Sizzling Romance New York Style

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Sizzling Romance New York Style Page 13

by Robert C. Waggoner

  Chapter 13

  The day was beautiful and clear. September the first. He wondered what Christmas would bring this year. He already had his present and he made a plan in his mind to go skiing over the holidays. He made a note to ask her what her usual Christmas was like. Grandmother would love to have them for brunch Christmas day. He would talk to her tonight about that. He planned on having a long holiday this year. He wanted something special just between the two of them and something to remember their first Christmas together for the years to come.

  He found his grandmother in the library. She had rearranged the furniture and added two desks: one small one and another secretarial type desk. New chairs were added, old ones removed and the new safe was put in a proper place. She was sitting at the small desk reading a report on the Lincoln Group. He kissed her cheek and asked how she was feeling. “Quit asking me silly questions,” she said with a smile on her face. “How is your bride to be coming along with the arrangements for the wedding?”

  Todd gave her a brief rundown on what Jen and company were doing. Then he filled her in on the past day and his plan for the new day. The new secretary should be here at ten and I’ll spend until noon briefing her on what I want her to do first.

  “Grandmother, use her as you like, she is here to do anything you ask of her. She will be my personal secretary, if she is acceptable to me, and I think she will be because my office secretary has been proven competent in that area so far finding people who will be an asset to our Group.

  “Have a seat Todd. I told you I had something special for you this morning.”

  He sat down in one of the new chairs and she began a story. “I’ll make this short. Many years ago, after your grandfather died, I met a man who, for all the right reasons, was good to me. We fell in love of sorts and we kept it a secret until now. He passed away a few years ago. Now, he was the secret largest stock holder of a large newspaper chain. He willed me his stock. I’m going to turn it over to you. I think you need some media support in your efforts to move Lincoln ahead in the next few years. My lawyers will have the papers for you on Monday.”

  Todd was taken aback. Recovered quickly and plans were flying through his head faster than a computer. “Grandmother, you never cease to amaze me. I can’t believe you had a man friend and I never knew about it.”

  She looked at him with a smile and said to him, “Todd, I love you to death, but some things are better kept a secret, don’t you think?”

  Todd remarked that he was ready for some coffee and they both went to the kitchen. He’d looked at the safe from a distance and would look at it later after coffee. They talked while drinking coffee for him and tea for her. He ate some fresh cookies the old cook had just taken out of the oven. Grandmother left to take a rest and he went to his office in the library. He looked the safe over and found the instructions on his desk. He sat down and read how to use the safe. He programmed a secret code into the fireproof safe and called his New York office.

  His secretary answered and told him the new applicant should be there any time now. He thanked her and asked her about Alex. She told him everything was in place and he was in his new office right now. He’s been here since four am. His light on his phone is always on. He scared the guard downstairs showing up with his new ID and yelled at him for some reason. The guard was so scared he couldn’t tell me the story. Todd laughed and said he would be in the office about three or four and would see Alex then. He hung up and a knock on the door sounded.

  He said, “Come in.”

  Nancy walked in with her head held high. A plain but attractive woman in what looked like early or mid thirties, she was impressive to look at. She was dressed nicely, but conservative: strawberry colored hair and a very intelligent look about her. He asked to sit down and he introduced himself, she returned the greeting saying, ‘My name is Nancy Renbow.

  She sat down and looked at him. She appraised him with her piercing blue eyes and freckles were evident through light make up. A nice shade of lipstick set her face off. She liked what she saw, she thought to herself; and he liked what he saw too. He said to her, “I haven’t any file on you. All I received was your name from my secretary. Start at the beginning please and there is no hurry as we have all morning.”

  He made her feel at ease and she visibly relaxed. “Would you care for a cup of tea or coffee?” he asked.

  She declined but he said he would like a cup of tea. “I’ll be right back,”

  That would give her time to totally relax and look the office over, he thought. He went to the kitchen and made two cups of green tea in mugs and brought them back to the library.

  By then she had put her bag on the floor and had crossed her legs in a relaxed manner. He said, “Let’s move to these other chairs so we can talk.”

  He put down the mug in front of her on a coffee table and he told her to begin when ready. She took a sip of tea and remarked what good tea it was and he told his story of China. That put her in a talkative mood and she began her story.

  She started her story about how she graduated from a fine university with a business degree. She had a hard time finding a middle management job and was offered a personal secretaries job with a stockbroker firm. That was in the 1990’s. The firm went defunct and she moved on to another firm. She was another personal secretary at a bank for ten years until the boss made unwarranted advances. She threatened to sue and was given a large settlement in return for her resigning. She took two years off and traveled around the world. She spoke German, Italian and French. Languages she said were easy for her. She went on to tell him now she needed to get back into the real world. His secretary knew someone who knew someone and she called his office. “Now, here I am, Mr. Lincoln. What do you think?”

  He sipped his tea and was quiet for a few minutes. She drank some of her luke warm tea. He sat his cup down and stood up and moved to the cold fireplace. He stood with his back to it as if he was warming himself, and said to her, “Nancy, may I call you Nancy?’ She nodded and he continued, “Fine then, Nancy the job is yours, but first let me tell you what your duties for this position are.”

  He went on to tell her about his grandmother who was resting at the time; the travel involved; and the dedication needed to fulfill his needs. He told her about his engagement to Jen and the plans for the wedding. He also told her that they would be on a honeymoon for two or three months mostly in Europe and Australia. “At a moment's notice I may need you and you would have to catch a plane and fly to me wherever I may be. Is that acceptable to you?”

  She stood up and walked up to him with her hand out. “You just hired yourself a secretary, Mr. Lincoln.

  “Nancy, I didn’t ask you about your personal life, but would the schedule we talked about interfere with your life?”

  “Not at all. I’m not married because I’m gay.”

  He never blinked and said, “Then it’s settled. See my secretary and she will provide you with a car and a credit card for expenses. The salary is one hundred thousand a year, plus stock options and retirement.”

  She smiled at him and turned to leave. He walked her to the door and told her good bye and he would see her here on Monday morning. “Please get what you need to set up the office.”

  She said she would and waved bye walking to her car.

  Todd returned to the library satisfied that things were looking well for the first week. Now I must call my lovely girl friend and see what’s up for lunch on a Friday.

  He left a note for his grandmother about Nancy coming on Monday. Said he would see her early Monday morning. Put on his Armani sport coat and headed out the door to see his Jennifer for lunch.

  On the way down to pick her up, he thought about the newspaper business. He needed to talk to Glenda, his new Public Relations person. That meeting could wait until Monday. He picked up his phone and called his office. He told his secretary about Nancy and to call Glenda and have her come to grandmother’s on Monday about
ten. He told her he would be in the office after lunch.

  It was a fine sunny day and warm enough to put the top down. His hair was a mess when he pulled up in the driveway of Jen’s house. He combed his hair and jumped out feeling on top of the world. She met him at the door as she could tell by the sound of his Porsche anywhere.

  He visited with mom and Beth for a few minutes and he and Jen headed out the door. Mom said to Beth, “My god it must feel good to be in such love as those two are.” Beth nodded her head and tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Todd and Jen made their way to the harbor. Near the waterfront, a very good chowder house sat by itself. A large parking lot was filled with cars and pickup trucks. He told her it was kind of a funky place, but the food was excellent.

  Later after eating fish and chips with a bowl of chowder, they went for a little drive around the waterfront. “We have an office somewhere around here.” He told her it didn’t matter and he drove her home and left her with a kiss and hug.

  He drove to the office and picked up a message that Dennis had called and to call him back if it wasn’t too late on the west coast.

  He rang Dennis and Dennis told him he was coming to New York next weekend. Todd told him that he would stay at his apartment, but take a taxi to his building.

  Next he called Alex to see if he had time to talk for awhile. Alex said he would be right there in a few minutes. Alex knocked, came in and sat down across from Todd. He had a file folder in his hands while putting on a pair of reading glasses that were so out of character-- Todd smiled to himself.

  Alex gave a brief rundown on his progress to date. Todd listened carefully. Interjected a question or two and when he was finished, told him his fears for Jen’s house and of course grandmother’s place. Todd said he already had some things in motion and by tomorrow morning or sooner, a team would be on location at both places for twenty-four seven surveillance. Todd liked what he heard and then his phone buzzed. He picked up the phone and his secretary said, “Glenda is here.”

  “Ask her to come in.” Alex, I want you to meet someone and to work closely with her. She is our new Public Relations person.”

  Glenda came in and Todd introduced them and they all moved to the conference table and took a seat. It was not an overly large table, but big enough for eight people. Todd sat at the head of the table and Alex and Glenda found their own places to sit.

  Todd briefed them about their respective positions. He made a note to tell them that this was a start-up operation and to work closely together especially in the light of his upcoming wedding. “Nothing is more important than the protection of both Jen’s family and my grandmother’s house. Private conversations must not be overheard. Alex, please install some hi- tech equipment and sweep both places everyday for listening devices not only in the houses, but the surrounding area for long distance listening instruments.”

  Alex said, “I have a list made now and as we speak my second is out making the purchases. First thing in the morning we will sweep both neighborhoods and houses.”

  Glenda broke in and said, “I’ve called a press conference for Monday and sir, if you have time, I would like to ask you some questions.”

  “Yes, right now I have time.”

  “Alex, keep at it and keep me updated on your progress and how things are going in general. I would expect you will need to make a world wind tour of the Lincoln Group soon?”

  “Yes, soon, but I need couple weeks to put my plan in place and leave the formation and interviewing to my new second”

  “Fine, very good, now Alex, if you will excuse us, Glenda and I have some details to work out.”

  Alex took his leave and Todd thought he liked this old Marine. Old, he is only forty one, he mused. I must remember to talk to him about boating he thought to himself.

  He and Glenda spent the next hour talking about what to release to the press and what not to say. She got up and went to her office. She had a company cell and he decided to give her his private cell number. He cautioned her on its use and she hugged her file next to her chest. She would protect his image and privacy to the end. She was already a member of his team. She thought this man was powerful, but tolerate to the needs of others. Jen is a lucky woman she thought. However, my life is quite good enough for me.

  Todd wrapped up his files and stuck them in his brief case. Said good night to the secretary and left the building in search of his precious lady. He had called and told her he would pick her up and she said that if it was okay with him, they would eat dinner at her house with mom and dad. He said that was good for him and would be there in a little while.

  He called Mario from his car and caught him in his office. “What are you doing in the office so late,’ Todd asked.

  “Well I’m practicing my putting. Hot golf date tomorrow. What can I do for you?”

  He gave him the names of his new secretary and Public Relations officer and said to run a check. Private lives mainly. Mario said he would have something by Monday and they said good bye. Todd added that he would have a good golf game tomorrow?

  Mario told him he would lose on purpose as it was to his advantage to lose to some bankers. Todd chuckled and closed his phone.

  He was really starting to like Mario. Mario had an infectious air about him. He wanted to introduce Jen to him, but first he must check with grandmother about that meeting. Caution; and it is best to error on the side of caution rather than blunder into a place of no return, he thought to himself. Mario might have a down side to his character. He reminded himself to check with Alex and see if he had some covert contacts at his disposal.

  He pulled into the driveway of Jen’s house. Walked to the door as it opened and Jen gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She smelled delicious. Her hair was down and smelled like fresh flowers.

  Doctor Curtis was sitting in the family room reading a medical journal. He greeted Todd warmly and offered him a drink. Todd asked for a glass of wine and Jen left to get it for him. They both sat down and Doctor Curtis told him that Jen had discussed with him about his grandmother’s illness. Todd gave him a rundown and said the doctors from Switzerland would be arriving this coming week to run some tests on her. Todd noticed that Doctor Curtis had a serious look on his face and that told him here was a man who really cared about his patients.

  Jen brought him a glass of red wine. “Sorry, it’s not a Lincoln Vineyard.”

  He smiled and took the glass and asked her about her day. Even though he was having a serious conversation with another doctor, Todd took the time to make sure she was important in his life. That trait set him a cut above other men. She beamed at her man and told him briefly what the day was like. She made an excuse to go to the kitchen and help her mother. That left the two of them to get better acquainted.

  Doctor Curtis asked about his former practice and Todd told him about a young doctor from his former school that assumed his practice. “He'll do fine. He comes from a nice family from Boston and appears to have what's needed to be successful.”

  Jen came in and said dinner was ready. Dinner was good and Todd gave his compliments to the cook. They stayed for coffee and cake. Todd felt comfortable with Jen’s family and he wondered about Jen’s sister Jan. Was she an outcast?

  He returned to the conversation to hear Jen saying they must go now. They said their good byes and left. Todd said, “I like your parents.”

  She grabbed his arm and gave it a squeeze to her body. He felt the heat of her body and a longing to hold and kiss her.

  “Where would you like to go,’ he asked.

  “Well, believe it or not, I’m sick of shopping and would like to take a hot bath and snuggle up to you on the sofa.”

  “Sounds good to me, let me make a stop at the store for some munchies. I’m up for a game of Backgammon if you are?”

  “Prepare to lose, sucker, I’m the Backgammon queen of my sorority. How much a point? Do you have legal or crooked dice,” she laughed
and poked him in the ribs.

  He flinched and pinched her leg just above the knee inside the thigh. She took his hand and moved it higher. The heat was radiating to his hand. He brought it back to the steering wheel. “You will get us into trouble doing that,” he said with a smile on his face looking at her with pure love.


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