Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance

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Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance Page 10

by YD La Mar

  “What are you thinking about so hard over there?” I politely shake my head a little bit. “You know, I never got to ask you, how are your parents?” Isaac’s deep voice and question pulls me from my thoughts of the different ways Quasi would accidentally kill his dad.

  The feeling of dread comes over me. It’s always the same when the question comes up. Why wouldn’t it come up? It’s a normal part of conversation, talking about family and loved ones. He’s respected my privacy since I started working here, our conversations remaining on a superficial level. I’m not known to strike up a conversation about my past. Does that make me a bitch? I don’t know. I’m just not a talkative person and I thought Isaac respected that. But curiosity will always get the best of people, so I don’t blame him for his questioning after two years of working for his father.

  “Um.. both my parents are gone.” Yup. Awkward silence.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Why?

  “Don’t be. It was their time. I’ve been good on my own, especially since you were kind enough to hire me on. Thank you for that.”

  Isaac graces me with a soft smile. “So what’s a beautiful woman like you doing living on her own, anyway? How can you not be taken by now?” I’m not sure what he’s getting at. Is this flirting? Is he subliminally asking me something else? I feel my cheeks flush a bit. This is awkward.

  “Well, this woman was working her butt off for fifteen dollars an hour until this new opportunity came about.” I give him a smile back because that’s what I’m supposed to do, right? Conversations are strange. Why was it so much easier to converse with Bear? What makes him so different? Aren’t I supposed to be attracted to regular men and their normal banter?

  Moments like these, I feel broken again. Like a wrong-shaped piece dropped into the puzzle of life that has one specific shape missing to make it whole and it’s not my shape whatsoever.

  Isaac tries for more conversation and I give him answers as best as I can, but I’m just not feeling it. He must know this too, because the conversation dwindles down by the time he drops me off in front of my apartment building.

  Being the gentleman he is, he quickly gets out of the driver’s seat by the time I undo the seat buckle, he’s already opening the passenger door for me. I don’t know why I continue to blush when he’s done this a million times by now, but it’s just the strangest thing to be treated this way.

  “Thank you, Isaac. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  What is different about today? Isaac takes me by surprise when he leans down and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek before walking back to the driver’s seat. I’m left a little surprised and stunned.

  I’m walking in a daze towards my apartment, still trying to understand what led to the moment. Did I do something to cause this? Quasi almost knocks me back into the closed front door when he jumps on me with his knuckles, bringing me back into the present surroundings.

  “Hey, baby. Did you miss me?” Quasi chucks his raptor head under my chin and starts wiggling his butt.

  “You’ll never believe what happened today…”


  Sitting in my throne room, I feel the realms shift from an entrance. Amoora flashes in first, down on bended knee until Araaz flashes in right on top of her, causing her to tumble onto her horns.

  With my head leaning against my fist, I let out an exasperated sigh as I watch them resituate themselves into position before me.



  “What is it?” I’m going to lose my mind if they start speaking at the same time or echoing each other like those annoying green flying creatures found in the southern area of the human plane.

  Araaz opens his mouth to speak when Amoora slaps him upside the head inadvertently causing him to bite his own tongue. I watch as the blood slowly drips to the ground when Amoora speaks up.

  “Master, it has come to our attention that the female Reese has received courting signals from the male she works with. Well, not exactly works with, but he’s there when she works so I guess he does kind of work with her. He is with her in the room and in the car, so that means works with right? Well, Master, he was returning her to her place of residence when he opens the door to his vehicle to release her.”

  “By the blazing hells, get on with it! What are you trying to tell me?” How can it be this difficult to relay a simple message?

  Amoora screeches and after a few gulps, continues her information vomit.

  “W-Well, Master, the human male places his mouth on her face. I’ve seen this custom during my time with the lesser demon of the flesh. I think this is a sign that the male wishes to copulate with the female.”

  “WHAT?!” The ground shakes at my roar as I quickly stand to take the step down to grab both of my sprites by the neck in each of my hands.

  “What did you say? Speak clearly, little demon, or you will be the next one I devour.” My teeth already ache for the taste of flesh. I have consumed as much human flesh as I could these past human years. But human life is so fleeting that I’ve come to find it requires much more than I anticipated to be fully corporeal in the human realm.

  The sprites are choking as they try to answer me, and I tire of their struggles. Tossing them to the wall in my rage, I watch as their blood drips down the rocky cavern and the pieces of their bodies slowly start to crawl back towards itself.

  I do not like this news. This will not do.

  Flashing to Reese’s abode, I see her couch is empty. Where is this blasted female? Making my way towards her bedroom, a familiar sound comes towards me. I’m caught in a state of confusion at the sight before me. The creature jumps and knocks me back towards the couch, flipping me onto its softer side. What in the blazing hells is this?

  Gripping the creature by its long neck, I keep it arm’s length away, turning it about to inspect the sight before me. Do my eyes deceive me? Why does this creature look like one of my lesser demons having snuck around to taste the pleasures of the flesh...of a hellhound? I have a feeling I know exactly which lesser demon it was as well by the look of the creature's markings currently glowing the same color as his eyes.

  Flashing back to my realm, I keep a tight hold on the creature’s neck as I pull an internal call to Asmore.

  He flashes before me with his cock attached to the ass of a damn human male soul. Why is it so difficult to find good workers in these realms? What is it about my kingdom that calls to the worthless demons? Where do all the good demons go? Who is taking them off the market?

  “Asmore!” His gangly body stiffens as he groans out his finish in the soul. The golden patterns on his neck and back glowing with his climax.

  When he pulls his cock out, the human soul screams in pain as the demon cock rips his back entrance with its serrated spikes. Staring at the atrocity before me, I notice the young human male already has his cock and balls savagely removed. Good, this male known as Cameron deserves everything he receives. I watch as the soul dissipates back to its original chamber to await its next torture session.

  Asmore shakes himself in a full-body shudder before he turns to respond. “Yes, Mas-”

  His eyes widen as he gazes upon the creature still in my grip, wriggling for all it’s worth.

  “What is the meaning of this, Asmore?” I catch the look of guilt across his face before he schools his features. The promiscuous and lustful fool.

  “Ah...well, it was a dry spell, you see. We weren’t getting enough souls to go around in the … chamber I was working in. I was walking out in the field to take a piss and..ah…”

  “Blasted hellfire. Stop your rambling. I do not wish to hear any more. Did you not think to look and see if you sired a damn litter of these things? Why did you not pull out Asmore?!”

  “Ah...well... You see... I was in the lust haze, Master, and ah… another hellhound came by smelling the other hound in heat..and uh... It became an orgy of sorts; you see…” Asmore is scratching his bald head with one hand as his other hand
starts to tug on his rising cock. What is this nonsense? Why can this fool never keep control of that thing?

  Reese’s little hands rip off my cloak right before she bites my shoulder with her full force, her small body pressed up against my own. The heat of her, the softness of her skin. I feel the blasted phallus between my legs react. Does this thing have a mind of its own? Why is it doing that? Why does it enjoy what this little human is doing with her teeth?

  When her hot little pink tongue licks the bite mark she inflicts, my cock becomes fully erect and my mind becomes a little light. Is she bewitching me? Why can I not think straight?

  When the soft breath of her whisper reaches my ear, my hard cock takes over my rational mind.

  “Bear, you are fucking mine. You’ve been in me and you’re fucking stuck with me. I need you so bad, I’m so fucking horny for you.” My teeth grind together in an effort to control my body’s reaction, but nothing can stop me from shoving the hard cock between my legs into her waiting hole. It calls to me. It beckons me to enter its rightful place. I growl in frustration and newly unrestrained need as I grab onto her small frame and plunder her with a force I can’t seem to control. The thought angers me. The fact that I am not in control.

  My body seems to have a mind of its own as I chase something I don’t seem to understand. The tension in my gut increases as my hips drive into her with more urgency. Groaning into her soft shoulder, my eyes burn with hellfire as the cock between my legs releases the pressure it was holding back. I feel weakened. My rational mind coming back to the forefront tells me I should be suspicious of this. Why does she weaken me? Was this all a ploy? What does this human have in store for my kingdom? Have I become a fool to a simple human female?

  The memory plays behind my eyes in the slowest of motions like it was only a moment passed. The curse of the hedonistic demon I devoured is now coming to life and rising at the thought of Reese’s soft body against mine.

  My anger flares as I toss the abomination in my grip behind me. I roar at Asmore and his fondling for triggering a memory I should have buried deeper. Asmore, being the demon he is, glows gold as he releases his climax on the ground right before he flashes out of my presence.

  I grind my teeth in frustration at his quick thinking, my jaws slowly closing itself back. It would not be good for me to lose my temper once more and devour a demon of lust. My mind is already out of my control, my rage overpowering my rational thoughts.

  Flashing to the large body of water that holds vehicles that float on the waters in the human realm, my scythe reaps the souls of a sinking rectangular metal box containing the lives of fifty human females and unborn children who have been trapped inside during transport. The human trading of their own kind gone awry. I do not waste the opportunity to devour the entire container of dying flesh, down to the last female who is with child.

  I feel the itch of my own flesh crossing over my frame right before I flash back.


  I couldn’t find Quasi when I came out of the shower. That’s strange. I wonder where he went off to? He probably has some demon pup things to do for all I know. Maybe he’s a guardian of something? Thinking about his coordination, I take that back. That pup wouldn't be able to guard anything. He’d probably chase something sideways and fall over a cliff. What a horrible way to go. It’s a good thing he’s a demon pup because that means he can’t die, right? How sad would that be? I’d be devastated. I hope he’s alright. My anxiety over his possible death dies down the more I think about what he is. I mean, he lasted this long before meeting me. I’m sure he’ll find his way back, right?

  Getting dressed and ready for bed, giving my Quasi the benefit of the doubt, I think back on the day. What was going on in Isaac’s mind? What does it mean? Was it something innocent? Did it mean something more? I suck at this people relation stuff. I can’t seem to read anything correctly thanks to dear old Daddy making my life a living hell. I never was able to experience the normal things teenage children were supposed to experience.

  I climb into bed to lie down, feeling a little sad that my pup isn’t here to share it with me. Another new experience for me. Hopefully, those stupid like demon babies found him and are taking care of him for me in the meantime.

  Thinking of experiences makes me think of Bear and my heart constricts. Why? Why does my heart still react so? I need to get him out of my head. The ache in my heart is enough to last me two lifetimes. It’s been well over a decade and the hurt still feels like it just happened yesterday.

  Closing my eyes, I feel my tears dripping onto my pillow before I succumb to sleep.

  Isaac picked me up at 6:00 am today, about thirty minutes earlier than usual. He texted me and gave me an hour’s heads up at least, allowing me to get ready before he arrived.

  Yawning into the back of my hand as I get into the passenger seat, Isaac chuckles under his breath from the passenger door.

  “I know it’s early for you, Reese. I just wanted to take you out to breakfast, is all. You’ve been working so hard with my father; you never take the time out for yourself. So that’s what we’re doing today. I hired a temp for today.” Isaac closes my door and walks over to the driver’s side. My eyes are blinking rapidly as I try to dismantle the bomb he just dropped on me. He hired a temp? Why would he do that? What does this mean? Am I not doing a good enough job? Am I going to get fired? I need this job!

  When Isaac situates himself and closes his door, I turn to him.

  “Why would you do that? What did I do wrong? Am I being fired? Is this a soft way of firing me? By taking me out to breakfast? I swear I’ll try harder! I need his job, Isaac!” My heart is racing. Just when my life was going smoothly, don’t do this to me!

  “Woah, honey. Slow down a bit. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He’s chuckling again and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Is he joking right now? He’s lying, that’s why he’s laughing at me!

  I must look like my head is about to explode, because that’s exactly how it feels. Isaac places both of his hands on either of my shoulders as he starts breathing in and out slowly, wanting me to follow suit. His hands are warm, and the pressure grounds me.

  I do just that. I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth until the erratic beating of my heart starts to slow to a steady rhythm.

  “There. That’s better. Now let’s try this again. You’re not getting fired Reese, I wouldn’t dream of it. In fact, my father would probably rip me a new one from his hospital bed if I even thought of it. I just want to take you out today, do something good for you for all the good you’ve done for me. Is that okay?”

  The tears that were in my eyes from earlier start to fall down my cheeks. I don’t know how to respond to this. I don’t know what I am supposed to feel. I feel confused, and I feel relieved. Why couldn’t he just give me a gift card or something? Why go through all of this for me? In fact, that’s exactly what I ask him.

  “Isaac. I don’t need all of this. I can work. Just give me a gift card and call it a day.” Simple solution.

  Isaac takes his hands off my shoulder to throw his head back and laugh. His laugh doesn’t end even after he starts the car and begins to drive out onto the road.

  “Reese, this is why I love your company. I never know what to expect from you. You don’t react like any woman I’ve ever known...and that is such a refreshing thing.” He smiles a bright smile at me after telling me this. What does this mean? Is this a good thing? Or does this just furthers my theory of me being not normal? If it's not a good thing, why is he smiling like that?

  Our conversation ends until we reach a cute little diner that reminds me of the old shows I used to watch at home in black and white.

  Isaac opens my door and does something else that catches me by surprise. He holds my hand as we both walk into the restaurant. It makes me think of my childhood. It makes me think of Bear.

  Once we’re seated inside, he continues to hold my hand in a warm, firm grip until we bo
th sit down.

  We both order a simple meal and the conversation starts flowing again. More so from Isaac’s side.

  He’s learned to not ask much about my past or my family and instead chooses to ask about my likes and dislikes. I answer as best as I can. Some of these things I don’t even have an answer to because I never really thought much about it. Isaac seems to laugh when my answers are short. What is so funny? I do kind of like the way his brown eyes sparkle when he laughs, though. He gets these little crow’s feet that make him look more appealing.

  Am I really thinking this? Thinking of someone other than Bear as appealing? I smile at the appropriate times, but my mind is going over other things. Like why does it hurt to think that I’m checking out other people? Why does it feel like I’m betraying Bear? I shouldn’t feel that way at all, since he’s the one that left me hanging all those years ago. Yes, he showed up out of the blue when I was on a date with Josh. Snuck in there like a damn snake as he stole another kiss from me. My cheeks heat up at the thought of the kiss, despite the lips belonging to someone else. Why does it affect me so much? It was the first time he initiated something with me. It was strangely empowering and flattering. But my heart...my heart just can’t forgive the way he left me.


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