The Siege

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The Siege Page 8

by Leigh Walker

  I hesitated. I would only tell him the truth, but I wasn’t even sure what that meant at the moment. “No, I don’t think you’ve put pressure on me. It’s just been a lot, all at once. I don’t mean just us—I mean everything. My whole world has changed in a matter of weeks. And tomorrow, you leave to fight. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed is all.”

  He nodded. “Of course you are. If there is anything I can do, I will do it. I would do anything for you, Blake. I hope you know I mean that with my whole heart.”

  “Aw, I know.” Touched, I reached out to stroke his cheek. “And I would for you, too.”

  He smiled, relaxing again. “Then let us enjoy our evening together and not waste a moment.”

  I made a small curtsy. “Yes, Your Highness.” I whistled for Beast, and he rolled over to us, probably ready for his supper as well.

  Austin jerked this thumb toward the court. “When the battle is over, I will beat you at a game of one-on-one. We’re due for another match—I haven’t forgotten how you cheated the last time.”

  “I beg your pardon!” I laughed as we ascended the stairs and headed toward the dining room. “I did not cheat!”

  “No one beats me like that,” he grumbled.

  “Except me.” I smiled gleefully.

  He frowned, and I nudged his shoulder. “Let’s not spend our evening pouting. If you’ve really got the goods, you’ll beat me fair and square next time. But that’s a big if.” I waggled my eyebrows.

  “If I did not love you so much, I’m quite sure I wouldn’t like you very much at the moment.”

  I gaped at him, and he blinked at me, all casual, as if he hadn’t just said the L word. “Well, come on, then.” Austin picked up Beast and carried him up the stairs. He handed the gnome to a nearby sentinel. “See this creature returned to Lady Kensington’s room, and instruct the kitchen staff prepare its dinner and have it sent up.”

  The sentinel grimaced as Austin handed Beast over to him.

  “And do not pull a face. I know it smells, but Lady Kensington loves that thing.”

  The guard immediately smoothed his expression and bowed. “Of course, my lord. Lady Kensington.” He bustled off with Beast nestled happily in his arms, his tongue lolling out.

  Austin tugged on my hand, but I didn’t move. “What is it?” He peered at my face. “Ah, I’ve overwhelmed you again. I thought you knew I’d decided to make sure Beast was kept happy.”

  “I… It’s not that.”

  He arched an eyebrow, waiting.

  “It’s nothing.”

  He grinned again. “Why, Blake, I do not consider the fact that I’ve declared myself in love with you—without any wine to aid my speech, mind you—nothing. But I do love you. And I’ve decided waiting to be open about it is a waste of time.”

  “Oh,” I said dumbly. I literally couldn’t speak after that.

  “If it was capable of such a thing, my ego would be wounded right now.” He grinned then put his arm around me and led me to the dining room. All of our friends were already inside, happily chatting and nibbling on hors d’oeuvres—well, the friends of ours who nibbled on such things. The vampires were drinking wine.

  A liveried waiter approached, and Austin accepted a glass of wine for himself and a flute of champagne for me. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to see Lucas. I’ll be nursing my declining ego with this.” He clinked his glass against mine.


  He stopped.

  “I love you, too.”

  His face relaxed into a huge smile. “I know you do. You’re easy to read, remember?” He bent down and kissed me gently, tenderly. When he pulled back, his eyes were sparkling. “And honestly, how could you not?”

  “Ooh… You… You…”

  But he had already swaggered off, laughing.

  Eve was suddenly beside me. “What’s your problem?”

  I had a large sip of champagne. “I don’t have a problem. I have a romance.”

  “Ah. That again. Doesn’t it get boring?”

  I fanned myself as I watched Austin stalk across the room. “Not at all.”

  Eve chuckled and leaned back, surveying the crowd. I couldn’t help but notice her gaze traveling over to Balkyn. “Eve. I think you might have a smidge of a romance, too.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I looked at my friend. “You are carrying a torch for Balkyn West. Just admit it.”

  She held her head high. “I admit nothing.”

  “At least admit that he is tall and strapping. And rather nice.”

  “Ooh, who is rather nice?” Tamara sidled up next to us. Her deep-teal gown perfectly matched her eyeliner. Her lips were so glossy they sparkled like diamonds—I was surprised they didn’t cut her champagne flute.

  “No one,” Eve said.

  “Not you,” I said at the same time.

  Eve and I laughed while Tamara pouted. “I’m not sure why you’re excluding me from your gossip. That makes you a bit cliquish. It makes you bullies, actually.”

  “Oh, please. Don’t pout—you’ll ruin your lip gloss.” I sighed. “I was just telling Eve that Austin and I are getting serious.”

  “That’s not exactly news.”

  I raised my eyebrows at her. “Well, I thought it was!”

  “My maids told me he planned to tell the entire staff that you were in charge while he’s off battling the rebels. And he took you out to the woods all day. For someone like His Highness, who acts as though he lives out in the brush, it’s practically a declaration.”

  “A declaration of what?”

  “His intentions.” Tamara had a sip of champagne then sighed when Lord Bryson waved to her. She put her game face on and waved back, smiling seductively.

  “What’s the matter?” Eve asked. “Did Lord Bryson’s bank ledger not measure up?”

  Tamara pulled a face then quickly smoothed her expression. “I don’t know if I’ll get as far as his ledger. He’s a bit dull, I’m afraid. Some of these vampires have been around for so long it’s like they’ve forgotten how to have a good time.”

  “So, then, who’s next for you?” I asked, knowing that my friend would already have someone in mind. She always did.

  “I’ve been thinking Balkyn West is very handsome.” Tamara grinned and stuck her chest out a bit.

  Eve coughed. “But he doesn’t even have a title.”

  Tamara tilted her head, considering. “True, but his sister will one day be queen. Not a bad position to be in, I say—married to the queen’s brother.”

  “But their family doesn’t have money anymore. They’re destitute.” Eve’s ears turned pink.

  “You make this too easy!” Tamara laughed then gently punched Eve’s shoulder. “Of course I’m not interested in him—he’s got no title and no homestead. And I happen to think he’s interested in someone else. Not that that’s ever stopped me before, but…” She shrugged. “This particular someone happens to be a personal friend of mine.”

  Lord Bryson waved again, and Tamara rolled her eyes. “Duty calls.”

  “I thought you were breaking up with him.” Eve’s face had turned red, but she doggedly continued the conversation as though she weren’t embarrassed.

  “I suppose I’ll string him along for one more evening. There’s nothing better to do!” Tamara winked and flounced off.

  I leaned back toward Eve. “She’s got your number.”

  “Do shut up.” She drained her glass. “If you’ll excuse me.” Eve marched off before I could tease her more, or excuse her, for that matter. She stalked past Shaye without saying hello.

  Shaye came over, looking perplexed but pretty in her pale-orange gown. “What’s Eve’s problem?”

  I shook my head. “I think she has a crush on someone.”

  “Well, then…” Shaye processed this bit of gossip. “I won’t ask you who as I don’t want to put you on the spot.”

  “It’s Balkyn West.”

I knew it!”

  I chuckled. “I know. That’s why I told you.”

  Shaye merrily slid her arm through mine. “And how are you holding up?”

  “I should be asking you that. I told Austin about your family, of course.”

  She nodded. “He told me that he’s advised his soldiers to ask for names—but also that he couldn’t promise me anything. I understand his position. He was very fair about it—nicer than I could’ve expected, actually. The king wouldn’t have even listened to me if I’d told him I had family actively fighting for the rebels.”

  “Austin is a great leader. He cares for all of us, not just the vampires.”

  “I know.” She gave me a sideways glance. “He seems like a really good guy.”

  I nodded. “He is.”

  Shaye pursed her lips. Then she asked, “Have you ever had a boyfriend before His Highness?”

  I shook my head. “Never. I was never interested, or maybe I just didn’t have time. I dunno. We were so busy trying to keep from starving that it kind of put a damper on socializing.”

  “He seems serious about you.”

  I nodded. “I believe that’s true.”

  “Are you ready to be that serious?” Shaye’s question held no judgment, just genuine curiosity.

  “I think it’s one of those things like dying or learning to swim.”

  Shaye almost spat her drink out. “I’m sorry?”

  I twisted a lock of my hair. “Well, as with dying or learning to swim, you might think you’re ready or that you’re prepared, but really, you don’t know. You don’t know until you’re doing it and it’s already happening. Until it’s already happened. And then there you are, dead. Or swimming.”

  Shaye tilted her chin at me. “So you’re saying… Blake, what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying it’s already happened.” I grinned. “I am serious about the prince. Dead serious—but not dead. And not swimming.”

  Shaye laughed and clinked her glass against mine. “I’m glad for you—thrilled, actually. Although you do have a funny way of putting it.”

  Chapter 13


  There were toasts followed by more toasts. Delicious food was followed by more delicious food. Eve, who’d finally started talking to me again after she’d had quite a lot of wine, watched the scene. “These Northerners play rather hard. You’d never know we’re leaving at daybreak, the way they’re tossing it back.”

  I nodded, laughing as Austin arm wrestled another sentinel and beat him handily. The soldiers around him erupted into cheers. They clanged their goblets together, slapping Austin on the back. “I don’t think he’s going to stop until he’s beat everyone in this room.”

  Eve scowled. “I’d take him on, but he’d likely demote me when I crushed him.”

  I laughed. “He would, you know.”

  “I do know! That’s why I’m staying far away!”

  I took another look around at the party. Tamara was frowning at Lord Bryson, who was drawing on a napkin. Balkyn was staring at his drink. Shaye and Lucas were engaged in a heated conversation, probably about how to best save the world or the dolphins or both.

  I leaned over closer to Eve. “What do you think Tamara’s frowning about?”

  Eve closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she laughed. “Lord Bryon’s trying to convince her of his considerable homestead, but she’s unimpressed.”

  I giggled. “Could you hear him?”

  She nodded. “If my kind concentrates very closely, we are able to listen to isolated noises and conversations even if they are some distance away.”

  “Right. Of course.” Abigor had told me as much. I pushed the memory away. “What’s wrong with Balkyn?”

  “Well, I can’t read minds. But he looks a little… I dunno.”

  “Eve, he looks lonely.”

  She cursed under her breath just as Balkyn stood up and came over. “Lady Eve.”

  “Yes?” She kept her expression neutral and not gobsmacked.

  “Would you care to take a walk with me?” Balkyn raked a hand through his hair. “I need to clear my head from all the wine, and I’m worried His Highness is going to ask me to arm wrestle him next.”

  Eve rose immediately. “You and me both.”

  They smiled at each other, and I put a hand over my heart as they walked out, laughing and chatting. Tamara motioned to me from across the table. She gaped then did a fist pump. Lord Bryson said something to her. He pointed to the napkin, and she groaned.

  I laughed, but something cool on the back of my neck made me shiver. I whipped around to find Austin grinning broadly.

  “Were you fake breathing on me?”

  He shrugged, still grinning. “Is it working?”

  “Yes.” I laughed. “Have you beaten enough sentinels for one night? I daresay they won’t fight for you tomorrow if you keep gloating like that.”

  He chuckled. “That’s why I’m putting myself to bed. A hot streak like this can’t be contained. It’s better for everyone if the champion excuses himself.”

  My shoulders shook with laughter. “You really are ridiculous.”

  “I know. That’s why I need to pack myself up.” He held out his hand for me. “Let me escort you to bed, my lady.”

  I gratefully accepted his hand, and he led me from the room. Once the cooler air of the hall hit me, I realized I was very tired. I yawned. “It’s been quite a day.”

  “Indeed.” Austin gently wrapped his arm around me and brought me up the stairs to my room. I leaned against his powerful body, his familiar heady scent wafting over me.

  “Have you had a lot of champagne?” he asked.

  “No.” I yawned again. “I had a lot of dessert, though. I daresay I’m in a food coma.”

  “A food coma.” Austin considered the phrase. “Your body needs to rest because you ate too much?”

  “Exactly. It happens to me quite a bit.”

  Austin arched his eyebrows in mock surprise. “You don’t say.”

  “Ha ha.” We reached my door, and I smiled at him. “Thank you for a wonderful day.” I refused to think past this moment, because he was with me, and he was safe.

  He kissed my forehead. “Good night, Blake.”

  I sighed, holding onto his hands and not letting go. “I’d say good night, but I don’t really want to.”

  Austin hesitated. He looked at my door then back at me. “I could come in.”

  I bit my lip as my heart thundered in my chest. “I suppose you could.”

  He held my gaze. “Not to do anything untoward. I vow to protect you and your honor. It’s just that I don’t want to say good night, either.”

  “Oh, I trust you.” I blew out a shuddery breath. “Which makes one of us.”

  He chuckled. “We’ll be fine. As I said, I’ve vowed to protect your honor. Not even you could convince me to break that promise.”


  “What was that?”

  “Yay,” I lied. “Well, come on, then.” I opened the door and gasped when I saw it was lit up with dozens of candles. A beautiful vase of flowers sat on my nightstand. “What’s all this?”

  Austin shrugged, but he looked pleased. “I wanted to do something nice for you. I had your maids prepare it.”

  Beast rolled out from underneath the table and sat at attention, as if he were somehow responsible for how pretty the room looked.

  I clutched the prince’s hand, overcome with feeling. “That’s very kind.”

  He pulled me close against him then stroked my face. His gaze was intent on mine. Suddenly the room got very, very hot, and it had nothing to do with the blazing candles. Beast whined then rolled underneath the table to his spot as if he could tell we needed privacy.

  Austin took a deep breath. “I want to talk to you about us, but I am not someone who excels at eloquence. I excel at so many things, yet that one skill continues to elude me.” He chuckled.

  “Ha ha. But you did all this.�
� I nodded toward my carefully decorated room.

  “I asked someone to do it.”

  “Then you are more eloquent than you give yourself credit for, Your Highness.”

  “Thank you, my lady. I will try my best to say what it is that I feel.”

  My heart rate kicked up. “Okay.”

  “I told you earlier about my true feelings. I love you, Blake.” Austin gently ran his thumb over my jawline. “I’ve never met anyone like you, and I’ve never felt like this before. I’m excited to see you every day. I relax as soon as I lay eyes on you, as if something I’ve desperately needed has shown up.”

  I laughed, pure joy singing through me. “I feel the same way.”

  It was true. As soon as I saw Austin in the morning, I’d felt revived, as if I’d just had the most important tea of my life.

  Austin beamed at me. “You do?”

  I nodded. “Love is a funny thing. You never know how desperately you need it until you have it for the first time. Now I feel as though I couldn’t live without you, like air or water.”

  “It’s the same for me.” He took my hands in his. “When the fighting is over, I would like you to consider something.”

  Our gazes locked. “Yes, my lord?”

  His eyes blazed. He seemed nervous. “Stay here with me. Stay in the North and make it your home. Stay by my side forever.”

  We held hands, just staring at each other. It was just as I’d said to Shaye: I couldn’t prepare to fall in love, because it was already happening. It had happened before I’d even realized it.

  “Of course I will.” I gripped the prince’s hands. “I know in my heart I belong by your side, and you by mine. It’s as natural as the sky above us, or the wind out on the grounds below.”

  He sniffled.

  “Are you crying?”

  “No.” He looked abashed as he roughly wiped his face. “I have something in my eye.”

  “Liar.” I grinned. “Nothing to hide, anyway. I already knew you could cry—I caught you weeping after I beat you at basketball.”

  Austin’s shoulders shook with silent laughter, but he had to wipe his eyes again. “You’re incorrigible.”


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