Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13)

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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13) Page 9

by Sadie Carter

  King Rohan raised his hand. “Dex, please, she is right. And we are all friends here.”

  Friends? Really?

  From the look on Zoey’s face she was feeling the same level of skepticism.

  “Well, I hope we will be. I apologize again. It is just that today’s issues have the council of elders in an uproar and demanding an account from me and I still seem to be unclear how this all started.”

  “Let me clear that up,” Zoey said. “It all started with this pompous jerk and his pig-like pet…”

  Nassir remained still and silent as Zoey recounted what happened. Other than a few strange words thrown in, what she recited was basically what occurred.

  “And then I woke up, Nassir was lying over me to protect me and all hell had broken loose. So if you’re looking for someone to blame, I’d start with that little jerk who got Nassir arrested. Oh, and that guard that hit me. After all, Boris was just protecting me. It’s his job. And he loves me.”

  Boris loved her? But she was mated. How could he love her? Horror filled her as she remembered the fantasies she’d had about the dark one, as she recalled the passionate kiss they’d shared.

  King Rohan appeared shocked as well.

  The Emperor ran his hand over his face. “Love takes on different meanings for humans. They love their mates, their families, their friends, their pets.”

  “Chocolate, pop-tarts, any movie starring Rebel Wilson,” Zoey added. Then she grimaced. “And, eww, I love Boris like a brother. We are not now nor will we ever be bumping uglies together.”

  Rohan looked confused. Nassir knew the feeling.

  “It does not matter,” Dex told them. “Rohan, I am going to need to see that guard.” The Emperor’s expression had changed and a shiver of apprehension went down Nassir’s spine.

  He looked positively glacial.

  “Now, Dex…” Zoey said uneasily.

  Dex pinned her with a glare, his eyes flashing red. Oh, that could not be a good sign.

  “He touched you. Hurt you. He must pay.”

  “I agree,” Rohan said in an equally dark voice. “However, not by your hand, Dex.”

  The Emperor turned, swinging that gaze towards Rohan. Nassir sucked in a breath, her stomach tightening into a knot. What would happen if they started fighting?

  “She is my mate.”

  “And it was my guardsman,” Rohan did not seem worried by Dex’s red glare. “I will see him properly punished. We do not hit females here, not even prisoners.”

  “I would like to add that I hadn’t even done anything wrong. Just asked him a simple question.”

  “As to Ernstn,” Rohan said, ignoring Zoey. “He will also be dealt with.”

  “He is a personal friend?” Nassir asked quietly. Then, as everyone turned to look at her, she wished she hadn’t. The last thing she needed was to bring attention to herself. Fool.

  “No, he is not. He is the distant cousin of my head Royal Guardsman. He seems to believe they are his personal guardians whom he can call upon whenever he wishes to distribute justice. This will stop. I apologize for any fear or pain you were caused, my lady.” He bowed his head slightly and she gave a regal nod.

  When she looked back up, he was giving her a thoughtful look.

  “Boris, could you take Zoey and Nassir to their rooms, I wish to speak to Rohan,” Dex asked tiredly.

  Boris nodded.

  As Zoey passed Rohan, he reached out and grasped hold of her hand, pulling it to his lips. A practiced move, Nassir thought with a skeptical eye. She was not sure she entirely trusted this King. Although he did seem sincere in desire to punish those involved in today’s events.

  “We did not have the best start, my lady. Please, forgive me my show of temper.”

  Zoey eyed him over for a moment. Then waved her free hand. “It’s the red-head in you. Makes you hot-headed.”

  The King reached up to touch his auburn locks, looking confused. “My hair has something to do with my temper?”

  “Yep,” Zoey said with confidence. “You know, you really would have made an excellent highland warrior.”


  Zoey took a step back to demonstrate. “A long time ago, in Scotland, which is a country on Earth, there were these warriors called highlanders.”

  The King’s chest seemed to puff out. “Really? I remind you of these warriors.”

  “Stick a kilt on you and I reckon you would blend right in.”

  “A kilt?” he queried.

  “It’s a skirt with pleats that has a tartan pattern.”

  “You wish me to dress as a female? Is this the price you demand as compensation?” The King looked offended. Uh-oh. What was Zoey thinking? Boris stepped closer and grabbed hold of Zoey’s arm, gently pulling her back.

  “What? No. Of course not. It’s what Scotsmen on Earth used to wear a long time ago. They were warriors. Sexy as hell. At least in the movies. You would have made an excellent Braveheart.” She raised her fist into the air as Boris tugged her away, Nassir quickly following them.

  As Nassir walked out she heard Rohan say to the Emperor, “I do not know if that was a compliment or an insult.”

  “This is my life, my friend.”

  “Hmm, I think I almost envy you. Life would never be boring, no?”

  “No. But you may wish to pull your hair out on an hourly basis.”

  Nassir shut the door behind her. She hurried forward, not wanting to be left behind, only to find Zoey and Boris waiting for her. She stopped suddenly, then Zoey smiled and held out a hand. “Come on, that was exhausting. Although not nearly as bad as trying to explain why my clothing smelled like weed to Principal McKillen. That woman was a real bitch.”


  A hand twisted gently in her hair, pulling her head back for a kiss that started gentle before growing increasingly more forceful. Her stomach clenched, warmth filling her from the inside out as he conquered her mouth. His tongue slipped into her mouth, playing with her, teasing her until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  She needed more. Craved it. Longed for it.

  With a whimper, she ran her hands through his dark hair, marvelling at its silkiness. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer, his firm cock pressing against the softness of her stomach.

  Cream coated her folds and her passage throbbed, feeling empty. She needed him.

  Drawing back, she panted as she stared up into his face.

  We shouldn’t.

  Oh, we definitely should. There was a wicked grin on his face and her breath caught. Had she ever seen him smile? No, she wouldn’t have forgotten that. His face changed, becoming even more gorgeous. She couldn’t imagine how beautiful he would have looked before his cheek had been scarred.

  Maybe too beautiful.

  He pressed her back on the bed and loomed over her. Then he reached for the top of her dress, releasing her breast. Her nipple, already hard and sensitive, ached. Leaning down, he licked his tongue over the tight red bud.

  Nassir cried out, arching up.


  Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

  She frowned, irritated. What was that? Boris started to fade.

  No! No, come back!

  Nassir sat up with a frown, her heart racing. Where was she? As her surroundings became clearer, she realized she must have fallen asleep. Stars! She’d only intended to lie down for a minute. Just long enough for Zoey to settle in her bedroom before she snuck away.

  And now, judging from the darkness of her room, several hours must have passed.

  The buzzer sounded again and she stared at the door cautiously. Who could that be? What could they want?

  At one time, she wouldn’t have hesitated to fling open the door. It would not have occurred to her that someone might hurt her, threaten her.

  She had been so naïve.

  Whoever was on the other side of the door was growing impatient, they’d given up pressing the buzzer and were now banging on the door. Nassir wa
s thankful she had remembered to set the manual lock, not trusting the automatic one. Being safe was something she would never take for granted again. As she made her way to the door, she picked up a hefty lamp, holding it out to one side as she pressed on the communicator.


  “Nassir, it’s Zoey. Let me in, will you?”

  Nassir breathed a sigh of relief, her hand shaking as she set the lamp down on the side table. She had to quickly grab it as it wobbled. She hated to think how much it cost. More than she could afford to repay if she accidentally broke it.

  Quickly, she unlocked the door, opening it.

  “What were you doing?” Zoey asked stepping inside. Nassir carefully closed the door and locked it behind her, but not before looking around to see if Boris accompanied Zoey. Disappointment filled her.

  Foolish. She could not afford to be interested in any male. And especially not that male. He was entirely too observant, too intriguing, just entirely too much. Like being tempted by a rich dessert when she was restricted to bread and water.

  “You are alone?” she asked.

  “Dex is busy with Rohan. Boris has gone out and Giz is sleeping like the dead.”

  “Oh. He is all right, though?”

  “Hmm, oh he’s fine. Today was a bit much excitement for the wee fella. It took you ages to get to the door.”

  Nassir was slightly taken aback. “My apologies, I fell asleep.”

  Zoey sighed then waved her hand dismissively before sitting on the bed, her shoulders slumped. “No, I’m the one who should apologize. I had no right to speak to you like that. In fact, I should just go. You’re obviously exhausted. I just thought you might want some dinner or something.”

  “Zoey, wait,” Nassir said as the other woman stood to leave.

  Zoey turned to her and the misery in her eyes made Nassir’s stomach clench.

  Be brave. You can do this.

  “I have little understanding of friendship,” she began. “In fact, I have no friends.”

  Two lines formed in Zoey’s forehead as she studied Nassir. “None at all?”

  Her cheek grew red, even as she attempted to school her reaction. “No. I don’t.”

  “But that’s crazy.” Zoey looked dumbfounded and Nassir understood why. Someone as warm and gregarious as Zoey probably made friends easily. She probably had hundreds of people she could call on, who would all understand this friendship dynamic thing better than Nassir. She had no idea what the rules were or how to even recognize when she had a friend, which is what made it so hard for her to say what she had to. Because if Zoey rejected her…

  “I would like to be your friend,” she blurted out.

  Zoey shook her head and her heart stopped, her stomach dropping. Oh no, she had misread the situation. Zoey was only being kind. She did not wish to be her friend.

  Then Zoey smiled. “Dude, we already are friends.”

  “We-we are?” Her heart started beating again.

  Zoey moved forward and clasped her hand in hers. Nassir had to force herself not to flinch away. Zoey’s touch was very different from having Boris touch her. Zoey’s hand was warm and smooth, her touch light. Boris’s hands bore calluses and his touch was anything but gentle.

  Hard. Hot.

  But even though Nassir had to force herself not to move away as Zoey continued to touch her, her body began to relax.

  “Of course, we are. I have this rule. Once I get arrested with someone then we’re automatically friends for life.”

  That seemed an odd rule.

  “So you are now friends with Zillion?”

  Zoey frowned. “When hell freezes over. Okay, scrap that rule. But we’re friends, Nassir.”

  “Even though you do not know everything about me?” she asked hesitantly. She had told Zoey about her uncle and the evil one when they first met back on Ulrika, but she didn’t know exactly who Nassir was. Or how much trouble she was still in. Trouble she could bring to Zoey.

  Would she wish to be her friend then?

  “I don’t have to know everything. I know that you draped yourself over me to keep me safe. Not everyone would do that for someone they barely know.”

  “You got yourself arrested trying to help me.”

  Zoey grinned. “Good, then we’re even.”

  Even? No, Nassir thought that she owed Zoey far more than Zoey owed her.

  “Hey, Nassir, don’t worry about it so much. There is no score kept in a friendship, okay?”

  “There’s not?”

  “No.” Zoey gave her a curious look. “You really haven’t had a friend before?”

  Nassir shook her head, feeling slightly ashamed. “No. When I was growing up, there was no one where we lived who my parents saw as being a suitable playmate for me. And as I grew older, well, I did not travel that often and when I did, I found it hard to relate to people my own age. I did not seem to share the same interests or say the right thing.”

  “Hmm, well, you don’t have to worry about that with me.” Zoey grinned. “I never say the right thing.”

  “I am afraid I do not know how to be a good friend.”

  “You just be yourself.”

  Easier said than done, when she was not even sure who she was anymore. Princess Nassir was gone. Homeless, scared Nassir was not who she wanted to be. So what did that leave? Who was she?

  “Perhaps you could give me a list of criteria.”

  Zoey blinked then grinned. “All right. Yeah, you seem like a list sort of person.”

  What was a list sort of person like?

  “Is that bad or good?”

  “It’s neither. I just mean you seem like the type of person who likes to be organized, who is always five minutes early to meetings, who doesn’t leave their laundry so long that they have to wear their undies inside-out or go commando.”

  “Go commando?”

  “Yeah, you know, pantyless. Do you wear panties?”

  “Umm…” This was unlike any conversation she had had before.

  “Most Zerconians don’t, that’s why I ask. Jaxan threw Alice’s panties out over the balcony. I have to admit that I laughed until I nearly peed when a pair of white panties landed on Dex’s face. He wasn’t so amused. Luckily Dex prefers when I go commando. Not that I have to do my own laundry anymore.”

  “I do not.”


  Nassir’s cheeks reddened. “I do not wear these things called panties.”

  “You’ll fit right in on Zerconia then.”

  If only she was going to Zerconia. But she couldn’t. Not and risk leading Tazan and his men there. Or bring the wrath of her uncle down on her friend, Zoey. That sounded good. Her friend.

  She was getting ahead of herself, anyway. She had not even been asked to accompany Zoey to Zerconia.

  Although it was going to be even harder to return to the streets after experiencing a bath and good meal, not to mention a few hours’ sleep on a real bed. She sighed. That had been a true pleasure she would never take for granted again.

  Being a princess held some positives too. Like a bed, clean sheets, running water, bathing facilities…yes, the list went on and on.

  “Okay, let me help you out.” Zoey tapped a finger to her chin, looking thoughtful. “I think a good friend is someone who listens when I want to bitch, but who doesn’t let me wallow for too long in self-pity. I tend to do that.”

  Nassir nodded, mentally taking notes.

  “Someone who is loyal. I’m fiercely loyal to those I care about.”

  Loyalty was not a problem.

  “Kindness. Not just to me, but to others. Honesty, I guess. I want a friend, who when I knock on her room at eight at night and ask her to come for a drink with me, she says yes?”

  It seemed to be an odd requirement in a friend and such a specific time as well. Why eight…then it clicked.

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened. She was asking her out. Nassir did not drink, though. She could too easily lose control. But that was the
old Nassir, besides, she did not have to drink alcohol, she just had to be there. Listen, but not let Zoey wallow in self-pity.

  She could do that. She thought.

  She threw back her shoulders. Her first task as a friend would be a success.

  “Yes, I will do that.”

  Zoey’s eyes twinkled. “Well, good, because I didn’t want to go alone. But I’m not leading you to your death, you don’t need to look so serious. I just don’t want to sit in my room, twiddling my thumbs.”

  “No, that sounds tedious.”

  “Why not have some fun, right?”

  Zoey’s smile seemed forced, but she turned away before Nassir could figure out what was going on. “So, one of King Rohan’s servants knocked on my door before and said the King suggested that we might like to eat dinner at his favorite restaurant, that he had booked us a table and arranged everything. What do you say?”

  Nassir nodded her head. Actually, that sounded like it could be quite fun.

  Chapter Seven

  Oh, they were in so much trouble.

  “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas,” Zoey said from beside her as they looked up at the dark building in front of them. The flashing neon lights at the top of the building sizzled then died.

  “Well, if that’s not a bad omen I don’t know what is.” Zoey looked around the dark alley. “Of course, the fact that those guards dumped us here then took off like the hounds of hell were after them wasn’t a good sign either.”

  “We should have insisted your guards come with us.”

  “Yeah, that might have been a sensible decision,” Zoey agreed. “I’m not known for making many of those.”

  Nassir was, though. She was imminently sensible. She should have figured out that something odd was going on by the way those guards acted. But they were Royal Guardsmen and they had insisted that Dex and Rohan had organized everything. Why wouldn’t Zoey and Nassir believe them?

  “I’m pretty certain this isn’t the place Rohan recommended we go for dinner or if it is then he has terrible taste. So why did those guards leave us here?”

  Nassir did not know, but she could only guess something bad was going to happen. “Maybe we should attempt to make our way back to the palace,” she suggested.


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