The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3)

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The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3) Page 6

by McCoy, LeeSha

Thorn quickens his pace and I feel the trembling of my orgasm about to peak. ‘More,’ I beg them all.

  He surges forward with a harsh groan, and when I touch them, we all lose it.

  I lose it so badly, that when Axe pulls away and I open my eyes, it's not even Thorn inside me anymore, it's Pin, and his curved dick is angled so perfectly, my body is rushed into the next explosion without even a second’s break.

  Axe tries to catch his own moan in his throat. “Fuck, bro, keep hitting that spot. Look at her face. Jesus.”

  I know they love to see me cum, and they keep me cumming. First Pin, too many times to remember, then Blade makes love to me while his hands rub my belly and he tells me how much I mean to him, and then Axe pulls me onto his lap and roams my entire body with all his touches while his brothers surround us and watch.

  They’re all in my head. They’ve worked hard through the entire night, touching me and releasing their minds from the limitations they once had. They’re powerful as hell already, and I can’t wait to see how much stronger we become.

  Axe grabs my ass to push himself deeper, and then his eyes glow red and his beautiful body mottles to a dark purple when he shifts. He surprises me again, because he doesn’t lose control like I thought he would, he’s shifted because he wants to feel me deeper inside him.

  “Babe…” His hand wanders to my belly before he lifts it up and over my breasts, finally, to my neck. “…I never thought I’d feel like this about anyone.” His eyes lift to mine. “No one.”

  My heart skips a few beats when I see and feel his emotions unravel. I hold his face in my hands. “Axe…”

  He suddenly looks up at his brothers. “We gotta do this shit now, man. I can't fucking wait any longer.”

  I blink as I try to figure out what they're talking about, but then his strokes inside me hit harder, and his hold on my hips hurts as he drags me down onto him. Oh, God... There's just something about making love to the brothers when I’m carrying their babies…

  I run my hands over the back of his head and neck as I come apart in layers, strip by strip, piece by piece, I fall and soar, not even hearing what the brothers are saying while I bring us all to another mind-blowing climax together.

  I wish we didn’t have to leave this bed…

  “Answer us, Babe.”

  I open my eyes as I regain control over my own body again. Axe is back to his human self now. “What did you ask?”

  “Will you marry us?”

  My heart stops as I watch all the brothers kneel beside Axe. Marry them? Am I still lost to my climax, or did they really just ask me that?

  “You all want to marry me?”

  “More than anything, Angel.”

  “And we mean, anything, Princess.”

  “But…” I climb off Axe and hold my hand against my chest in an attempt to calm it the hell down. “..we can’t, can we?”

  “We know it ain't legal here, babe, but we'll find somewhere it is.” Axe gently rests a hand on my belly. “We can make anything happen now we have you.”

  Thorn disappears but immediately returns with a small black box and opens it in front of me. “Don’t think about the how’s, think about what you want.”

  “I know what I want…” I look down at the most beautiful diamond and ruby studded band I’ve ever seen. It’s a lot wider than the usual ring, but when Thorn pulls it out, I see it’s got all their names engraved on the inside. My stomach swarms with butterflies. “Kings...”

  “You’re ours, baby, and we want the papers to prove it,” Pin says.

  Axe agrees. “Damn right we do.”

  I hear all their swirling emotions and thoughts, and they send mine scattering. “I... I never expected this…” Never once have I thought about marrying them, but now they’ve asked me, it’s everything I could ever wish for, and suddenly overwhelmed with happiness, I cover my face and burst out crying.

  “Don't cry, sweetness. It won't be that bad.”

  I choke on a laugh as I pull my hands from my face. They’re all smiling back at me. “There’s never a bad day with you. I just... I didn't even think about us being married.” I wipe my eyes. “Having all of you and your love was enough.”

  “Well it ain’t enough for us, babe. We want it all. So, are you gonna marry us or not?”

  I look at them all in turn and nod. “I'd love to, more than anything.”

  Thorn slips the ring onto my finger. “Then we’ll find a way.”

  “But until then,” Dagger adds, “know you belong to us, and we belong to you.”

  “I do…” I take a quick look down at my hand. “I love it, and I love you all, so much.”

  “We love you, sweetness. You've changed our fucking lives. You couldn’t even begin to understand just how much you mean to us.”

  “He’s right, baby,” Pin says, reaching out to brush another stray tear from my cheek. “We couldn't live without you.”

  I hold his hand against my face. “You’ll never have to.”

  The kids woke up later than usual, which gave us all a chance to shower, dress, and make breakfast. We’re all shattered, but I’m just grateful this tiredness isn’t as debilitating as it was yesterday.

  The high I’m feeling off their proposal is definitely helping, too.

  We all take naps, but they let me sleep the longest. They always take such good care of me, always make me feel like a queen. The way they love me is something I won’t ever take for granted, and as much as they love me in ways they can’t explain, I love them just as much.

  They’ve changed my world, too. Looking back now, I see just how empty my life was before they came along. I honestly believe that I was subconsciously waiting for them, and that’s why I never made much of an effort with anyone else.

  I hand my empty coffee cup to Dagger and then rest my head back on Blade’s lap. The brothers check the news, and I take the opportunity to voice my concerns about it.

  “I think we should start checking it during the night, or in private.” ‘Away from the kids.’

  They all agree.

  ‘The kids are beginning to clock what we’re doing, and they’re paying attention, too. If we want them to forget about zombies until they’re older, we need to forget about them, or at least act like we have.’

  Pin changes the channel. “You’re right.”

  “You should all practice some more, too.” ‘I know we can’t ask the babies to help us kill the zombies again, but I think once you’ve grasped more of your new abilities, we should try to do it on our own.’

  ‘I’ve been thinking the same,’ Thorn agrees. ‘Can you remember how you did it?’

  I lift my head to look at him. ‘I think so. I’m pretty sure we can do it. We’ll just have to keep trying until we can. Maybe, if we keep getting rid of them, the urge the kids feel to do it will lessen, too.’

  ‘Then we won’t stop until we can. We’ve got at least two years to get our shit together, so while we raise the kids, we’ll work.’

  His brothers agree.

  ‘And so will I.’

  I’ll try everything I can to lessen the burden on the kids. I’m pretty sure our reach won’t be as wide without them, but the five of our adult minds should still be enough to make a decent dent into the zombie population.

  I settle back down on Blade’s lap and almost close my eyes, but then I turn to look at Raeni because I feel her gaze on me.

  And I’m sure she nods in approval.



  Two years and a few months later…

  “Just think though, babe, if we had more babies now, at least we'd have a shit load of babysitters.”

  I turn to Axe sat beside me at the island, as I chew a piece of fried dumpling. He's completely naked, we all are. We pretty much live like this again; we have since the kids moved into two houses in the field beside ours last month. They asked for independence, so we gave it to them, but I think it’s because they were sick of hearing us in the

  I swallow my mouthful. “We would...”

  The brothers miss seeing me pregnant, and I can't say I don't miss growing life for the five of them. I'd love more babies, but I haven't fell pregnant again since we had Paris, Hope, and Violet. Whether we fuck all month or not.

  I don't even have periods anymore.

  After I gave birth to Royal, Angel, and Zaire the month after the kings woke up, the urge to have more babies was almost non-existent for all of us. To be honest, I was surprised I even fell again after those three.

  But I did.

  We all know it won’t happen again, though.

  Dagger expressed his own concerns when he felt the urge leaving them, so he insisted on collecting stem cells from our last six babies’ cords and running tests to make sure they were the same as their siblings, which they are. The only one who is different is me, because of my SARA antigen.

  So here we are, fifteen kids later, and they’re all pretty much full grown. Thorn has Raeni, Theodore, and Hope, Dagger has Treasure, Dris, and Violet, Blade has Jaden, Amber, and Zaire, Pin has Africa, Emerson, and Paris, and Axe has Prince, Royal, and Angel. They have three biological children each—sons and daughters—but they’re all the most incredible fathers to each and every one of them, and the kids adore them just as much.

  I reach forward to curl my hand around the base of Axe’s dick. “But if we had more kids, my pussy wouldn't be on tap to you all like it is now, would it? And we'd have to go back to wearing clothes all day and night.”

  “Fuck that,” Blade says. He’s opposite me, beside Thorn.

  Axe groans with disappointment when I release him. “Yeah, actually, no more kids.”

  “The fifteen we have are expensive enough,” Dagger says from my left. “I swear, kids these days need a lot more shit than we ever did.”

  Pin rolls his eyes behind Axe. He’s at the head of the island. “That’s because there weren’t any tech around then. Besides, everything’s virtual now the world is riddled with fucking rats.”

  And that’s very true.

  A lot has changed over the past two years, so let me catch you all up with how the world is now.

  Simply, it’s a mess.

  Barely any shops are open since we had the riots last year, in which thousands died, so now everything you can think of is delivered. And for the ones that are brave enough to leave their houses, they only can for six hours a day. Between six-am and midday. So if you’re travelling for work, you have to make sure you do it within those hours.


  If things continue like this, I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be living in a world like the one in the movie, I Am Legend. There are dozens of compounds in the UK now, where people live communally under protection of the authorities, and homelessness doesn’t exist anymore.

  They’re all zombies.

  In other countries, though, no one is allowed out, and in China, France, and Russia, everyone lives in compounds which they aren’t allowed to leave at all. They were the countries hit worst by Vanze’s followers, and as a result, their populations are made up of mostly zombies.

  We’ve been killing as many as we can in the UK since the brothers woke up. We don’t quite do it like I did with the kids—we have to individually gather and kill them in groups of around two hundred—and we have to travel further from the house each night…

  But things are going to change soon—we all feel it. I have since before the world announced what was going on last year.

  And that’s that the zombies in all the other countries are gravitating towards their borders that are closest to the UK, and the zombies here, are all coming our way.

  To us.

  From everywhere.

  One year earlier...

  I sit on the couch beside Pin to watch the news with them. The kids are all upstairs in their rooms playing Xbox, Roblox, or some Fortnite shit they’ve become obsessed with. They have to do schoolwork Monday to Friday, which we teach, but when they aren’t doing that, we let them choose how to spend their time.

  As long as it doesn’t involve zombies.

  They’re so clever. I was worried about them growing too fast for their minds, but so far, those worries have been misplaced, and I’m hoping one day, if they do get the chance, going to school will be a real possibility for them.

  Our eldest are approaching the dreaded teenage years now, and our youngest are just coming up to double digits. None of them are bad kids, but they do push the boundaries, especially with their dads. They still find ways to convince their biological fathers to buy them unnecessary shit, and somehow manage to persuade them to their way of thinking.

  And that has caused some big arguments.

  Which has meant I’ve had to step in. I think they can hide certain thoughts and feelings from us now, but they can’t influence me like they still can their fathers, although they try. I feel like I’ve become not only a mother, but also the disciplinarian of the house, a referee, and a judge.

  As they grow older, though, their abilities only grow stronger, too, and it becomes harder to try to convince them that now isn't the right time to be involving themselves in the world’s problems.

  “Just in… Reports released this morning confirm the entire East of the UK is now zombie free. Other countries are also experiencing zombie free zones, and scientists are now working to find out what is causing this strange phenomenon. The country’s Head of Defence, Kay Hughes, has been quick to respond to the news, labelling the findings as, ‘puzzling’.”

  “You were right, Princess. You were fucking right.”

  “So we're basically reapers for the dead,” Axe says, shaking his head at the TV.

  “Yeah. The older the kids get, the stronger all our reach becomes, and I’m pretty sure that’s what’s attracting them our way.”

  “They really do want to die,” Thorn says thoughtfully. “It has to be that.”

  None of us can change zombies into us. We tried, but they died as soon as we bit them. We’ve come to the conclusion that our cravings to eat them, was to link us. All the kids craved one, but only once. Now, we just feel the urge to release their minds so they can move on.

  “Can you blame them?” Dagger turns to look at us. “If I were like them, I'd wanna die, too. Poor fuckers.”

  We all agree. I’d hate to live like that. As much as zombies are a disease, we’ve also become more compassionate when it comes to them. When we release their minds and they die, we’ve realised that they feel just as much relief as we do.

  “It’s not gonna be long before they realise they’re being pulled to Wales,” Pin says. “If they don’t already.”

  Blade nods. “Exactly. They're baiting us up. We're gonna have to start venturing further away from the house to kill them. Otherwise, someone's gonna find us.”

  Yeah, Myers.

  He's still working on a vaccine. Says he's close, too, and I'm terrified. We all are. “I agree. We'll have to go further. It's the only way to keep them far enough away.”

  “We'll alternate nights,” Thorn says. “Three at a time will still give us a far enough reach.”

  “Yeah…” We can feel them from quite far now, but I know if the kids helped us, it would be a hell of a lot further. Maybe even the entire UK, and I’m not even exaggerating. Right now, though, we’re lucky we’re in wales and luring them to secluded places to hide the masses of bodies isn’t hard.

  “They’ll be jumping in the ocean trying to swim here next,” Axe says, getting up from the couch. “They’re a fucking mess.”

  “They are, and they’re making a lot, too…”


  And over the past year, they’ve made ten times more mess.

  But as many as we kill, more are created, and the world is still overrun. Especially Wales and all the countries closest to the UK.

  We do allow the kids to practice their abilities as much as they want now that they’re all pretty much eighteen, but we’re sti
ll strict with the youngest ones when it comes to their interaction with the zombies.

  Although now, they’ve started doing some things subconsciously that we can’t stop, as if their minds have been on timers, and one by one, our time of delaying the inevitable is coming to an end.

  My chest always tightens when I think of them having grown into adults so fast. We’ve done everything in our power to give them everything we can, but they’ve still missed out on so much, which kills me every single day. I mean, yeah, I know they were born to help us with the world’s problem, there’s no denying that, but they’ve only been on this earth for two years.

  And they’re still our babies...

  When I think about our childhoods and all the things we’ve not been able to do with them, I’m gripped with sadness. I just hope that if this is ever over, they won’t be restricted by anything anymore.

  Pin looks up from his MacBook. “All done.”

  He’s been getting the next video ready to upload to YouTube. The channel has grown massively, and yesterday, we made a video that he intends to upload when Hope, Paris, and Violet do what the others have started to do over the past few months.

  Subconsciously wake in the night to gather and kill all zombies within a hundred miles of the house.

  They’ll be the last ones to.

  We all feel how much the presence of zombies is beginning to torment them now they’re older. Whether they’re awake or asleep, it doesn’t matter. They want them gone, and so do we, but our eldest also understand that they need to wait for the younger ones to be ready and feel the same way we do.

  We've paid close attention to their habits and abilities as they’ve gotten older, and now twelve of them do it without even really thinking about it. But once the youngest start, it will mean they're full grown, too, and then we’ll be ready.

  Over the past few months, their interests have centred around fun and games less and less. Their hunger to eradicate zombies is now at full force. Especially because they want to go to school, travel, get their driving licences, and have friends, but that's no way going to happen until zombies are gone and the world returns to some kind of normality.


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