Fury (Heaven Hill Generations Book 3)

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Fury (Heaven Hill Generations Book 3) Page 4

by Laramie Briscoe

  I drop my hands to her hair, tangling them in the long strands, trying to prevent myself from pressing too deep into her mouth. I know what I need but I also know she has limits, and after waiting this long, I don’t want to press those limits. A loud moan rips from my throat as her tongue works the underside, before coming up to rim my head. “Fuck yeah.” I manage to push those words out from a tight throat.

  Tilting my head back against the wall (we don’t have a headboard anymore, because we woke our girls up with it banging), I close my eyes and enjoy my wife’s lips and tongue. She sucks deep, causing me to lift my hips toward her face. “Oh my God.” I open my mouth, panting before I bring my head up, watching what she’s doing. “Feels so good. Mouth is as hot as your pussy, wet too,” I whisper. “Is your pussy as wet as your mouth, baby?”

  “Mmm hmmm,” she moans, not letting go of my cock.

  “Come up here and let me see.”

  Reluctantly she lets go, before coming up on her knees beside me. Sitting up straight, I lean in, grabbing a nipple between my teeth, before swirling my tongue around the hot nub. Slipping my hand in between her legs, I use my middle finger to slide against her pussy. “You’re drenched. You need this tonight, love?”

  Her eyes are closed and she’s rocking against my finger, trying to get better contact. “Yes,” she answers before moving her hands up to her tits, squeezing her nipples in between her fingers. I rotate my thumb on her clit before slowly letting my finger slide home. We both moan as I feel her muscles grip me.

  “I need you,” she gasps out, widening her hips, allowing me to seat deeper inside.

  Our eyes meet when she opens hers, a collision of passion in between the two of us. Heat, passion, and something special we’ve always had. With a groan I slide my finger out, using my other hand to push my jeans and boxer briefs down my legs. Once those are kicked off the bed, I reach behind me and pull my shirt over my head. Then I’m grabbing her around the waist, turning her over, and settling her ass against my abs. My cock fits right in the middle. Her skin rubbing against my hard member is almost enough to get me firing off right here, right now.

  “Shit,” she squeaks as I use her soaked pussy lips to masturbate myself against her. She’s loud, panting, moaning as I rock against her, setting a punishing rhythm.

  One of my hands goes to her lips, tapping them for entrance, the other one hauls her back against me as I take to my knees on the bed. I’m holding her in my lap, running my dick against her wetness while she’s sucking on one of my fingers and my other one is caressing her hard clit. Her nub is so hard, straining, just like we are, trying to find the point where it explodes.

  My mouth is buried in her neck, nipping, kissing, letting myself be taken away on this wild ride the two of us haven’t been on in so long. Feeling a bit depraved I shove two more fingers in her mouth, and Charity? She takes them, swirling her tongue around them, sucking deeply, moaning as I remove my hand from her clit, resting it just above her pussy. I give my cock a few more strokes before I tap against her clit with the flat of my hand. She bucks, a strangled moan is held back by my fingers in her mouth. That sends her wild in my arms.

  She’s biting against my fingers, fighting against my strong hold. Taking me faster and faster to the end of this before I even get inside her. I can feel it, the tension in her body mounting and mounting. It’s then I decide not to give her a reprieve from the tapping at her clit. I continue, even when she moans, using her hands to try and pry mine away. She’s trying to pull her mouth free, and I know my wife. If she were uncomfortable with this, she’d knock the shit out of me. What’s going on here is that she’s feeling too much, she’s going to explode, but it’s going to be hard and she’s not going to be able to control it. Something she absolutely hates. She’d rather be in control of times like this. Instead, this time, I’ve got her right where I want her.

  Charity pitches forward, bringing her own hand up to cover her mouth as she comes in a full-body orgasm. Right when she starts pulsing I shove my cock in, wet and full, ready to let go myself. I make it one, two, three fucking strokes and then I’m in heaven as I jerk inside her heat. Once, twice, three times I jerk, feeling my balls tighten up against my ass.

  We fall to the bed in a tumble of legs, arms, heat, and panting breaths. When we somewhat recover, she glances at me and giggles.

  “I think I need another shower.”

  “Maybe I’d like to know you feel me inside you tomorrow.” I reach down, flicking her clit again.

  She closes her eyes, relishing the touch. “Trust me when I say I’ll be feeling this for days to come.”

  Getting up, she walks halfway across the room, before turning around. “Wash my back?”

  I grin, getting up to follow her. “Don’t mind if I do.”

  She giggles as I chase her, throwing her over my shoulder. Little do I know, that will be the last night we smile for a long time.

  Chapter Six


  “What’s with the grin on your face?”

  I glance up at Mandy, not able to keep the grin from turning into a wide smile. “Had a great night with my husband.” I laugh as she grimaces.

  “Please remember he’s my twin brother, and he used to annoy me by telling me that everyone I fuck is someone he fucks too, because of our twin connection.” She rolls her eyes. “He thought that would keep me from sleeping with guys in high school. Ha! Joke’s on him.”

  I snort, crossing my legs with a slight smirk. “He’s always been overprotective of the women in his life. Doesn’t matter who they are to him, he’s going to be one hundred percent annoying about it.”

  Mandy cuts her eyes to the side, a grin on her face. Leaning forward she brushes her hair behind her ear as she organizes things on her desks. She’s almost OCD about it, and as her boss, I can’t help but approve.

  “I feel bad for the girls when they start to date.”

  The thought makes me shudder. I reach into my bag, pulling my planner out. It’s almost too big to carry around, but I have a lot of people to keep organized. “You know my house is going to be a war zone when that happens. They’re already so independent in how they think.”

  “They learned that from you.”

  Thinking back to my childhood, I had to be independent. There was no other choice. While sometimes I wished that things could be easier, I realize now those hard times made me who I am today.

  It makes me proud that I’ve been able to give my girls the life I always wanted. Granted it’s not always perfect, but Drew and I love them, they never question it. Not like I did as a kid. There were so many nights I wondered why my mom had me. She obviously hadn’t been ready for it. Today, we have a better relationship, but it’s taken us years to get there.

  Honestly, it took me having the twins to understand her and the sacrifices she made for me. She did the best she could. I appreciate that now as an adult.

  “I hope nobody ever tries to take their independence away from them.”

  Mandy snorts, smacking her desk loudly with her palm, giggling.

  “Pretty sure Harley would kick someone in the shins who did that, and while Justice would silently cry, she’d get even too. It would just take her time to get over it. Her plan would be deliberate and it would obliterate anyone in her path.”

  I giggle along with her, an affectionate smile spreading across my face. “You’ve just described them perfectly.”

  The two of us are quiet as we go about beginning our day. My email is overflowing, and I’m not sure how it gets that way. I make sure and clean it out every night before I go home. One thing I’m good at is prioritizing; I segment things daily so I’m getting the most important things done, and then leaving what isn’t pressing for when I have the time to devote.

  A couple of emails are from the district court, letting me know some of my court dates have moved. One of them is when I was hoping to take a small vacation with Drew, if he would allow it. Wrinkling my nose, I move
the dates over to my reminders and my google calendar. It’s always something keeping us from spending time together. I sigh, knowing it won’t be this way for long, but damn if it isn’t annoying.

  “I have to drop these off at the courthouse, so I’m gonna make a run down to Harper’s on my way back. You want anything?” Mandy asks as she holds paper work we need to physically file in her hands.

  “Yeah, a coffee, and if she’s got any cinnamon rolls left, I’ll take one.” I reach into my purse, handing her some money.

  “You know your money isn’t good with me,” she teases.

  “You know I’ll still give it to you anyway.”

  She tilts her head to the side, holding out her hand. “Don’t think I didn’t notice last year you gave me a bonus that added up to all the food and coffee I bought you.”

  My face heats because I got caught. “I am who I am, Mandy. You know how I felt growing up, with my mom and I accepting handouts from everyone. I swore to myself I’d never be there again. If anything, I would be the one doing the handing out to people who need it.”

  “I know,” she answers. “This is a pride thing with you, and I get it. Remember where I came from. You know…before Liam.”

  With those words she pockets the bill I held out to her, leaving the office while pulling her sunglasses down over her face. When I have clients in the building, I go to my own office, but for the most part I get too lonely in there by myself, so Mandy and I share this common area most days.

  Emails blur together for me, but I do my best to give each one the attention it deserves. I’m going along with the status quo until I get to one with the label confidential. In my line of work, I get more than my share of these, but it’s an email address I don’t recognize, and when I open it, I gasp loudly.

  Not much elicits an actual physical reaction from me. In the thirty-plus years I’ve been alive, I’ve been through a lot. Not any more or any less than anyone else, because we all have our own journeys, but this shakes me to my core.

  My hands are trembling as I reach into my bag, pulling out a burner phone Drew gave me back when all this started. As I’m about to send him a message, I think twice about it. The message on my computer screen is the same size as any other email, but it’s huge in its own way. The implications are enough to bring tears to my eyes.

  Instead of texting him, I pick up my office phone, dialing his cell. My knee jumps up and down as it feels like an eternity before he answers. In reality, it just connected and only started ringing.

  “Hey baby,” he answers after the first ring. His voice is comforting, warm and deep, the smile evident from the tone. It sounds like he’s having a good day, and I hate I’m the one who’s going to ruin that for him.

  I hold that comfort to my chest tightly. More than anything right now, I want to feel his arms wrap around me. Feel the warmth of his body against mine, know I’m protected when he’s around. Right now, I don’t feel safe, I feel weirdly exposed, and because of those feelings, my voice gives me away when I speak to him.

  “I need you to come jump my SUV,” I say the words as clearly as I can to him.

  “Are you sure? You can’t just call Triple A?” he asks just as clearly. I know what he’s asking, and I know he probably thinks I’m overreacting, but deep in my stomach, I feel the dread.

  “It’s dead.”

  He inhales sharply and very deeply. “I’ll be right there. Lock it up and wait for me. I love you.”

  I hate doing this, but I turn the surveillance system on to a pre-recorded loop that will last twenty-four hours if need be. Knowing that I’m alone in the office, with nobody watching out for me is disconcerting, but it’s an evil we have to face.

  Quickly sending a text to Mandy to go ahead and take the rest of the day because I’m having car problems, I run to the front and back of my office building, locking both doors. Since there was an attack when Mandy was pregnant, we’ve also installed bars that lower across the doors, shades that offer some protection on the windows. Going back to the front, I flip the sign over to closed, close the shades, and then take a seat behind my desk, pulling my knees up to my chest. Tears prick against the back of my eyes. There’s no pretending I’m a tough girl, not when I’m scared to death, so I let them fall. They slide down my cheeks, before I reach up and wipe them away furiously. My stomach cramps with fear. It’s a physical effort to push back the bile that threatens to come up in my throat. I hate being scared, knowing there’s nothing that can be done right now.

  Rocking back and forth, I rub my wedding ring, wanting nothing more than for Drew to get here. Wanting his arms around me, the strong presence of his steadiness.

  He’ll be here soon. It’s a mantra I repeat until I almost believe it.

  Chapter Seven


  My heart thunders in my chest as I try to walk as normally as possible to my bike. Honestly, I want to run to it faster than I ran the length of the football field back in my high school days.

  “You headin’ out?” Dalton yells from across the parking lot.

  “Charity’s SUV is dead, I’m going to give it a jump.”

  Not many people in our lives know what this phrase means. We did it on purpose after the attacks. Dalton is one of those people.

  “She call Triple A?”

  I give him a jerky nod. “Completely dead.”

  He nods, but I can see him swallow, even from where I stand. “I can’t help you right now, but I’ll call Liam or Tyler and see if they’ve got anything going on today. You know those two old coots, they look for anything to do these days.”

  “I’d appreciate it.”

  Knowing I have my dad and Tyler coming as backup helps me to calm down slightly. But only slightly. I make the fifteen-minute drive in five, thankful I didn’t encounter any of Warren County’s finest on my way. Parking in the back, I hop off my bike before I’ve even finished turning it off. I almost lay the damn thing down, the only thing stopping me is the fact me and Dad built this bike together. It means almost as much to me as the woman in the office.

  “It’s me, Char.” I bang on the door.

  It takes what feels like a million years for me to hear her voice. It’s not the strong voice I’m used to, it’s one tinged with fear. “How’s the weather?” Her voice shakes.

  “Cloudy with a chance of ice later on today.”

  It takes her a moment, but she flings the door open, throwing herself into my arms. I catch her, but before I allow my arms to go around her, I push us through the doorway and safely into the building. Kissing her on the forehead, I extricate myself from her arms, before turning around, re-bolting the door.

  “God, I was scared to death.” I pick her up in my arms after I’m done.

  She wraps both her legs and arms around me, holding on tightly. “Me too,” she sobs. I can hear them, can feel the wetness on my neck, where she’s buried her face.

  “I wondered if you would remember the phrases we concocted after the attacks.” She sniffles, breathing heavily against my skin.

  Rubbing my hand up and down her back, I do my best to soothe her. “Would I remember them? Babe, they are fucking branded into my brain. You never have to worry about that.”

  “Did Dalton go get Mandy? I sent her her message too, but I wasn’t sure if she got it or not. She was in the courthouse.” She pulls back, unwrapping herself from around my body.

  When I put her back down on her feet, she runs her hands under her eyes. “Yeah, he was on his way when I left. He contacted Dad and Tyler for me. They should be here soon. So I want to wait until they get here before we take a look at whatever it is that’s got you so scared.”

  She nods. It breaks my heart as I see the mascara smudged under her eyes, the black streaks down her cheeks. “Why don’t you go get yourself cleaned up, take some deep breathes. Things are going to be fine, Charity. Nothing and nobody is going to hurt you when I’m here. You can relax.”

  “I have a feeling this person
could do whatever they want to, Drew.” She sniffs again. “But I’m gonna go wash my face off.”

  When she leaves, I do my best to keep my anger and fear under control. Fear because I still don’t know who this foe is, anger because somehow my wife has been pulled into this. Seeing her upset kills me, especially this upset. Charity isn’t a crier, she’s not the type of person to let things get to her in that way, especially not after her childhood. It takes a lot to spook her, and it’s very obvious she’s spooked.

  A loud knock at the back door puts me on alert. “Drew, it’s us.” I would recognize my dad’s voice anywhere, but one thing I’ve learned is I can’t trust anybody. Not when I think someone in the club could be doing things to harm us.

  “How’s the weather?” I ask through the steel reinforced material.

  “Cloudy with a fuckin’ chance of ice. Let us in.”

  A small grin spreads across my face and I snort before I open the door, letting them in. “You aren’t supposed to add your own twist on the phrase,” I bitch as the two men crowd into the back hallway.

  “It’s the stupidest phrase I’ve ever heard in my damn life,” Dad complains.

  “Which is why it’s a good phrase,” Tyler argues as he reaches out to shake my hand.

  “Thank you.” I nod at him. “At least one of you understands.”

  “Oh, I understand,” Dad grumbles. “I understand it’s fucking stupid. We need something better.”

  I breathe harshly putting my hands on my hips. “The people who matter know the damn phrase already, so you can get over it.” I point to my cut. “When I got this patch, it kinda meant I can do what I want.”

  “Don’t try me, Drew.” Dad stands nose to nose with me, and honestly, I’m a little scared, but it’s a good thing to respect your elders.

  “He’s right.” Tyler puts his hand on dad’s shoulder. “You did give up the pres patch.”

  “Jesus Christ.” He turns to Tyler. “Why did I bring you again?”


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