The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3)

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The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3) Page 4

by McCoy, LeeSha

  She frowns. “So you don't want us to help?”

  “Of course we do, Angel, but only when you’re a big girl.” He strokes her hair. “You're growing up so quickly… We want you to have fun, play games with your brothers and sisters. Not worry about fixing things.”

  “But… So we pretend they aren’t there?”

  My brothers and I give each other a quick glance. She’s so damn clever.

  “For now?” Thorn answers her, “yes. They will leave you alone if you leave them alone. You can tell us if anything feels different, or if you think we really need to know something, but you don't worry about them, okay?”

  “We want to help.”

  Thorn smiles, but it’s a sad one. “I know, Angel, and you will. Just not yet.”

  She sighs, and we all feel her fighting an internal battle. I think this could go either way. If someone told me to forget my urges, I’d straight-up tell them to fuck off.

  “O-kay.” She turns to the rest of us, and we nod encouragingly before she looks back up at Thorn. “I saw a dolly I really like. That will help me think about something else. And Jaden and Theo like a car. You can really drive it.” Her eyes light up. “Can I have one, too?”

  We all break out into laughter.

  “She should’ve been mine,” Axe mutters.

  ‘Yeah, master of manipulation.’

  “You know it.”

  Thorn pulls her onto his lap. He’s still laughing. “Alright, Angel. How about we go have a look?”

  “At the toy shop?”

  He nods, and then so does she, excitedly.

  Theo runs into the kitchen with his favourite fire truck. “Can I come?”

  “Of course you can,” Thorn says, lowering Raeni onto her feet.

  “And me!” Jaden screams.

  Thorn laughs. “Yep. Get your shoes.” He gets up and asks us who’s coming with him.

  “Me,” Axe and Blade reply.

  The biggest kids of the group.

  “Dag, you not coming?” Blade asks.

  I pull my overgrown beard. “Nah. I still need to deal with this, so I’ll stay with the young ones.” I can’t believe how much the younger kids have grown in two weeks.

  I feel like I’ve missed so much.

  Becoming a father has always been important to me. It was one thing I was certain that I wanted in my life, but after all the losses, I’d ruled it out. Then along came Mikka, and she changed everything. All the things we thought weren’t possible, became possible because of her.

  And now she’s carrying three more of our babies. It makes me feel uneasy to think about her doing so much while pregnant, but I’ll make it all up to her, and she won’t be doing much of anything now we’re awake.

  My brothers all turn to glare at me, and I quickly hear what they’re thinking.

  ‘I won't touch her. Promise.’ I haven’t forgotten how pissed they were when Mikka woke up and I took her to shower. I don’t regret that shit for a moment, though.

  Axe slaps my shoulder as he walks past me. “Make sure.”

  I roll my eyes. “Pin’s staying, too. You better tell him the same.”

  He’s just as bad…

  Pin scoffs. “Whatever. Thorn, you gonna pick up that thing while you’re in town?”

  My gut knots. I forgot that should be ready now.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  ‘Keep the kids distracted and don’t let them see.’ We’ve managed to keep it from them up till now, only discussing it when Mikka and the kids were asleep, but now the middle ones are talking, time is running out.

  He finishes tying up Raeni’s hair. ‘I know.’

  I put Dris, Emerson, and Amber down for a nap after their feeds, then make my way out to help my brothers unload the van. There are boxes everywhere, even tied to the roof.

  “How much shit did you buy?”

  “Enough,” Blade says, lifting a box containing a slide onto his shoulder. “Now the weather's better, we thought we'd make use of the garden.”

  ‘But the zombies are still there.’

  Axe jumps out the passenger side, arms full of black bags. “I got sacks. We can start moving them.”

  I drop the box I’ve just picked up and follow him instead. “I’ll help.”

  “So will I,” Pin says, catching us up.

  We bag up the pieces of remaining zombies, and then dispose of them a few miles away from the house. We shift to make it quicker, and it’s a completely new experience for all of us. Shedding was a part of our lives for two years, so to not anymore, or have scars when we shift back, is a head-fuck.

  We feel a lot more, too, and can sense shit a long way off. We’ve counted hundreds of dormant zombies by the house. They are definitely attracted to us.

  “I’ve been trying to figure out why,” Pin says, hosing down the grass.

  The kids won’t be this far out, it’s more to lessen the smell.

  “Fuck knows.” Axe shrugs. “Maybe they wanna die? For real?”

  ‘Maybe,’ we hear Thorn in our minds. ‘Maybe they want to pass on.’

  We all think about that.

  Although we’ve all had our urges to eat zombies, I wouldn’t say we feel that now. It’s more that we want to see the back of them. If what Mikka and the kids did is the way to handle them, though, it would make our lives a hell of a lot easier.

  ‘Right,’ Pin agrees. ‘Makes me wonder, though, what if all of us eating them, including the babies, is our way of linking ourselves to them. Remember, Mikka craved one badly when the kids started changing her.’

  ‘True,’ Thorn replies before I do. ‘The eldest haven’t asked to eat another once since the first time, so you could be onto something.’

  ‘We’ll only know that if the rest of the kids do the same, though,’ Axe says, ‘and their urge to eat them goes away.’

  The middle kids will be around the same age next month, so I guess we’ll soon find out.

  I don’t particularly care how we deal with them, just that we eventually do. What I do know, though, is that these new abilities are a lot to deal with. Everything’s been different for us since we woke up; even our connection to the kids has deepened. And I'm sure I could hear a pin drop from the next damn town away because my hearing is so good.

  And the difference in our mental and physical strength…

  We’re all excited to test these new skills out with Mikka later.

  Or, on her.

  “Let's hope she gets enough rest first,” Axe mutters. “She was hella tired. All that shit she did while she was pregnant, too.”

  “Right.” Pin’s equally as upset about her working so hard over the past two weeks, but she’ll have all our pampering to look forward to now. I know how much she will have missed that.

  “She’s already feeling better after a couple of hours sleep, though,” I reassure them. “When I took the babies up to feed from her, I could feel it.”

  And yes, it was hard as fuck not to touch her.

  After feeling the babies, the first thing I thought about when I opened my eyes, was Mikka. How good she smelled, and how deep inside my mind she was buried. Her presence is a hell of a lot stronger than Thorn’s ever was.

  “It's good she's sleeping now, cause as soon as the kids knock out later, no one is getting any.”

  “Fucking right,” Axe agrees with Pin. “We’re all be dying tomorrow.”

  I know that’s a given. “Thank fuck you bought all that shit to keep the kids busy.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Pin says as he inspects the grass. “This is as good as it’s gonna get.”

  He’s right. There are still little pieces of vermin scattered around, but at least the smell is barely detectable. It’s good enough.

  “So, was it what we wanted?” I ask Axe as we make our way back to the house.

  ‘Yeah, exactly. It’s perfect, trust me. I don’t think the kids clocked what I ran off for, but either way, we’ll have to do it soon, before they let it slip.

  ‘Yeah,’ Pin agrees. ‘They definitely won’t hold back telling her if they find out. I can hear Raeni now, ‘Daddies have got a surprise for you.’

  We all laugh because we know it’s true.

  ‘We don’t have to wait now, though, do we?’ Axe asks, turning to face us but continuing to walk. ‘We changed and we’re still alive. And we’re all ready, right?’

  We’re more than ready.

  ‘So we stick to the plan.’

  We all agree.

  I don’t know how it will work out, but there’s got to be one country in the world where it’s legal—without us all converting to another religion.

  “Fuck all that.” Axe shakes his head. ‘We’ve got time. We’ll make it happen somehow.’

  Shit, I hope so. I know Mikka would love that, just as much as us. Mum always wanted us to find a good woman to settle down with, and we have. Us being with one woman might not have been exactly what she envisioned, but I know she’d still be happy for us. She never was one to be ‘normal’ either.

  Pin runs ahead while me and Axe head over to help Thorn and Blade set up the toys for the kids. The young ones are up from their nap and are currently contained in their pen so none of us stand on them while we build this shit.

  Treasure, Africa, and Prince are already occupied in the ball pit that’s been built, and Theo and Jaden are doing their best to blow up a paddling pool. I go over to help them and quickly get it inflated, and then Axe uses the hose that’s still running to fill it, so I leave him with them.

  I rip into a box for another climbing frame, but I look down at Raeni as she appears at my legs, hugging two new baby dolls.

  So much for one doll…

  She hugs them tighter, like I’m going to take them from her. “Are they gone now?”

  I kneel and then reach behind her to tighten her ponytail. “They are. No more calling them to the house, okay?”

  She nods. “I won’t do it on purpose.”

  I guess that’s all we can ask of her. We know more than anyone what it’s like to ignore an urge.

  “Good girl. Now, let’s get this climbing frame put together so we can all have some fun.”



  I wake to the sound of laughter coming from the back yard, then a loud splash. It takes me a minute to realise what’s going on, but I quickly do.

  ‘Another swimming pool?’ I ask them.

  ‘A paddling pool, actually,’ Blade replies, and then I feel their moods lighten at having me awake.

  ‘Did you buy it for you or the kids?’

  ‘A bit of both.’

  I shake my head as I get out of bed. Luckily, the kids don’t feel the elements, ‘cause it’s not that warm outside. Sun in England doesn’t mean it’s hot. Far from.

  ‘I’ll be down soon. I’m just gonna have a bath.’

  They all tell me to take my time.

  It’s just after five, and I feel better than I have in days. I’d forgotten how it felt to wake up rested. It wasn’t completely uninterrupted, but it was good enough. Dagger came to feed our youngest a few hours ago on my breasts. I told him I'd get up when I felt him latching Dris on, but he told me to keep my ass where I was and go back to sleep. So I did, but I remember smiling when he kissed my cheek.

  I've missed them bossing me around.

  I don’t spend too long in the bath, I spend longer looking at my bump in the bedroom mirror while I lotion my body. I still can't believe I've been blessed with another three babies for my kings. I'm wondering if the urge to have them will stop after these three arrive. With each three that come, the less I feel the urge to have more.

  We’re well aware that we’ll need at least two years from the last one arriving before we can address the problems in the world, but with the kids already being how they are, it's gonna be a struggle to keep their minds off the world’s issues for that long. If they reach their teens, I’ll be happy, but I’ll still pray for longer.

  I tie up my hair and throw on a summer dress. It’s backless with butterflies on. Not the sexiest outfit I own, but it’s comfortable and not going to start something I can’t finish while the kids are awake. I know the brothers are waiting to touch me until after the kids are asleep, otherwise, at least one of them would’ve appeared to ‘help’ me moisturise.

  And that’s how it will have to be until they learn how to stop them from getting inside their heads like I can.

  I step outside and feel my eyes trying to escape my face. It looks like they've hit the toy shop while I’ve been asleep, because there are now swings, slides, climbing frames, a ball pit, a sand pit, a paddling pool, and three mini Audi’s out on the field. A white, red, and a black one.

  And like I suspected, Blade is definitely enjoying the pool more than the littlest ones are.

  He has Dris, Emerson, and Amber in baby rings around him, but he’s pretending to be a crocodile which is pleasing them no end. They giggle every time he pops his head out of the water, and then kick their legs furiously when he goes back under.

  Pin is building sandcastles with Africa, Theo, and Prince, Axe is helping Raeni cross the monkey bars on the climbing frame, Dagger is driving Treasure around in the red car, and Thorn is taking pictures of everyone on his phone while pushing Jaden scarily high on the swing—at his request.

  The entire sight makes me love the brothers even more. They’ve acted on all our concerns and started work on changing things around here, and my heart feels a lot less heavy because of it. This is what I’ve wanted. No news, devices, or concerns in sight. No worrying about what’s going on in the world outside of our bubble. Just us, making the most of the little time we have with our babies.

  It feels good.

  “You feeling better now, mummy?” Theo shouts while throwing sand at Pin.

  “Yes, baby. Thank you.” I glance over to the edge of the field and see the mass of bodies gone.

  ‘We took care of them,’ I hear Axe in my mind.

  “Good.” Axe is doing the monkey bars now, but he has to pull his legs up almost to his chest to stop from touching the ground. “Having fun?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  “You feel much better, Princess.”

  “I am sooo much better.” I see Raeni running to the black car, so I walk over to strap her in. “There you go, baby.” Tough or not, I still feel the need to keep them safe.

  “Thanks, Mummy.”

  She speeds off over to two dolls on the ground and pulls them into the car with her. I haven’t seen those dolls before. They must be new, and I know exactly who bought them for her, too.


  I don’t know if it’s because he’s so soft when it comes to her or if she can influence his mind, but dare I say, I think it could be a bit of both.

  I become aware of an almost burning on the side of my face, so I turn my head and quickly find Thorn’s dark eyes over on the other side of the field. “Yes?”

  He barely smirks. ‘Just thinking about all the ways I'm going to fuck you later.’

  I shudder. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah...” His eyes wander before returning to my face. “I hope you got enough sleep.”

  “Plenty.” I let him feel my hand on his dick, and he only just manages to stifle his moan. ‘I'm always ready to satisfy my kings. Don’t ever doubt that.’

  He tries to send a touch my way, but he's too far away. A few metres is one thing, but it will take them time to build up to where I am.

  ‘You need to practice. And hard,’ I tell them all. ‘You need to learn how to block the kids out, too. Especially if you ever want to fuck in the daytime again.’ Now they're like us, their minds are more open to the kids’ too. And they only ever shut off when they're asleep.

  ‘We will,’ Dagger answers for them.

  “Good.” I walk over to Blade and see unopened water guns beside the pool.

  Oh, this will be fun…

  “So, what made you do all this?” I
ask Blade, unwrapping a red gun.

  He eyes the empty packet as I drop it. “We remembered what you said about the kids not having enough fun.” ‘Thorn spoke to Raeni, too.’


  ‘Yeah. Told her not to play with zombies anymore, and to stop worrying about adult problems. At least for now.’

  “Oh…” I fill the gun in the pool. ‘How did she take that?’

  ‘No tears, so I think okay. It’s gonna be hard for her, though.’

  ‘Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. Hopefully, that coming from Thorn will make her at least try.’

  ‘We thought the same.’

  Emerson kicks his legs and I feel him trying to get closer to me, so I lean over to pull his ring closer so I can give him a kiss. They’re all happy, but I feel he’s missed me today. I guess it has been just us for a long time to them.

  I divert my eyes when I see Blade reach for a gun out of the corner of my eye, so I stand back up straight and shoot him with mine.

  He shakes his head and works faster to unwrap his own gun. “You’re gonna pay for that.” I feel his hand on my pussy and gasp as I run away from him.

  ‘Oh, you wanna play dirty?’

  He starts filling up his gun. ‘Always.’

  My ass is slapped as Axe runs past me to get one. ‘So do I.’

  I look at Dagger and Thorn making their way over to the pool, too.

  ‘First one to spray me gets virtual head.’

  Dagger and Thorn run faster.

  “Run, Mummy,” Theo shouts. “We’ll help you!”

  I walk backwards and see him, Raeni, and Jaden facing the brothers, but the brothers are telling them to let them go.

  The kids are stopping them from moving?

  ‘Your kids are playing favourites,’ Axe says, sounding unimpressed.

  I snort out a laugh as I stop still. “It’s okay, babies, you can let your daddies go.”

  “But they’ll get you,” Jaden says, keeping his eyes on his dads.

  “They won’t get me unless I let them. I’m really fast. I promise.” As funny as this is, I’m more in awe of the way they’re working together, as if they already know that three minds can accomplish more than one.


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