The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 10

by Miguel A. Fernandez

advertisement industry ended up being so sophisticated and efficient after many decades of research on the part of States and governments of mass psychology, that most of the habitants of the developed countries considered themselves happy and lucky to live under such conditions.

  Yet underneath the masks, a hideous coldness, a “cool” form of spectacular coldness impregnated the human face with the spontaneity and brilliance of the eyes almost completely lacking. It all consisted of a crepuscule of the noblest human virtues and the ultimate rebellion of the machines integrated in the Techno-system against the soul of men.

  Consequently, the Techno-System assisted astray humanity as an artificial respirator and heart pacemaker, since the whole of peoples and nations of the planet had already lost in the matter of a few centuries their center and Destiny, thus precipitating inevitably towards the precipice thanks to the narcotic of happiness and comfort… So this implied that as happy sheep, a very considerable proportion of humanity was totally unconcerned with the fact that essentially they were happily integrated in what ultimately was not more than a planetary slaughterhouse with very clean and colorful facilities, since insufflated by propaganda, ideologies, show-business and the solemn spectacle of two-party politics, nobody could nor wanted to see what as going on or who was actually “conducting the train” and the final cliff that was approaching…

  And in effect, along an ominous time-span that goes from 2015 to 2020 there occurred a concatenation of events that made the whole Techno-System abruptly collapse, immediately sweeping along all institutions, individuals and nations that had found shelter in such structure while it enhanced their own development. The first serious signs of alarm suddenly appeared in the financial sub-system, first in 2007 but much more intensely in 2015, when the global debt of all nations, and States of the planet with the incessant need of development on the part of the Techno-System became impossible to repay, and as occurs in the case of all non-paid debts there were lots of victims… Therefore the lack of global financial liquidity in order to catalyze the incessant development of the Techno-System gave way to an avalanche surge of bankruptcies in the financial markets and in the technological and energy corporations, yet the deep motive of this abrupt catastrophe was the unsustainable nature of the incessant development of the Techno-System itself in a planet of limited dimensions and finite resources, a development which is extremely intensive in energy production. And yet the decline of the energy returns at a global level became fatal for the system, causing in the year 2025 the energetic conditions on a planetary basis to be practically equivalent to those of the Middle-Ages. This inevitably had dramatic consequences for the world population that are better to not outline here in order to not make such depictions to be too disturbing for the reader.

  In less than two decades the planet was devastated and the population highly decimated, all coupled to the disastrous effects of climate change. The population was mostly traumatized and in a deep state of shock; many desired to go back to “the good old days” yet many others constantly asked themselves what had actually gone wrong… In any case, most of the people lived with what they could, hopeless and with no illusions, since the party was definitely over.

  But still some very few men succeeded in keeping up the hope and the faith in their destiny, recovering the virtue of men when evolving from the most cataclysmic civilization processes. For already emerging from the ruins of an unsustainable technological civilization, these men, these warriors, were inspired and motivated by the legend that was told of a man, Arthur the Great, who it was said had fought against the SuperDragon beast, and had bravely released from the cybernetic tentacles of the Techno-System, finding his own salvation for all eternity while saving his people. Some said that the so-called Arthur had incarnated the spirit of the Solar Warrior that emerges cyclically in human history when the ages of darkness come to their end, while others considered that all those speculations were false since there were no facts that demonstrated such assumptions… But in any case, the legend of Arthur persisted for millennia, a legend that affirmed that once upon a time there existed a man who had defeated the great beast with huge courage, by making use of the miraculous techniques of a Doctrine that they were willing to rescue, by combat, from the ashes and destruction.

  A new vision of Evil

  The reading of “The Solar Doctrine” was little by little introducing Arthur into an ascending spiral of perception where his vision started to float upon reality and become introduced into the most unexpected realms, precisely those domains where the authentic existential combat of his life was taking place… But this, that at first might be considered to be positive, was really very difficult to bare in practical terms, since the more his vision was ascending to the heavens, the more manifest became the hellish forces that conditioned him and continuously stalked him, without, in most occasions, he even being capable of handling such powers.

  This caused the perception of his entire life, and that of his immediate life to be deeply disrupted… Even the most recent experience of being hospitalized due to the heart attack was perceived by him through new eyes thanks to the Doctrine, even though he would never be capable of explaining this “clinical history” to the doctors…

  For in the following pages shall be told the true story of his heart attack, this is, one of the most bloody and sinister battles that have ever been known in saga and legend through all times…

  In chronological times we are in 2014; in mythical times, in eternity. Arthur´s body, exactly the same as the body of millions of other individuals piled up in the huge megalopolis of planet earth, was composed inside of a viscous, miserable and toxic compendium of all kind of strange and monstrous elements, that brought to the mind the ominous polluted condition of the rivers, forests and oceans of the same time. Yet such elements not only lived in the insides of the so-called “human body” due to the medicines and genetically modified biological products that he took on a daily basis, but the monstrosity itself had even spread into the external domain of his body. In reality, while sitting down in the coach of his private cubicle, hundreds of serpentine appendages connected his body to hell, providing him with the sufficient energy to live, while feeding him with highly processed, sugar-based and industrial food. And if already this image of Arthur´s body wasn´t terrifying enough, let´s add to this that his right arm and his legs were amputated, and instead of lower and upper extremities having organic tissues, there emerged rather bionic arms and legs having cybernetic parts efficiently connected to the mechanisms and laws of a planetary technological system, so he was ultimately incapable of having complete control upon these extremities unless he recharged their batteries. And just as any other individual of the same time, in general the process of cybernetic battery charging of his arms and legs took place during the so-called “entertainment” process. Hence, during these specific processes, hundreds of wires and conducts of electronic and cathodic beams were plugged in to his brain, introducing in his subconscious entertaining psychic contents that relieved him from the pain caused in his joints because of the abrupt coupling between his nerves and the electronic conducts of his cybernetic prosthesis. This process of entertainment was technically so effective and was technologically so developed that Arthur in his mind assumed three fundamental virtual contents: a) He was married b) He was happy c) He had lots of friends.

  This way, the suggestion technique and hypnosis was generally more than enough to release his conscious mind from the pains caused by the incessant automatism of his multiple cybernetic prosthesis and the side-effects mainly caused by the industrially processed nutrition full of additives and preservatives.

  But in those cases when the suggestion caused by the regular charging process of the neuronal nodules by means of the common process of entertainment was not effective at an organic level for whatever unknown reason, suddenly there emerged in Arthur´s private cubicle the prolongation and distribution tentacle of a pharmaceutical-industrial infr
astructure where with exact regularity were administered specific doses of pain-killers, drugs, antidepressants and brain stimulants in order to biochemically comfort the pain caused by the bionic prosthesis.

  However, not all entertainment processes were equally available to the average cyborg, since they all depended on financial capacity, and this financial capacity depended on the quality, standards and development of the individual´s cybernetic prosthesis. For instance, the process of conjugal entertainment called “Helena, Arthur´s wife” was one of the most expensive packs in the domestic budget, yet to be honest, Arthur in no case had actually chosen this pack on his own, since “Helena, Arthur´s wife” had been incorporated as a mass-produced comfortable accessory to one of the prosthesis that Arthur had coupled to some years before. This prosthesis in particular was called “Thought-action transducer for R&D Environments” and consisted of a set of devices incorporated into his right arm and connected to specific elements of his subconscious, in order to facilitate for him that during his activity on

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