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Luca Page 6

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Moving away from Eden and back to Evie, Luca glanced down at her before turning to Wyatt.

  “Boyfriend? Partner?” There had to be something. Luca could see the ghost of the past in her eyes.

  “Nothing on the system. Couldn’t even find a parking fine, and trust me, man, if it was there, I would have found it.”

  Wyatt was right. He had a brain that was technologically hardwired. You would be hard-pressed to come by someone better at digging up dirt than Wyatt.

  Disappointment built up inside Luca. Every day he got closer to her, but he knew she wasn’t telling him the whole truth. He couldn’t protect her if he didn’t know what he was protecting her from, damn it. What the hell was she hiding?

  “What about her home intruder?” Luca asked, frustration eating at him.

  “We’ve been back three times, Rocket.” Bodie spoke with the same frustration in his voice. “Dusted every print we could find, and nothing suspicious has popped up. The best we can assume is that they weren’t after her.”

  “The place had been empty for months. It’s possible they were squatters,” Asher said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  No, Luca would have heard them. Caught them leaving. Something wasn’t adding up.

  Turning, Wyatt placed a hand on Luca’s chest. “Her heart rate seems to be about normal again. She’ll wake soon. Just keep an eye on her, brother. We’re getting close to cracking the file, we can’t afford a setback.”

  “Already done.”

  Wyatt glanced around Luca at Evie before turning back to him. “I hope you’re right about her.”

  Turning, Wyatt moved to leave the room. The rest of the men slowly followed. Asher gave Luca a supportive pat on the back while Bodie gave Luca a nod on the way out.

  When it was just him and Evie left, Luca ran a hand through his hair and turned back to her. He wasn’t making a mistake by trusting her. He could feel her goodness. She was hiding something, but it wasn’t what Eden thought it was.

  Squatting down, Luca sat on the edge of the couch. Sleeping, she lost the constant worry lines, which seemed to be a permanent fixture on her face. She looked peaceful. Luca wished she had that peace more often.

  Slowly, Evie’s eyes fluttered open. At the sight of her beautiful green eyes, Luca felt like he could breathe again. As her gaze darted around the room, it took her a moment to get her bearing.

  Placing his hand on her shoulder, Luca scanned Evie’s face. “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  Trying to sit, Luca placed a hand on Evie’s arm to help ease her into a sitting position. “Did I… did I pass out?”

  Gently moving his hand over her cheek, Luca nodded. “You did.”

  Evie’s eyes widened. “I’m so sorry, Luca. I didn’t mean to do that at work… in front of clients.”

  Keeping his voice smooth, Luca scanned Evie’s face. “Want to talk about what happened?”

  Not hesitating, Evie shook her head.

  Luca wanted to question her until she told him, but he knew she would shut down. He had to go gently.

  “I’m going to give you a lift home.” It was a statement. Not a question. Luca wasn’t going to give Evie the option.

  “No, that’s okay.”

  Evie jumped to her feet before Luca could anticipate her actions. Stumbling, she absently reached for Luca’s chest.

  Placing both hands on her elbows, Luca steadied Evie.

  “Woah, darlin’, you just passed out. Go slow.”

  Slightly panicked, Evie turned her gaze up to Luca’s. “You don’t need to take me home. I’m okay. Plus, the walk will do me good. I really need some fresh air right now.”

  “Okay, I’ll walk with you. Could use some fresh air myself.”

  “No. Look, Luca, I’m okay, really.” She took a step back from him, and he felt the loss of her touch immediately. “I’ll be back at work tomorrow.”

  A chuckle escaped Luca’s chest. “If you think I’m letting you walk home by yourself when you just passed out on me, then you must have me confused with some other asshole. There is no way in hell. I’m taking you home period. Now I can drive, or we can walk.”

  Luca gave Evie an innocent smile and received a defeated look in return.

  “Walk,” she said. Her tone wasn’t happy, but at least she accepted it.

  Luca stepped aside, allowing Evie to go first. As they started heading home, the walk was made in relative silence. Whenever he looked over to Evie, he could see she had that pensive look on her face again. Her mind was elsewhere. It wasn’t until they were close to home that Luca decided to attempt a conversation.

  “Tell me something about you, Evie.” Evie’s gaze darted to Luca, then away. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she seemed to be contemplating whether to tell him something or not.

  “I like computers.”

  Luca’s brows shot up. It wasn’t a surprise, he’d suspected as much, but he thought she’d share something trivial, like a favorite color.

  “Makes sense. You learned how to use the online system at work pretty quickly.” Evie’s eyes dropped to her feet at the compliment, but Luca saw a hint of a smile on her lips. “What do you spend most of your time doing on computers?”

  Evie shrugged, looking uncomfortable for a moment. “Not much. Just some gaming and things.”

  Lie. Evie had just told Luca a lie. He could tell by her pupils dilating, her gaze darting away. There had also been a slight hitch in her heart rate. Why would she lie about that?

  “Ever thought about studying IT?” Luca pushed.

  There was another pause before Evie’s gaze dropped, and she continued, “No. I, uh… it hadn’t really crossed my mind.”

  Another lie. Interesting.

  As Evie took another step, her foot caught on something, and Luca could see she was going to tumble down. Catching her arm with his lightning reflexes, Luca held her body against his. Her skin was warm to touch where her shirt had risen slightly.

  When Evie glanced up. Luca could smell vanilla and strawberries on her. She was all soft and delicate, where he was hard and not delicate. He had to fight the urge to pull her head up and press his lips to hers.

  “Go on a date with me.”

  It was a statement, but Luca still needed a yes.

  Evie looked taken aback. Luca was a bit too. He hadn’t anticipated those words to leave his mouth, but now that they had, they felt right. Knowing what kind of response he was going to receive before she spoke the words, Luca patiently waited to rebut.

  “I can’t.”

  Wishing she would expand, he was disappointed when only silence followed.

  Not willing to give up so easily, Luca lowered his head and placed his lips next to her ear.

  “Go on a date with me.”

  He felt the shiver run up her spine. Evie’s head turned, and her lips were a mere few centimeters from his. Her warm breath touched his lips. If he just lowered his head a fraction, they would be touching.

  The indecision was clear to see in her eyes, but beneath that, he could see the desire. It was almost a desperate yearning to say yes.

  Deciding he didn’t want to play fair, Luca pulled Evie closer. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “Say yes,” Luca started a gentle stroke on the inside of the wrist as he whispered the words into her ear. “Please.”

  Trailing his mouth down her neck, his lips never touched her, but the promise was there.


  For a moment, Luca thought he’d heard wrong. When the confirmation sunk in, he wanted to go to the nearest cave and beat his chest. He decided to go with a more civil approach.

  Lifting his head, he trailed his finger down her cheek. “Great, I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  Not giving Evie a chance to overthink it like he knew she would, Luca took her hand and started walking the short remaining distance home.


  “Yeah, sweetheart, tonight. Any foods you don’t like? Anywher
e I should avoid taking you?”

  There was a short silence. “No.”

  “Perfect, I know just the place.” Swinging his eyes to her outfit, his brows knitted together. “Wear something active, it’s a bit of a walk to dinner.”

  Evie appeared a bit taken back but didn’t argue.

  When they reached the steps that led up to her front door, Luca gently turned her so that they were facing.

  Every time he looked at her, he had to remind himself to breathe. She was beautiful. It was physically painful to be in her presence and not be touching her.

  Tonight would be the first night of their relationship. Evie just didn’t know it yet.

  Taking advantage of her stillness, Luca leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her left cheek. Then he slowly placed his lips next to her ear and said, “See you at eight,” before turning and heading across the yard to his house.


  WHAT THE HELL had she been thinking?

  Evie threw another top on the pile. Standing in front of the mirror, she placed her hands on her hips. Who gets told to wear activewear on a first date anyway?

  Glancing around her room, Evie cringed. Almost every piece of clothing that she owned lay either on the bed or floor.

  Why was she stressing so much? It wasn’t like she was going to date the guy long term. She had experienced a moment of weakness and now had one date with Luca. That was it. Period. There was no way she would commit to another. This was good. Evie would go out with him, realize he’s not the perfect dreamboat that he lets everyone believe, then be over him.

  Spotting a perfectly acceptable pale pink T-shirt on the ground, Evie bent down and yanked it up. Chucking it on over her leggings, she paired it with some white joggers. Turning from the mirror, Evie refused to give it any more thought.

  There. Done. She should have done that twenty minutes ago.

  Just as Evie started cleaning up the clothes strewn across her bedroom, a knock sounded on the door.

  Was it time already? Looking over at her bedside clock, she noticed he was ten minutes early.

  Well, there’s the first mark against him. What kind of guy arrives for a date ten minutes early? Getting to a girl’s house early on a first date was worse than getting there late.

  Heading to the front door, Evie took a moment to calm herself before pulling it open.

  Evie’s breath hitched at the sight of him. He was even better looking than this afternoon. Wearing a tight grey tee which showed off his tree trunk arm muscles and washboard abs, Luca paired it with running shorts and shoes. Evie was in trouble.

  “Sorry I’m early, didn’t want to risk you running out on me.” When Luca smiled, the dimples showed on the sides of his cheeks and his eyes crinkled.

  Remember, Evie, this is a one-time thing. She was not going to start a relationship with the guy. Men couldn’t be trusted. No matter how good they looked in shirts that were two sizes too small for them.

  Clearing her throat, Evie tried to settle her speeding heart. “That’s okay, I’m ready. Should we head out?”

  Smiling, she stepped outside. As she moved closer to him, she got a whiff of his musky scent. Oh lord have mercy on her, but he smelled good.

  Stepping back, Luca placed a hand on the small of her back. His hand engulfed her entire back and she felt the warmth seep through to her bones.

  “Your car or mine?” Evie asked, slipping her keys into her back pocket after locking her door. She hoped he said his. Each time she drove her car, she had to say a short prayer that she would make it to her destination.

  “Actually, we’re not taking a car.”

  Evie raised her eyebrows. How would they get there then?

  Glancing down, she noticed for the first time that Luca was carrying a bag and what looked to be a picnic blanket.

  Removing his hand from her back, Luca reached for her hand. A tingle went up her spine at the feel of his fingers wrapped around hers.

  A voice in the back of Evie’s mind screamed at her to pull herself away. Minimize contact with her dangerous neighbor. As soon as his warmth engulfed her though she couldn’t resist.

  That’s okay. She would show him she wasn’t interested in other ways.

  Realizing they were heading toward Luca’s house, Evie’s brows pulled together. Maybe they were having a picnic on his front lawn? Then he turned and started walking around the side of his house.

  Luca strode over to the gate at the back of his yard, which led to the woods. Evie hadn’t ventured out there. Knew she’d just get herself lost. Plus, it was a giant space shaded by trees. Anything could happen, and no one would find her for days.

  Sparing a look at Luca, she knew she’d be safe with him.

  “Come out here much?” Evie asked, guessing yes as she glanced down at his gigantic calves. He probably treks these woods multiple times a day.

  “Sure do. I love getting out in the fresh air. It’s why I bought my place. I’ve got all this as my backyard. Feel like the luckiest son of a bitch around.” She knew it. The guy was sexy and loved nature. He probably had a secret stash of rescue kittens too. “What about you? Have you come out to explore since moving into town?”

  “Oh yeah, I come out here all the time.” Evie showed a hint of a smile.

  Luca gave a chuckle. “You know I know when you’re not telling the truth because you crinkle your nose then have this pained look of indecision on your face. Like you don’t know whether to lie or be honest.”

  “Not true, Luca. I generally know when I’m not going to be honest. It’s almost always premeditated.”

  Evie laughed as she turned her head up to Luca, expecting to see him laughing too. Instead, his gaze was serious. Intense.

  “You can, you know. Tell me the truth.”

  Pausing for a moment, Evie turned her head away.

  “People only say that. They don’t really want to know other people’s secrets. Have that baggage. If they did, they would realize why they were secrets in the first place.”

  “I never say anything I don’t mean, Evie.”

  Evie let those words roll around in her mind for a moment before deciding to test him on it.

  “Were you in a Special Forces team?” Her gaze forward as she posed the question.

  There was no hesitation before Luca answered.


  Waiting for him to expand, she was disappointed when there was silence.

  “Were the rest of the guys from Marble Protection on your team?”

  “Yes. And we still are a team. You don’t stop being a team just because you leave active duty.”

  Before she could lose her nerve, Evie asked her next question.

  “Were you a SEAL?”


  Lifting her head, Evie turned to see Luca’s eyes on her. His gaze felt intimate. Questions rolled through Evie’s mind. Was he really the guy that he let everyone believe he was? Was there a timeline on how long he would be that guy? Evie so wanted to believe that he was the man that he seemed.

  Exhaustion from being alone on the run wore her down. She felt tired of carrying the weight of her past alone. There were so many nights when the past haunted her. Stole her sleep. Her sanity. To have someone there to offer comfort and an ear to listen would change everything.

  What would he say if she told him part of what made her who she was today?

  “My ex was a SEAL,” she spoke the words quietly as if they might fall on the wrong ears if she spoke too loud.

  Looking again at Luca, she noticed his expression didn’t change. At the same time, she could see something ticking behind his eyes.

  “How long were you dating him?”

  Too long. “Nine years. We started dating in my last year of high school.”

  Nodding, Luca’s hand gripped hers a bit firmer. “That’s a long time to be with someone.”

  “It is.” A shiver ran down Evie’s spine at the thought of the final years.

t was his name? I might have met him.”

  Evie shook her head. She had to stop now. As much as she wanted to bare her soul to another human she couldn’t. Not yet.

  “It didn’t end well, and I don’t like to think about him. Can we leave it at that?” She turned her eyes to Luca. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought him up. It’s not really date night material.”

  For a moment, Evie thought Luca wasn’t going to drop it. Then he gave her a smile that made her knees weak.

  “Well, did you know that you live a fifteen-minute walk from a magnificent waterfall?”

  Evie’s eyes widened. “Uh, no.”

  Luca stopped walking and looked forward. That’s when Evie realized she’d missed the sound of the water. She looked ahead and saw a river with a ten-foot-high rock cliff. Water was trickling down. She couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped her chest.

  “You call this a waterfall?” Letting go of Luca’s hand, Evie walked closer to the water edge. “I’d call it a stream with water dribbling off the rocks.”

  Evie turned her head back and saw Luca setting up the picnic with a smile on his face.

  “Wow, you’re hard to impress.”

  “I just don’t like being told that something is something that it isn’t.”

  Turning back to the water, she closed her eyes and breathed in the smells of the forest. Peaceful. It almost quieted all the voices in her head, which told her she should be scared. It reminded her of summer trips with her parents. They would go to the river and just be a family.

  “Tell me about them.”

  Startling, Evie turned her head to find Luca right behind her. Damn, she must have said that out loud.

  Shrugging, Evie wrapped her arms around her waist. “What do you want to know? They were great parents. Always made me feel happy. Safe.”

  “Were great parents?”

  Turning away from the water, Evie watched the trees move with the wind. How was it that she had not only agreed on a date today but also decided to tell this guy her life story.

  “They died. Home invasion. Two years ago.” Looking up, she met his eyes. When there was no pity there, Evie relaxed. She saw sadness in his blue eyes and maybe some empathy, but that was it.


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