you are?" he asks.

  "Emma, I'm his fiancée."

  "Is there a way you can contact him? I was told that we would be transporting four women and five men. By my count, we're a lass and five lads short."

  "We're waiting on the other six. They're supposed to be here by now."

  "You realize, ma'am, that I can't wait for them. I need to have this plane loaded and boarded by midnight," the pilot says.

  "I know. We still have some time. Hopefully, they'll get here."

  At 11:45 Emma's phone rings. She looks at the caller ID and breathes a sigh of relief. She quickly answers the phone.

  "Caden, where are you?" she says frantically into the phone. I can't hear what he's saying and I am silently praying that they are on their way. Then she says, "I already did and he said that he's on a tight schedule. He says the plane doors have to be closed promptly at midnight." Again silence. Then she adds, "Are you driving?"

  She listens some more and then she cries, "Oh God, Caden! You sure he's gonna be alright?"

  Oh, fuck, what's happened?

  Emma calms down and then replies, "Ok. Did you get your aunt and uncle?" She doesn't say much more and then disconnects the line.

  "So what happened?" I ask. I can't take the wait any longer.

  "They're almost here. But something has happened." She looks at Ari, who is looking at her with concern. "Rebel got shot. He's ok for now and Doc thinks he's gonna be fine, but Caden wanted me to prepare you."

  "Oh, Emma. He has to be ok," she says and begins to cry. We both try to comfort her, but I know she won't rest easy until she sees him.

  About ten minutes later as we are boarding the plane, I see a van speeding down the airfield road toward the main entrance. It turns down the last corner and heads straight for our plane. "That has got to be them," I say, pointing in its direction. Emma and Ari look up hopefully.

  The van pulls up to the plane steps and the driver slams on the brakes.

  Ice jumps out of the van and opens up the back. Ryder and Doc come around back and the three of them maneuver Rebel from the van and proceed to carry him up to the plane as we run ahead and get out of their way. A couple follows them, and I assume they are Rebel's parents.

  When Ice gets to the top of the stairs, the pilot greets him. "You must be Ice."

  "Yeah, that's me. Where can I put him?"

  "Over here." After everyone is on the plane, he says, "We'll be taking off in a few minutes. You all might want to find a seat and strap in."

  Ice gets Rebel situated and he wakes up. I can't make out what they are saying, but I'm sure that the fact that he is conscious is a good thing. I need a little me time, so I take a seat toward the back of the plane, pull out my book and read. I'm hoping that once we take off, I will fall asleep and we can leave this nightmare.

  Chapter 24

  A jolt and a screeching noise wake me up. Getting my bearings straight, I look around and realize that I'm still on the plane. From what I gather, we've just landed. Thank God we're back in the States. I never thought I would be glad to be home.

  Once we deplane and get our bags and such, Hawk meets us at the airfield to take us back to Edinboro. When we get back, we all proceed inside the house, the boys following carrying Rebel. They take him straight to Ari's room and lay him on the bed. He is really holding his own; I am surprised that he hasn't passed out yet. He's looked better though, and I can't help but worry about him.

  Caden turns toward Doc and Ryder and says, "You boys look beat. We've done all we can here and you need to get some rest. There's shit we have to deal with tomorrow and I want everyone fresh." They nod in unison, say goodnight to everyone, and leave.

  Hawk looks at his watch and says, "Brewer should be here in ten minutes." Caden nods and they both go out to get the rest of the bags. Ari remains with Rebel. When Hawk comes back in he takes my bags up to my room. When he comes back down he gives me a hug and says, "I'm so fucking glad you're home."

  I smile at him and reply, "Me too."

  Brewer shows up not long after and Ice takes him to Rebel. I decide that maybe I should put something together for everyone to snack on. I think it's gonna be a long night. As I am rummaging through cabinets, trying to scrounge up what I can find, Emma walks in. "Whatcha doing?" she asks.

  "Oh, just making some coffee and getting some snacks together. It wasn't like we flew commercial and were fed on the plane. I'm sure everyone is probably famished."

  "Good idea. Can I help?"

  "Yeah, why don't you get coffee cups, cream, and sugar? I'll cut up some cheese and we can make a cold cut plate for folks to snack on."

  "Sounds good." As we're working on getting things together, Ari walks into the kitchen.

  "How's Rebel?" I ask.

  "He'll be ok, I think. The doctor is with him now. Brewer says he's really lucky. From what he can tell, the bullet exited through Rebel's abdomen cleanly without hitting any m
ajor organs. He's concerned about the blood loss but says that it is manageable. He said he'll give me a more accurate update once he fully examines him." She's completely exhausted, poor thing. I bet she didn't get any sleep on the flight.

  She plops herself down onto one of the bar stools. "Is that coffee done yet?"

  "Almost, sweetie," I reply. Ari lays her head down on the counter.

  "Ari, you really should go get some sleep," Emma says.

  "I know, I will. I just want to wait until Brewer is done examining Rebel. I won't be able to sleep until I know for sure that he's going to be ok."

  When the coffee is done, Ari gets her cup and goes back to her room to check on Rebel. Emma and I bring the serving pot, cups, and snacks into the family room. Aillise and Connor, Rebel's parents, appear grateful as they both pour themselves a cup. I've not spoken with either of them and right now, I'm not sure that I want to. I'm finding it hard to believe that they sent their son away and I don't understand their reasons. But it looks like they are gonna be around for a while, so I guess I need to make nice.

  A few minutes later, Ice and Brewer come down from Ari's room. "Now that my sister is out of earshot, give it to me straight, Brewer. How is he, really?" Ice asks.

  "Ice, he's been shot. He's in pain and he's lost some blood. From what I can tell from the exit wound and the bleeding, it doesn't appear that the bullet hit any vital organs. But, and I know that you're not gonna like this, I'd really like to get him over to the hospital to make sure he doesn't have any internal bleeding, just to make sure."

  "Damn it, you know how I feel about hospitals. It's a gunshot wound. They'll have to report it and there's no way they can know that he was in Ireland when it happened."

  He thinks for a moment and then says, "If I promise to keep it under the radar, will you bring him in?"

  "Can you guarantee no police report?"

  After thinking about it, he replies, "Not 100%, but 95%?"

  "I don't know if I can risk that 5%, Brewer."

  "So you're willing to risk his life instead," he replies dryly.

  "You're not playing fucking fair!"


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