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The Essential Louise Hay Collection Page 10

by Louise Hay

  Affirmation for Work

  “I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, one that uses all my talents and abilities, and allows me to express creatively in ways that are fulfilling to me. I work with and for people whom I love, and who love and respect me, in a wonderful location and earning good money.”

  If there is someone at work who bothers you, again bless them with love every time you think of them. In each and every one of us is every single quality. While we may not choose to do so, we are all capable of being a Hitler or a Mother Teresa. If this person is critical, begin to affirm that he or she is loving and full of praise. If he or she is grouchy, affirm that this person is cheerful and fun to be around. If he or she is cruel, affirm that this person is gentle and compassionate. If you see only the good qualities in this person, then that is what he or she has to show to you, no matter what behavior is displayed toward others.


  This man’s new job was to play the piano in a club where the boss was known for being unkind and mean. The employees used to call the boss “Mr. Death” behind his back. I was asked how to handle this situation.

  I replied, “Inside each and every person are all the good qualities. No matter how other people react to him, it has nothing to do with you. Every time you think of this man, bless him with love. Keep affirming for yourself, I always work for wonderful bosses. Keep doing this over and over.”

  He took my advice and did exactly that. My client began to receive warm greetings, and the boss soon began to slip him bonuses and hired him to play in several other clubs. The other employees who were sending out negative thoughts to the boss were still being mistreated.

  If you like your job but feel you are not getting paid enough, then begin to bless your current salary with love. Expressing gratitude for what we already have enables it to grow. Affirm that you are now opening your consciousness to a greater prosperity and that PART of that prosperity is an increased salary. Affirm that you deserve a raise, not for negative reasons, but because you are a great asset to the company and the owners want to share their profits with you. Always do the best you can on the job, for then, the Universe will know that you are ready to be lifted out of where you are to the next and even better place.

  Your consciousness put you where you are now. Your consciousness will either keep you there or lift you to a better position. It’s up to you.

  In the infinity of life where I am,

  all is perfect, whole, and complete.

  My unique creative talents and abilities flow through me

  and are expressed in deeply satisfying ways.

  There are people out there who are always

  looking for my services. I am always in demand

  and can pick and choose what I want to do.

  I earn good money doing what satisfies me.

  My work is a joy and a pleasure.

  All is well in my world.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Every Experience is a Success.”

  What does “failure” mean anyway? Does it mean that something did not turn out the way you wanted it to, or the way you were hoping? The law of experience is always perfect. We outpicture our inner thoughts and beliefs perfectly. You must have left out a step or had an inner belief that told you that you did not deserve—or you felt unworthy.

  It’s the same when I work with my computer. If there’s a mistake, it is always me. It is something I have not done to comply with the laws of the computer. It only means that there is something else for me to learn.

  The old saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” is so true. It doesn’t mean beat yourself up and try the same old way again. It means recognize your error and try another way—until you learn to do it correctly.

  I think it is our natural birthright to go from success to success all our life. If we are not doing that, either we are not in tune with our innate capabilities, or we do not believe it can be true for us, or we do not recognize our successes.

  When we set standards that are much too high for where we are at this moment, standards we cannot possibly achieve right now, then we will always fail.

  When a little child is learning to walk or talk, we encourage him and praise him for every tiny improvement he makes. The child beams and eagerly tries to do better. Is this the way you encourage yourself when you are learning something new? Or do you make it harder to learn because you tell yourself that you are stupid or clumsy or a “failure”?

  Many actresses and actors feel they must be performance perfect when they arrive at the first rehearsal. I remind them that the purpose of rehearsal is to learn. Rehearsal is a period of time to make mistakes, to try new ways and to learn. Only by practicing over and over do we learn the new and make it a natural part of us. When you watch an accomplished professional in any field, you are looking at innumerable hours of practice.

  Don’t do what I used to do—I would refuse to try anything new because I didn’t know how to do it, and I didn’t want to appear foolish. Learning is making mistakes until our subconscious mind can put together the right pictures.

  It doesn’t matter how long you have been thinking of yourself as a failure; you can begin to create a “success” pattern now. It doesn’t matter what field you want to operate in. The principles are the same. We need to plant the “seeds” of success. These seeds will grow into an abundant harvest.

  Here are some “success” affirmations you can use:

  Divine Intelligence gives me all the ideas I can use.

  Everything I touch is a success.

  There is plenty for everyone, including me.

  There are plenty of customers for my services.

  I establish a new awareness of success.

  I move into the Winning Circle.

  I am a magnet for Divine Prosperity.

  I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.

  Riches of every sort are drawn to me.

  Golden Opportunities are everywhere for me.

  Pick one of the above affirmations and repeat it for several days. Then pick another and do the same. Allow these ideas to fill your consciousness. Don’t worry about “how” to accomplish this; the opportunities will come your way. Trust the intelligence within you to lead you and guide you. You deserve to be a success in every area of your life.

  In the infinity of life where I am,

  all is perfect, whole, and complete.

  I am one with the Power that created me.

  I have within me all the ingredients for success.

  I now allow the success formula to flow through me

  and manifest in my world.

  Whatever I am guided to do will be a success.

  I learn from every experience.

  I go from success to success and from glory to glory.

  My pathway is a series of stepping stones

  to ever greater successes.

  All is well in my world.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “I deserve the best, and I accept the best, now.”

  If you want the above affirmation to be true for you, then you do not want to believe any of the following statements:

  Money doesn’t grow on trees.

  Money is filthy and dirty.

  Money is evil.

  I am poor, but clean (or good).

  Rich people are crooks.

  I don’t want to have money and be stuck up.

  I will never get a good job.

  I will never make any money.

  Money goes out faster than it comes in.

  I am always in debt.

  Poor people can never get out from under.

  My parents were poor, and I will be poor.

  Artists have to struggle.

  Only people who cheat have money.

  Everyone else comes first.

  Oh, I couldn’t charge that much.

  I don’t deserve.

sp; I’m not good enough to make money.

  Never tell anyone what I have in the bank.

  Never lend money.

  A penny saved is a penny earned.

  Save for a rainy day.

  A Depression could come at any moment.

  I resent others having money.

  Money only comes from hard work.

  How many of these beliefs belong to you? Do you really think that believing any of them will bring you prosperity?

  It is old, limited thinking. Perhaps it was what your family believed about money, because family beliefs stay with us unless we consciously release them. Wherever it came from, it must leave your consciousness if you want to prosper.

  To me, true prosperity begins with feeling good about yourself. It is also the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. It is never an amount of money; it is a state of mind. Prosperity or lack of it is an outer expression of the ideas in your head.


  If we do not accept the idea that we “deserve” to prosper, then even when abundance falls in our laps, we will refuse it somehow. Look at this example:

  A student in one of my classes was working to increase his prosperity. He came to class one night so excited, for he had just won $500. He kept saying, “I don’t believe it! I never win anything.” We knew it was a reflection of his changing consciousness. He still felt he did not really deserve it. Next week he could not come to class, as he had broken his leg. The doctor bills came to $500.

  He had been frightened to “move forward” in a new “prosperous direction” and felt undeserving, so he punished himself in this way.

  Whatever we concentrate on increases, so don’t concentrate on your bills. If you concentrate on lack and debt, then you will create more lack and debt.

  There is an inexhaustible supply in the Universe. Begin to be aware of it. Take the time to count the stars on a clear evening, or the grains of sand in one handful, the leaves on one branch of a tree, the raindrops on a windowpane, the seeds in one tomato. Each seed is capable of producing a whole vine with unlimited tomatoes on it. Be grateful for what you do have, and you will find that it increases. I like to bless with love all that is in my life now—my home, the heat, water, light, telephone, furniture, plumbing, appliances, clothing, transportation, jobs—the money I do have, friends, my ability to see and feel and taste and touch and walk and to enjoy this incredible planet.

  Our own belief in lack and limitation is the only thing that is limiting us. What belief is limiting you?

  Do you want to have money only to help others? Then you are saying you are worthless.

  Be sure you are not rejecting prosperity now. If a friend invites you to lunch or dinner, accept with joy and pleasure. Don’t feel you are just “trading” with people. If you get a gift, accept it graciously. If you can’t use the gift, pass it on to someone else. Keep the flow of things moving through you. Just smile and say “Thank you.” In this way you let the Universe know you are ready to receive your good.

  Make Room for the New

  Make room for the new. Clean out your refrigerator; get rid of all those little bits of stuff wrapped in foil. Clean out your closets; get rid of all the stuff you have not used in the last six months or so. If you haven’t used it in a year, definitely get it out of your home. Sell it, trade it, give it away, or burn it.

  Cluttered closets mean a cluttered mind. As you clean the closet, say to yourself, “I am cleaning out the closets of my mind.” The Universe loves symbolic gestures.

  The first time I heard the concept, “The abundance of the Universe is available to everyone,” I thought it was ridiculous.

  “Look at all the poor people,” I said to myself. “Look at my own seemingly hopeless poverty.” To hear, “Your poverty is only a belief in your consciousness” only made me angry. It took me many years to realize and accept that I was the only person responsible for my lack of prosperity. It was my belief that I was “unworthy,” and “not deserving,” that “money is difficult to come by,” and that “I do not have talents and abilities,” that kept me stuck in a mental system of “not having.”

  MONEY IS THE EASIEST THING TO DEMONSTRATE! How do you react to this statement? Do you believe it? Are you angry? Are you indifferent? Are you ready to throw this book across the room? If you have any of these reactions, GOOD! I have touched something deep inside you, that very point of resistance to truth. This is the area to work on. It is time to open yourself to the potential of receiving the flow of money and all good.

  Love Your Bills

  It is essential that we stop worrying about money and stop resenting our bills. Many people treat bills as punishments to be avoided if possible. A bill is an acknowledgment of our ability to pay. The creditor assumes you are affluent enough and gives you the service or the product first. I bless with love each and every bill that comes into my home. I bless with love and stamp a small kiss on each and every check I write. If you pay with resentment, money has a hard time coming back to you. If you pay with love and joy, you open the free-flowing channel of abundance. Treat your money as a friend, not as something you wad up and crush into your pocket.

  Your security is not your job, or your bank account, or your investments, or your spouse or parents. Your security is your ability to connect with the cosmic power that creates all things.

  I like to think that the power within me that breathes in my body is the same power that provides all that I need, and just as easily and simply. The Universe is lavish and abundant, and it is our birthright to be supplied with everything we need, unless we choose to believe it to the contrary.

  I bless my telephone with love each time I use it, and I affirm often that it brings me only prosperity and expressions of love. I do the same with my mail box, and each day it is filled to overflowing with money and love letters of all kinds from friends and clients and far-off readers of my book. The bills that come in I rejoice over, thanking the companies for trusting me to pay. I bless my doorbell and the front door, knowing that only good comes into my home. I expect my life to be good and joyous, and it is.

  These Ideas Are for Everyone

  The man was a hooker and wanted to increase his business, so he came to me for a prosperity session. He felt he was good at his profession and wanted to make $100,000 a year. I gave him the same ideas I am giving you, and soon he had money to put into Chinese porcelains. He spent so much time at home, he wanted to enjoy the beauty of his ever-increasing investments.

  Rejoice in Others’ Good Fortune

  Don’t delay your own prosperity by being resentful or jealous that someone else has more than you. Don’t criticize the way they choose to spend their money. It is none of your business.

  Each person is under the law of his or her own consciousness. Just take care of your own thoughts. Bless another’s good fortune, and know there is plenty for all.

  Are you a stingy tipper? Do you stiff washroom attendants with some self-righteous statement? Do you ignore the porters in your office or apartment building at Christmas time? Do you pinch pennies when you don’t need to, buying day-old vegetables or bread? Do you do your shopping in a thrift shop, or do you always order the cheapest thing on the menu?

  There is a law of “demand and supply.” Demand comes first. Money has a way of coming to where it is needed. The poorest family can almost always gather together the money for a funeral.

  Visualization—Ocean of Abundance

  Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent upon your prosperity consciousness.

  As you can conceive of more, more will come into your life.

  I love the visualization of standing at the seashore looking out at the vast ocean and knowing that this ocean is the abundance that is available to me. Look down at your hands and see what sort of container you are holding. Is it a teaspoon, a thimble with a hole in it, a paper cup, a glass, a tumbler, a pitcher, a bucket, a wash tub, or perhap
s you have a pipeline connected to this ocean of abundance? Look around you and notice that no matter how many people there are and no matter what kind of container they have, there is plenty for everyone. You cannot rob another, and they cannot rob you. And in no way can you drain the ocean dry. Your container is your consciousness, and it can always be exchanged for a larger container. Do this exercise often, to get the feelings of expansion and unlimited supply.

  Open Your Arms

  I sit at least once a day with my arms stretched out to the side and say, “I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.” It gives me a feeling of expansion.

  The Universe can only distribute to me what I have in my consciousness, and I can ALWAYS create more in my consciousness. It is like a cosmic bank. I make mental deposits by increasing my awareness of my own abilities to create. Meditation, treatments, and affirmations are mental deposits. Let’s make a habit of making daily deposits.

  Just having more money is not enough. We want to enjoy the money. Do you allow yourself to have pleasure with money? If not, why not? A portion of everything you take in can go to pure pleasure. Did you have any fun with your money last week? Why not? What old belief is stopping you? Let it go.

  Money does not have to be a serious subject in your life. Put it into perspective. Money is a means of exchange. That’s all it is. What would you do and what would you have if you didn’t need money?

  We need to shake up our money concepts. I have found it is easier to teach a seminar on sexuality than it is one on money. People get very angry when their money beliefs are being challenged. Even people who come to a seminar wanting desperately to create more money in their lives will go crazy when I try to change their limiting beliefs.

  “I am willing to change.” “I am willing to release old negative beliefs.” Sometimes we have to work with these two affirmations a lot in order to open the space to begin creating prosperity.


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