Purpose: Whisperer of Night

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Purpose: Whisperer of Night Page 52

by Keya Jay

Chapter twenty-five: Ryder Ferris

  The dance floor was not the only thing different about Mrs. Delarosa’s Diner. Everything in the Diner was gold and bright. The Diner itself looked as though it was elongated to fit in the dance floor but also more tables. The dance floor looked like it was made up off glowing gold tiles and there was a ginormous fairy light canopy that hung just above it—which probably gave the dance floor its rich gold look. It looked more like a place where one would go after a wedding. All of the tables were draped in white table cloths with a gold rim lining.

  “Hey Ryder look!” Skylar called excitedly. Ryder walked over to her and looked at the end table where he always took her. Now it was officially their table, there was a plaque that stood on the wall next to their table with their names engraved into it. The table cloth was gold instead of white like all of the rest, their table was noticeably bigger, and looked as though a spotlight was placed right over it.

  “It’s gorgeous,” Skylar said as she gazed around the entire Diner, “All of it is just gorgeous,” she said her eyes looking gold from all of the lights.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Mrs. Delarosa said from behind them. “Now whenever you’re ready I’d like to get dinner started,” she said as she motioned toward the tables that she wanted them to sit down at.

  “I can’t believe she did all of this,” Skylar said as she took a seat across from Ryder. “You’re a bit quiet, you don’t like it?” she asked.

  At the sound of her voice Ryder lifted his head from the ground and looked up at her but still he said nothing he stared into her clear grey eyes realizing that for the first time the storm that normally occurred there wasn’t there realizing how genuinely happy she was. Ryder was too busy replaying his mother’s words in his head to even pay her any attention until now.

  “It’s really nice,” he said looking around.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” he said looking around wondering when the food was gonna get here. He could tell by the look on her face that she didn’t believe him but it surprised him that she didn’t bother to push him on the subject.

  Finally the food had come and there was little to no talking as they ate which wasn’t Ryder’s fault he tried talking to her but she wasn’t listening. At one point she had stopped eating and just stared down at her barely touched food while she shook her leg almost nervously under the table.

  “Are you ok?” he asked.

  Skylar looked up at him and attempted to speak but no words came out. She began fidgeting around with nothing in particular, she almost looked anxious to leave, which was a complete contrast to the way she raved about the place when they had arrived.

  “Skylar what’s goin on with you?” he asked as he looked around hoping no one was paying them any attention.

  “Nothing, nothing’s wrong,” she said as she shivered as if she were cold but seeing as though it was the beginning of March and it was dark outside it was still warm as if the sun beat down on them.

  “Are you sure?” he asked slowly.

  She didn’t bother saying yes she just nodded her head frantically. “Well if you’re finished eating we could go try out that new dance floor,” he said encouragingly as he watched her attempt a smile. Ryder was used to seeing her like this, not that he understood it but he knew that she probably needed some fresh air. “Would you like to go outside and get—“before he could finish she was shaking her head no frantically. “Skylar what the hell is going on?!” he asked no longer trying to contain his anger.

  “I just want to dance,” she said. Seeing as though she could no longer sit still he knew that if he brought her out on that dance floor she’d look as normal as ever as long as he kept her moving.

  “Alright come on,” he said getting to his feet and holding his hand out toward her. She grabbed his hand and hers shook in his as he led her to the dance floor.

  They ended up dancing like 5 times and Ryder needed some serious ice for his foot, it turns out that in the current state she was in she was an even worse dancer, to the point where he actually hurt all over. Ryder led her to his car and had to buckle her in himself because her hands shook so badly. Ryder looked into her face and her eyes were rather vacant and the storm clouds were back. He sighed before going to his side of the car and buckling up. The ride back to her house was dead silent which was also not like her, as he parked in front of her house she hesitated as if she didn’t want to go in, before Ryder was able to open his mouth though she hoped out and power walked to her front door, slamming it behind her as she entered.

  Ryder watched from a far as Skylar exited her house no longer wearing the dress she had worn when she had accompanied him to the Diner, now she was in baggy sweatpants and a hoodie. The hood was pulled down low on her face with only a few strands of her blonde hair sticking out.

  There was something completely off about Skylar and Ryder wanted to find out what it was. Ryder exited his car and watched her until she disappeared around a corner, in case she realized she was being followed Ryder waited a couple minutes before moving in the direction she had disappeared in. By the time he caught up with her she was watching this man harass this older woman. The woman looked sickly and she reminded Ryder a lot of his very own mother. Ryder could feel the growl rumble from deep within his gut as he watched the man with the long blonde ponytail. He was tall and clearly bigger than Skylar; the man looked as if he lived in a gym. Skylar didn’t bother making her presence known as she crept up behind the man. Skylar wrapped her bonny fingers around the man’s ponytail; she brought her knee up and struck right in the soft part of the back of the man’s knee making him fall to his knees. The man tried to look around to see who held his hair in a vise like grip but Skylar rendered his head useless, she yanked on the man’s ponytail until the man’s head faced skyward. Ryder couldn’t hear what she said to the man but the man’s hand trembled as he handed the older woman back her purse and mumbled a few words Ryder couldn’t hear. Ryder was proud of his little Bēlua that was until she physically removed the man’s head and lit it ablaze. Ryder had never met a wisp who holds such power and unkempt this power can be…well over powering and by the looks of it Skylar thrived on the power, which makes more sense to Ryder now. Is this why she leaves all of the time? Why she thinks she’s a monster, because she can’t control her power? Ryder thought to himself. Something was very obviously not right here, he thought as he left before she could notice him watching her.

  Ryder walked back to the warehouse with very few things on his mind but his main concern was Skylar, he wanted to help. He was feeling pretty sure right about now of what had caused her episodes on many of the nights they had spent together. He didn’t want to put it off he decided right then and there that he would do something to help her but first he needed to see her in action with her well aware of his presence.

  As Ryder stood outside of the one door he knew would start every scene between him and Skylar afterward, he hesitated only momentarily before knocking on the door. Ash was soon filling the space the door once had. This was one sacrifice he didn’t have to think twice about before making.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed her face openly showing excitement, shock, and surprise as she stood in nothing but her night wear—which wasn’t much—in front of him. “Sir did you need something?” she purred almost seductively. Ryder was well aware of Ash’s—not so secret—crush on him and open admiration. Ryder’s ambiance displayed his disinterest and annoyance, his expression sending an all too clear message stating that she obviously got the wrong idea from his sudden appearance at her door well into the night.

  “I need you to get dressed, quickly,” he said showing his seriousness on the matter as he said the words.

  “Yes, right away!” she said turning to hurriedly go back into her room to do as he had asked. He could tell she was highly aware of him still standing there in her door frame as she began to give him a show. He could care less of seeing her nake
d at the moment though as he growled “faster,” to her backside as she got rid of her panties. Hearing him command her to go faster she began to strip the rest of the way down and then quickly replacing all of her items with a cleaner pair.

  “Ready,” she said as she walked hurriedly toward the front entrance of the tunnels at his request.

  As they exited the tunnels completely Ryder didn’t even hesitate when he saw Skylar still patrolling the streets like an officer on duty.

  “What the hell is she doing?” Ash said as she too spotted Skylar. Ryder just smiled knowingly at that very moment knowing that without a doubt his plan was going to work and he was determined to see it through.

  “Why don’t you ask her yourself?” he suggested. “Always the curious one,” he mumbled as he watched Ash approach Skylar. Skylar seemed momentarily unaware of their presence. Ryder frowned once he realized that Skylar continued to ignore them and Ash didn’t ask her question like Ryder suggested she should.

  “Bēlua!” he called having gotten tired of watching her walk back and forth like a street walker just learning how to walk in heels. Skylar turned to look at him but didn’t register recognition.

  “What the hell do you want?” she asked as she once again continued to walk back and forth.

  “What are you doing out here?” Ash asked. Ryder didn’t bother to tell her to shut up though; at the moment he needed Ash to provoke her.

  “Minding my business, Ryder why the hell are you walking your dog now, it’s like 11 o’clock at night,” she said unable to walk anymore as she leaned against the nearest tree.

  “Bitch I’m sick and tired of your mouth,” Ash said as she dared take a step toward Skylar. Skylar looked anything but threatened.

  “I guess that’s just too bad because there’s not shit you can do about it.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? You look possessed,” Ash asked, and she was right Skylar’s body shook as she leaned against the tree, her eyes were more of a like black—if ever there was one—and extremely hooded. She looked drunk.

  “You almost sound like you care,” Skylar said.

  “Bēlua she’s right,” Ryder said cutting in.

  “Whose side are you on?” Skylar asked cocking her head.

  “Who said I was on a side,” he said folding his arms.

  “Oook, it’s that respect thing right? Funny how you don’t respect no one but your damn self and yet you feel as though everyone owes you respect; why is that?”

  “This has nothing to do with respect Bēlua, I think we’ve argued that topic enough,” he growled.

  “Why because you said so? What you say goes right?”

  “Bēlua this isn’t about me.”

  “So who is it about? Let me guess, me right?”

  “Look he’s obviously just trying to help you,” Ash cut in.

  “If you're going to be two faced honey at least make one of them pretty. Who the hell was even talking to you?”

  “Look bitch,” Ash said getting into Skylar’s face. “I am sick and—“

  “Tired of me, yes I know you told me,” Skylar said latching on to the finger Ash pointed into her face. “Unless you want to lose a finger or two I’d think twice before putting one in my face if I were you,” Skylar warned.

  “I’m not scared of you.”

  “That’s what everyone says until I’m forced to show them why they should be.”

  “Good luck with that.

  “Bēlua I’m tired of skirting around the truth with you, you need help.”

  “What makes you think I need help?”

  “Well I assumed—“

  “Well we all know what happens when you assume,” she cut in.

  “Don’t fuckin interrupt me when I’m trying to help you.”

  “Let me guess it’s disrespectful,” she said with a taunting smile.

  “Bēlua you’re getting on my last fuckin nerve,” he warned.

  “Well you done burned through all of mine, I think it’s only fair,” she said with that same fuckin taunting smile. Ryder stalked toward Skylar pushin Ash out of his way and grabbed Skylar by the nape of her neck.

  “You’re annoying the fuck out of me and if you were smart you’d stop,” he said beyond anger.

  “I’m sorry; did I offend you with my opinion? I guess I’m lucky you haven’t even heard the ones I keep to myself. Mental note don’t express your opinions around Ryder. You know you should come with a warning similar to that one.” Ryder’s hands tightened on the back of her neck as she attempted to laugh.

  “You have a right to your own opinion, and I have a right to tell you how fuckin stupid it is.”

  “Riiight but its only stupid if it involves you correct? How hypocritical,” she said shaking her head back and forth.

  “You need help and that is all I came down here to do,” he said slowly.

  “Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you're an expert on my life and how I should live it. Please continue while I take notes,” she said sarcastically.

  “Bēlua this isn’t a fuckin game!”

  “Good because I’m not in any mood to play one.”

  “Would you like me to slap some sense into her sir?” Ash asked.

  “Be my guess, I’m done,” Ryder said as he let go of Skylar and began to walk away.

  “You have got to be kidding me, you smack sense into me?” Skylar began to laugh. “Please do,” she finished after sobering up. Ash began to walk toward Skylar obviously done trying to talk to her and Ryder felt exactly the same way, but he felt a little bad for Ash there was no way she’d be able to actually hurt Skylar but Ryder couldn’t bring himself to care as he watched Ash do exactly as she said she would. Skylar was shocked at first that Ash had actually hit her but the shock wore off quickly and it was just placed with anger. Skylar stalked toward Ash and grabbed her by the back of her blonde head before she smashed her face into the nearest tree trunk. Ash held her nose probably checking to see if it were still there before going after Skylar and knocking her onto her butt, landing punch after punch into her abdomen and face. Skylar twisted her feet around Ash’s back, crossed her feet at the ankles and flipped Ash onto her back. Ash gasped as the air was knocked out of her before quickly sucking in another lung full of air before again punching at Skylar. Ryder always admired that about Ash, she didn’t dwell on her injuries too much, she just fought and then licked her wounds at the end. Skylar punched Ash in the face in a quick session of thrusts as Ash tried her hardest to block her hits. Skylar grabbed Ash by the neck and banged her head against the concrete, her hands left red marks all over Ash’s body as if she had burned her by simply touching her. Skylar’s body was highlighted in an unearthly blue light as well as her grey eyes as she continued to fight Ash. Ash put up a good enough fight but it wasn’t enough. She was able to flip Skylar on her back once more but Skylar tangled her legs around Ash’s neck and flipped her over her head before twisting her legs and snapping Ash’s neck in two and if that wasn’t enough she set her body on fire. The blue flames danced in Skylar’s hands after ward and she didn’t look bothered by it. She looked around nervously until her eyes met his, Ryder could see it there in her eyes, the power she felt while fighting Ash wasn’t enough, she needed more you could tell in the way that her body began to twitch, and the way her eyes went in and out of focus as she tried to walk away.

  “Bēlua!” Ryder called out to her grabbing her by the wrist before she could go too far.

  “Ryder I don’t have time for this bull shit,” she said as she snatched her wrist out of his hold.


  “THEN STOP FUCKING CHASING ME! JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!” she screamed as she got farther and farther away.

  “I wished you’d show me just a little respect for all that I’ve been trying to do for you,” he said as he caught up to her.

  “I only have respect for the dead so until the
n.” Ryder could tell that this was her way of trying to run him off but it wasn’t going to work he needed her to listen to him.

  “I know you respect me Bēlua,” he said simply.

  “When I think of all the people I respect the most I'm sorry but you don't come to mind.”

  “Right, fine then you don’t respect me I don’t care anymore I just need you to let me help you.”

  “I don’t want your help,” she said stomping up her porch stairs, flinging her front door open and stalking off inside. Ryder followed right behind her and closed and locked her door. Her living room looked rich as it was illuminated by the fire place that she had left lit.

  “You may not need my help, and you may not want my help but I’m the only one offering so you have to take it.”

  “I don’t have to do anything,” she said as she ran her hands frantically through her hair.

  “Skylar you have—,” he started but stopped as he watched her sink to her knees.

  “Skylar you have an—,”

  “Don’t say it,” she warned as she flopped onto her belly and covered her ears with her hands. Ryder really didn’t want to upset her but he realized that whatever he said would upset her no matter what so it was better to just get it out of the way.

  “Skylar you have an addiction,” he said calmly.



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