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Misleading Lake (Kings Reapers MC Book 6)

Page 14

by Nicola Jane

  I watch as she gently lifts Leo from the plastic incubator, careful not to tangle his wires, as I sit in a nearby chair. “If you open the top few buttons on your shirt, I can place him against your skin. It’s good for bonding and it’ll help keep him warm,” she says, so I do as she instructs. She lays him against my chest, and I gasp. His tiny, warm body feels delicate yet so amazing against my skin. Tears well in my eyes and I place kisses on his knitted hat. “Hey, baby,” I whisper. “How amazing is this?”

  “Shall I take a picture?” she asks, and I nod, handing her my phone.

  I look up as Lake walks in. His eyes are fixed on us both, his face unreadable. He crouches down at my side and gently runs a finger down Leo’s spine. “He’s so tiny.”

  “I’m sorry for yelling earlier,” I say.

  “Me too,” he mutters, kissing me on the cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I say. “I saw Alaric,” I add, and his expression darkens. “My dad paid him to date me. It wasn’t real, any of it.”


  I try to hide the fact I hate she went to see Alaric. I don’t ever want her alone with another man, especially not him. “He told you that?”

  She shakes her head. “Mum told me. She was at lunch with Dad.”

  “Why did he do that?”

  “He said it was to help me, but it was to save their family reputation. I’m so pissed at him for meddling. Anyway, I was thinking, you were right to be mad earlier when I didn’t take you to lunch. I want the world to know about us. There’s a charity ball tonight. Let’s go together.”

  “That ain’t really my scene, baby,” I say, grinning. “Me in a tux?” I shake my head.

  “Just an hour,” she begs.

  “I don’t even dance,” I add.

  “For me?” she asks, fluttering those dark eyelashes.

  I stare at the picture I took of Sara and Leo. It warms my heart. “Are you ready?” I ask for the tenth time. Why do women take forever to get dressed? The bathroom door opens, and I look up from my phone. My mouth falls open. She looks amazing in a floor-length red dress, a split running up her left leg to her thigh. Her tits spilling over the top are begging me to free them.

  “Wow,” I say, and she grins, turning slowly. “You sure you don’t wanna go to Six after this ball?” She laughs like she always does when I mention Six. She’s reluctant to go back, but I know I’ll win that war eventually.

  I hate formal shit like this. It was bad enough the guys at the club all took the piss outta me, but now I’m standing in a room full of men richer than me, smarter than me, and posher than me. I take a shot glass off a passing waitress and knock it back. “Relax,” says Sara, taking my hand.

  “I hate it,” I hiss.

  “Just an hour,” she says.

  I spot her parents chatting with another couple, and Sara makes a beeline for them. They turn to see us, and their smiles disappear. A look of horror replaces her mum’s smile, and frustration replaces her dad’s. “Sara,” her mum says tightly, “you remember Alice and Graham.” The couple smile before making their excuses and moving on. “What are you doing here?” she adds in a sharp whisper.

  “You always insist I come to these things,” says Sara. “So here I am. Aren’t you pleased to see me?”

  “I thought you wanted nothing to do with us?” her mum spits.

  “I don’t, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to see your face when I turned up here with Lake.” I glance at her smug face. The fact she dragged me here just to piss her mum off irritates me. “Oh, is that the journalist from London’s News?” she asks, bobbing up and down to look over the crowd.

  “I am warning you,” her mum hisses. “If you make a show of us tonight, I will make your life hell.”

  “You already do,” snaps Sara, dragging me away.

  We find a table and order drinks. Sara is constantly looking around like she’s waiting for someone, she’s too distracted to see I’m pissed at her. I drink my whiskey straight down and order another. “Here he is,” she states excitedly, as she waves to a man in a suit, and he smiles. “I’m so glad you made it,” she says, standing. He kisses her on each cheek, which adds to my annoyance. “How’s the world of journalism treating you?”

  “Good. I was surprised when you reached out to me,” the guy says, taking a seat. “Lucas Bradford,” he adds, holding out a hand for me to shake. I stare at it coldly until Sara nudges me, and I shake it reluctantly.

  “I’m tired of my parents telling the story. I’m an adult, I can speak for myself.”

  “Sara, what are you doing?” I ask.

  “Lake and I are happy, why should my parents hide that?” Sara goes on, ignoring me. “They’re so set on me marrying the perfect man.”

  “But you choose Lake?” asks Lucas, pulling out a notepad. “Isn’t this the guy they had a restraining order put out on?”

  “It was a misunderstanding,” says Sara. “I was pushed by accident.”

  “By Lake?” he asks, writing something on his pad.

  “No!” I snap, and he gives me a wary stare.

  “And what do you do for a living, Lake?” he questions.

  “He works in mechanics and he’s just invested in a bar,” Sara answers quickly. I raise an eyebrow in her direction, but she ignores it. “Truth is, we have a child together. Leo is our pride and joy and—” I stand and walk to the bar, not waiting for her to continue.

  Sara doesn’t follow. She speaks animatedly to the journalist, while I order two shots of whiskey and a beer to wash it down. “Not your scene?” purrs a woman in a tight black number. She flicks her dark hair over her slender shoulder. “Me either.”

  “So why are you here?” I ask, glancing to see if Sara’s noticed.

  “I have to attend these things for work,” she says, popping a cherry into her mouth. She crosses her legs, and her skirt falls either side. “How about you?”

  “I’m here with someone,” I say.

  “Aren’t we all,” she mutters. “Yet here we are, alone together at the bar.”

  “Here we are,” I agree with a sigh. We clink glasses.

  “Have you seen the unisex bathrooms here?” she asks, and I shake my head. “You should totally come and see them.” She winks, then gets down from her stool. “Maybe I’ll see you in there.” I watch her sashay away. A few weeks back, I’d have followed her. Instead, I glance to where Sara is sitting. She’s shaking hands with the guy, and he’s gathering his things.

  When she finally joins me, she smiles wide. “We can go now.”

  “Now you’ve sold your little story?” I ask her.

  Her smile fades. “You okay?”

  “Not really, but does it matter?” I head for the exit.

  “I saw the woman you were chatting to,” she eventually says when we’re in the cab. “She was pretty.” I continue to stare out of the window. “What were you talking about?” When I don’t reply, she sighs. “And the nurse earlier today, you always seem to be chatty with her.”


  “Well, I’m not comfortable with it when you have history with her.”

  “And I’m not comfortable with you parading me around like your lapdog in a circus of rich bastards,” I snap.

  “That’s not what I did,” she mutters. The cab stops outside the club, and I shove some cash into the driver’s hand and exit the car, slamming the door and marching ahead. I hear Sara’s heels as she rushes to catch up with me. “Lake?”

  “You know who you reminded me of tonight?” I hiss, stopping to glare at her. “Your mum.” She stares open-mouthed. “A rich bitch, showing off her happy family.” I shake my head in disgust and head inside. She doesn’t follow me. I go straight up to my old room and lock the door. I need space from her.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I go up to our new room. It’s empty, so I go to Lake’s old room, but the door is locked. Heading back to the freshly painted room, I climb into bed still
dressed in this evening’s clothes, trying to work out why Lake’s so mad at me. I don’t have to think for long because he comes storming into the room. “What the fuck was tonight all about?” he asks.

  I sit up and say, “I wanted to set the record straight.”

  “Straight? You outright lied when that reporter asked what I did for a living,” he snaps.

  “What was I supposed to say? I don’t exactly know the job description of a gang member,” I argue.

  He pushes his face close to mine. “I’m not a fucking gang member, and if you don’t know that, then you shouldn’t be here.”

  “Lake, I don’t know what I did,” I say.

  “You took me there to fuck with your parents!” he snaps. “Had me dress like one of you to look good by your side, and then you spoke to the news reporter like he was your best friend. Those kinds of guys screw you over. Why would you talk to him about us, about our kid?”

  “I wanted to tell him it wasn’t you who hurt me and that Alaric isn’t Leo’s dad.”

  “Maybe if you hadn’t lied about it in the first place . . .” He sighs heavily. “You told your parents you wanted nothing to do with them?” he asks, and I nod. “Why?”

  “I’m sick of their bullshit.”

  He shakes his head, a sneering look in his expression. “You’re lucky you have parents. You shouldn’t cut them out cos they’re a little crazy.”

  “They’re toxic,” I snap. “You know nothing about them.”

  “Maybe so, but they’re your parents,” he argues. I lie back down and pull the sheets over me. “You need to change,” he says, but I ignore him. “Why don’t you wanna go back to Six?” he asks, abruptly changing the subject.

  “Cos I don’t,” I mumble.

  “I want a reason.”

  “When it reopens with you at the helm, how will that work for us?” I ask. It’s been playing on my mind for the last couple of days. He’ll be so busy at the club, and then there’ll be the temptation of all those naked women and scenes happening everywhere he looks . . .

  “Nothing will change,” he says, pulling back the sheets and exposing my red dress. He reaches for the zipper on the back and gently unfastens it.

  “You’ll be busy,” I say.

  “Which is why I want you back in there, by my side.” He tugs the dress down my body, removing it and carefully folding it before laying it over the back of the chair.

  “With my ugly scar?” I ask, barely daring to glance at my stomach.

  Lake stops for a second and stares down at me. “You’re worried about your scar?” He takes my left leg and rolls my stocking down, then does the same to my right. He runs his finger across my stomach just above where my wound is. “You’ll always be gorgeous,” he says.

  “You’re just saying that,” I scoff.

  He bends, kissing along my stomach. “Sara, you’re gorgeous. The only man who’s ever gonna see this,” he says, kissing again, “is me. You belong to me, and I belong to you. I don’t plan on getting you naked anywhere other than when we’re alone.” I watch as he strips off his clothes until he’s naked.

  “I’m sorry I paraded you around tonight,” I say.

  He climbs into bed behind me. “I’ll forgive you if you promise never to make me go to anything like that ever again,” he whispers, kissing me on the cheek and snuggling in behind me.

  “I promise,” I agree, smiling.

  He tugs at my panties until the material gives way. “I’m going to tie you up and fuck you hard, Miss Falcon.” His voice rumbles in my ear, and I shiver. “Now, lie very still.”

  I left Lake in bed. He hardly ever sleeps in and he looked so peaceful this morning, I didn’t have the heart to wake him. I regret that decision when I spot Alaric waiting for me at the hospital entrance. He smiles awkwardly. “I need to talk to you,” he mutters.

  “Make it quick, I have to see my son.”

  “I need you to tell your father we’re still seeing each other.” His eyes plead with me.

  I laugh and go to walk past him, but he grabs my arm, stilling me. “I’m fucking serious,” he hisses.

  “Get your hand off me,” I sneer, trying to pull my arm free, but he grips me tighter.

  “Your father pulled out, and I can’t let that happen. Go to him and tell him we’re giving it another go. Whatever it takes.”

  “No,” I snap. “I won’t do that.”

  He glares at me, his nostrils flaring. “I’m warning you, this isn’t a joke.”

  “And I’m warning you to stay the hell away from me, Alaric. I’ll tell Lake if you keep harassing me.” I finally free myself and head inside the hospital, checking to make sure he doesn’t follow me.

  When I get to Leo’s room, the Irish nurse is there filling out paperwork. She glances up and smiles. “He’s had a good night,” she tells me. “He’s feeding so well, we’re hoping to try him on an actual bottle today so he can have the feeding tube removed.”

  “That’s great,” I say, beaming.

  “Erm, is Leo’s dad stopping by today?” she asks.

  I press my lips together in a fine line. “You and he have history,” I say, and she blushes. “But he’s taken,” I add, and her smile fades.

  “He told me he was single.”

  “He was, but now he’s not, so . . .” I shrug, turning my attention to Leo.

  Charlotte reaches across the table and grabs the sauce bottle, her eyes firmly fixed on Storm. I lean back in my chair. I find myself watching the pair at every opportunity. Charlotte flirts her ass off, and Storm doesn’t react at all, not even with his eyes. He eventually gets up and leaves the kitchen, and she slumps back in her chair.

  “Aww, sweetie, you tried so hard,” mocks Leia, and Charlotte scowls.

  “He must be gay,” she decides.

  “He’s got a kid,” I point out.

  “So, gay men can’t have kids?” she asks.

  “Well, yeah, but I just get the impression he’s straight.”

  Storm’s sister, Taya, comes in with his son, Seb. “Question,” says Leia as Taya takes a seat and lifts Seb onto her knee. “Is Storm gay?”

  Taya laughs. “What makes you think that?”

  “I don’t, Lottie does,” Leia responds.

  “He just ignores me,” wails Charlotte, and I hide a smirk. “It’s not normal.”

  Taya’s laugh fades. “He’s not looking for love, so you’re wasting your time there,” she says.

  “That’s so sad,” says Charlotte. “And now I want him even more.”

  Maisy joins us. She hates me, which is understandable, since she thinks I’ve stolen her man, but I’m tired of her stink eye and the way she bitches about me to the other club girls. “What’s going on?” she asks.

  “Lottie is declaring war on Storm,” Leia declares.

  “He’s all the club girls talk about,” says Maisy.

  “Well, tell them from me, he’s about to be taken,” Charlotte states confidently, and I admire her determination.

  “Is everyone ready for the club opening?” asks Maisy, and we all stare at her blankly. “Lake just told me it’s opening in a week,” she adds smugly.

  “It’s not really my thing,” says Leia.

  “Nor mine,” adds Tillie.

  “I can’t wait. I’ve made Lake promise to take me,” Maisy gushes.

  “You know he’s with Sara now,” states Tillie.

  Maisy glances at me and shrugs her shoulders. “He ain’t laid claim.”

  “So,” I snap.

  “She’s right,” says Leia. “He’s not officially off the market until he makes the announcement. But neither are you, so it’s a win-win situation.”


  Maisy is around me like a fly to shit just lately. “I gotta go,” I say.

  “Now you have the licence sorted and an opening night, I thought you’d have some time on your hands,” she says, smiling suggestively.

  “Actually, Maisy, I need to talk to you about that
. Are you free tonight?”

  “Yeah,” she says, a wide smile spreading across her face.

  “Great, I’ll be back around six,” I say, and she nods in agreement.

  Storm throws me a set of bike keys and we head out. We have a job on for Vinn and it means we’re gonna be out for most of the day. As I mount the bike, Sara comes rushing out. “Where are you going?” she questions, and I see Storm snigger.

  “Why?” I ask, sounding harsher than I meant to.

  “I was just wondering if you’d be back for dinner.”

  “Sara, I’ll be back when I get back.” I start the bike, and she takes a step away.

  “I’m going to see Leo,” she says. “I thought you might want to come.”

  I sigh heavily. “Look, some of us have work. I gotta go. I’ll call and see Leo later.”

  “I don’t work because I’ve just had a baby,” she snaps, and I roll my eyes. I didn’t mean anything by it, but Storm’s gonna give me all kinds of shit for this little domesticated scene. “I wasn’t having a dig at you, I’m just saying I gotta go. We’ll talk later,” I say. I drive off as Maisy joins Sara and I wonder when the fuck those two started to get along.


  “He’s taking me out tonight,” Maisy says.

  “What?” I snap.

  “He told me he’d be home around six and we’re gonna have a talk. Usually, when he says that, it ends with me choking on his cock.”

  “I don’t know why you’re trying to get under my skin,” I snap. “It won’t work. I’ve had his baby. We’re together.”

  “Who are you trying to fool? Me or yourself. Since when do kids stop these guys? He had Connor and his mum’s nowhere to be seen.”

  “That’s different,” I snap.

  “Because she died?” She sees my reaction and smiles wider. “I know all about her and what she did to Lake. He tells me things too. You’re not the only whore in his bed.” My hand slaps her so hard, it stings my palm, and she hisses as it makes the briefest contact. “Truth hurts,” she growls.


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