Island Fire

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Island Fire Page 37

by Bobbi Smith

  Mitch and Espri were delighted by the warmth of their reception, and when the music started again, Mitch led Espri out on the dance floor for a waltz.

  "I'm not sure I remember how to do this," she whispered tensely.

  "You did say Jacques taught you how, didn't you?"

  "Yes, but that was years ago, when I was just a little girl."

  "You'll do fine. Just follow my lead, sweetheart, and if you do step on my feet, I promise not to scream too loudly." Mitch gave her an amused look.

  She responded with an indignant glare. "My father told me I was extremely light on my feet."

  "It's not your feet I'm worried about," Mitch teased as he began to move about the polished ballroom floor.

  Concentrating on his movements and the steady rhythm of the music, she was soon dancing gracefully, matching his every move.

  "Your father was right," Mitch told her as he whirled her about.

  "Thank you."

  "You dance as superbly as you make love," he remarked in low tones, tightening his arm about her.

  "I could say the same about you," Espri responded, enjoying the feel of being held close to him as they danced.

  To their disappointment the music ended all too soon and they were swept into another round of introductions.

  "Why, Laura, her dress is so unique, I believe she even outshines Catherine this evening," Chelsea said as she watched Espri moving about the room with Mitch.

  "She certainly is pretty, but her coloring is so unusual. Where did Mitch meet her? She looks almost foreign," Laura replied nastily.

  "I haven't heard the whole story yet. I'm sure Catherine will know everything. Let's see if we can find her."

  Catherine was with Jon, but when she saw the two ladies coming her way, she excused herself and went to meet them.

  "Laura, Chelsea . . . are you having a good time?"

  "Absolutely, darling. You know your parties are the best."

  "Why, thank you. Have you had the opportunity to meet Espri yet?"

  "No, and we were just wondering about her. If Mitch was shanghaied as the rumor goes, however did they manage to meet?"

  "It's such a complicated story." Cat grimaced inwardly as she began to recount, for what seemed the millionth time that evening, Mitch's exploits.

  "So Espri is from a tropical island?" Laura was stunned.

  "Yes, the island of Malika. I understand, from talking with Mitch, that it's very beautiful there."

  "I'm sure. And what of her parentage?"

  "My wife is French and Polynesian." Mitch's deep voice broke in before Catherine had a chance to answer. "Espri, I'd like you to meet Laura Harris and Chelsea Whitney. I believe I've already introduced you to their husbands."

  Espri smiled openly at the two women. "It's nice to meet you ladies."

  They regarded her with interest as they returned the greeting. "Catherine was just telling us that you rescued Mitch from a shipwreck."

  Espri looked up at her husband. "He was washed ashore, and I found him on the beach."

  "She took excellent care of me, too," Mitch told Laura and Chelsea, confidingly. He looked up just then to see Mildred and the captain arriving. "If you'll excuse us, ladies, there's a couple we haven't spoken with yet."

  "Of course."

  Laura looked at Chelsea when they'd walked away. "She's as gorgeous close up as she is at a distance."

  "It's no wonder he fell in love with her. Her accent is marvelous and her figure . . ."

  "I think Mitch has chosen well," Laura remarked.

  "Yes, she's perfect for him. They make a magnificent couple," Chelsea agreed, and Catherine breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that Espri's Polynesian heritage would not create a scandal.

  "I'm afraid, Catherine, that you may have a rival as a fashion plate," Laura said bitchily. "Not that your dress isn't nice, mind you, it's just that the style Espri has on this evening is sure to start a rage."

  "It's all Madame Vigney's doing," Catherine told them, trying to keep a rein on her sudden flare of jealousy. "She designed the gown herself, just for Espri."

  "That woman is a marvel, but on anyone else the gown would be wasted. No, it's Espri. She has a natural beauty that's rarely seen," Chelsea commented, and Catherine felt her dislike of Espri grow.

  "True," Laura assented.

  Grateful when she noticed Jon looking her way, Catherine eagerly excused herself from the other women's presence. "If you ladies will excuse me, I've got to join my husband. I'll see you a little later."

  Mildred and Espri were standing together, drinking cups of champagne punch while their husbands discussed business, again.

  "Espri, I can't tell you how pleased I am that you've adapted so well," Mildred said happily. "Are you finding that you like it here?"

  Espri paused briefly before answering. "It's as you were saying at dinner the other night . . . you can be happy anywhere as long as you're with your husband. I feel the same way."

  "But tell me, how are you doing? This can't be easy for you."

  Espri smiled. "Actually, it hasn't been as difficult to adjust to living here as I'd thought it would be. Mitch has been wonderful, and though I do miss my life on Malika, the thought of remaining there without him is unimaginable."

  "It's good to know you're this happy." Mildred gave her a quick hug. "And I hope you always feel this way."

  "I will," Espri assured her.

  Catherine was overjoyed when she saw Roland crossing the room in her direction. At last! A chance to talk with him.

  "Jon? May I invite your lovely wife to dance?" he asked courteously, and Jon graciously agreed.

  "Catherine?" Roland took her arm and led her out onto the ballroom floor. "My darling, I've been waiting for this moment since I walked through the door."

  Her eyes were dark with desire as he squired her gracefully about. "I have, too. I must talk with you."

  "And I you." His gaze met hers in remembrance of the last time there had been a ball here. "The study?"

  A flare of heat surged through her body, leaving her weak with excitement. "Yes, oh yes."

  "There is nothing I want more than to hold you in my arms," he murmured erotically, and Catherine was thrilled when the music finally ended so she could discreetly make her way to their rendezvous.

  Roland made the rounds of the ballroom, making small talk and greeting his wife's friends with open interest. He knew it wouldn't do for a breath of a scandal to reach Susan, so he attentively paid court to Laura and Chelsea, knowing they would be the first to inform his wife should he transgress in any way. Social amenities seen to, he wandered out into the hall, and when he could enter the study unobserved, he hurried within. Catherine was not there yet, but he didn't have long to wait.

  "My love," she whispered huskily. Quickly, she closed the door behind her and went straight into his arms, kissing him fervently. "You don't know how hard it is for me to ignore you out there."

  "I feel the same way, darling." His mouth claimed hers as his hand dipped into her gown to fondle her breasts.

  Cat swayed weakly against him for a moment, then reluctantly pulled away. "We have to talk."

  "I know." He brought his surging desires under control with an effort. "Now, what's this about a new ship joining the Williams line? I got your note the other afternoon . . ."

  "Did you see the older man with Mitch?"


  "That was Captain Clark. He's master of the Providence and he's just signed on to sail for them."

  "I see." Roland smiled. "I'll have to make a point of speaking with him tonight."

  "I thought you might want to."

  Roland was always anxious to enlarge his operation, and the prospect of having another ship dealing in his "goods" was very appealing. So far he had managed to make profitable arrangements with several of the shipping line's captains, and he had no doubt that he could come to a mutually beneficial deal with this one.

  "Thank you, Cat. You're a
very astute businesswoman."

  She was pleased by his compliment. "I'm glad you noticed. Jon thinks I'm merely a pretty decoration."

  "I know better," he growled, drawing her into his arms once more. "Kiss me, Cat."

  "Oh, Roland, please . . . if we hurry . . ." She met his lips feverishly.

  Eagerly, Roland lifted her skirts and brought her full against his hardness. "I want you darling—now."

  So intent were they upon one another that they didn't hear the door open or see Espri start to enter. She had just finished dancing with Jon and had felt the need for a quiet moment. When she saw Roland and Catherine in a heated embrace and heard his passionate declaration, her heart lurched in painful agony for Jon, and she was exceedingly grateful that he wasn't with her. Backing away, she closed the door discreetly and returned to the ball.

  Her mind was racing as she tried to decide what to do. She was well aware of Jon's love for his wife, and she knew she couldn't tell him of Catherine's infidelity for it would be too cruel of a blow. She was tempted to confide in Mitch, but remembering what he'd told her about his friend Andrew, she realized that she would have to keep this to herself until she could figure out the right way to handle it.

  "There you are, sweetheart." Mitch joined her as she reentered the ballroom. "I've been looking for you. Let's dance, shall we?"

  "I'd love to," she consented, but even as he swept her out onto the floor the memory of Catherine's betrayal stayed with her.

  Roland spotted Captain Clark standing near the refreshment table, and he casually approached him. "I understand that you've just signed on with Williams Shipping?"

  "Yes, I'm Captain Clark of the Providence."

  "I'm glad to meet you, sir. I'm Roland Stuart."

  "Mr. Stuart—"

  "Roland, please. I'm sure we'll be dealing together in the near future."

  "Oh, really?" Clark's interest sharpened.

  "Yes. I'm an importer of Chinese goods, and I deal exclusively with Jon and Mitch."

  "It'll be a pleasure to work for you, then," Clark told him cordially.

  "What type of ship do you have, Captain Clark? A steamer?"

  "No, I still rely on the trade winds. Perhaps you'd like to come aboard the Providence one day and look around? She's a handsome vessel."

  "I'd enjoy that." Roland was more than pleased by the offer.

  "Good, good. Just let me know when it's convenient and I'll arrange everything."

  "I'll speak with you again, soon." Roland shook the captain's hand as he took his leave.

  Then he caught sight of Alan Harris and went to join him. "I've just met the captain of the new ship that will be sailing for the line."

  "Ah, yes . . . Captain Clark."

  "You've already had the pleasure?"

  "Yes. Laura and I were introduced earlier this evening. How did you find him?" Alan was instantly curious.

  "I haven't approached him on our 'cargo' yet. He's invited me to his ship, and I thought that would be a more appropriate place to strike our own deal."

  "You are a smooth operator, Roland."

  Stuart shrugged. "Everyone wants to make money, and I'm sure the illustrious Captain Clark is no exception."

  "He and Mitch are close friends, you know."

  "Friend or not, every man has his price, Alan."

  "That's true enough," Harris observed. "What's yours?"

  Roland smiled wolfishly as he walked away. "I don't think any man can meet my price."

  Chapter 28

  Jon smiled at his wife from where he lay in their bed. "The ball was a huge success, my love."

  "Yes, everything did go exceedingly well, didn't it?" Catherine was sitting at her dressing table brushing out her hair, and she smiled at him in the mirror.

  "It certainly did. Now, let's make the evening complete," he invited. "I've been waiting for hours to make love to you, darling."

  Though Jon was an attractive, virile man, Catherine felt no excitement at the thought of sharing his embrace, and she wished that she could avoid her wifely "duty." But, knowing that there was no way out of it this night, she resigned herself to making love to him. Standing, she slipped out of her gown and approached the bed completely nude.

  "You are so lovely," Jon told her hoarsely as he drew her down beside him. "I love you, Catherine."

  "And I love you, Jon." She whispered the obligatory response as she gave herself up to his kisses.

  He made love to Catherine with abandon, kissing and caressing her until he could no longer restrain himself. Then, pulling her beneath him, he entered her and began to move slowly so she would get a more full enjoyment from their mating, but Cat would have none of it. She just wanted him to finish, and quickly. Urging him on, she used all her knowledge to bring him to completion as hurriedly as possible, and when he finally collapsed atop her, she smiled in satisfaction.

  Jon rolled slightly away from her so she wouldn't be burdened by his weight, and then pulled her close to his side, wanting to share this time of intimacy. Cat did not try to move away from him, but she lay quietly in his arms, knowing that he had been satisfied and would make no further demands on her body. Sighing, she closed her eyes and let herself dream of Roland's caresses and of the next time they would meet . . .

  Espri solemnly stared out the bedroom window as Mitch began to undress.

  "Did you have a good time tonight?" he asked as he shed his shirt.

  "Oh, yes. Everything was just wonderful," she managed to respond, though her mind was dwelling on Catherine's infidelity. "Your friends are very nice."

  "They liked you, too," Mitch told her confidently.

  "I'm glad." In truth, she was, for Mildred had told her that acceptance was everything in polite society.

  "You know, something has surprised me greatly since we've been here," he said thoughtfully as he came to take her in his arms and hold her close.


  "Catherine . . ."

  Espri couldn't help but stiffen momentarily. Did he know? "What about her?"

  Mitch didn't notice her sudden tenseness, and he continued. "Well, you know what I thought about her before—I was certain that she was only after Jon for his money."

  "And you don't think she is now?" Espri prompted.

  He shrugged slightly. "I think probably my own prejudices colored my thinking. Jon loves her, and as long as he's happy, I'll be supportive of their union."

  Espri knew then what she must do. Jon did love Catherine very much so she did not want to draw the men into the situation, if she could help it. Catherine had been very kind to her since she'd arrived, and she felt she owed it to her to be discreet, at least for now. She decided at the first opportunity she would speak with Catherine about her tryst with Roland.

  "That's good," she said to Mitch. "They seem very content together."

  "I think so too."

  "By the way"—Espri pulled a little away from him and looked up at him quickly—"who was that woman you introduced me to?"

  "Which one?" He frowned, trying to imagine which woman Espri would have noticed.

  "I think her name was Lucy."

  "Oh, Lucinda Blake." Mitch nodded in acknowledgment.

  "What was she to you, Mitch?"

  "What do you mean, darling?"

  "I think at some time she must have loved you . . ." Espri had observed Lucinda with Mitch and had sensed a certain sadness about her.

  Mitch was startled by her perception. "Lucinda and I had a relationship before I was shanghaied."

  "A relationship? Were you in love with her?"

  "Espri"—he drew her back to him—"you know I've never loved any woman but you, yet I can hardly claim to have been celibate during the years of my manhood. Lucinda and I understood each other. She had been widowed and was independently wealthy, and I wanted to enjoy myself without being tied down. We got on well together, but it was never more than that."

  "I see." Espri nodded slowly. "She's very pretty."

nbsp; "Yes, she is," he agreed. "I'd be lying to you if I told you I didn't think her attractive, but, sweetheart, I have no interest in anyone else. You are my life, Espri. I love you."

  Her lips curved into a gentle smile at his words. "I was hoping you'd say that. It's been awhile since you told me."

  "It has?" He frowned. "I distinctly remember telling you that I loved you just before we came upstairs."

  "Well, it seemed like a long time to me." She looped her arms about his neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss.

  Scooping her up in his arms, Mitch crossed to the bed, and kneeling on its softness, he laid Espri upon the silken sheets. She stretched languidly as he moved away long enough to discard the rest of his clothing.

  "I've been wanting you all night." Her voice was husky. "I'm not sure your ways here in 'civilization' are better than ours."

  "What do you mean?" he asked as he rejoined her on the bed.

  "Well, at any of our festivals, if a couple wants to be together they just leave." She smiled as she ran her hands over the bared expanse of his furred chest. "Here, we had to wait."

  "We certainly did. I thought the guests would never leave." He grinned, his body responding quickly to her touch. "But, maybe the heightened anticipation will make our coming together more exciting."

  "I don't think our lovemaking can be any more exciting." Espri leaned over him to trail fiery kisses down his throat and chest.

  Mitch pulled her up to him and kissed her fiercely. "That's true. You are a very exciting woman, Espri."

  "Only for you, my husband." She moved her hips suggestively against him, and he reached down to cup her buttocks, holding her more tightly to him.

  "Feel what you do to me with just a kiss and a touch . . ." he rasped as his mouth took hers, deeply . . . passionately.

  "Help me take this off," she whispered, eager to feel his heated flesh against her, and Mitch slipped off the sleek nightgown that Madame Vigney had had delivered with the ballgown that afternoon.

  "It's very beautiful," Mitch said as he tossed it carelessly aside. "But I like you better without it."

  "So do I." Espri went eagerly into his embrace.

  Their fiery passion ignited as she lay full against him, feminine softness pressed to male hardness, and their hands were never still as they sought only to please each other with gentle erotic caresses. Their legs intertwined, they strained hungrily together, wanting that final, most precious embrace.


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