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Luca Page 18

by Nyssa Kathryn

  “What’s on your mind?”

  Their gazes met in the reflection. “I just… I thought I would feel better once I opened the file. Once I had answers.”

  “You will, sweetheart. It will take time.”

  “How did you recover from knowing what they did to you?”

  “I haven’t. But knowing that every day the team and I get closer to bringing down the people who worked on the project helps.” Evie nodded, but her eyes still held sadness. “Why don’t you take a bath, and I’ll prepare dinner.”

  Eyes softening, Evie sank into him further. “You’re too good to me, Luca.”

  “I’m trying to entice you into never leaving me, sweetheart. It’s actually quite selfish, trust me.” Placing a kiss on her forehead Luca left the bedroom. Moving through the house, he gathered the things he needed and started preparing for their meal.

  Twenty minutes later, his phone buzzed, and he opened the door to find Asher there with a bag.

  “Don’t say I never do anything for you, buddy.”

  Once Luca took the bag, Asher was gone as fast as he’d arrived. Shutting the door, Luca busied himself setting the food up.

  Evie had been through a lot. Too damn much. And their relationship hadn’t had enough fun. Luca wanted to bring some of that back.

  When he heard Evie getting out of the bath, he moved into the bedroom. Standing in the doorway, he crossed his arms and watched her.

  God, but she was beautiful.

  Evie moved across the room to get dressed, looking so much happier than the girl he met all those weeks ago. Luca’s was going to make damn sure it stayed that way.

  “You’re so damn beautiful.” Evie’s eyes clashed with Luca’s for a moment, and a blush worked its way up her neck. Pulling the top over her head, Evie walked toward him now fully dressed.

  “I hear that’s a common line when a man sees a woman naked.”

  “You’re dressed now, and you’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  The smile that touched Evie’s lips made Luca want to crush his own to hers. “Dinner’s ready, sweetheart. Let’s get out of this room before I ruin my own plans.”

  “Good, I’m starving. Finding out you were wanted by a top-secret, non-government sanctioned project really works up an appetite.” Luca growled. “Sorry, too soon.” Leading Evie downstairs and to the back door, she hesitated. “Where are we going?”

  “See for yourself.”

  Opening the back door, Luca watched as Evie stepped out and smiled.

  In the backyard, Luca had set up a picnic with all the works.

  “Can’t let my hungry, brainiac girlfriend starve, can I?”

  Turning, Evie wrapped her arms around Luca’s middle. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  “I ask myself that every day.” Giving Luca a light smack on the arm, Evie turned to face the picnic rug.

  “You even brought music out here,” Evie said, crouching by the Bluetooth speaker.

  “Darlin,’ when I do something, I go all the way.” Reaching into his pocket, Luca pulled out his phone to choose a playlist. “Although Asher did help me get the goods, but being my idea, I think I still get all the credit.”

  “I’ll have to remember to thank him.” Picking up a carrot stick, Evie watched as Luca lowered himself next to her on the rug. “So, Mr. Perfect, you know all about me, tell me something about you. Why did you become a SEAL?”

  Opening a beer, Luca had a drink before answering the question. “Not an amazing story. I was twelve when I read about what a SEAL was. It was in some magazine my dad had left lying around the house. It explained what they did and had pictures of these badass looking guys. In the eyes of a twelve-year-old, it seemed like a pretty awesome job. I remember walking up to my parents and telling them that I was going to be a SEAL. My dad sat me down and told me that it would take hard work, and it wasn’t an easy job, but if that’s what I wanted to do, then that’s what I would do.”

  “How did your mom react?”

  “She wasn’t so thrilled. She would have loved me to get some safe office job.”

  Scrunching up her nose, Evie frowned. “I can’t picture you in an office job.”

  “Never would have happened.”

  A small smile touched Evie’s lips. “Are they good people? Your parents?”

  Luca didn’t have to think about it. “The best, and they’re going to love you. I mean, don’t get me wrong, if you get stuck in a conversation with them, you’re their hostage for a good couple hours, and they play Elton John like there’s no tomorrow, but you can’t help but love them.”

  Evie’s eyes grew cloudy. “I hope I can meet them someday.”

  “You will.” He would introduce them tomorrow if he could. That’s how damn sure he was about Evie.

  Moving a piece of Evie’s hair behind her ear, he bent down and placed a kiss on her head.

  “So, was he right?”

  Lost for a moment, Luca frowned. “Who?”

  “Your dad. Was it hard work? Was the job not so easy?”

  A laugh escaped Luca’s chest as he pictured his all-knowing dad. “My father is never wrong. The job was hard. The training program we had to go through was the most physically and mentally exhausting experience of my life, but you get through it. I figured out pretty early that you can get through almost anything if you know the pain’s temporary. Wouldn’t change a thing. Being a SEAL meant I got to help a lot of people, and it gave me the skills and discipline to set up the business where the guys and I can keep helping people. Also, I met my team, my brothers. We keep each other alive, keep each other sane. The biggest thing the Navy ever gave me was them, family.”

  “That’s really nice, Luca, but how come you didn’t remain a SEAL?”

  “After the facility was raided, we were told the truth and given a choice to stay or go. We were angry, so we went away and thought about it. We decided that we wanted both. We didn’t want the stringent rules of being a SEAL, but we didn’t want to become mere civilians either. The government was happy to work with us because we agreed to help look for the rest of the Project Arma staff and keep what happened a secret.”

  “That’s great that they were willing to negotiate with you.”

  Shrugging, Luca knew it was to avoid the media frenzy the team could have started.

  Taking some more food, Luca realized he did owe Asher. The guy chose good picnic food. “Enough about me. Tell me, do you want to go back and study?”

  Evie’s eyes widened in shock before she looked up to gaze at the gray clouds in the sky. For a moment, Luca thought she wasn’t going to answer. “I think I would just like some time to get to know myself again. I feel like I’ve either been a victim or a girl on the run most of my adult life. After we catch Troy, it would be nice just to be Evie for a bit, then maybe pick up my studies again.”

  “That sounds like a good plan, darlin,’ and just know that I’ll be right here for you for whatever you need.”

  Evie opened her mouth to say something just as his phone buzzed. Glancing down he saw Mason’s name flash across the screen.

  “Hey, Eagle, can I call you back?” Luca said as he picked up. There was static and buzzing across the line and Luca struggled to make out what Mason was saying.

  Damn reception.

  Grabbing Evie’s hand, Luca pulled her up so they could walk inside. Once there, he went into the living room where he could hear his friend clearly.


  GLANCING OUT THE window, Evie’s gaze rose to the gray clouds. It was going to rain at any moment, and the speaker still sat outside on the picnic blanket.

  Turning back to Luca, Evie noticed he was still talking to Mason, and whatever they were discussing had Luca looking enraged.

  Cringing as a shiver ran down her back, Evie pitied whoever that was aimed at.

  Turning to the back door, she headed outside. The speaker wouldn’t survive the rain and the last thing Evie
wanted was for it to be damaged after Luca had gone to so much trouble for her.

  Glancing up, raindrops began to fall on her shoulders. Turning back to the blanket, she made the quick jog over, but Evie stopped short. The speaker was gone.

  A chill that had nothing to do with the rain entered Evie. She had just seen the speaker from the window, and now it was gone. How was that possible?

  Looking back at the house, Evie saw Luca’s face through the window. His eyes appeared glazed over in fear, and his body seemed frozen in place.

  Evie’s stomach dropped. Nothing scared Luca.

  As she took a step closer, Luca disappeared. He moved so quickly it was like he vanished in thin air.

  About to head inside, a hand covered Evie’s mouth. Her body was then thrown over a hard shoulder as strong arms restrained her legs.

  When her injured ribs clashed with a rock-solid shoulder, Evie gasped in pain.

  Before she could catch her breath, the person started moving through the woods at an unimaginable speed. Evie tried to keep the nausea that rose up her throat at bay.

  Struggling to comprehend what was happening, she attempted to use both hands to push up and take some of the pressure off her healing ribs.

  It was no use. Every time she was able to push up, she would be jolted and lose her grasp.

  Instead, Evie focused on her breathing. The one thing she could control. The chance of passing out from the pain or throwing up from the motion seemed very likely at that moment, and neither option seemed particularly appealing.

  After what felt like forever but was more likely about five minutes, the person stopped moving. Evie heard something open then felt them drop.

  The pain to Evie’s ribs upon landing stole her breath. Then her body was dropped to the ground, and her hip and shoulder collided with the earth causing Evie to cry out in pain.

  Opening her eyes, a hand latched onto her throat as she was pulled to her feet. Evie’s vision blurred as her body was shoved against the wall.

  Blinking several times before her eyes would focus, her body froze when she eventually made out the person holding her. In front of her stood the man she hoped to never see again.


  Troy had her. As reality hit, the pain in her body faded to the background. Everything disappeared around her, and a buzzing started in her ears. He looked exactly the same. It was like time had stood still and she was staring at the devil himself again.

  “Remember me, Evaline?” Evie smelled the acid of his breath as he spat the words at her face. “The man you RAN from like a fucking coward.”

  Shouting the last word, he again pushed Evie’s body into the wall. The debilitating fear which cascaded through her dulled the pain.

  Evie attempted to make her voice work, but no words came out. The desire to lash out and fight back at the monster that held her was intense. She wanted to scream at him to get off her. To not touch her and tell him to go to hell. But the fear was like a thick fog that clouded her brain and stole her voice. Her body felt paralyzed, all the times he’d scared her to the brink of insanity flashed through her mind.

  Troy’s fingers tightened on her throat, and panic started to build as her air was cut off. Just as the haze entered her head, she felt her body fly across the room and hit the wall at full force. Dropping to the ground, she saw bright red blood dripping from her head onto the ground.

  “It’s like old times, isn’t it, Evaline? You disobeying me, me having to discipline you.”

  Glancing around, Evie tried to figure out where he’d taken her. It was a tiny, cold room that smelled of the earth. The air was muggy and damp. It looked like an old military bunker, and the only light came from a couple of lanterns.

  A small mattress, a round table with a couple of chairs, and some kitchen supplies were the only items within view.

  Had Troy been living here?

  Turning back toward him, she saw the smug look on his face. The anger rose inside of her. Who did he think he was? What gave him the right to believe he could just take her and treat her as he wished? It was her body he was harming. Her life he was interfering with.

  “Fuck you, Troy.”

  The laugh that escaped Troy was pure evil. “Oh, the mouse has a voice, does she?”

  Troy wrapped his fingers through her hair, causing Evie to cry out. The pain of her hair being ripped from her scalp radiated through her head.

  “You haven’t been very good, have you, darling? What am I going to do with you?” Troy’s nose lowered to Evie’s neck, and she had to stop herself from gagging. “You still smell the same. God, I’ve missed you. I’ve been watching, though.”

  Black dots started to come into Evie’s gaze. She blinked a few times, refusing to give in to the darkness.

  “Why?” The word came out as a gasp.

  With his hand still holding her hair in a tight grip, Troy used his other hand to trail his finger down the side of her face. “What? You think I wouldn’t come for you? Oh, Evaline, you really are a dumb bitch.” His head lowered closer to hers, a mere inch separated their faces. “Don’t you get it? You belong to me, and I always keep what’s mine.”

  Heart lurching, Evie thought it might beat out of her chest.

  Closing her eyes, she took deep breaths as she pictured Luca. Sweet Luca. He would find her. He had to. Opening her eyes, she turned her steely gaze onto Troy. “Luca’s going to come, you know. He’ll find me.”

  Pushing Evie back down to the ground, Troy almost looked pleased by that. “I’m counting on it.”

  Gathering as much strength as possible, Evie pushed herself into a sitting position against the wall, confused. “What are you talking about.”

  Turning, he picked up a gun from the ground and began loading it with bullets.

  “Luca was always the favorite. Him and his damn team of golden boys. I told them that Luca and his team would never agree to fight for them. Do those missions. Do you think they listened to me? Stupid assholes. Luca was too valuable to them. Too strong and fast. They didn’t want to end him like they should have. I knew what had to be done then, still do. That’s why I’m here, Evie, for you, but also for them.”

  A shiver ran up Evie’s spine. Was the project still running?

  Before she could think more about it, Troy continued, “In all the time I’ve known Luca, he’s never had a weakness. And now he does. This will be a two for one.”

  It was her. Troy was saying Evie was Luca’s weakness. Trying to shrug off the guilt, Evie kept pushing. “Why Luca?”

  Troy shrugged. “Luca’s just the start. Once he’s out of the picture, we’ll pick them off one by one. They’ll start to fall apart once the first person in their team dies. Then they’ll drop like flies.”

  Evie’s eyes widened in surprise. “We?”

  Troy banged the gun down on the small table, causing Evie to jump. “Will you stop being so damn stupid, Evie! Do you really think Luca is the only one who has a team? God. They wanted to recruit you too, you know? I convinced them you weren’t Project Arma material. It wasn’t hard. I just convinced you to drop out of college, and you were mine to keep forever.”

  Glancing at Troy, Evie wondered how she ever missed the pure evil that existed in him.

  Feeling like she had to ask, she voiced the question that had been on her mind for so long. “Did you kill my parents?”

  “Of course, I did. They were making too much noise about you. They didn’t give me a choice.”

  A shot of pain went through Evie. She’d known it was true. Felt it. Hearing the words come out of his mouth made it so much more real.

  Pushing down the pain, Evie glared at Troy. “Was any of it ever real, Troy?”

  Troy looked at Evie like she was a piece of dirt under his shoe. “At the start, maybe. Then they approached me a few years into our relationship. Offered me SEAL training and a future spot in Project Arma if I brought you in once you finished studying. At first, I was skeptical. Maybe because I cared ab
out you back then. Once I read up on what they were trying to achieve though it was a no-brainer.”

  “You sacrificed my life for what you could get out of a program that didn’t even have evidence-based results yet?” The hurt was like an arrow to Evie’s chest.

  Turning back to her, Troy looked at Evie like she was insane. “Evaline, have you seen what I can do? What I’m capable of? I’m damn near unstoppable. I can do whatever the hell I want. You think I would pass that up for you?”

  Greed. That’s what she’d missed when she started dating him. He was greedy for power and didn’t care about the casualties that were left in his path.

  Stopping what he was doing, Troy’s gaze rose to the roof. Putting the gun down in the corner, he turned to Evie. Excitement shone through his eyes. Dread filled her chest. “It’s go time.”

  Reaching across the table, Troy pulled a mask over his face. Opening a box, he pulled out two little bottles with a nozzle.

  Evie’s heart accelerated. “What are you doing? What are those?”

  Troy’s smile grew. “This is how we catch lover boy, my darling Evaline.”

  He set the bottles up on either side of what appeared to be a trap door near the roof.

  That’s when it hit Evie. Not only were they underground, but there was a trap door, and Troy was attaching what looked like gas bottles to either side.

  “You’re going to gas us?”

  “Not enough to kill you. That wouldn’t be any fun. I’ll wait until you wake up, then I want you to watch while I kill him. Nice and slow.” Turning his attention back to Evie, she lurched at the excitement in his eyes. “Time to make you scream so golden boy comes looking.”

  Fighting off the panic, she tried not to let it crush her.

  No. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t let Luca step into a trap. She would get him killed.

  Troy grabbed a fist full of Evie’s hair, and she gritted her teeth to stop from shouting out in pain. The fist came fast and hard and would have knocked her to the ground if Troy didn’t have a hold of her.


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