Landon (Swanson Court Book 4)

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Landon (Swanson Court Book 4) Page 6

by Serena Grey

  “But you will.” I flash her a grin and she rolls her eyes before climbing out of the car. “Tony will let you know the travel details,” I tell her, starting the engine. “See you soon.”

  I pull off the curb. In the rearview mirror, I see her walk into the building. I want to feel more confident about what the next few days hold for us, but I know she’s going to surprise me. Nothing about being with her will be as uncomplicated as it should be.

  Chapter 8

  I spend most of the next day on the phone with my team in San Francisco. The refurbishment is progressing fast, but not fast enough for me. I want everything to be impeccable before the grand opening.

  I force thoughts of Rachel from my mind as I work. I’ve left the travel arrangements to Tony. Thinking about her and the things I’d love to do to her once I get her alone in a suite with me…well, that’s one way to make sure I don’t get any work done.

  As evening comes, however, I can barely keep the thoughts at bay. Idly, I wonder if she has received the replacement blouse and lingerie I sent to her apartment. I picked them out myself, with help from a bemused salesperson at an exclusive department store.

  Does she like them?

  Will she let me tear the lingerie off her body and trail my lips over every inch of her skin?

  Tony pokes his head through my door. “The plane is ready whenever you are,” he tells me

  I nod my acknowledgment, and he leaves. Joe is already on his way to pick Rachel up, and I don’t want to keep her waiting. I hit the button on my desk and Tony returns.

  “I’m ready to leave now.”

  Tony follows me down to the entrance, where a car is waiting for me. His voice is a constant stream of reminders about notes and emails and meetings. There’s no need—he’ll join me in San Francisco tomorrow—but I’m sure he’s OCDing a little about not coming with me now.

  My plane is a sleek gray jet with Swanson Court International painted along the sides. The interior is custom designed with soft carpets and plush leather seating, although the convenience of seamless travel is much more important to me than the comfort.

  After a short conversation with the crew, I settle in to read news reports on my tablet.

  And wait for Rachel.

  I don’t wait long. Soon, she arrives, and the part of me that has been waiting to see her all day looks up eagerly.

  I find her gazing at me with a strange expression on her face.

  She looks lovely in soft pastel pants and a white shirt. Her hair frames her face in soft waves, and I wonder if she knows just how pretty she is.

  I should be wooing her with well-planned dates and focused attention, not using her sexual attraction to me to pull her into my bed.

  I should be making her fall in love with me.

  I shake the strange idea out of my head.

  Why on earth would I want that?

  “Hey.” I give her a smile.

  “Hey.” She smiles back, walking toward me. There’s something edgy and nervous about her demeanor. Has she changed her mind?

  “Come sit.” I pat the seat next to me. “We should be leaving in a few minutes, so buckle up.”

  She does just that, staying silent as the plane ascends. I close my eyes and let my mind relax. I can feel her gaze on me, and when I hear her chuckle, I open my eyes.

  “What’s funny?”

  “Nothing.” She shrugs.

  Deciding not to push it, I go back to my news reports.

  “I thought Tony would be here,” she says, retrieving a laptop computer from her handbag.

  “He’ll arrive tomorrow.” For entirely selfish reasons, I wanted tonight to be just us.

  She opens the tiny laptop and starts typing. I don’t ask her what she’s working on. I continue reading my reports then abandon them to focus on her. She has a small frown on her face, and as she works, she chews on the corner of her lower lip. When she catches me staring, I don’t look away, but she does, turning her gaze back to her screen.

  Did something change between yesterday and now? I don’t want to consider that possibility, but if something has changed, I can’t very well force her to adhere to our agreement.

  She’s typing again, chewing furiously on her lip.

  “If you need anything—a drink, food—there’s a button right there.” I show her. “If you’d like to lie down, there’s a bedroom through the doors at the back.”

  Something flashes in her eyes, something I recognize. Lust. Then as fast as it came, it’s gone again.

  “You’re the one who looks in need of a bed,” she says, a teasing note in her voice.

  She’s right. I am exhausted. “Yes, but I have no intention of going in there without you.” I give her a slow smile. “And if I get you in there, neither of us will be getting any sleep.”

  Her eyes skitter back to her screen, nervousness coming off her in waves. Now, I’m more convinced than ever that she has changed her mind. I’m about to ask her if that’s the case, but she starts to talk about the Gold Dust, and we discuss that instead.

  When she’s satisfied with my answers, she goes back to looking at her screen. I order fresh juices for the both of us then go back to reading the news on my tablet.

  Soon, she’s asleep. I make sure she’s comfortable, trying to focus on work even when she curls up at my side with her head on my shoulder. She sighs in her sleep, and at one point, she mumbles my name.

  It’s a few hours before she wakes. She straightens, blinking. “I fell asleep.”

  “So you did.” I give her a reassuring smile. “I hope you enjoyed using me as a pillow.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says self-consciously.

  “I didn’t mind.” I shrug. “I think we’ve established that my body is here for you any time you want it.”

  Her face flushes, and like the last time I alluded to sex, she changes the subject. “Are we almost there?”

  “We’re about to land.”

  We talk little during the drive to the hotel. When I ask, she tells me it’s her first time in the city. She takes in the sights, avoiding looking at me, and I let her be.

  We are staying at the Rosemont Royal, where the manager is waiting. He leads us through the luxurious hotel, up to the penthouse suite. Once he leaves us, I again consider asking if she’s changed her mind, but I decide against it. I won’t put any pressure on her. If she wants to go on with our arrangement, she will come to me.

  Having made that decision, I focus on settling in and showing her around while efficient hotel staff bring up our things.

  “Service elevator and fire escape are through that door.”

  Her eyes follow my directions, but she stays silent.

  I gesture around the suite. “Do you like it?”

  She gives me a look that suggests I might be insane to ask. “I think it’s gorgeous.”

  Good. “There’s a library too. I’m sure you can find a poetry book or two.”

  She responds to my teasing with a smile. “Thanks.” She looks around. “So, I take it you’ve stayed here before.”

  “Whenever I’m in the city, yes.” I open the doors that lead out to the terrace. The view from there is exceptional. It’s not lost on me that soon, the Rosemont Royal won’t be my preferred accommodation anymore. It will be competition.

  Rachel comes out to join me on the terrace. “It’s a lovely view,” she murmurs.

  The slight wind is playing with her hair, making tendrils dance around her face. Out here, she’s almost breathtaking in her loveliness. I want to kiss her. I want to tease the sensitive spots I’ve already discovered on her body and maybe find a few more. I step toward her then stop myself. Reaching out, I stroke her cheek with my finger.

  “I’m sure they’re done unpacking,” I murmur, referring to our luggage. “Let me show you to your room.”

  Her face registers bewilderment, but only for a moment. I lead her through the suite, now empty but for the two of us, to a bedroom with a beautiful four
-poster bed.

  “Wow,” she says breathlessly, stepping past me into the room. She walks over to the bed and runs her fingers over the soft sheets then turns back to the door and gives me a suggestive glance that sends all my blood rushing into my cock.

  “Aren’t you going to come in?” Her voice is soft and inviting.

  I want to. I want to do things to her on that bed that will leave her panting for more, but I won’t. If she is considering changing her mind, I will not be the pushy bastard who gets in the way.

  Even so, I can’t resist going to her and placing a kiss on her lips. Just one.

  “You must be tired,” I murmur, savoring the taste of her lips on mine. “And you have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I’ll see you in the morning, Rachel. Good night.”

  I can feel her eyes on me as I walk away, and I almost say what the hell and turn back, but I’ve already decided to wait, and I know, when she comes to me, her capitulation will be so much sweeter.

  Chapter 9

  I sleep little. My dreams make sure of that. The second time I’m awoken from seeing my mother’s face and hair catch on fire, I abandon any hope of sleep and spend the next few hours working instead. Some nights are worse than others, and this seems to be one of the bad ones.

  I try not to think about Rachel, asleep, a few feet from me. Holding back has its costs. I’m in a restless state of semi-arousal, tortured by the expectation I saw in her eyes last night and the surprise when I left her alone.

  Now, it doesn’t seem like the best decision to wait until she comes to me. What if she never does?

  It’s entirely possible I’ve overestimated the intensity of her desire for me. I can live with that. It would be hard, but hard things are doable.

  As it gets light outside, I hear the faint sounds of the city waking. I take a shower before going out to the balcony. It’s lovely outside, and I order a jug of fresh orange juice, waiting for the sun to come up before I order breakfast.

  Rachel emerges from her room soon after. She looks beautiful in cream pants, a blue cotton shirt, and a light jacket. Her face is free of makeup and her hair hangs loose around her face.

  It’s a pleasure to look at her, and not only because of how beautiful she is. There’s a light that radiates from inside her, a light that has never seen the kind of darkness or pain I have.

  I cover my thoughts with a smile. “Good morning. Did you have a good night?”

  “Perfect.” She smiles, a little too brightly, and joins me at the table.

  I gesture toward the jug in front of me. “Juice?”

  She nods, and I pour her a glass. The food arrives, a simple breakfast, but Rachel insists she doesn’t want anything else.

  I butter a piece of toast while she watches silently, accepting it when I hand it to her.

  “Tony is arriving this morning,” I inform her. “He’s going to be staying a floor below us for a few days before he returns to New York.”

  “Okay.” She sounds as if Tony is the last thing on her mind.

  “We’ll leave for the Gold Dust after breakfast,” I continue. “You’ve discussed your itinerary with him?”

  “Yes. I meet with the hotel manager today, tomorrow the designers, and the photographers after that.”

  She’ll be busy, and I’ll be busy too. I don’t let myself think what that means for the survival of our arrangement. I force a smile. “I’ll be in meetings all day.”

  I can feel her eyes on me, but she says nothing.

  I leave her to eat. Tony arrives just as we finish breakfast. “Tony’s here,” I tell Rachel. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” We both get up at the same time. Her eyes are wide as they focus on mine. She is irresistible, and the next couple of days will be excruciating if things continue like this. A tiny speck of butter stains one corner of her lip, and I have an insane urge to lick it.

  I know if I touch her, I’m gone. In fact, the whole morning will be gone.

  Carefully, I touch my finger to her mouth and wipe the butter off. As she watches me, I put the finger in my mouth and lick it.

  Her breath quickens. No, I haven’t overestimated the intensity of her desire for me.

  “I’ll wait in the living room,” I tell her.

  She leaves me standing there then joins me in the living room a few moments later, carrying her bag. We go down together, silent in the elevator.

  Oh well.

  Tony is waiting in the lobby, and we all head to the Gold Dust. Something tightens in my chest as we near my new hotel. It’s a beautiful building with cream walls and exquisite detailing on the facade. It’s set back from the street, and even with the work still ongoing, it’s already showing the promise of coming perfection.

  Inside, I try to see the large lobby through Rachel’s eyes. She’s looking around, taking in the covered floors and newly refinished walls. Her eyes go to the domed ceiling and she sighs.

  “It’s lovely,” she exclaims in a rapt voice.

  There is something gratifying in her appreciation, almost as if I’ve been waiting, eager and hopeful for just that.

  “I’m glad you think so.” I say the words close to her ear, and she turns to look at me, green eyes wide. I have to fight an urge to kiss here right there, in front of everyone working on my fucking hotel.

  “I’ll see you later.” There’s a brusqueness in my voice that I don’t intend. I touch her arm before walking away, leaving her with Tony.

  For the next few hours, there’s no time to ponder my situation with Rachel, though she seeps into my thoughts without warning. I have meetings with local suppliers, labor providers, service vendors, and a few local groups. By lunchtime, I take a break, and even though there are a lot of other things I could do, I go to find Rachel. My plan is to take her to lunch. That’s time I can spend with her without there being any pressure.

  I find her in the temporary office that was set up for her work. She’s frowning into her screen when I open the door. At the sight of me, her face relaxes, but only a little.

  “How’re you getting on?”

  There’s a pause. “Okay,” she says. “Claude was very helpful.”

  “Good.” Claude is the hotel manager, an efficient, flamboyant man—exactly what I need for this hotel. “We’ll go out to lunch. Afterward, if you’re done with Claude, you can return to the Rosemont. I’m going to be here for a while.”

  “That’s fine.” She rises from the chair and gets her things together, then she stops and meets my eyes. “Did you change your mind about this trip? Did you decide you don’t want to fuck me anymore?”

  The words are like a thunderclap in my head. Did you? I want to counter. Have I imagined her hesitance in the last couple of hours, her skittishness? She holds my gaze with a challenge that makes me realize I probably have. She wants this as much as I do, and God help me, I’m not prepared to wait anymore.

  The door—I make sure it’s locked before facing Rachel again. I’m sure she can see my intention clear on my face. Her eyes follow me as I close the distance between us. Pushing her chair out of the way, I stand behind her and, with one hand on her belly, pull her flush against my front.

  Her soft curves mold to my body. I’m hard, straining against my pants, pressing into her backside. She gasps and moves a bit, rubbing against me.

  My breath escapes me. “Does this feel like I don’t want to fuck you?”

  She releases a trembling breath. “No.”

  Still pressing her body to mine with one hand, I undo the buttons of her blouse. I need to touch her skin, and it’s all I can do to stop myself from tearing the fabric right off of her. I undo the clasp of her bra, and when it’s good and loose, I cup one of her breasts, rolling a hard nipple between my fingers.

  A sound escapes her throat. Pleasure and desire. I want to tear her clothes off and be as deep inside her as it’s possible to be. “I want you so much it fucking hurts. I can hardly keep my mind on anything else.” My lips are close to her ear, and wi
th each word, her breathing quickens. “I’ve never wanted anyone so much.”

  She rubs her ass against my cock and I almost lose my mind. Her voice is weak. “But last night…why?”

  “Why did I stay away? Why did I try to give you a chance to change your mind? I have no fucking idea. I must have been crazy.” I’m crazy now…with lust. I undo her pants and slide my fingers between her legs, into the slick, wet heat that’s waiting there.

  Her back arches. She’s so wet, so sweet. Unable to wait, I tug her pants down then do the same with her underwear, exposing the soft curves of her hips and thighs. Sliding one hand down her front, I cup the soft folds of her pussy and slide my fingers over her clit, again and again, spreading the slickness of her arousal. From behind, I slide two fingers into her tight heat.

  Trapped between my body, my hands, and the desk, she can barely move. All she can do is feel, and she does. She’s moaning, panting, swearing, and crying out my name. Her hips jerk as she strains toward release.

  “Let it go,” I whisper, aching to see her fall apart. She lets out a wild sound and her body arches, throbbing as she falls forward on the desk.

  Almost satisfied, I watch as she tries to catch her breath. I’m still stroking her, leisurely, enjoying the light shudders that work their way through her. She’s captivating, and I’ve never wanted to fuck anyone so much.

  Making short work of my zipper and briefs, I position my cock at the parting of her thighs. She pushes backward, rubbing herself against me. It’s the sweetest torture.

  I reach for the condoms in my wallet, then stop.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  She nods impatiently and rubs on me again. “Yes.”

  “I’m clean,” I tell her, wanting more than anything to feel her around me, hot and sweet. I’ve always been careful, and with regular tests, I know I’m fine. “I want to fuck you like this, with my skin against yours. I want to feel your heat. I want to come inside you.”

  “Please,” she sighs. “Please now.”

  It’s the only invitation I need. I enter her, and she closes around me like a hot fist. She’s tight, and being inside her is incredible. She lets out a moan as I withdraw and thrust deep again.


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