Stage West - Dalton

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Stage West - Dalton Page 20

by Annie Pelle

  The people started signing into the meeting. Sarah saw that most everyone was able to make it tonight. That usually meant everyone felt well right then. “Good evening everyone. How is everyone feeling? Anything we need to talk about?”

  Dalton watched her and read her meeting for the next two hours. Sarah would point out to him the clients that had the same illness that she did so he could learn some of the symptoms she would get.

  Tonight’s group was lively and everyone’s spirits were lifted. Sometimes laughter was the treatment for the day and sometimes they needed someone to lean on.

  After the support group meeting, Sarah signed on with the doctors. “How do you think it went? Did you notice anything we need to check on?” Their replies indicated that they thought a couple of them should be contacted about individual counseling and one of the clients should probably follow up on a new symptom. “I’ll have the counselors at the foundation call those two. And can you email the correct specialist and talk to him about what you noticed?”

  Sarah followed up with an email to the foundation’s counselors and signed off the computer. She turned to ask Dalton what he thought and he swept her up in a huge hug.

  “What is this for?” she inquired.

  “You are amazing. You are so wonderful at this. I could not be more proud of you.” There was such emotion behind those words that she knew he truly meant them.

  “Thank you my love. But I do it to help myself too. Sometimes they pick me up when I am down.”

  “I’m glad. I know I won’t always be able to do that. Greg told me sometimes CeCe doesn’t want to be near him because he is the bad guy.”

  “Yes, unfortunately it is true. I will probably be the same way. Since I was single, if I got like that I just went home and took it out on the pillow. After we are married, I might do it to you or one of the family.”

  “We all will learn what we need too to help you. And when you need space, we will give you space.”

  “It isn’t going to be easy.”

  “I know. The Matthews family will handle it together, just like we have always done.”

  “I envy you your family.”

  “You are my family now and they are your family now too.”

  “So what did you think of the meeting?” Sarah inquired

  “I think it is a very good format. Not too many on the meeting at one time. You manage to involve everyone and not leave anyone out. The two hours went by very fast. I was enthralled and I learned some things too.”

  “Like what?”

  “Things I take for granted like sleeping on whichever side of my body that I want or tipping my head back to look up and going to a movie without it being a possible torture chamber.”

  “Yes, those are some of things I have trouble with too. I used to love to go to the movies, now it is seldom that I go. Well, that is partly because I have a busy life too.”

  Dalton led her to the sofa and drew her into his arms. “Let’s talk about that for a while.”


  “I am assuming you want to continue to be the foundation’s president but how long are you going to work for Greg and CeCe?

  “The three of us will have to sit down and talk next week. If they want to hire Tyler or Amy to take my place as their assistant, the training time will not be too long. If they advertise for another assistant; then the training time will be longer.”

  “I will probably have to move fairly soon though if someone wants to move into the residence I am in.”

  “There is plenty of room at Stage West for you to live.”

  “That would be okay except for those days I have to go to the foundation’s office. Then I would have to be driven there and back.”

  “Not a problem. Either I will take you or we will hire you a car and driver.”

  “That would work. I really probably don’t need to be there much. I can do most everything over the computer. I went there now because it was within walking distance. I would just have to go for board meetings and such. I am not real worried about the foundation work, when it was set up, we all planned for the possibility that I would become homebound eventually. We set it up with the latest technologies and we all keep in touch through email, net meetings and video conferencing.”

  “We will get Travis to installing all that at Stage West when we determine where we are going to live.”

  “I have thought about that and I think I want the separate house setup. The stairs really concern me and I also will like the privacy when I am at my worst.”

  “That is fine with me. On Sunday, we will go to the site of where the second house is planned for and see if that will work for you. There are some plans already drawn up but they will need to be modified.”

  “I will really miss CeCe and Greg though.”

  “We will not lose touch with them; when they are in town we will get together with them. They have email and phones too.”

  “I know, I have just spent a lot of time with them and they are so good to me. CeCe and I talk out the tough times together.”

  “Greg told me that. Maybe he and I will do the same thing.”

  “Dalton, that is a marvelous idea! Along with the family counseling, we can setup an online support group for the spouses and families. We will have to send out some information to see if anyone is interested. I know the perfect counselor to run it if he has time. You are brilliant.”

  Dalton laughed and they continued to talk about the support group meeting. They didn’t want to dress for dinner so they called for room service. After dinner, Dalton turned on some music and asked Sarah to dance with him.

  The rest of the week passed too quickly. Dalton’s pilots called when they arrived at the hotel. They would leave Hawaii early on Saturday morning so that their arrival at the ranch would be timed perfectly for their plan.

  Dalton and Sarah dressed casually for their dinner with Greg and CeCe. They had more fun and good conversation and said their goodbyes until Monday. “Have fun with your surprise to your family.” CeCe stated as she and Greg waved them off.

  Chapter 18

  Dalton’s plane was luxurious. There was a seating area, a kitchen with an attendant, and a full bedroom in the back. They arrived back over Arizona about dinner time on Saturday night. Dalton radioed the house when they were about thirty minutes from home; it was time to set the plan in motion. “Stage West come in”

  “Stage West here.” David replied

  “MatthewsOne here. We will arrive in about in about thirty minutes.” Dalton stated

  “How did it go, Dalton?”

  “I’ll tell you when I land. The pilot will drop me off at the house on his way home. MatthewsOne out”

  “Stage West out.”

  Dalton had managed to keep the laughter from his voice as he talked to his brother. In a few minutes it was going to be Sarah’s turn. The pilots had agreed to play their part in the plan. They were going to were going to take Dalton to the house first and then wait a few minutes and drop Sarah off as she was calling Nathan on the phone.

  After Dalton’s radio call, David had called everyone to let them know Dalton was almost home. Most everyone’s response was Oh no, he is home early I hope that isn’t a bad sign. They had all agreed to meet Dalton at the house and help him with whatever they needed to do. They were family and they would get him through this. He had been pretty down when he left and if things had not turned around, it was going to be hard on him.

  The plane landed and the luggage and passengers were loaded into the pilot’s cars. “Is everyone ready?” Dalton asked everyone. They all nodded and set the remainder of the plan in motion.

  Dalton walked into the house and set his bags on the floor by the door. He could tell his entire family was in the living room and that they had not heard him come in. He left the front door partially opened so that Sarah could sneak in. He signaled Sarah that he was inside a
nd ready for her to do her part; then he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

  He walked dejectedly into the living room. “Hey”

  Everyone shouted different greetings at once which covered up the noise of the other car arriving with Sarah. They continued to greet and hug him looking at him with sympathy in their eyes.

  Nathan’s phone rang a second later. “Hi Sarah. Where are you?”

  “I’m still on my trip. Did Dalton get home?”

  “Yes, he just walked in.”

  “How does he seem? He is going to really need his family now.”

  “Oh Sarah, what happened?”

  There was a pause as Sarah walked into the living room and said “He got engaged while he was gone and now he needs to plan a wedding.”

  The stunned looks were priceless as she made her appearance and announcement then the room erupted with noise. Dalton reached for Sarah and dragged her into the fray. She was swamped with hugs, kisses and love. She was passed from one set of arms to the next. Finally they all sat down to hear the story.

  Sarah had wanted to say something first. She and Dalton had talked about it and he would support her. “I am so happy to be here with you. The last few weeks have been tough on all of us, especially Dalton. I thought I was doing what was best for him. He really will need his family now and so will I.”

  Gabby started crying the moment she started talking and didn’t stop. Dalton told the story of his arrival in Hawaii and how Sarah had tried to send him home. They explained the discussions they had had to work through her resistance and then to the proposal earlier in the week.

  David’s comment was “It is about time you came home. When’s the wedding?”

  Sarah had an answer for David. “You and I will talk later about threatening me. You owe me big”

  David had a comeback for her “Yeah yeah, big talk for a little girl.”

  Dalton protected her “Watch it David, she may have help. You did threaten and upset my girl.”

  David just laughed more. “The wedding?”

  “We haven’t decided when yet. We will know more this next week or so.” Sarah said as she looked to Dalton for his opinion. He just nodded in agreement.

  Everyone continued to talk for a while. Dalton took his and Sarah’s suitcases to rooms in his side of the house. Sarah and Lindsay were talking and admiring Sarah’s ring when Sarah saw a necklace appear over her head and a voice whisper. “Lift your hair for me.” She was too stunned to question and she lifted her hair while Dalton fastened a beautiful heart necklace on her. He then moved to kneel in front of her. “I gave you the ring when I proposed to you but this is my proposal with our family. This necklace is to symbolize that all our hearts are joined together. There is more than two hearts because there are more than two of us in this family. So, Sarah Dawson, will you join your heart to mine and be part of our family?”

  Sarah had tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat as she answered the Matthews’ family. “It would be my greatest honor to join your family. I love you, Dalton.” Sarah leaned to him for a kiss. He gently lifted her from her seat and hugged her close. “I love you Sarah.” She was wiping the tears from her face when he set her back down.

  Dalton and Sarah had already discussed some things about their wedding, mostly who would be their attendants. Sarah moved to sit on the stool in front of Nathan and Gabby. “Nathan, will you dress up in a tux for me one more time and walk me down the aisle at the wedding?”

  “Yes, for you I will wear a tux again. I would be thrilled to walk you down the aisle.”

  “And Gabby, will you be the mother of the bride and lead what I know will be the crying section?” Sarah asked Gabby with a loving smile.

  Gabby just cried and nodded her head. Sarah moved to give her a big hug. “Thank you mama for everything you did for me all these years.”

  Sarah returned to Lindsay “Will you be okay to walk down the aisle as the maid of honor if you brother David lives to be the best man?”

  “You bet I am the best man.” David shouted

  Lindsay ignored him and answered her friend. “I would love to.”

  “And Nick, do you think you can go down the aisle with a famous movie star on your arm?”

  Nick’s jaw dropped in amazement “CeCe Davis?”

  Sarah nodded.

  “To keep Dalton out of trouble, I’d think I can manage.” Nick replied with a wink to Sarah.

  “Have you thought about a location for the wedding?” Gabby asked

  “Well, I really would like the Chambers Hotel where the gala was. If we can get it at a good price.” Sarah stated

  “I’m sure Dustin will give you a good price.” Dalton stated without thinking

  “I’m sure he will …. Wait a minute, how did you know his name was Dustin?”

  Dalton looked guilty but didn’t answer.

  “Dalton?” Sarah asked sweetly as she advanced on him

  “Yes, my darling Sarah” Dalton answered just as sweetly pulling her into his lap.

  “Does the Chambers Hotel happen to be one of your hotels by any chance?”

  “Yes” Dalton replied against her lips blocking her from blasting him with her fierce temper. It didn’t work.

  “Dalton Matthews, kissing me to shut me up is…” he kissed her again

  “We will discuss this later, my dear.” He said loud enough for everyone to hear and then whispered in her ear “And make up too.”

  Gabby left the room to go get them something to eat and drink. The talk in the living room revolved around various topics; wedding, guest lists, living arrangements, jobs.

  Sarah was still sitting on Dalton’s lap when the first attack hit her. She jerked in his arms because she felt like she was falling. This time he didn’t panic but held her firmly. “Are you okay?” he asked quietly in her ear. She nodded and went back to listening to David. No one else seemed to see what had happened. A few minutes later she was hit by it again, only this time it was worse and everyone noticed it. Dalton steadied her and then slowly picked her up and carried her upstairs.

  “I’m sorry Dalton.”

  “No apologies. Lie here for one minute while I go explain to the family and I will be right back.”

  Dalton went back to his family and tried to explain. “This is just the way it happens sometimes. If she is with you and she grabs you to steady herself; don’t panic and don’t make any sudden moves. She will tell you what she needs. She is probably just completely worn out. We will see you in the morning sometime.” Dalton left to see to Sarah.

  David broke the silence. “How does she take that? One minute she was laughing and having fun and the next minute she isn’t. Did you see her face, it just wilted?” David was usually not so emotional but he had to clear his throat as he marched to the window to pace.

  Dalton found Sarah still lying down. She was ready to try sitting up again when he returned. “What did you tell them?” Sarah asked

  “I told them what you told me. If you grab onto them to steady yourself, don’t panic or make any sudden moves.”

  “I’m sorry to spoil the homecoming. But I think I better go to bed.”

  “No apologies and I know you need to go to bed. How do you want me to help you?”

  A few minutes later Dalton tucked Sarah into bed and cradled her until she fell asleep. She had told him that the attacks made her really tired and that she usually fell asleep fast after she had had one.

  Dalton went back downstairs and found his brother David waiting for him.

  “Hey David. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry Dalton.”


  “For those times I upset you and Sarah.”

  “It is okay David. She was just joking with you.”

  David ignored his comment and surged to his feet to pace again.

  “David, what is wrong with you?”

  “How do
es she take this? How do you handle it?”

  “She handles better than we ever will on most days. We will worry and watch over her and try to protect her and she won’t need it. But from what I understand, there are days she won’t be able to deal with it at all and I’ll bear the brunt of her frustration. That is the main reason I think she wants to live in a separate house so that when she can’t take it, you all can’t see her lose it.”

  “But we are her family; we can help her through it.” David replied not understanding

  Dalton shook his head at David. “No, we can’t always do that. Even I won’t be able to do that. To hopefully be around when she falls or needs us to pick something up off the floor, yes we can help her then. But some of the emotions and stuff, we will have to be understanding and remember that it isn’t the real her we know and love.”

  “And you are ready for that responsibility, little brother?” David asked

  “Yes, with all my heart I love that woman.”

  “I’m proud of you and congratulations.” David said finally smiling for the first time since Sarah left the room.

  “Thank you. And David, Sarah asked in a round-about-way but would you stand up with me and be my best man?”

  “Yes, I would be honored to do that. Mom and Dad would be so proud of you if they were here. They would love Sarah as much as we do. Now go see to your girl.”

  Dalton nodded and went to check on Sarah. She was still sleeping so Dalton left and went to his own room. His family was going to be the best family around to help his Sarah deal with everyday troubles; there was no stronger, more loving group of people.

  Dalton crept into see Sarah early the next morning. She was still sleeping so he left her and went down to breakfast. Gabby was busy in the kitchen so he went into talk to her. “Good morning Gabby”

  “Hello Dalton. How are you? Have you checked on Sarah?”

  “Yes, she is still asleep. That is probably best; she will feel better later then.”

  “How often does this happen?”

  “She has had a few spells this last week. But she told me that it is always worse when she is tired or stressed. Yesterday was a long day for us, so that is probably what brought it on.”

  “Can I do anything for her?”


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