Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13)

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Alien Retribution (Zerconian Warriors Book 13) Page 18

by Sadie Carter

  “Listen, we need to talk about this,” Faru said hastily. “I’m sure we can come to some understanding. You let me go and I shall reward you richly.”

  “With what?” Nassir asked. “My parent’s money?”

  “This should all have been mine! Your father never deserved it. And if you had just done the right thing and died at Loyrul’s hands then there would have been no problem. Instead, you escaped and you ran. I should have just smothered you as a baby.”

  Boris focused in on Faru. He felt surprisingly calm. This was it. This was the day he fulfilled his vow. And the man who had ordered his parents’ deaths would finally pay.

  Faru stepped back, Boris followed, stalking him. Predator to prey. Faru bumped against the wall behind him. He had nowhere else to go.


  Boris lifted the sharp-edged sword up to the other man’s neck, holding it there menacingly. His multiple chins wobbled, his googly eyes widening in horror.

  “Now, see here, you wouldn’t murder an unarmed man, would you?”

  Boris pressed the sword against his skin, drawing blood.

  All the color left Faru’s face. His eyes shifted around, searching for an escape. They settled somewhere over Boris’s left shoulder.

  “Nassir, niece, you wouldn’t let him murder your own uncle?”

  “Um, let me summarize. You murdered Boris’s family, my family, and you basically sold me to someone who finds hurting others to be pleasurable. So that would be a no.”

  Were this situation not so serious, Boris would have smiled.

  Nassir was beginning to sound like Zoey.

  The two people he cared about most in the world stood behind him. They were his to protect and they, along with his family, had all been hurt by this snivelling male…who had just wet his pants.

  Nobody hurt those who belonged to him.

  “Oh hell, did he just wet his pants?” Zoey asked. “Dude, he hasn’t even beat on you or anything. Have some pride. Even when you had your guards hold me down so you could beat me I didn’t pee myself.”

  Boris’s anger grew. He did not dare look behind him at Zoey. Not because he thought Faru would make a move to escape. The fat, lazy creature was not capable of escaping him. But because he knew that seeing Zoey’s battered face would send him over the edge.

  And he didn’t want to end Faru’s life too soon.

  Faru moved his gaze to Zoey. “He is your slave, you must tell him to put the sword down.”

  She snorted. “First of all, Boris is not my slave. He is my friend. I don’t tell him what to do. He does what he likes. I guess when you’ve been a complete and utter asshole your whole life you don’t understand loyalty or friendship.”

  Faru sneered. “Friendship. Loyalty. You need none of that when you have power, when you are rich. I can buy friends.”

  “No,” Zoey said quietly. “You can’t. And right now, as Boris’s friend, I’m telling him to do whatever he has to do. I’ll back him. One hundred percent.”

  “Me also, Uncle.”

  Warmth filled him to hear Nassir’s words. He was going to do what needed to be done, but to have their support made things easier.

  “Besides, if he doesn’t take care of you, my mate will. So you’re just delaying the inevitable.”

  “Nassir, you will have to live with my death on your hands,” Faru said.

  “No,” Boris said. His voice sounded strange. Unused and rusty. Behind him he could hear gasps of surprise, but no one said anything. “Your death will be by my hands. Your blood will stain my soul. It will also cleanse it. You killed my family. My parents, my brother and sister. They were innocent. They had done nothing.”

  “That was not by my hand,” Faru attempted to protest.

  Boris pressed the sword closer and Faru let out a loud cry.

  “You killed Nassir’s family and sold her to an evil man bent on hurting her.”

  “I didn’t know what he was really like!”

  “You beat Zoey.”

  “Funnily enough, I wasn’t in the mood to be dressed up like a pony and raped,” Zoey added.

  He knew his own inability to protect these two women from this man’s evil fed his fury, but he did not care.

  “Nassir, Zoey, leave now.”

  They did not need to see this. And the last thing he wished was for the two of him to fear him.

  There was no movement. He reached for the connection between him and his mate.

  Nassir, you will take Zoey and leave. Now.

  Silence. He could feel her stubbornness and determination not to leave him.

  Nassir, please. Zoey does not need to see this in her state.

  A soft breath of a sigh breathed through his mind.

  Fine. But I would like to hear you tell her that.

  Did she think he had lost his mind?

  “Come on, Zoey. Let’s wait outside.”

  “But we’ll miss the best part.”

  “Please, Zoey.”

  “Oh, all right, but don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” Zoey grumbled.

  A scream and a loud pounding noise came from outside the room. Wyan and Rafal ran out the far door.

  Faru took that moment to attempt an escape. Boris pulled back his sword and swung, slashing his head from his shoulders. It rolled across the floor before his body crumpled to the ground.

  It was done.

  He had little time to think about how he’d fulfilled his vow. Instead, he turned to face the new threat.

  “Is there another way out of here?” Wyan asked, entering the room. “There are a lot of angry people about to storm this place. Looks like the people decided to rebel.”

  “Yes. There actually is a secret passage,” Nassir said. “Follow me.”

  Wyan supported Jecan while Boris picked up Zoey.

  Zoey pointed at the headless body as they passed. “That blood is going to be a real bitch to get out of white stone. I don’t think that baking soda and lemon is going to cut it this time.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nassir watched Alyya grow smaller and smaller. It had been a harrowing trip to the port, but they had easily managed to commandeer a ship. Thankfully, most guards had been called back to the palace to help subdue the rioting that had broken out among the people. Whether it was due to most of the guards being unconscious or because someone found her uncle’s body she wasn’t certain.

  It didn’t really matter.

  Her uncle was dead. It was hard for her to believe he was no longer a threat.

  She thought she might feel happiness or triumph or maybe a little sadness, yet all she felt was…relief. He no longer had a hold on her.

  After taking command of this ship, which thankfully Wyan could pilot, they had placed Zoey and Jecan together in the medical area. Unfortunately, it did not have a regen chamber, so the best they had been able to do was give them pain inhibitors and a light sedative. Nassir was grateful she knew how to do that much. After making certain they were comfortable, she and Boris had taken these rooms for themselves.

  “Are you sad to be leaving?” Boris asked her, his voice scratchy from disuse. She turned, taking in the sight of him. He wore just a towel around his waist, and she couldn’t keep her gaze from his wide, muscular chest. As he moved closer, she reached up to cup his face in her hands. One side smooth, the other rough and scarred. Much like the man himself. The hard, cold warrior and the caring, sexy man.

  Her body stirred. Had they really not made love yet? They’d had the hottest dreams imaginable that it was difficult to believe she had yet to actually touch all of him, taste him, feel him push his way inside her.

  “Does it hurt to speak?”

  He grimaced. “Do I sound that terrible?”

  Old instincts told her to lie. That was the polite thing to do. The thing a princess would have done.

  She grinned. “Yep.”

  He gave her a mock-stern glare. Brat.

  She wound her arms around his w
aist. Your brat.

  He nodded arrogantly. Despite all that they’d been through this past week—and she couldn’t believe it was only a week—she’d actually learned how to have fun. To smile. To relax.

  “I never thought I would have something to smile about again,” she told him.

  He cupped the side of her face, his eyes intent. You will smile every day from now on. I will see to it.

  Oh yes, his arrogance delighted her.

  “I have no doubts.”

  You didn’t answer me. Are you sad to leave?

  She sighed.

  “Yes and no. It is not really my home anymore. I don’t belong there. Even if people were willing to accept me as the new leader, I do not wish to have the responsibility. My people need a new way of living. I don’t think I saw it before because my parents kept me so sheltered, but perhaps people were upset with things even before Faru took over. I cannot go back. Although I’m not really certain what going forward will bring.” What was she going to do? Demand wasn’t high for ex-princesses.

  “It is where I grew up and even though my childhood wasn’t perfect, it was what I knew. I loved my parents. I miss them. Although I don’t miss my mother’s lessons. Funnily enough, knowing how to set a table for fifty and who to sit where wasn’t all that useful while I was living on the streets.”

  But it is probably something an Empress needs to know.

  She was puzzled for a moment. “Zoey?”

  He nodded.

  “You really think I could help her?” Maybe there was some demand for her skills? Such as they were. “But she has help, right?”

  The old bat is not help. The old bat could get a job torturing prisoners. She’d probably do it for free, she would enjoy it that much. And she wouldn’t even have to lift a finger. She’d just criticize them until they were curled up into balls on the floor, crying for their mamas.

  She snorted, although he actually looked serious.

  Zoey could use you. But only if you want to. You do not have to do anything you don’t wish to do. After all, I have it on good authority that she is an absolute tyrant to work for.

  She giggled, her eyes widening at the sound. When was the last time she’d giggled for goodness sake?

  “And it would mean spending time with her bodyguard.” She ran her fingers up his chest. “I hear he has a real hard ass.”

  Hard ass?

  “I heard Zoey call Dex that. A hard ass. I assumed it was a term of affection? Is it not? Your buttocks look particularly hard.”

  Boris grinned then threw his head back and laughed. She wasn’t quite certain why he was laughing, but she smiled, delighted nonetheless. When he was finished, he just shook his head at her. You need to get Zoey to explain that to you sometime.

  “Oh.” She reached around and daringly squeezed his bottom. “My mother would be scandalized by what I’ve done and said lately.”

  There are going to be rules now.



  He lifted her with one arm under her butt. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on for dear life. Turning, he made his way to the bed. Her heart raced, her insides tensing. This was it. The big moment.

  Oh stars.

  “What sort of rules?” she asked suspiciously. He wasn’t going to start getting all bossy now that they were mates, was he? Well, bossier than usual. Boris liked being in control, that was obvious. She remembered Zoey’s warning that he’d picked up a few things from the Zerconians.

  Rule number one. No talk of your mother in the bedroom.

  He threw her lightly onto the bed then climbed over her.

  “All right, I can deal with that.”

  Rule two. No clothes on in the bedroom.

  She blushed red at that. “Boris!”

  He grinned. Embarrassed, Princess?

  She raised her chin. “No. I will if you will.”

  Now that is a dare I am happy to take.

  He pulled at the robe she’d put on. It was the only piece of clothing she’d been able to find after her quick shower.

  He drew the robe back, revealing her breasts. She gasped as her nipples tightened in the cooler air. Oh, who was she kidding? It didn’t matter how cold it was, when he was near her body flooded with arousal. A blush worked its way up her cheeks.

  No one had ever seen her breasts before. They were smaller now. She was pretty much skin and bone. Was he disappointed? Did he want a fleshier woman?


  “Stop what?”

  I can feel you worrying. Stop. You are beautiful. He grimaced. I am not good with words. There will be many times where I do not know how to soothe you. When I will fail to find the words you need. But know this, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on and as long as there is breath in my body, I will want you.

  Tears pricked her eyes.

  Why does that make you sad? he asked in alarm.

  “It doesn’t. It makes me happier than I’ve ever been.”

  Then I am about to make you feel ecstatic.

  She drew in a sharp breath as he circled one taut nipple with his tongue.

  Promises. Promises.

  He grinned up at her. You will learn not to dare me.

  Yeah, she wasn’t worried. Somehow, she thought she would come out the real winner in this dare. He moved to her other breast, running his tongue around the taut nipple. Nassir gasped, pressing her body up against his.

  Lie still.

  “I cannot.” Not with the feelings rocking her body.

  You will. I will not hurt you.

  “You could never hurt me.”

  I am going to learn every inch of you. Kiss and touch all of you. There will be no secrets. I will know what you like and what you don’t. But if I scare you, if I remind you of him…

  She put her finger to his lips, even though they weren’t moving. “You could never remind me of him. I promise, all your touch brings me is pleasure. Not pain. Not fear.”

  He gave her a determined look. “You will still tell me immediately.”

  “Shh. Don’t talk. It pains you.”

  I want you to know I am serious.

  “Oh, I know you are.” She massaged the area between his brows. “You get this little line here when you are being serious.”

  Are you saying I have wrinkles?

  She pretended to study him. “Hmm, perhaps there is a wrinkle or two showing. You are an old man, though. It is expected.”

  She gasped as he sat and suddenly flipped her over, landing a few smacks to her ass. They stung slightly, but weren’t painful. Instead, they sent answering throbs of pleasure to her insides. Was this what Zoey spoke of?

  He turned her back, positioning himself between her legs, his gaze taking all of her in. She felt so exposed that she attempted to close her legs, even though it was a futile endeavour.

  He placed his hand gently on her thigh. Do not be embarrassed. You are beautiful.

  “No one has seen me naked since I was a child.”

  And no one will except me, he said sternly.

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course, they won’t.”

  Good. He chuckled. My prim and proper little Princess. I am about to show you just how wild and dirty you can get.

  Crazy as it was, she actually liked the sound of that.

  “It might help if you were fully naked.” She glanced down at the towel. He hesitated for a moment.

  “Boris? What is it?”

  I know you have seen the scars on my chest and face and you do not seem concerned by them.

  She sat and placed her hand on the scarred side of his chest. “Concerned by them? Of course, I am not. When I look at you, I do not see your scars. I see you. The man I love. Who is protective and loyal and kind and fierce. I see you. Not your scars. We all have imperfections. My breasts are too small. I am thin and without curves, but I do not think you mind the way I look.”

  She looked down at where his cock strained against the

  He grinned. Mind? I love how you look. It is taking all of my control not to press my way inside you. To drive myself deep and take you hard and fast.

  She swallowed heavily. “That sounds nice.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. Nice. Yes.


  Do not apologize. He stood and reached for his towel, slowly pulling it off. Her breath caught in her throat. He was magnificent. His scarring was worse on his upper left thigh, the scars thick, the skin puckered and rough. But not ugly. He could never be ugly. She sat, running her gaze over him. His face so beautiful and stern, his glorious hair with highlights of purple and blue. Wide shoulders, muscular chest, the way his stomach went into a V leading to his cock, which stood stiff. It was thick and long, the head bulbous. She forced her gaze to move down his strong legs, then back up to his face. He stood stiffly, as though expecting rejection.

  So she did the only thing she could think of. She slid off the bed, knelt at his feet, and reached forward to kiss the scarring on his thigh. He jolted but didn’t move so she took that as permission to keep going. She worked her way down his leg. His foot, which was surprisingly unscarred, she left alone before working her way back up his right leg. Kissing and licking until she reached his shaft. She studied it for a moment.

  Nassir, you do not have—

  His voice broke off as she gently grabbed the base then drew the head of his shaft into her mouth. Hmm, yum. The taste of him danced on her tongue. Slightly tangy, but so very delicious. She drew more of him into her mouth then pulled back. Drew him back in. She had no idea what she was doing, so she moved on instinct.

  She heard him pant and a low groan escaped him. Then he reached down and pulled her off him.

  “No good?” she asked.

  Too good. I had to stop you before things went too far. I wish to be inside you this first time. Get on the bed.

  Feeling more confident with the knowledge that she had affected him so deeply, she put a little wiggle to her hips as she climbed onto the bed. She gasped in shock as he grabbed hold of her ankle and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Kneeling on the floor, he drew her legs over his shoulders and ran his tongue over the seam of her lower lips.


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