Turning Point

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Turning Point Page 47

by Lara Zielinsky

  followed, where she tasted herself on Cassidysť lips, made the aftermath so much sweeter than she could have imagined.

  Cassidy watched Brenna dress. From her own bags, she had retrieved a long-sleeve cashmere sweater top, and jeans. Brenna was pulling a sweatshirt on over her bare breasts. The logo swept Cassidy back through wonderful memories. She reached out to caress the lettering. Brenna looked up at her curiously.

  “I remember the first time I saw you in this,” Cassidy said with touch of melanŹcholy. “I knew I was seeing the real you.”

  “1 don’t understand.” Brenna hugged her quickly. “Is something wrong?”

  “Remember Ryan’s birthday party?” Cassidy began. Brenna nodded against her shoulder. “You came in this sweatshirt, a pair of blue jeans, and with your hair in a ponytail. You took my breath away.”

  “I don’t understand why that should upset you.”

  “I love sweatshirts,” Cassidy answered. “I even have a ritual at home where I slip into one of my old high school jerseys the minute I get into my bedroom. It’s my way of saying ‘I’m home’.” She gasped in sudden distress and tried to pull away, but Brenna held her firmly. “I guess that won’t be happening anymore.”

  In Brenna’s embrace, Cassidy safely cried until the tears stopped. Brenna pulled the sweatshirt off and held it out, her meaning clear. Cassidy leaned back, stripped off her sweater top, and pulled on the sweatshirt. Brenna helped her smooth it over her chest. As their gazes held, Brenna said, “Welcome home.”

  It was after six-thirty when the women finally peeked out of the bedroom doorway, looking up and down the hall before stepping out together and walking to the kitchen. Cassidy leaned on the counter and watched Brenna grind the coffee and prep the coffeemaker. “Anything I can do?”

  “If you want some juice, the glasses are in the cabinet to the left of the sink,” Brenna said.

  “Would you like some?”

  The “yes” that replied wasn’t Brenna’s voice.

  Together they turned and saw Ryan standing in the entry to the kitchen, lookŹing up expectantly at them. A welcoming smile curled Brenna’s lips as she took in the sight — still in his pajamas, looking only mildly sleepy. “Good morning, Ryan.”

  “Hi,” he said to her, then turned to his mother. “Good morning, Mommy.”

  “Good morning.” Cassidy scooped him up in a tight hug before releasing him. “You’re thirsty, hmm?”


  “One orange juice coming up.” Brenna collected the small glass, poured the juice, then passed it to him. “Got it?” She watched him carefully put his hands around the base of the glass before she released it.

  He nodded. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She brushed her fingers lightly over his hair. “Why don’t you go sit at the dining room table?”

  Brenna leaned next to Cassidy, who gazed across the counter into the dining area, following Ryan’s progress. She put a light hand on Cassidy’s back and held the blonde briefly against her shoulder before stepping away and pouring them each a glass of juice.

  Thomas stood just out of sight in the bedroom hallway, listening to the exchange between Ryan and his mother. He ached at the affection in her voice. God, she’s really happy. Nudging around the end of the wall, he remained silent, the posiŹtion allowing him a chance to watch them without them seeing him.

  It wasn’t anything overt, but he saw Cassidy’s face as she handed his mother a glass of juice. Clearly, Cassidy was in love with his mother. He thought back to the times the three of them had shared together. He winced, realizing that the laughter and the looks they’d exchanged had been more than camaraderie. He had not seen it before because he had not wanted to see it. Feeling foolish and hurting, he wondered if he could fall out of love as quickly as he seemed to have fallen into it.

  He stepped forward, and the noise of his entrance drew their eyes to him. ThoŹmas squared his shoulders and affixed a careful smile. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” Cassidy answered first; she was sitting at the table next to her son.

  His mother’s greeting preceded a pat on his arm. “Have a seat. Here.” She set her glass of juice in front of him and returned to the kitchen to pour herself another.

  “So, what’s on the agenda today?” he called to her.

  “I’m going to drop you and James at the mall to spend your Christmas money. I’ll be taking Cassidy and Ryan home.”

  Chapter 44

  The mall was already busy when Brenna pulled to a stop in front of an entrance. She had decided against parking at all. News vans were everywhere, coverŹing the post-Christmas shopping crowds.

  “Can I come?”

  Cassidy turned around and put a restraining hand on Ryan’s thigh to discourŹage him from following the older boys, who were getting out of the backseat. “Don’t you want to go home?”

  “I want to play video games with Thomas.”

  Cassidy looked wryly at Thomas, then Brenna, who shrugged and left the deciŹsion to her. It was Thomas’ expression that decided her. Standing on the curb, he had his jaw set carefully, and though he looked at her son, he wouldn’t look at her. “You two go on and have a good time. Ryan and I really need to get home.”

  “Mom?” Thomas drew his mother’s attention.

  She fished in her purse and handed a twenty dollar bill to each of them. “Don’t spend it all at the arcade. Eat some lunch, too. I’ll be back at five to pick you up right here.”

  “Okay, Mom.” James looked at his mother, then briefly to Cassidy. “See you.”

  “Bye,” Cassidy responded with a faint nod. From her place in the front passenŹger seat, she kept her hand on Ryan until both rear doors were closed. He squirmed and pouted but remained quiet. Brenna did not drive off immediately. Her gaze folŹlowed her sons until they were inside. Cassidy watched her face. When the blue eyes darkened, indicating she was getting upset, Cassidy asked, “Are you all right?”

  The upset vanished quickly, and a smile turned to her. “Yeah.” Patting her knee lightly, Brenna went on, “Yes, I’m fine. Ready to go?”

  As Brenna drove north to Cassidy’s side of town, Cassidy said, “You can park at my house. The Talbots are only on the corner.” Directing Brenna to make a left, she added, “Gwen’s been feeding and walking Ranger while we were gone. Right, Ryan?”

  “Can I walk him when we get home?”

  Cassidy shook her head. Disconcerted, Brenna said, “I didn’t see a dog at the party.”

  “We left him at the Talbots’ that day so he wouldn’t misbehave with all of the excitement. Ranger’s a Dalmatian. I got him when Ryan was three.”

  “Dalmatian’s a big dog, right?”

  Cassidy chuckled. “Brenna, are you afraid of dogs?” The other woman did not answer. “Ranger’s a softie,” she assured. “That’s why I chose the breed — because they are obedient but active enough to keep up with children.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Brenna pulled into Cassidy’s driveway. “Well, we’re here.”

  “Home!” Ryan unbelted himself and was in the yard in a couple of bounces.

  “Keeps up with kids, huh?” Brenna laughed. Cassidy chuckled, coming around. “You know, I think I remember meeting Gwen at the birthday party. I remember thinking you were…rather intimate,” she added the last under her breath as Cassidy led her across the street.

  “She’s just a friend,” Cassidy said, sealing the assurance with a kiss just before she rang the doorbell.

  Brenna felt the appraisal begin as soon as introductions were made. Since

  Cassidy did not make mention of their changed relationship, she suspected that somehow Gwen had already learned about it. It was the oddest sensation to be aware that another person was skirting a subject that she wanted, just as desperately, to broach.

  She looked around the modest home as Cassidy shared the first part of her trip to Missouri. Those events — getting to spend time with her uncles, aunts
, cousins, and their children — brought a fond smile to her face, Brenna noticed, particularly when she mentioned Travis and Brenda. Each time a story veered close to referring to her parents, though, Cassidy shifted the subject to another relative or one of Ryan’s snowy adventures.

  Brenna hurt for her. She also acknowledged to herself that rejection by her family was a very real fear of her own. If Cassidy’s family had responded so violently, what could she expect, with her family being almost another full generation older?

  She suspected how her mother might react, but she and her siblings had never had cause to discuss such an issue, so she had no basis on which to figure out what their response might be. Despite his political stances, when it came down to her perŹsonally, even Kevin’s biases had come out, with him believing she was “not like that” and “not one of those people”.

  Preoccupied by her jumbled thoughts, Brenna started nibbling her bottom lip. She did feel different. She was sure it wasn’t because her lover was a woman, though, but rather because she was finally, really, truly in love. The discovery made her feel calmer about everything.


  Cassidy’s voice drew her from her thoughts. “I’m sorry. What were you sayŹing?”

  Cassidy turned to Gwen. “I think I’ll get the house key now, then Bren can go home.”

  “No, I…It’s all right. I’ve just been thinking.”

  “About your work? I catch the show frequently,” Gwen offered. “You’re quite good.”

  “That wasn’t actually what I was thinking about, but thank you.” Brenna stood as the other two did. Gwen excused herself.

  “Brenna, are you all right?”

  “Just learning to live with secrets,” she whispered. She fell silent as Gwen returned and passed the key to Cassidy.

  “Well, it was nice to meet you,” Gwen said.

  “You, too. Thank you.”

  “Ryan!” Cassidy called.

  He came running out with a boy Brenna now remembered from the birthday party as well.

  “Say goodbye to Chance,” Cassidy said. “Time to go.”


  “Sorry, but it’s time.”

  Ryan turned his blue eyes on Brenna. “Ms. Lanigan, tell her I want to stay.”

  Brenna knew her eyes sparkled with amusement, but she kept her voice serious. “Honey, if your mother says it’s time to go, then I suggest we listen to her.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He hung his head, dropped the toys in his hands on the floor, and, shoulders slumped, exited the Talbots’ home.

  “Good budding actor you’ve got there, Cass,” she said with a chuckle. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pout quite that perfect.”

  Cassidy sighed. “Come on. Let’s go.” She turned to Gwen. “Thanks for looking after things.”

  “Anytime.” Gwen looked Brenna over once more as she showed the women to the door.

  Brenna paused on the stoop after the door was closed. Cassidy had already started down the walk. She turned back, her expression curious. Nervously Brenna asked, “She’s your friend. So, what’s the verdict?” Cassidy smiled, and it untied the knot in Brenna’s stomach.

  “She likes you.”

  They walked across the street and up to Cassidy’s home. “She knows, though — about us, I mean — doesn’t she?” Cassidy nodded. “She’s burning with questions. It was unnerving.”

  Cassidy keyed the knob, then the bolt, and stepped back, letting Brenna enter first. “When I was pretty confused, she was good to talk to.”

  “You were confused?” Brenna tugged off her light jacket, and Cassidy hung it in her closet.


  Ryan ran past them. She watched him enter what she presumed was his bedŹroom. The toys he poured onto the bedspread with a clatter confirmed it. She turned back to find Cassidy in her bedroom across the hall opening the luggage and sorting clothes into drawers, her closet, and a wicker basket by the bathroom door.

  “Are you going right back to the mall?” Cassidy asked.

  “No. James and Thomas would really hate if I joined them so soon. I should give them some normal space and not go back until the time I said I’d pick them up.”

  “How about some Irish coffee?”

  “I’ll make it,” Brenna volunteered.

  “Supplies are in the kitchen. Help yourself. I’ll be out in just another minute.”

  Ryan joined Brenna in the kitchen when he heard her clattering around. “What’cha doin’?”

  “Making something for your mom to drink.”

  “You’re being very nice to Mommy. No wonder she likes you.”

  “She said that?”

  “Yes. 1 knew already, though.”

  Cassidy had mentioned Ryan had already guessed about them. Brenna crouched down to talk to him. “What do you think you know?”

  “I know you kissed. I saw that.”


  “When you took us camping. In the tent.”

  “I thought you were asleep.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “Are you okay with your mom and me kissing?”

  “I like when Mommy’s happy.”

  “That’s all?”


  “I like when your mommy’s happy, too.” Brenna could not stifle her amuseŹment. She looked Ryan squarely in the eye. “Your mother raised a very smart boy.”


  “Yes.” She hugged him. “I love you.”

  “As much as you love Mommy?”

  “Just as much.” He smiled broadly at that. She stood and ruffled his hair.

  “Would you like a snack?” He grinned, and she saw his mother’s features so clearly, she felt her heart beat faster. “Let’s see what we can find, hmm?”


  Together they raided the refrigerator, locating a pair of apples. While she ate hers whole, she cut the second into wedges for him. They sat together at the kitchen table. When she’d finished and was rising, Cassidy appeared from her room. “All unpacked?”

  “I ran across this,” Cassidy said, holding out the unwrapped box. “Sorry, it’s a little worse for travel.”

  Brenna took the box, lifting off the top and withdrawing the scarf.

  “There was a note with it, but I think it got lost in the…”

  “Confusion?” Brenna supplied an innocuous descriptor.


  “It’s a beautiful gift.”

  “I was hoping you’d like it enough to wear it…around.”

  Brenna looped it around her throat, tucking it into the neckline of her blouse. The blouse’s color was not really suited to the silky red, but the effect caused an immediate and broad, lust-filled smile from Cassidy. “Done.”

  Cassidy reached out to caress the silk, lightly brushing the skin beneath. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Want an apple, Mommy?” Ryan held up his last apple wedge.

  Smiling at Brenna, Cassidy dropped her hand from the silk and took the apple piece from her son. “Thank you.”

  “Ryan says he’s happy we’re together.”

  “One down, two to go?”

  Brenna nodded. Despite the anxiety clouding her eyes, she bestowed a loving smile on Ryan and brushed her fingers through his hair. She turned to Cassidy abruptly. “I was just about to finish the coffee. Still want a cup?”

  “I’ll get the whiskey.” She moved toward the cabinet over the stove. “The whipped cream is in the refrigerator.”

  With Ryan in his mother’s lap, Cassidy and Brenna sat on the couch, sipping their coffees. Brenna had cut more apples, which the trio nibbled as the women talked.

  “Have you heard anything more from the British production?”

  “I have to contact them after the first.” Brenna sounded pensive. “What with everything, I haven’t finished reading the script.” She thought for a moment. “What are you planning to do after Time Trails7.”

  As much as she wanted to talk about
all of them making plans together, Cassidy carefully kept her news neutral. “A few series pilots have been dropped off, but I’m not interested in a starring role. I’d like another ensemble. The hours can be much better for Ryan and me.”

  Brenna nodded, then finished her coffee with one final swallow, and patted Cassidy’s thigh. “Well, I should probably be going.”

  Cassidy heard the strain. “Brenna, do you want to talk about doing something together?” From the averted eyes, she had her answer. “Ryan, look over there, okay?” She pointed to the porch. Preceded by such an absurd request — what five-year-old would look away when told? — Cassidy leaned forward and kissed Brenna quickly on the lips, stunning her. She felt the other woman’s tension gradually melt away under her nibbling kisses and finally leaned back.

  Brenna blinked, clearly gathering her so-pleasantly-scattered wits back

  together. “What was that for?”

  “To relax you. You don’t have to be nervous. I would love to do something with you.”

  “That probably won’t happen.”

  “Neither of us thought this would happen, either. Obviously anything is possiŹble,” Cassidy said earnestly. A buoyant energy streamed through her as Brenna accepted her optimism with a careful nod. To be able to provide someone else supŹport made her feel good. It was not something she was used to. Setting Ryan on the floor, Cassidy stood up. “We’ve never just hung out. How about we go back to the mall together?”

  “Do we dare?”

  “I’m not going to ravish you over the perfume counter,” Cassidy assured her. “I don’t want to hide away, either. Besides, we’ll have Ryan with us.”

  Brenna took her hand. After spending a moment clearing their few dishes into the dishwasher, Brenna drove the three of them back to the mall.

  Brenna felt as if she hadn’t smiled and laughed so much in years. She, Cassidy, and Ryan started at the end of the mall furthest from the food court, looking through the racks in a designer store. She purchased a blouse that would go perfectly with Cassidy’s scarf. When she stepped out of the small dressing room wearing the combination, having kept the scarf in her handbag, Cassidy’s expression, so full of fiery passion, almost buckled her knees. The touch of their hands was electric.


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