Fatal Extraction

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Fatal Extraction Page 3

by Evangeline Rain

  “Where are we going?” Zane asked, taking a closer look at the navigation path.

  “Planet Gebo. Have you been there?”

  He shook his head and touched the frame of his glasses. “I’ve only read about it.”

  “Here, open your mouth.” She stuffed the remaining quarter of her burger into his mouth. “I need to prepare for entry.”

  She wiped her hands on her trousers and pulled down a glass screen from above. She adjusted it until she could see the reflection of her entire face on the surface. Then, she entered a code into the communications panel and waited. When there was no response after a couple of minutes, she tried again. She kept trying until a voice cackled from the communications panel.


  “Ching? Dawa? It’s Nirvana.”

  “Nirvana? What kind of trouble are you bringing with you?”

  “None,” she laughed.

  “Then why are you in a Peregrine?”

  “This baby? It’s a gift.”

  “Gift, my ass. You better not have the entire battle fleet behind you.”

  “No, I’m alone.”

  “Why aren’t you on your Marian?”

  “I’m on a holiday with my boyfriend. Zane, say hi!” Nirvana turned the screen to face him. Zane was stunned for a moment, mouth still full of burger, but he quickly recovered and waved.

  There was silence on the other end.

  “What kind of stunt are you pulling?” a deeper voice growled into the speaker.

  Nirvana cringed. “I swear we’re not bringing in any trouble! We’re in radar range now. Scan the area. We’re alone!”

  “You better have a good explanation for this,” the deep voice rumbled.

  “I do. I promise I’m bringing any trouble,” she tried to convince him.

  “Sheesh, Nirvana,” the first voice came to the speaker. “I must say you have a lot of nerve bringing your boyfriend into Ching’s territory. Good luck! You have clearance for entry.”

  Nirvana switched off the screen and pushed it back up. Zane was sitting there gawking at her.

  “The gist of the story is,” she said, while setting the controls for entry to Gebo’s atmosphere, “I met you at a bar and we fell in love. In your drunken haze, you stole the Peregrine as a gift for me.” She continued to push the buttons and adjust the levers on the panels.

  “What… How… Who is Ching?” he stuttered.

  She sighed, “It’s complicated. I’ll explain later. Prepare for entry.”

  He looked at her with a perplexed expression. “Do you really think they’ll buy that story?”


  “Then why did you come up with it?”

  “Because we can’t tell them the truth. When you can’t tell the truth, it’s better to come up with a story as far from truth as possible. This way, they can’t connect or deduce anything. Also, it’s easier to focus on a completely absurd story in case you accidentally leak anything. It works especially well when one is under interrogation.”

  “Are we going to be interrogated?” he gasped, with a genuine look of fear in his eyes.

  “We might. They can’t really tell if I’m lying so they’ll keep trying to pry the truth from me…” Nirvana noticed that Zane’s hands were trembling and his eyes had glazed over. “Zane!” She reached over to squeeze his hands. “Look at me.”

  He blinked and looked at her.

  “They are my friends,” she tried to assure him. “We won’t be under the torture type of interrogation. It’s not the first time I’ve fed them some poppycock due to client confidentiality. Don’t worry about it.”

  He nodded, still looking green.

  “Alright, get ready.” She patted his hand before moving to the controls. “Entering the atmosphere in three, two, one.”

  Chapter 5

  Nirvana knew something was wrong when she heard Zane wheezing as they entered the gravity field of Gebo. He was probably having a panic attack, and the change in air pressure was wrecking his system. She tried to give him some instructions to help him cope, but she had to deal with her own change in blood pressure and heart rate. She decided to ignore him and focus on flying.

  The Peregrine plunged into a rapid descent the moment it broke through the atmosphere. Nirvana pulled the latch to release the oxygen mask and placed it over her mouth. They were fast approaching the mountainous regions of Athar and flying towards the giant trees that hid the entrance to the Atharian base.

  She slowed the battle craft as she approached the coordinates to the Atharian base’s entrance and gripped her control stick tightly. She hated this part the most.

  The opening to the base was camouflaged by a shield projecting an optical illusion. After the permission to enter was granted, the shield would be disabled to allow the aircraft to enter. However, the optical illusion remained, so she could never really tell if she was going to crash into the mountain for real.

  Nirvana checked her controls again to make sure her coordinates and flight path were correct. Then, she held her breath as she flew towards the concealed entrance. She didn’t even want to see Zane’s reaction.

  When the Peregrine entered the base, she switched it to hover mode and landed. She quickly unbuckled and checked on Zane.

  Clammy skin, pale lips, passed out.

  From the windscreen, she saw a row of guns aiming at her. She raised her arms slowly and got out of the Peregrine.

  A stocky man with a buzz cut stood in the middle of the landing deck with his muscular arms crossed. His eyes were naturally long and narrow with a permanent crease between his brows, so she couldn’t tell if he was frowning at her or…

  “Now, you will tell me the truth about why you are in my base, with a military battle craft.”

  Ok. Ching was pissed.

  “I told you earlier. This was a gift from my guy.” She gestured to the cockpit. “You can see from here he’s passed out in the cockpit and needs medical attention. If you’re uncomfortable with housing us, I’ll leave immediately.”

  Ching glared at her. “Hold,” he commanded his men. “Show me your guy,” he said between gritted teeth.

  Nirvana led the way into the cockpit where Zane was still unconscious in his seat. Ching walked forward and examined Zane himself. Then he unbuckled Zane from his seat and lifted him over his shoulders. Ching was not a tall man, but he lifted Zane with ease. He was definitely a lot stronger and more muscular than Zane.

  “I’ll take him to the infirmary. Walk with me,” he growled. Before they left, he barked at his men to check the Peregrine thoroughly for trackers.

  “You have a lot of nerve,” he said in a dangerously low voice, “bringing your boyfriend to Athar.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to just show up this way. Everything happened too quickly, and I didn’t have time to think it through. I met him at a bar in Panderon; we hit it off and spent a great night together. Next thing I knew, he was professing his love for me. I tried telling him I had no room in my crew for an apprentice. So what did he do? He stole a Peregrine just to show me he could do it. I got the hell out of there as fast as possible, of course.”

  Ching swerved around suddenly and barked, “You said you weren’t in trouble!”

  “I said I did not bring any trouble. I didn’t say I’m not in trouble. Since when am I not in trouble?” she tried to argue.

  “All battle crafts can be tracked!”

  “The trackers are removed. Zane is a mechanic in Panderon’s space force. This is a craft he’d just repaired. Ching, you need to be fair. I’ve never brought any trouble to Athar no matter what kind of trouble I got myself into.”

  He mumbled a curse under his breath and continued walking.

  The infirmary was small and simply furnished, but it had all the essentials. Nirvana had been instrumental in helping the Atharians maintain their medical supplies and “acquire” the latest equipment over the years. In return, they provided her lodgings and serviced Marian. Ching place
d Zane on a bed, and a young woman with neatly plaited black hair hurried over. She quickly hooked Zane up to a machine to check his vitals.

  “You remember Eryn? Rai and Shiao’s daughter? She’s graduated from medical school and come home,” Ching said, his hostile attitude taking a sharp turn. He was beaming with pride as he introduced the young lady.

  “Eryn?” Nirvana exclaimed in surprise. It was hard to believe that the scrawny teenager had blossomed into the pretty young lady before her. She pulled Eryn into a tight hug. “Oh my! You’ve grown so much! You’re a beautiful young woman now! Look at you! It’s been five years?”

  “Six,” Eryn blushed as she corrected Nirvana shyly. “What happened to him?” she asked as she placed an oxygen mask over Zane.

  “Passed out on the way in. I don’t think he’s used to space travel. I’m not sure.”

  “Oh! I can put him in a tank to acclimate him.”

  Nirvana shook her head. “I don’t think he’ll react very well to waking up in a tank. Can he stay with me? Get me the small oxyflask. He shouldn’t need more than that.”

  Eryn nodded. “I’ll get it.”

  “He should be with Eryn. She’s the most qualified doctor in the whole of Athar,” Ching said disapprovingly.

  “It’s not Eryn. It’s him. I think he had a minor panic attack before we flew in. It’s better if I’m with him when he wakes, since he’s unfamiliar with this place. Besides, I think I need to lie down myself.” She took Zane’s oxygen mask and took a few deep breaths with the mask before putting it back on his face. Although she was a frequent visitor to Athar, she still needed a day or two for her body to get used to the planet’s lower oxygen levels.

  The thick metal bangle around Ching’s hand lit up, signaling an incoming call. He tapped his earpiece and answered the call, “Dawa. Yes. Hang on.” He gestured to Nirvana to go outside and pressed a few buttons on his bangle. A thin screen of light popped up, projecting the image of Dawa.

  “Nirvana, what do you want to do with your Peregrine?”

  “I need an overhaul. Could you turn it into a camper?”

  “WHAT?! WHY?!” As Dawa yelled at her, Ching stared at Nirvana with his mouth agape.

  “I’d like a smaller version of the Marian, a spacecraft for two. I will top up whatever credits are needed.”

  “Where is Marian?”

  “I don’t know, with Dax maybe.”

  “The rest of your crew?”

  “I don’t know. We just finished a job. Taking a break for a while. You know I don’t keep track of where my crew goes for their sojourns.”


  “Our last heist with Hayashi’s Proetium cells was a little too high profile. It’ll be good if we split up and lie low for a while.”

  “Why don’t you buy a camper craft instead?”

  “I can, but then what do I do with the Peregrine? It’s not as if I can go around the market selling it.”

  “Ching, a private conversation please,” Dawa requested.

  Ching eyed Nirvana with suspicion and tapped his earpiece again. The projection of Dawa’s face disappeared.

  “Yes… No… Yes… Ok,” he answered gruffly. He turned to Nirvana, “Give Dawa a week or two. He’ll get you a spacecraft in exchange for your Peregrine. If you top up the credits, he’ll boost the weapons and cloaking ability of the ship.”

  Nirvana nodded and thanked him, secretly congratulating herself.

  “You planned this.” Ching pointed at her accusingly.

  She shook her head, trying to give the wide-eyed innocent look. He shot her a warning glare and walked into the infirmary.

  Despite Nirvana being an outlaw, the Atharians had a fair amount of trust and respect for her. Athar had been Nirvana’s haven. She visited for retreats in between jobs. She even had her own yurt in the valley by the river where she would spend days on her own.

  Over the years, she’d brought back the latest medicine, technology and weapons whenever she came “home.” The Atharians were reclusive people, so all the “presents” Nirvana brought were invaluable. It kept them updated with what was happening outside of their world. She knew they would find the Peregrine useful as a prototype to upgrade their battle crafts—that’s why she came here right away.

  Nirvana followed Ching into the infirmary. Eryn had already packed the monitoring device and small oxygen tank onto the bed Zane was on. The tightness in her chest came back, and she plucked the oxygen mask from Zane to ease herself again. No matter how many times she’d been to the planet, it always took her a couple of days to acclimatize.

  “I’ll give you a lift home,” Ching offered.

  She thanked him gratefully and felt relieved he cared for her enough to overlook his anger.

  “Can I come along?” Eryn asked meekly, her gaze darting between Ching and Nirvana. “I want to make sure everything is hooked up properly.”

  “I can handle it.” Ching waved her off. “You look after the infirmary.”

  Eryn looked like she wanted to say something, but she bit her lip, clearly upset.

  “Actually, I’d appreciate it if Eryn comes along. If you prepare a jab or some pills for me, I’ll be grateful,” said Nirvana.

  Eryn nodded earnestly and hurried off to prepare her medical pack.

  Ching frowned and was about to call after her when Nirvana touched his arm. “I can rest better knowing she’s checked everything.”

  He shrugged and activated the hover function of the bed. “I’ll take him first and wait for you at the garage.”

  Nirvana nodded and looked for a chair so she could sit down while waiting for Eryn. She rested her elbows on her knees and rubbed her temples.

  “Would you like me to give you the injection now?” Eryn asked softly.

  Nirvana nodded. She unbuttoned her top and shrugged out of it. Eryn cleaned a spot on her arm and jabbed her.

  “Who is that man?” Eryn asked nervously as she put the plaster over the puncture wound.

  “My boyfriend,” Nirvana replied as casually as she could.

  Eryn’s head snapped towards her, eyes wide with shock. Nirvana raised her eyebrow.

  “I… I thought… What about Ching?” Eryn stammered.

  “Ching and I were just helping each other make the wait for our life partners easier,” Nirvana chuckled. “We were never in a committed relationship.”

  Eryn kept her gaze on the floor as Nirvana pulled the top back on.

  “Ching hasn’t been seeing anyone,” Eryn said meekly.

  “If he’s not seeing anyone, it’s because he’s too busy. I assure you it’s not due to loyalty to me.”

  Nirvana thought about the way Eryn looked at Ching when they first entered the infirmary and how she kept glancing at the both of them.

  “Enough about Ching’s love life. Are you seeing anyone?” Nirvana asked.

  Eryn looked at Nirvana with her large, brown eyes. “What…Why do you want to know?”

  Nirvana shrugged her shoulders, “I’m terrible at making small talk. I thought since you asked about my love life, I could ask about yours too. You can choose not to answer.”

  Eryn shook her head. “Haven’t had time to date since I returned.”

  “Make time.” Nirvana nudged Eryn with her shoulder. “Or you’ll end up single at forty-two like Ching.”

  “You were single for a long time too,” she muttered.

  “Which is why I’m telling you, it’s not the best feeling. You should date, especially since you’re not a fugitive like me.”

  “Why didn’t you and Ching get together then?” she asked, not looking up.

  “I need excitement. Ching wants stability. He hates not knowing when I’ll be back, where I am or whether it’s the last time he’s seeing me alive.”

  “And this guy?”

  “He does crazy things like me.” Nirvana winked. “He stole a battle craft for me just hours we met.”

  Eryn shook her head. “Ching would never do something that i

  “Exactly. Ching is committed to Athar. He would want his wife to be here with him, not out there breaking laws.”

  Nirvana thought she caught a hint of wistfulness in the way Eryn looked. “Have you considered dating Ching?”

  “What?” Eryn jerked out of her thoughts.

  “You won’t consider it? He’s a good man,” Nirvana teased. She could see a hint of blush starting to appear on her face.

  Ha! Gotcha!

  Eryn was fumbling for a reply when Nirvana hooked her arm around Eryn, pulling her close. She said in a more serious tone, “It’s hard for him to find someone who can understand the weight of his responsibilities. He doesn’t really have time for relationships, but he needs someone. It’s lonely being him. Think about it.”

  That ended the conversion, but Nirvana knew she had gotten Eryn thinking.

  Ching was waiting outside next to a big, brown jeep. Nirvana saw Eryn walking in the direction towards the back door when she sped up and said, “I’ll get in at the back with Zane.” Then she got into the jeep. She didn’t want to sit in the front where Ching could interrogate her more.

  Eryn was about to get in with Nirvana when Ching called out to her. “Eryn, sit in front.” He held open the door for her. Eryn looked at Nirvana.

  “Go. I can handle this,” Nirvana urged her.

  Eryn nodded and walked towards the passenger seat. She was about to climb in the jeep when Ching lifted her up by the waist and placed her on the seat. He reached over to help secure her seat belt.

  That was interesting, Nirvana thought. Not that she was feeling an ounce of jealousy, but Ching had never done that for her.

  Good. She could use Eryn to try to divert a little of Ching’s attention from Zane.

  The vehicle shuddered and started moving. Nirvana scooted next to Zane’s bed and leaned on it. She rested her head on her arms and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 6

  Nirvana jolted awake when Ching slipped his arms under her and lifted her out of the jeep.


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