Purpose: Whisperer of Night

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Purpose: Whisperer of Night Page 48

by Keya Jay

Chapter twenty-two: Sidney Fields

  Sidney was shocked once she had gotten home after telling Nate everything that she and Skylar had discovered to find her mother still up and at the kitchen table with Hank on her left side with a calloused hand on her mother’s shoulder.

  “Mom what are you still doing up?” Sidney asked determined to ignore Hank.

  “Honey we need to talk,” her mother said on a sob.

  Sidney took a few deep breaths not wanting to let her emotions get out of hand but she couldn’t have said it any better herself, they did need to talk but without the presence of Hank.

  “Mom I’m really, really tired can this wait?” she asked.

  “No Sidney I think you should listen to what your mother has to say,” Hank cut in.

  “Hank why the hell are you here in my house?” she asked as she continued to watch her mother not wanting to look at him as she addressed him.

  “Sidney bite your tongue real quick, I’m in no mood for your bitchiness.”

  “Well you’re in my house so deal otherwise choice A is still an option—get the hell out!”

  “Sidney I really need to talk to you,” her mother pleaded.

  “And I’m all for that mother but I rather we do it alone instead of with a constant audience,” she said shooting Hank a mean glare.

  “You know what Ciana I think that was the smartest idea your daughter has ever had, I’ll be upstairs while yall talk find me when you’re done,” he said before moving away from her mother going up the stairs to her mother’s room.

  “You’re fuckin kidding me right?” Sidney asked to Hank’s retreating back. “Why stay? WE DON’T WANT YOU HERE!” she said as he continued to walk and ignore her.

  “Sidney please come over here so we can talk,” her mother pleaded.

  “Not until you kick him out, I want him out!”

  “Please,” her mother pleaded in a broken whisper.

  Sidney huffed and walked over to where her mother sat at the kitchen island and let her mother grab her hands in her cold ones.

  “There is something that I should have told you a long time ago,” her mother said as tears ran down her peach stained cheeks.

  Sidney didn’t think now was the time to let her know that Aaron wasn’t really her father or that her real father was dead but her mother seemed hella bent on telling her this so Sidney listened patiently.

  “Honey, you have a sister,” was not the words Sidney expected to hear out of her mother’s mouth but those were indeed the words she heard.

  “What?” Sidney asked confused.

  “I’m sorry I should have told you but your father had just—he didn’t think that it was the right time.”

  “And now was?” and by father did she mean Hank Paul Henderson or Aaron Lynn Fields? She questioned to herself.

  “I’m sorry but Hank thought that you should know,” her mother whispered.

  “Why would I care?” Sidney asked confused not knowing why Hank would insist her mother tell her anything pertaining the truth.

  “Honey don’t be that way she is your sister and we didn’t want you to go through life without knowing that.”

  “I’ve gone so far without knowing what difference would knowing now make, did you expect me to just hop up and look for her and then welcome her with open arms?!”

  “Mom—“Sidney just shook her head without continuing. “Good night,” she said as she hopped down from the stool to head to her room.

  “Wait!” her mother called trying to grab at her hands before she pulled them away. “Sidney wait!” her mother said more urgently.

  “What?” Sidney asked with the top of her foot on the first stair.

  “Th-there’s more?” her mother said as if she weren’t even sure.

  “No thank you, maybe later though,” Sidney said as she continue to mount the rest of the stairs.

  “Wait, please don’t go I’m scared,” her mother said.

  “Well maybe it has something to do with the Neanderthal in our house mother,” Sidney said as she turned the corner and headed into her room. Sidney was shocked to see Hank rushing out of her room once she had opened the door. At that moment everything began to click into place. Hank used her mother to distract Sidney while he tore her room apart in another failed attempt to look for Aaron’s Book of Secrets. She wandered if what her mother said was even the truth, if she really did have a sister.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” she said as she entered her room. “That was low, using my mother. You are one sick bastard you know that?” she said as she dared take a step forward toward him. “Tell me Hank why is this book so damn important to you?”

  She wanted to let slip that she knew everything there was to know about him but usually once you reveal that you lose the element of surprised and that’s all Sidney had to defend herself against Hank.

  “Sidney you have no clue what you’re getting yourself into,” he said as he stared her down.

  “Educate me Hank, what is it exactly that I am getting myself into?”

  Hank just smiled slyly but said nothing on the matter.

  “I have something to get rid of so if you’ll excuse me I’ll just be going,” he said as he slid past her and down the stairs.

  Sidney had no idea what his comment meant she knew he didn’t have the book of secrets because she hid it between Skylar’s living room couch so what did he mean by things to get rid of?

  Sidney began putting her things back in place the way she had had them and in the process kicked her phone underneath her bed. Se knelt down to retrieve it, reaching as far as her arms would go until she had it in her hands. She sat back and looked at her screen to see that Nate had texted her 15 minutes ago. She was just with him but still she read the txt anyways.

  Sidney I know who Hank is, meet me in our place.

  Oh shit, was all Sidney could think after reading the text.


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