The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 13

by Miguel A. Fernandez

it became quite obvious that under such conditions to consider the actual existence of any individual freedom wouldn´t make any sense at all, and it wouldn´t either make sense to ultimately become a Solar Warrior and dominate the dark and irrational forces, since the path proposed by the Doctrine corresponds in particular to that of the quest for freedom.

  At this point there emerged in the case of Arthur the learning of techniques or methods that could allow him to become free from these vicious circles. In the Doctrine it is mentioned that in our modern societies, already at a very early age, children are stuffed with countless concepts, stereotypes and spectacular/abstract ideas, depriving them of what´s more important: to allow them to recognize intuitively the symbols existent within the chaos of playing. Such privation atrophies the capacity of the kid to identify with himself, and eventually during a later phases, impedes the future adult from thinking by himself. Consequently, the kid and future adult becomes almost completely reactive and no longer authentically active… This is to say, his acts constitute mere passive reactions to external stimuli, impeding the deep realms of personality to have a direct relation with his experience, whatever kind of experience, without resorting all the time to the urge of interpreting this experience by means of reactive content. Besides, the almost complete lack in our days of disciplines of formation that can go beyond the “varnish” of the conscious mind impedes the child and future adult in acquiring an inner sense of limits and restriction within the diverse degrees of experience. By resorting to these educational procedures of our times -as the Doctrine points out- the only thing that is achieved is to hypertrophy even more the reactive components of the child, widening the gap between the more and more impoverished experiences that the “I” can actually have and the artificial egotistic coloring of this “I”, which starts to demand more and more ideological crutches and cybernetic prosthesis.

  In the Doctrine is highlighted that once the child or teenager is educated according to the previous premises that it later becomes more difficult to release from such condition… It was precisely at this point of reading the Doctrine that the images and symbols that he´d perceived when he had experienced the intense dream the former day dramatically returned to Arthur's thoughts… These were the images:

  “Madrid, 13 October 2014. 9pm. Right in the heart of the Gran Via, countless pedestrians invade the streets, rushing to buy Christmas presents… Here and there can be heard Christmas carols interlaced with the roaring of autobus engines and the car´s horns. All over the place is revealed a polychrome and unbridled activity impregnated with smiles and joy, an impression of stimuli and lights that was ubiquitously enlightening the darkness of the great city´s main streets…

  Arthur and his wife couldn´t even imagine missing this spectacle, and were about to leave their home… But just when Arthur was on the verge of heading to the street and let himself be impelled by the intensity of the human waves, accompanied by his wife -who naturally didn´t forget her four credit cards- he received a telephone call, and in a deep state of shock listened to the notice of his immediate firing. And it was just in that moment when Arthur was literally swallowed by his telephone device, while his wife remained horrified before the vision of this scene… In a matter of milliseconds, Arthur was uploaded to the telephone network at 56kbs and then transformed into a pack of bits that started to flow at light-speed around the whole planet yet incapable of deciding in any moment in which server he would like to find his home and shelter… Who the hell was handling his destiny? Arthur was profoundly convinced that as long as he was a pack of bits it would be ludicrous to even consider the option of any “destiny”… Yet unexpectedly he was impelled by a flux of protocols and programs that, against his own will, carried “him” inside the Iphone of his wife, who was desperately calling the police so that they could manage to download Arthur from the global network. But Arthur, once rendered into bits and protocols, was condemned to necessarily perceive the entire universe as bits and protocols, and as soon as he saw his wife, he observed that “that” that handled the Iphone had no resemblance at all to the women he had married… In fact, by dominating all the organic functions and thoughts of his wife, was present a programmed neuronal network with countless feedback and stimulus-response mechanisms that had the women under perfect control, inducing in her actions that in no case she was capable of governing or controlling, since such impulses connected here by means of very specific gestures, not only with the Iphone, but as well with all other human beings and organizations. Facing this shocking perception, the cybernetic view of Arthur desperately aimed to escape from the dreadful mechanical face of his wife, even though a little later this perspective changed, thus impelling him to observe the most gloomy, dismal, ominous, and dark scene he could ever imagine, in which the streets of Madrid were crammed with a myriad of packs of bits that had taken control over almost all pedestrians. These neuronal configurations of information transmissions constituted synaptic mechanisms of stimulus-response that had taken control over all thoughts and actions, parasitically feeding upon the life of all pedestrians, who were not exerting actions but rather “were exerted” by such forces. Hence, millions of individuals who circulated through the streets as tiny electrons along a city-motherboard (where “El Corte Inglés” constituted one of the principal graphical cards) all became before Arthur´s perception as unconscious slaves of a set of forces that impelled them to compulsively consume and become plugged-in to the planetary cybernetic network for hours, following the deep urge of recharging the neuronal electrical polarization that governed their lives and that induced in them the belief that its contents provided sense to their lives… But actually these packs of bits didn´t serve the citizen, even though such citizens necessarily had to believe so; in truth, these mysterious currents of bits only served themselves, trapping it all, virtualizing it all, consuming it all, in order to further titanically increase their power upon the entire nature of the planet. It all consisted of no more nor less than the power of the Dark forces, which dominated and imposed parasitically on the action of men who believed themselves to be free. Even a little baby could be seen in the middle of the street bursting into tears and expressing “Please get me out of here!!” while his parents, also unplugged from reality, took a picture of the baby´s pain and uploaded it to Instagram… Hence, every single thing had been monstrously encroached upon and hoarded by a worldwide parasitic entity that had succeeded in penetrating into the most private recesses of the human being, converting humans into addicts who more and more depended on such dark power.

  Once freed from all forms of colorful and spectacular artificiality, the observation of the existential background of humanity in 2014 was dantesque, apocalyptic. It was precisely then that Arthur asked himself if there was any way of escaping from this ubiquitous demonic entity, and he found the answer precisely as a light that emerged in his left hand, there where he was plugged in to his Iphone and where on the screen appeared The Solar Doctrine, which would aid him in discovering the weak points of this demonic entity, and defeat it in the battle for freedom and to ultimately to liberate the Temple…”

  After remembering these dreamy images, Arthur immediately understood that the Solar Warrior has to urgently learn to fight against the Dark Forces. He also understood that they are actually called dark forces because they are very effective forces that in general our waking consciousness fails to see, unless we become captured by its misty and cybernetic domains and succeed in adopting its own perspective. But if the Dark Forces are already everywhere, this went hand in hand with the fact that the Forces of Light also had to be everywhere. And this logical conclusion motivated Arthur to observe intermittently “The Solar Doctrine” glowing in his Iphone´s screen. Suddenly he began to turn on and off the device at will, believing that his Iphone corresponded to one of those Lightsabers of Star Wars, where from a technological device emerges a stable and enlightening finality that dominates it.

  And it was just
then that our hero Arthur allowed himself to be inspired by such idea and at last became capable of liberating the Iphone from his hand, leaving it turned off on his side. He immediately realized that now he was in control. It is a key condition that the Solar Warrior must always gain control over the means he handles, not allowing the means to control him. This constitutes the first indispensable step that the Doctrine demands since time immemorial, and Arthur was already at the thresholds of a new world and realm of reality where he started to be in power, started to be in control of the situation, started to be the defeater…

  And all of this taking place while he was seriously bedridden in the hospital of Madrid´s suburban area of Móstoles.

  The descent to hell

  It is a thing well acknowledged by the most diverse heroic traditions of antiquity that the Solar Warrior always emerges in the human domain during those critical and lightening moments of the great epic battles, when men of the greatest valor sacrifice their very lives in order to

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