Stage West - Dalton

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Stage West - Dalton Page 23

by Annie Pelle

  Gabby moved to the kitchen to compose herself. “I am trying not to cry yet, but I am so happy for you and Dalton. So many months ago, I would have never imagined this day.”

  “Me either.” replied Sarah “I looked in the mirror this morning and asked myself if it is real.”

  “I think Dalton did too. He was fumbling around this morning trying to find the kitchen. He forgot to put pants on.” Sarah laughed and showed the girls where their dresses were.

  “Sarah, Dalton had me bring you this present.” said Lindsay handing her the splendidly wrapped box. Just then the bell to the suite rang and Sarah opened the door to Amy and CeCe and the hair stylists. Everyone got busy with their preparations.

  Sarah walked with the box into the bedroom and closed the door. She had a sneaking suspicion of what this was and wanted to open it in private. Inside was the nightgown Dalton had purchased for her for their wedding night. It was a shimmering white silk nightgown and robe. It was glorious. The card inside the box read “It is almost as beautiful as you. Just don’t expect it to stay on very long!!”

  Sarah turned to look in the mirror as the stylists finished her hair and veil. She had not looked at anything until she was completely ready to go. She gasped at the picture in the mirror “Is that me?’

  “You are stunning, Sarah” CeCe said. “Dalton is going to lose his heart all over again.”

  “Amen” said Amy and Lindsay in chorus

  “Celina did a fabulous job on this dress again. She says she loves making you clothes because you give her dresses pizzazz.” Sarah wedding dress was a strapless with a fitted bodice that elongated her frame and the skirt flare started near the hips. The train was long and graceful, like Sarah.

  “It is time to go.” Lindsay urged

  All of them rode down to the room where the flowers were. Nathan was waiting for them there.

  “Sarah, you are gorgeous.”

  “Thank you. And thank you for giving me away.”

  Nathan waved her thanks away “Are you ready? Dalton was pacing when I saw him last.”

  “Yes, I am more than ready.”

  They all moved to the back of the room where they would enter the ballroom. The music began to play and Gabby was escorted to her seat. “I love you Sarah” she whispered as she walked next to Tyler

  Sarah blew her a kiss in return. Next it was CeCe and Lindsay’s turn. Sarah blew them a kiss also as they walked past. The wedding march began so Nathan and Sarah moved to the closed door.

  As the door opened and they began to move, Dalton got his first glimpse of Sarah. She was glowing. His hand went to his heart to express his feelings to her. She smiled as she saw his familiar pose. That was his sign to her that she held his heart.

  The minister started the ceremony as she reached Dalton. They repeated their vows and had their first kiss as husband and wife. They turned to their guests as the minister announced “It is my pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Matthews.” The crowd was cheering and crying.

  The couple planned to spend a couple of minutes alone while the guests were escorted to the reception. As the pictures were taken, their guests would be enjoying the dinner hosted by Greg, Tyler and Amy.

  Sarah and Dalton entered the room where she had waited before the ceremony. He pulled her into his arms as soon as he closed the door. Their kiss was magical. He pulled away and looked at her. “When you came down that aisle, I had a hard time breathing. You are stunning. I love this dress and I love you.”

  “I love you.” She said as she reached to kiss him again. “Let’s go get the pictures over with before I cry and ruin everything.”

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, please help me congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Matthews” Greg announced as the couple entered the reception room. “They will lead off the dancing with their first dance as husband and wife.”

  Dalton held her hand securely in his snuggled up to his chest. He wrapped his other arm around her and pulled her close. “This is my dream come true. Before our first date even, I dreamed of dancing with you at our wedding. Now, it is even more perfect because you are really mine.” He bent to kiss her gently. I love you so much Sarah Matthews. Thank you for marrying me and making all my dreams come true.”

  “You have made all my dreams come true too. I love you, Dalton Matthews.”


  Thank you for reading this book. I began writing about five years ago in my mid-forties to capture the stories in my head on paper and thereby removing them from the continuous loop replay in my dreams. I have read romance novels for nearly thirty years and my writing space in my home contains hundreds of books in boxes and bookshelves and stacks on top of boxes and bookshelves. I always have one or two books going at one time. I started writing to please myself and my husband kept up the pressure until I found a way to publish what I had written.

  This story has personal meaning to me. It is not my love story on how I met my husband but I too have this disease. Meniere’s Disease is a real disease that is pretty much how I described it in this book. If you know of someone who has this illness then I think you are super spectacular if you give them your full support. Someone with this illness cannot make it alone, we need help. It would be my greatest wish if someday I could open a foundation like I described in this book only better.

  Please send your comments to me at mailto:[email protected] or on Facebook under Annie Pelle.

  Coming Soon

  Stage West



  Warm Comforts

  Missed Signals

  Other Published Books

  Inspirational Romance

  Ministry to the Shepherds

  Coming Soon

  Stage West - Lindsay

  Lindsay Matthews has reached a critical and painful decision to leave her home because the man she has loved for many years has pushed her away and said to leave him alone. In the middle of a casual dinner between the two, Lindsay disappears and Nick Cates is bewildered by Lindsay’s sudden withdrawal from their life-long friendship because he isn’t aware that he has hurt her. These two need to work through the issues and will need the assistance of a rodeo rope trick. Lindsay is book two of the Stage West series.

  Sneak Peak

  Lindsay Matthews sat at her desk in the office of StageWest. She was in charge of the business at the ranch. She made the arrangements for the visitors, tracked the records for the breeding programs and paid the bills. She loved her job but she was still miserable.

  Her personal life was stuck. She loved the son of the ranch’s housekeeper and head wrangler. Only he didn’t feel the same and she was suffering. He was Nick Cates and Lindsay had known him most of her life. Nick was her brother David’s assistant with the breeding program. He was also her other brother Dalton’s best friend.

  She had loved Nick for years but he thought of her as Dalton’s little sister. She had hoped to change his mind about her when she stood up at Dalton and her best friend Sarah’s wedding. The bridesmaid dresses were beautiful and not the least “kid” like. But he just looked right through her again and her heart had broken. She had wanted to dance with him but was too scared too after his dismissing look.

  Lindsay had been going through the motions of living for those four weeks. Dinner time each night was painful and it was beginning to wear on her. I need a vacation. Lindsay thought to herself. Not a vacation from work but from home. I have to find some way to get over these feelings or I will lose it. I am going to skip dinner tonight, I can’t take it anymore. She moved to the door to go to the kitchen to tell Gabby, their housekeeper and adopted mother that she wouldn’t be at dinner.

  “Hello everyone! We are home.” was what Lindsay heard as she opened the office door. Dalton and his new bride Sarah came in. They had just returned from their month long honeymoon.

  “Dalton! Sarah! Welcome home.” Lindsay ex
claimed “We all missed you.” She said as she moved to hug them. “How was your trip?”

  “Fabulous” Sarah stated with emphasis “We will tell everyone at dinner tonight.”

  So much for skipping dinner Lindsay thought to herself. “Great!” she said to her best friend and now sister-in-law. “Have you been to see the house?”

  “Yes, you did a wonderful job with everything. It looks perfect. Thank you!” Sarah commented gratefully

  “You organized it, I just followed the instructions.” Lindsay said

  “That’s my Sarah. Organized and fabulous!”

  Sarah blushed.

  Just then Gabby called everyone to eat. There were lots of hugs to welcome the newlyweds home. Lindsay tried to participate in the dinner conversation but it was too hard. After dinner it was suggested that everyone move to the living room so they could hear more about Dalton and Sarah’s trip, but Lindsay apologized and excused herself saying she had some things to do.

  She moved to the office so that she could pretend to have more work to do, but she needed the quiet to think. Lindsay paced the office until the walls closed in on her. She decided to go visit the horses in the barn until everyone went to bed.

  Lindsay loved horses. They touched her heart and soothed her when she was restless. She needed them tonight. She would have preferred to ride but it wasn’t as safe after dark and all alone. The horses in the first barn were not part of the breeding program so they could be cosseted.

  One of the ranch hands met Lindsay as she entered the barn, she wandered up and down the stalls talking and petting the horses as she went. She was on her way to see her horse Brandy when she looked up and saw Nick coming her way. No, not now. I can’t see him again tonight. Lindsay stopped and started to turn around hoping he hadn’t seen her but she was wrong.

  “Hey Lindsay!”

  “Hi” she said as friendly as she could as she was turning to leave.

  “Are you busy?” Nick asked hoping the answer was no

  “Just heading in, I think I will turn in early.” She said walking backwards towards the exit.

  “Will you go for a walk with me?”


  “Why not? Actually I want to talk to you.”

  She paused her retreat and reluctantly agreed “What are we talking about?”

  “Do you want to walk to the other barn to see some of the new arrivals?”

  “I guess, sure.”

  They walked along without speaking. This was his idea but he wasn’t saying anything and it was making her very nervous. Her nerves were already stretched thin; she couldn’t take much of this.

  As they walked through the other barn, Nick pointed out some of the new arrivals and what David’s plan was for each of them. “Isn’t she a beauty?” he asked Lindsay as they came upon the mare in the last stall. “Someone mistreated her though; she is going to take some work. She is really nervous around raised voices.”

  “Come here girl.” He said softly. “Meet my friend Lindsay.” The horse did not come to the door but watched them.

  “Where did she come from?” Lindsay asked

  “David rescued her from the BLM strays.”

  “She is beautiful, is he going to breed her?”

  “Depends. He wants the vet to check her over and see if I can get her to be calm around people.”

  “You can.”

  He chuckled “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “Like you need my opinion.” She murmured sarcastically


  “Nothing important.” She said moving towards the exit.

  “Are you leaving?” he asked a little irritated. She walks away from me whenever I try to talk to her.

  “Yes, it has been a long day. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said with a wave over her shoulder

  Nick ran to catch up with her. “Why do you do that?”

  “Do what?” Lindsay asked puzzled. He was making no sense.

  “Every time lately I try to have a conversation with you, you walk away.”

  Lindsay’s face showed extreme surprise then she hid it quickly. “What did you want to talk to me about?” she said ignoring his comments.

  Nick walked over to the corral that was adjacent to the two barns and leaned against the rails. His back was too her and he was staring off at nothing.

  “Nick, I…” Lindsay started to walk away again

  “Are you seeing anyone?” He asked interrupting her

  Lindsay was surprised “Why do you want to know that?”

  “I just want to know if you are seeing anyone.”

  “Not that it is any of your business but no, I am not.” She said turning to walk away

  “Are you interested in anyone?”

  “None of your business again.” She answered “Why do you care?” she asked him in return. He didn’t answer so she turned to leave again.

  “Will you go to a movie with me?” he asked still staring at nothing across the corral

  “A movie? As friends?” Lindsay asked puzzled and confused

  “As friends, yes, but as a date.”


  “Why not?”

  Lindsay’s first instinct was to walk away and later on she was going to regret that she hadn’t followed through on that instinct. Instead she spoke a little harshly “For starters you aren’t even looking at me when you ask and two, you sound very bored even as you are asking. So no.”

  “I’m sorry, I am nervous.”

  “About what?”

  “Asking you out.”

  “Then why did you?”

  Nick finally turned around to talk face to face. “Because I want to go on a date to the movies with you.”

  “That isn’t really an answer, but at least I know it was me you were asking instead of the sky.”

  “You are the only one here, who else would I be asking?”

  “Forget it” she said dismissing his point “The answer is still no.”

  “Why not? I was looking at you.”

  “A mercy date is not necessary.” Lindsay turned to walk away. I must seem really lonely to be asked on a mercy date. It is time to move away.

  Nick ran to get in front of her to stop her trying to leave again. He reached for her hand “I am not asking you on a mercy date. I really want to go to the movie with you.”

  “On a date, with me?”

  “Yes, you.” He squeezed her hand for emphasis


  “Tomorrow night”

  “Okay if you are sure.”

  “I’m very sure.”

  “Okay, then I guess it is a date.” Lindsay said still a lot puzzled at him

  “Good. Pick out a movie you want to see.”

  “I’m picking the movie?”

  “Yes, I don’t know anything about what is playing.”

  “Then why did you want to go to the movie?”

  “To go on a date with you.”

  “A date doesn’t have to be a movie, you could pick something else. We could just go for a ride.”

  “That isn’t a date; that is an everyday thing.”

  “Ok, I’ll pick out a movie.”

  They finished discussing the details of their date and went to their homes for the night.

  Lindsay was unsure of what to think about this date. She loved him and wanted to go out with him but he hadn’t seemed sure of this plan. It is probably just a mercy date just like I thought in the first place.

  Nick was relaxing after several tense minutes of trying to get her to go out with him. I don’t think I have ever been this nervous about a date.

  The next night after dinner, Nick knocked on Lindsay’s bedroom door. “Are you ready?”


  “Where are we going and what movie are we seeing?”

  Lindsay told him the theatre to go to and gave him the choice of a couple of movies. He picked the action movie
instead of the comedy which she had predicted.

  Nick handed her into his truck and they left the ranch. They hadn’t progressed very far when Lindsay voiced her uncertainty “Can I asked you a question?”

  “Is it something to do with why we are doing this?”

  “Yes, how did you know that?”

  “Because, Lindsay, you are a bit stubborn and you didn’t like my answer yesterday so I figured it would come up again.” He said with a mischievous smile.

  “So are you going to answer it?”

  “No, we are just going to go on the date and have a good time. No analyzing it.”

  “But I want to know why?”

  “See how stubborn you are? We will talk about it after the second or third date.”

  “What second or third date?”

  “The ones we may go on after this one. Two usually comes after one and three usually comes after two.”

  “May go on?”

  “Yes, you never know the future.” He said evading her question again

  Lindsay stopped talking and turned to watch the scenery. I knew this was a bad idea. Why didn’t I plead headache and stay home? Oh well, at least during the movie I won’t have to talk to him. I can pretend to be there with someone who wanted to be there with me. How far away from home can I move and when?

  “Lindsay?” Nick asked after a few minutes of silence

  “Yeah?” she said without turning from the window

  “Can we just go and have a good time and not think about why tonight?”

  “Sure. Good idea.” She answered. I love him and he is treating me like a little kid. Just pat her on the head and placate her.

  “You can just do that without an explanation?” he asked uncertain if she was going to have a good time.

  “Yes, forget I asked. So how was your day?” she asked trying to find a pleasant topic of conversation.

  He let her abrupt change of topics go and answered her question. “It was good. I was working with that horse I showed you last night. She seems to be used to a saddle but does not like loud noises. I have some ideas on how to work with her on that.”

  “You can do it. You have a gift with horses even at a young age.”

  “I love working with horses. I don’t think I want to do anything else ever.”

  “You shouldn’t. You will just get better over time. David values your work.”

  “Thanks for telling me that.”


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