At My General’s Command

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At My General’s Command Page 15

by Romeo Alexander

  Who the hell would be trying to practically break his door down?

  David wasn’t used to having visitors at home. The only people who’d seen his house were his family and a few friends. David never hosted any of his guests at his house, and it was pretty well known that he did not welcome surprise visitors. It was something he’d established early on, from the moment he’d come to Fort Dale. His home was his sanctuary, a fortress against the rest of the world. He didn’t care if it was still technically on base, if someone wanted him while he was home, they could use the damn phone like any normal person.

  Reaching the front door, he pulled aside the curtain curiously. His frown only deepened when he saw who stood on the other side of the door. Sighing, he pinched his brow and waved at Christian, who he could see peeking through the bedroom door. No, Christian could not show himself.

  David opened the door, frown set on his face. “Philip, what a surprise.”

  The plump man beamed up at him. “David, a pleasure.”

  A sentiment David didn’t share, but he wasn’t going to express that fact. Philip could be notoriously bad-tempered when he was made to feel like he was being an annoyance, or wasn’t welcome. David couldn’t for the life of him remember ever knowing someone as sensitive, and yet so utterly blind to social convention as Philip.

  David forced a smile on his face. “I can’t say I was expecting anyone to visit. Normally the day after the Gala is one we all take off.”

  Philip nodded vigorously. “Of course, of course. No doubt, you’re tired after the night you had. I had a hard time getting out of bed, but business calls, and I have to answer.”

  David’s frown returned. “Business? You have the day off, Philip.”

  Philip’s smile turned chilly. “Yes, I think you and I should have a talk. A few things to...iron out.”

  David’s mental hackles raised, and he slowly cocked his head. “Is that so? Well, since I have the day off too, and since it doesn’t sound like this is an emergency, then you can come and visit me at the office.”

  Despite the alarm bells going off in his head, David would be damned before he let himself be walked over and have his house invaded by Philip that easily.

  “I think you might want to take the time to hear what I have to say,” Philip said with the same smile on his face.

  “I’m not quite sure I like the way you’re speaking to me, Philip. We’ve been on good terms for quite a while now, but you’re beginning to test my patience,” David warned.

  “Then maybe your boy toy would like to hear what I have to say.”

  David went cold. “Excuse me?”

  “I wanted to speak to both of you, stopped by his place first, but he didn’t appear to be home. So, it only makes sense that he’s here,” Philip said, with the air of someone talking about the weather.

  “Is that so?” David asked in a tight voice.

  Philip brushed a non-existent speck of dirt from his collar. “Yes. Let’s not continue to insult either of our intelligences, David. It’s obvious that I know about you and Christian, and it’s obvious that I want to speak to you about that little matter as well. Now, I want this to be a friendly, gentle affair. Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

  David’s face fell into one of stony indifference as he considered what to do. Philip didn’t appear to want to cause a fuss, which could be a good thing. Or it could be bad, depending on what the other man had in mind. Inviting him into his house, however, made David feel uneasy, especially since Christian was there and would hear everything. David wasn’t sure if he wanted to outright admit Christian was there or not, but he might as well play along for a little while.

  “I’d be very interested to hear what you have to say. Why don’t you come in, Philip? I was just getting ready to make coffee,” David said, stepping back from the door.

  “And here I thought you didn’t drink coffee,” Philip said as he stepped into the house after him.

  David shrugged. “I’ve been known to partake in it now and again. But I do have the occasional guest here, and they generally enjoy the coffee. So I keep a stock in the house just in case.”

  “Ah, yes, I’m sure you’ve had a great many guests here.”

  David tensed as he began to fiddle with the machine. “The only guests I’ve ever had in my home are my family and dear friends.”

  “Ah, well, Christian should feel very special for being allowed to come here then,” Philip said as he sat at one of the bar stools.

  David flipped on the machine with a snort. “Forgive me, Philip. I know you’re a very intelligent man, so you can understand my reluctance to understand where this sudden theory of my and Christian’s supposed relationship came from.”

  Philip’s smile turned greedy. “Well, I’ll admit, it came as a bit of a surprise to me. I mean, I knew you enjoyed yourself a bit of the young flesh and all, but I never expected you to be so bold as to pursue the man who worked your front desk. I was...shocked when I discovered that.”

  “You continue to speak, but you’re providing me with nothing, Philip. Make your case, or get the hell out of my house,” David said.

  Philip chuckled. “You can’t intimidate me, David. You and I have known each other for far too long for that ‘dad’ look to work on me.”

  “Then you should know I don’t like my time wasted.”

  “Then I shall stop wasting it,” Philip said as he reached into his pockets.

  David watched as Philip pulled out his phone and placed it on the counter. Stepping forward, David picked up the device and felt the floor to his stomach fall out. Clear as day was a picture of him and Christian, standing on the balcony overlooking the sea. Whoever had taken the picture had been standing below them, and had obviously been using good equipment. The image was close and clear enough to make out exactly who they were and to see their lips pressed against one another as David had tried to comfort the younger man.

  “My, that is quite an interesting picture you have, Philip. I never knew you were into photography,” David said, feeling lightheaded.

  “Oh, only certain pictures, and I’m absolutely terrible at taking them. But if you have the money, you can always pay someone else to take them for you,” Philip said, reaching out to take the phone from him.

  David let the device go, knowing that breaking it wouldn’t matter. “Ah, I see. You hired someone to follow me and take pictures?”

  Philip nodded, pocketing the device. “Yes, you see, I’ve known about your predilection for young men, and I thought that was an important detail to remember. What I didn’t count on was just how careful you would be. You never quite allowed yourself any public displays before this, nothing that could be used. I mean, I could have made a case from a few, but I needed something a little more substantial.”

  David didn’t have to think too hard about who Philip was considering contacting. “For Command.”

  Philip tapped the counter with a wink. “Right on the head.”

  David’s stomach turned as he realized Philip was more than happy to present that picture to Command given half a reason. And yet…

  “You haven’t gone to them,” David pointed out.

  Philip sighed. “I honestly thought I was never going to get my chance. Everything I had wasn’t going to count for much. I mean, Command is a stickler for a good image, and while you talking or visiting younger men wouldn’t have been enough to offend the old guard in control right now, it would have hinted. I didn’t want a hint though, I didn’t want a sliver of a chance.”

  “Of what?” David asked between gritted teeth.

  “Of you to get out of it. You’re a clever man, David, and you inspire a lot of confidence and good will in others. The last thing I needed was for you to use all the good ol’ boy charm to wriggle your way out. I thought I had something before, and then it went and mysteriously slipped from my grasp. I’d almost given up hope, and then this hit my email this morning, and I couldn’t be more delig

  Christian appeared in the doorway, dressed, his jaw tight. “Ethan.”

  Philip’s eyes brightened, turning on his stool to face Christian. “Ah, Christian, it’s good to see you.”

  Christian scowled. “No point in bothering with the friendly act. You’re the one who put Ethan up to the blackmail.”

  Philip blinked. “Blunt, I see why you and David get along so well. Though, blackmail? Ah, now I’m beginning to understand.”

  And so was David. “You contacted Ethan. You wanted the video and pictures he had, didn’t you?”

  “Well, I knew you’d been with him for a while. And despite not getting anything worthwhile on my end, I was...curious to see if he had anything I might be able to use. He swore up and down that he did. I promised him a great deal for it, and he seemed quite eager. That was until suddenly it was mysteriously gone,” Philip finished with a frown.

  David chuckled mirthlessly. “You trusted the wrong person. He tried blackmailing me first. For money.”

  Philip laughed softly. “I see, I see. The little shit tried to get money from both of us then. To see who he could get the larger amount from?”

  “Or to get the money from me and hand it over to get money from you as well,” David growled.

  “Tricky. I should give him a job. Except for the part where he failed,” Philip said with a haughty sniff.

  David looked up at Christian, who was still standing behind Philip, glowering furiously at him. David had thought it strange that despite having had the evidence for quite a while, Ethan had sat on it until recently. Apparently, it had never occurred to the younger man how damning his evidence was until Philip had contacted him. If it hadn’t been for Christian, David might have ended up screwed anyway.

  Philip followed his gaze, turning to Christian. “Did you have something to do with that?”

  Christian crossed his arms over his chest. “You didn’t come here to tell us you knew about us, just to have a bit of fun. If you wanted to have David removed, you would have sent everything you had to Command and let them do the dirty work for you.”

  “True,” Philip said, nodding.

  “So, what do you want?” David asked.

  Philip winked. “Easy, step down.”

  David reeled. “Excuse me?”

  “All you need to do is resign from your position. The trials of running this base have been too much for you over the years, and you crave something a little less demanding. I’m sure they will undoubtedly place you somewhere nice, and hey, with your kind words in my favor, they can put me in your position instead,” Philip said, steepling his fingers in front of him.

  David stared. “You want me, to essentially hand over my position as head of Fort Dale, to you? On a platter?”

  “Well, it’s either that or I hand over everything I have in my possession to Command and let them do what they will. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think they’ll be kind. They might be willing to overlook all the other boy toys, but Christian? You’ll be crucified. And I doubt Christian will come out of it unscathed either,” Philip said with the politest of smiles.

  “You son of a bitch,” David growled, stepping forward.

  Christian rounded the counter, not looking at Philip. “Hey, don’t. Don’t give him a reason.”

  “And before you get any smart ideas, there are several places all my evidence is stored. Well, and if anything...untoward should happen to me, know that my...friend, is instructed to hand over everything in my place,” Philip continued, unfazed by David’s outburst.

  “You think I’d try to have you killed?” David asked in disbelief.

  “You are a noble and honorable man, David, but nothing fights harder than a wounded, cornered animal,” Philip said simply.

  Christian shook his head. “David, don’t. I...I can do this.”

  David looked down at him, frowning. “What? Do what?”

  Christian smiled. “It won’t be too hard to spin them a tale of some woe and hard troubles. I can tell them I was the one who kissed you, that you were very kind about the whole thing and never let it go any further. You’ve been a good general, a good leader, and a mentor, and I was the one who went too far.”

  Philip scowled, “Noble, but that’s hardly going to work.”

  Christian smirked. “If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t look so irritated.”

  David turned Christian to face him, shaking his head. “Like hell. You’re not ruining your life for this, no.”

  “What are they going to do? Kick out someone who was already thinking about getting out anyway?”

  “And get your record ruined for it?”

  “It’s better than you, who would get his entire career ruined because some pompous douche couldn’t get the job right.”

  Philip cleared his throat. “I am still sitting right here.”

  Christian turned a glare toward him. “I’m aware.”

  David shook his head again. “No, Christian, no. You don’t need to go to bat for me again, especially when it would ruin everything.”

  Christian smiled. “And how would you stop me?”

  David chuckled, tapping Christian’s cheek lightly. “Because you don’t need to.”

  “They’ll tear you apart.”

  David hummed. “I know. I’ll probably end up demoted, losing my position. I might be lucky enough not to get a discharge, but I’d be tainted for the rest of my career. Which is more than I can say for Philip.”

  Philip looked back at him, confusion bald on his face. “Pardon?”

  David gently pushed Christian away so he could face the pudgy man. “October 2nd, 2011.”

  Philip’s eyes widened, face going pale. “ didn’t.”

  David tilted his head, barely contained glee in his voice. “I did.”

  Christian looked between them. “I’m...confused.”

  David held Philip’s gaze. “October 2nd, 2011. Philip had been transferred to Fort Dale only a couple of months beforehand. It was covertly made known to me that he came with a few...problems, but that they shouldn’t be a problem for me. That was, until the 2nd. See, Philip here had a bit of a party problem.”

  Philip’s face flushed. “You said you’d taken care of it.”

  “I never lied to you. I took care of the problem, and I swept everything under the rug. I never said I erased everything, though,” David shot back.

  “Uh, please tell me this doesn’t involve a dead hooker,” Christian said with a nervous glance toward David.

  “Not even I would have covered that up. But, it does involve a hooker, a few actually, quite living. And it also involves Philip with them, and enough cocaine to fuel a week-long bender between the four of them,” David explained.

  Christian blinked. “Uh, three...hookers?”

  “Three. I’ll spare you the intimate details, but I’m not the only one foolish enough to allow someone to bring a camera into the mix. And unlike me, Philip got himself caught, not by someone snooping or trying to blackmail him, but because he’d made such an awful fuss that the hotel had no choice but to call the police. So here’s the man in charge of operations, caught with hookers, enough sex toys to open a shop, and cocaine.”

  Christian whistled. “Damn, Phil, you uh, really knew how to have a good time.”

  “You should have seen him the following day in my office, after I had him taken out of jail. It was a pitiful sight, and I, like an idiot, took pity on him. It took a great deal of convincing and having to pull a few favors, but we had the whole thing swept under the rug. Philip promised to behave himself, and all was good.”

  “Until now,” Christian added.

  “You’re lying. You don’t have shit,” Philip finally hissed.

  “Oh, I have everything. Want to know what I had to pay the hotel for them to hand over the footage from the night you were there? Do you want to revisit all those pictures? I still have the camera the one lovely lady was willing to give me, so long as I gave her e
nough money to live off while she found a much safer job.”

  Christian looked at Philip, wrinkling his nose. “Oh. Please, don’t share those.”

  “I won’t have to, if, and this is a big if, Philip here does a few things for me,” David continued, now leaning forward, so he was closer to the other man.

  Philip’s jowls shook. “I can only imagine.”

  “Obviously, you’re going to drop this entire thing, and you’re going to forget all about it. And then, you’re going to request a transfer,” David told him.

  “To where?” Philip asked.

  “I...honestly couldn’t care less where to. So long as you’re not on my base, running my operations, and trying to stab me in the back. I’d hoped to find you somewhere nice before all this, but you can scoop shit out of a private’s latrine for all it matters to me. What I want is to find your request for reassignment, on my desk within the next two weeks. I want you out of my sight and out of my hair,” David told him.

  “You can’t bully me out,” Phillip shot back.

  “I can, and I will. I might be stripped of most everything if you release what you have, but let’s be honest, I’ve earned what I have. And a little dalliance? I might even be able to get away with only losing a little, especially in the face of what they’d have to deal with when it comes to you. I bet you have a nice little sealed history, don’t you, Philip? That’s probably why you never got much higher than you are now, and they let me have you because they knew I’d be fair to you. Well, now I’m being fair to everyone.”

  Philip looked down at his hands, shaking his head. “All this time, you’ve kept it all this time. I don’t believe it.”

  “Tell you what, Philip, I’ll show it to you tomorrow, when I’m back at work. I might be a ‘noble and honorable man’, but that doesn’t make me a fool. I always felt a little guilty for keeping hold of that file, but now? I see it was just good instincts.”

  Philip’s hands balled into fists against the counter. David could see everything crumbling down around the other man. There would be many questions about why Philip needed such a rapid transfer, and the whispering would begin. Anytime a transfer request was put in, and the superior officer supported it, it was usually a bad sign of internal problems. If Philip really did have the history David suspected, it would undoubtedly come up in the minds of Command when they caught wind. It would hurt Philip, but at least it was better than having everything confirmed.


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