Stage West - Dalton

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Stage West - Dalton Page 15

by Annie Pelle

  “I hate this! I want to marry her and be with her forever.”

  “Then I will see you in Hawaii next Sunday. She is going to have lots of free time that week to spend with you. I am not going to tell her that I called you and arranged for you to come. It will be a surprise. Call the foundation and Tyler will have all the details on how to get to our house in Hawaii.”

  “Thank you. I will see you next Sunday.”

  “And Dalton, we really do want to keep CeCe’s illness a secret.”

  “No one will ever hear it from me. I owe you for this.”

  “No, I am probably going to lose my assistant over this good deed. But Sarah deserves all of life’s happiness. See you.” Greg said as he hung up.

  Dalton returned to his family in the living room. “I am going to Hawaii next week to fight for my girl. And I intend to win!” Lindsay jumped up to hug her beloved brother and whispered in his ear “go get my future sister-in-love”

  Chapter 14

  Sunday morning, Greg, CeCe and Sarah flew to Hawaii. Sarah had not gotten much sleep, but maybe then she would be able to sleep on the plane. It didn’t really matter anyway, sleep wasn’t going to cure the problem. It wasn’t going to help her forget about Dalton. I dreamed such big dreams in less than a week. How stupid am I? No, more. I will not think about him and my life will return to before.

  Dalton’s night wasn’t much better. He had tried to sleep but just worried about Sarah. He rose early and went to the stable. He saddled his horse and went for a ride. He rode to the creek by the line cabin and sat down beside the water. He remembered his dream about coming here with Sarah on a picnic. They would do that somehow and someway. They would have a life together; he just had to get her to believe in him.

  He had been gone about two hours when his walkie talkie came on. “Dalton, it’s me David. You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just needed to think. I’ll be home later. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Okay, but if you don’t get back by four, we are coming to find you.”

  “I’m at the creek by the cabin. I will be back later.”

  “Stage West out”

  His family was something else. They caused him trouble by upsetting Sarah, but he loved them too much to be mad. At least he knew about this illness now.

  Dalton returned to the ranch about mid-afternoon and found Lindsay in the family room. “Hey Lin”

  “Hi yourself. Everything okay?”

  “Yes, can I talk to you for a while?”

  “Sit.” Lindsay indicated to one of the chairs.

  “Tell me about Sarah in college, what was she like?”

  Lindsay smiled a knowing smile at him and started to remember their school times. “Sarah and I hit it off right away. She was quiet more than me even. She had lots of friends but if you asked her she would say she didn’t. She was smart, but again she would disagree with you. She had to work at school, much harder than me. But she is smart.”

  Dalton nodded before speaking “Of course she is; that foundation alone is phenomenal. Go on.”

  “She would always there for you if you needed her but she hated it if she needed you for something. She hates to be a bother to anyone. I think that is why she disappeared all those years ago. She thought she was bothering you.”

  “Yeah, she told me that too.”

  Lindsay couldn’t resist the chance to tease her big brother “So, you two are getting along now?”

  “Go ahead, say “I told you so” or “About time” or whatever else you want to give me grief on. I deserve it. Go ahead give it your best short.”

  “You do deserve it. You deserve happiness with Sarah and so does she with you. I can’t wait to see you and her get married.”

  “Me either. But what if I can’t convince her of that? How do I convince her of that?”

  “Time” was Lindsay’s reply “Show her over time. Keep repeating it to her. And when something has to get cancelled because she doesn’t feel well; show her how important she is too you. Find new activities that you will both love that will show her that she can have a life.”

  “How did you get so smart about her, about life?”

  “I have been Sarah’s friend for years. We clicked remember. And if I was in her shoes and I thought some guy would reject me because I was sick, I would need him to show me over time how he would not leave me.”

  “She can have all the time in the world from me. If she doesn’t throw me out when I show up in Hawaii.”

  “She will probably try, but make yourself grab her and kiss her.”

  “Make myself? That won’t exactly be a hardship, Lindsay.” He said as he got to his feet to leave the room

  “Oh really?”

  “Brat” Dalton said as he left the room

  Lindsay just laughed at him. “I’m getting my best friend as my sister-in-law.”

  Greg, CeCe and Sarah were enjoying their time in Hawaii. Well, two of them were anyway. Sarah was just going through the motions. They had been shopping, sight-seeing, boating and were now on the back porch of the main house enjoying a glorious Sunday afternoon. Sarah’s phone rang and she noticed it was the guard’s station.

  “This is Sarah”

  “There is a Dalton Matthews here, should I let him in?”

  “That is impossible, Dalton Matthew can’t be here” she said to the guard but Greg took the phone from her.

  “Let him in and direct him to the main house.”

  “Yes, sir.” the guard replied.

  Sarah was stunned. She looked at her employers who had big grins on their faces. “What have you done? Why is Dalton here? I’m working for one thing and for another that was over.”

  Greg calmly replied “I believe someone is at the door, Sarah. Would you mind getting it?”

  “I’ll get it; but he isn’t staying.”

  “I believe there is plenty of space in the guest cottage with you my dear.” CeCe sing-songed as Sarah left the patio.

  Sarah stormed to the door and threw it open. Dalton was standing there waiting for her. “Go home. I am working for one thing and for another we are through.” He grabbed her in his wonderful arms and kissed her senseless. “I missed you. I am so glad to see you again. You are beautiful and I love you.” He said as he stopping kissing her.

  Sarah was dazed. He was saying such wonderful things but he shouldn’t even be here. Why was he here? She finally found her voice again “What are you doing here?”

  “I was invited.”

  “Oh, really. When and by whom?”

  “Last Saturday and by Greg.”

  “Come with me.” She said as she grabbed his arm to drag him to the patio.

  “Hi Dalton. Welcome to Hawaii” said Greg as they reached the patio.

  “Nice place you have here.” Dalton commented as he took a seat by Sarah and reached for her hand. She was so mad she didn’t even realize it.

  “Greg” interrupted Sarah as they continued their small talk “Why is Dalton here?”

  “I invited him and he accepted.” He said like it should be obvious.

  “But why did you invite him?” urged Sarah “How did you know to invite him?” she questioned with a curious glance at CeCe.

  “I eavesdropped on your conversation with CeCe last Saturday. I called him up and invited him.” Greg said smugly.

  “And you knew about this?” she turned to CeCe.

  “Only since early this week, when I caught him on the phone with Tyler making the arrangements. But it is a fabulous idea. Welcome Dalton.”

  “Thank you. It is a fabulous idea.”

  “No it isn’t a fabulous idea. But I am not going to discuss this with you in-front of my employers anyway. Let’s go.” Sarah dragged Dalton off again towards the guest cottage.

  As they entered the cottage, she saw that his bags had already been delivered by the household staff. He isn’t staying. But as soon as he
shut the door he pulled her into his arms again and lowered his head to give you a long loving kiss. Her arms wove around his neck as he deepened the kiss. She was breathless when she was released.

  “I needed that so bad.” He commented as he moved into the cottage to look around “It was a very long week without you.”

  “Dalton, you shouldn’t be here. I am working and can’t spend time with you. I thought we agreed you would take this time to decide if you could deal with my being sick.”

  He took her by the hand and led her to the sofa. “Technically, you told me to take the time. I didn’t agree to do it. And I did think about it and I can deal with it, but it seems to me that you can’t.”

  “That’s right. Somedays I can’t. Why would I inflict it on someone I cared about? I wouldn’t wish this disease on my worst enemy. It is horrible some days.”

  “Then let me help you through those days. I can take it. And on your good days, I’ll be here too. We would have good days and bad days if you were perfectly healthy. Give me the time to prove it to you.”

  She finally gave in to a point. “Ok for now. But if it gets too bad, tell me honestly that you can’t take it before you walk away. I will understand and I will walk away for your own good.”

  “That won’t happen but if it makes you feel better. I promise to tell you if I can’t take it anymore.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, can we talk about something more pleasant. Or maybe not talk at all” he said as he pulled her onto his lap to cuddle. He finally had her where he wanted her and got her to relax about his being in Hawaii. They just enjoyed each other for a few moments.

  All of a sudden she stiffened in his arms “Did you tell me you love me?”

  Dalton laughed “That just now registered with you?”

  “Yes, I was too mad to listen for a while. Did you?”

  “Of course I love you. I would have told you every day since our first date but I didn’t want to scare you.”

  “That is a little bit scary. Can I be honest with you?” she replied hesitantly.

  “Always” he replied

  “I am not sure I am ready to say that back to you yet.”

  “I know. And I am okay with that. I will, however, keep saying it to you until you believe me.” Dalton said as he kissed her cheek and settled her back in his arms. “This is the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon.”

  “Now that the shock and anger are gone, I am so glad to see you and so glad you are here. I missed you too.” She was rewarded for her statements with another long kiss. She answered him back by winding her arms around his neck and gave in to the emotions she had been feeling.

  He teased her lips apart with his tongue and spent the next few minutes sampling her and enjoying how sweet and wonderful she tasted. Finally he released her and her head fell back onto his arm with a thud. “Oh wow! Another kiss to write about in my journal. But there aren’t any good enough words to describe it.” She said with a smile. Dalton just laughed.

  “Maybe we can do some more later and you can write about those too.” He replied smugly. “I’ll be happy to practice so you can have something to write about. Now, what are we going to do this week?”

  “I really am here to work Dalton, they are my employers.”

  “Greg just happened to mention that you would have plenty of free time this week. And they are not just your employers, they are your friends and family. No employer I know would call their assistant’s boyfriend and offer a sympathetic ear or give advice on how to deal with her illness.”

  “He really did that?”

  “Yes, he really did and I appreciate it more than I can say. He told me some of what he goes through with CeCe. And yes I know it is a well-kept secret.”

  “Yes, we have gone to great lengths to keep it that way. Her career could depend on it.”

  “No worries. I am able to keep a secret.”

  He was rewarded with a kiss for his comments too.

  “I think I’ll take up journaling and write about your kisses too. Let’s see, today Sarah kissed me because I did a good thing. I wonder what she would do if I did a really great thing, maybe I will do something and see how she kisses me then.”

  “You’re crazy” she said laughing

  “About you, yes I really am.”

  Sarah wound her arms around Dalton’s neck and brought him down for another kiss. This time she surprised him by teasing his lips open and deepening the kiss.

  When they broke apart, she was flushed and breathless. “We better stop that for a while.” Dalton commented. Let’s go walk on the beach, I’ll go change.”

  Sarah directed him to one of the rooms on the other side of the cottage from hers. She showed him all the facilities and told him she would meet him in the living room in a few minutes.

  Sarah arrived back in the living room a few minutes later. Dalton was dumbfounded. She was even more dazzling than before. She was wearing a barely there bikini and matching skirt and a big shirt as a cover-up. She was very sexy. He hand went to his heart to stop it from jumping out of his chest. It was a good thing they were going to be in public.

  “What’s wrong?” Sarah asked at the expression on his face.

  “Nothing.” He replied breathlessly

  “The look on your face is scaring me.”

  “You are stunning and my heart is about to beat me to death is all. I hope you didn’t expect me to think intelligently about anything while you were wearing that bikini.”

  Sarah beamed at him. “I thought it was sexy and beautiful in the store so I went for it. I like sexy clothes under my conservative work clothes.”

  “Yeah, that is making it easier to breathe. You are killing me here. Let’s go.” He said as he dragged her to the beach.

  They walked hand in hand through the surf for a while. His heart had almost returned to beating normally. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He would someday be able to lay her down on his bed and remove those “conservative clothes” to discover her sexy underclothes that she mentioned.

  “Dalton, you have that look on your face again.”

  “Sorry, I was just daydreaming.”

  “Do I want to know what about?”

  “I was dreaming about laying you down on my bed and removing those “conservative clothes” so I could see what sort of sexy underclothes you liked to wear.”

  Sarah blushed “Maybe I shouldn’t have told you that.”

  “You can tell me anything, sweetheart.”

  “Tell me something. Did you tell your family about my illness?”

  “Yes I told “our” family about your illness.”

  “So what happened? What did they say?”

  “This story is more than a little embarrassing for me, but, hey, I am getting used to it. I got home that Saturday and we had another family meeting. David was demanding to know what you meant about not being able to come to the ranch and not being able to ride horses anymore. So I told them what you had told me. Gabby was upset; she wondered why you hadn’t told her. I explained what you said. Her comment was that she wanted to take care of her girl.”

  “Oh, Dalton, I screwed up again.”

  “No, don’t do that to yourself. She will understand when you talk to her again. Besides this is the part of the story that is embarrassing you don’t want to miss it.”

  “Go on.”

  “Anyway, Gabby was upset and said “I needed to look after her. She is my girl.” and my response was “I know and now she is my girl.” Apparently they had missed me being gone for several nights that week or hadn’t put it together, but they were surprised by my comment. But not Nick, no, he just erupted with laughter again, at my expense.”

  “I’m sorry.” She said but was not looking very sorry.

  “Yeah, you look really sorry.”

  She sobered at once and moved to stand in front of him. “I am sor
ry you keep having to explain me to your family.”

  “I don’t look at it as having to explain you. We are a close family and we share a lot and we all want to know you better. You will be a member of that family when you are ready. You already are, you just won’t admit it.”

  “What else happened?”

  “I explained about us and everyone was happy about that. Nick was gloating mostly. I told them the bad parts too and they commiserated with me. And then Greg called and invited me here. That cheered everyone up again.”

  “He was quite sneaky. I had no idea. CeCe either. We didn’t know he was eavesdropping on our conversation on Saturday.”

  “I am extremely glad that he did.” Dalton said as he pulled her into his arms again. “So very glad.”

  “Me too” she said as he lowered his head to kiss her

  They returned to walking along the surf and talking of everyday things. “I love this, talking with you, looking at you.” Dalton commented “Do you feel up to a swim with me?”


  She removed her hat, cover-up and skirt and went to Dalton who had “that” look on his face again.

  “I am in such big trouble. It was bad enough before, but now.”

  “Come on.” She winked at him and ran to the water. “Catch me if you can.”

  He took off running after her but she had dived into the waves and he lost her for moment. He waited for her to surface and then he reacted. He dived for her and caught her legs under the water as she was looking for him. They wrestled for a few minutes until he had her in his arms again.

  “I win.” He gloated.

  “Maybe I didn’t try very hard to run.” She dared

  “I still won. What is my prize?’

  Sarah kissed him on the cheek. He dunked them both in the water as repayment. “Try again.” He said as they surfaced. So she kissed him on the other cheek and he dunked them both again and she came up laughing and sputtering ocean water. “I’ll do it myself this time.” He said as he lowered his head to hers and kissed her. They played and swam in the ocean for a while until they were worn out. She grabbed her clothes from the beach and they headed back to the cottage.


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