The Solar Doctrine

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by Miguel A. Fernandez

any other citizen who lives in today´s modern cities shall attain in this story, myth, legend -or whatever you prefer to call it- the knowledge of the Solar Warrior Doctrine, which shall abruptly change his life, rendering ultimately this normal, relatively dreary and comfortable lifestyle into an expansion of power, energy and light.

  But what is actually the Solar Warrior Doctrine? At the end of the adventure undertaken, Arthur shall perfectly realize what it is all about… But in the same way that at first we encounter considerable difficulties when it comes to define who Arthur is, we also have quite similar difficulties when defining in principle what the Solar Doctrine actually is, since whenever we intend to conceptually seize it, it capriciously escapes from the very constructions of language… And however, we can still point out a series of principles and foundations that characterize the Solar Doctrine.

  In the first place, it corresponds to an Internal Doctrine. In historic, prehistoric and mythological times, the golden thread of sacred teachings have always acquired an expression as internal doctrines, which briefly means that one can only attain the knowledge of oneself and of the Doctrine by means of a work or opus that acts upon the interior. Thus, an Internal Doctrine, and in this particular case the Solar Doctrine has nothing to do with “manifestos”, nor “political doctrines”, nor religions, nor ideologies.

  Arthur, as we shall see in a while, and as it might appear when superficially approaching his life, hardly could ever correspond to someone who could be suspected to be the “chosen one” in order to receive the Doctrine. In point of fact, Arthur corresponds 24/7 to an individual who lacks vigor, who lacks initiative, who is dominated by the most absolute passivity, weight problems, self-medicating tendencies, who enjoys sitting on the couch drinking cans of beer, watching T.V, who spends 3 hours a day browsing the Internet on social networks (Facebook, etc) and who shows in general quite an indecisive and servile attitude towards his wife Helena… So… Can this individual be considered the “chosen one” that all sacred traditions recall one way or another? At a first sight, it is natural that we just remain skeptical about such possibility. Yet appearances are just that: appearances; and the previous description merely corresponds to one of the possible forms of manifestation of the mysterious Arthur who we intend to go on a quest through this little story, and whose particular life -as soon as he gets in touch with the Solar Doctrine- shall immediate and irreversibly line up to that of the legendary heroes of all time and space.

  In spite of all the profound breakthroughs that occurred during the History of the West, the East, in addition to two World Wars and countless other meaningful events, the Solar Doctrine has survived and “surfed” all these events, and is still present nowadays as it has been during other moments in History. The possibility of human beings getting in touch with it… Well… That is quite another history, or speaking with a higher sense of rigor: quite another myth or legend…

  In truth, the Solar Doctrine always has had the virtue of staying away from importunate hands, of camouflaging, of disguising itself… Seducing like the woman who in the center of the cosmos dances the “dance of the seven veils” the Doctrine also suggests its deepest contents, yet very seldom becomes exposed, even though it is always present everywhere and nowhere. Actually, the men of our times, covered since childhood with countless and varied veils of illusion, would end up falling into a deep and desolating abyss if all the veils of illusion built consciously for years became suddenly removed; then the cosmic powers would drag such men towards anarchic dissolution and absolute dissipation. Hence, for instance, in the medieval Grail legends the circumstance is presented many times that the very same vision of the Grail is unbearable for the vile, the liars, the impure and all those who are stained by feelings of guilt. On the table of Joseph of Arimathea, for instance, the so-called “challenge of the vessel” and the act of “drinking from the substance of the Grail” can have both miraculous and self-destructive effects, depending on the value of the aspiring Solar Warrior, in correspondence to his Honor and inner qualification… In more modern times the Solar Doctrine became expressed very fragmentally in the most diverse esoteric and occult currents that in general proliferated in the Anglo-Saxon West, and yet none of the representatives or promoters of such schools reached the demands that the ineffable Doctrine demanded from them…

  But let´s go back to Arthur, our good old Arthur who -as previously pointed out- we don´t know exactly who he is. Nevertheless the latter issue doesn´t impede us in trying a brief approach to what in general is called Arthur´s “personality”… So, let´s suppose that we are presented with “Arthur” facing reality and the universe: a subject facing the object.

  If by chance you don´t know or either don´t recall it, I´ll explain to you very briefly that in the case of modern philosophy based on the assumptions of transcendent or absolute idealism that became to a large extent affirmed in the 18th century thanks to Hegel and Immanuel Kant, the existence was postulated of an abstract and thinking “I” capable of acquiring a knowledge of the objects of the universe based on foundations or categories such as space, time and causality… Hence, let´s suppose we are faced with Arthur, Phd Professor at CSIC… This individual while working as a scientist is forced to create an abstraction of himself which is called “Arthur the scientist and researcher”. The experience that “Arthur the scientist and researcher” shall have of the universe will have to be ultimately expressed in physical, chemical and mathematical symbols. So, if we base our assumptions on those of transcendental absolute idealism, the only kind of knowledge that Arthur can gain is thus that of “Arthur the scientist and researcher”, subjected to restrictions and laws existent within the microcosms he relates to in his laboratory.

  Ok… Everything looks ideal… Everything looks predictable… Everything looks scientific… Yet once all philosophies are left aside, on the 21st November 2014, and once the workday is finished, “Arthur the scientist and researcher” arrives home and is suddenly transformed into “Arthur of flesh and blood” (middle-aged man, 6 ft 2 in, 250 lb, melancholic character, humble origin, etc). And as soon as he opens his home´s door he receives immediately an insult on the part of Helena, because of arriving twenty minutes late.

  -You´re a fucking jerk Arthur! Once again you´ve arrived late!! -she shouted.

  Facing this situation, the trascendentalist philosophers would assure us that the rage and sadness experienced by “Arthur of flesh and blood” in no case can constitute knowledge since it cannot be defined based on the ideal categories of space, time and causality, contrarily of course to all the bacteria and fungus he researches in the microbial physiology and biochemistry department of the CSIC, whose laws and behavior do adjust pretty well do such categories…

  And even though at a first glance we can accept that there are resemblances between Arthur´s life and that of a fungus, let´s see what attributes actually distinguish both living beings…

  We must already point out that the Solar Doctrine implicitly assumes that the subject “Arthur” is always free to chose to apply his will to “Arthur the scientist and researcher” or rather to “Arthur of flesh and blood”. In other words, that an individual is always entrusted with the freedom of choosing among an abstract “I” or a more actual “I”. Therefore, if the subject “Arthur” is identified with an abstract “I” such as “Arthur the scientist and researcher”, this consciousness will be projected within his activity in the laboratory, and he´ll passively follow specific protocols, rules, systems and intrinsic methods of the department he works for, being capable of eventually gaining a knowledge necessarily embedded by an abstract and impersonal character, for which he is paid regularly like clockwork. In addition, as a necessary counterpart such passivity has the identification with a “Social I”, that is, with “Arthur, Phd working for a prestigious university department”. This link of our Arthur with a “Social I” also implies for him highly predictable and determined experiences with his coworkers; that i
s: dinners, congresses and conferences, where the spontaneity of “Arthur of flesh and blood” is in general under strict control and becomes quite conspicuous by its absence.

  Arthur´s wife, Helena, is very happy when joining “Arthur, Phd working for the prestigious CSIC” at all social-life events, and feels as well very fulfilled as a wife when supporting “Arthur, Phd working for the prestigious CSIC” during all social commitments. In truth, the day they married, she exclusively promised eternal love to “Arthur, Phd working for the prestigious CSIC” in a wedding that consisted of a civil ceremony with almost two hundred guests. In addition, Helena kept always hopeful that someday she would succeed in changing “Arthur of flesh and blood”, that is, to change the individual who was slightly apathetic, indecisive, not very sexually active, and who tirelessly watches T.V. contests and NFL matches while drinking gallons of beer sitting on the couch. Actually, Helena was never attracted to Arthur´s passivity nor his lack of initiative, yet it was precisely such passivity and lack of initiative that

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