The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 18

by Miguel A. Fernandez

Evil the Doctrine states that it is required to sacrifice all virtual compensation in order to provide a new and effective power to what is real… Would Arthur be prepared to liberate the Temple from all sluts, thieves, impostors and snobs?…

  Let´s give ourselves a chance to doubt it… Actually Arthur always believed himself unable to assassinate, kill or eliminate any being from existence. On one hand Arthur had been educated according to Christian morals which obviously emphasized that to kill was a “sin”, and on the other hand he really wasn´t sure that he would be capable of tolerating such acts and beingexposed to the consequences that this destructive act would have for his conscience… Yet this time he had in his hands the Doctrine: a millenary worldview… This changed the game… As Arthur would later learn, during the Middle-Ages the Knights Templar neither followed in the deep power of their actions any Christian ethics; instead of that they emphasized the values of combat for Honor, even though these ethics would later pit them against the Church, with most of them ending up in the bonfires, volatilized as legends…

  And Arthur also wanted to become a Solar Warrior, even though this aim demanded from him experiencing the sacrificial pains of the purifying fire. Reading once and again the Doctrine, he succeeded in understanding the ultimate aim of these sacrificial actions, and he then assumed that such actions are absolutely necessary if one intends to save the forces of light in the universe. Hence, immersed in all these deep thoughts, Arthur closed his right fist and lifted his forefinger, imagining he was handling a lasergun… Surrounded by the bewilderment of his roommates -who instantly became convinced that Arthur was clinically nuts- Arthur raised the gun and aimed it precisely at his brain in what looked like an attempt of a sort of imaginary suicide, while looking out of the corner of his eye at Martin, who believed that his roommate was even madder than Travis, the main character of the film “Taxi Driver” played by Robert de Niro.

  But deep down, Arthur was well convinced that he had to cleanse the attic of the Temple from any interferences and emotional linkages. Such sacrifice was absolutely necessary in order to awaken in him a much more purified vision of reality… So during those precise moments, Arthur made what can be considered to be one of the most important decisions of his life in the last twenty years… His forefinger, trembling a bit, finally approached his Iphone…

  Immediately he started to shoot as with a sub-machine gun:

  Facebook: Are you sure you want to erase this picture?


  Facebook: Are you sure you want to eliminate this album?


  Facebook: Are you sure you want to eliminate your friends?


  Facebook: Are you sure you want to eliminate Helena?


  Facebook: Are you sure you want to eliminate your account?



  Yes, yes, yes… Fuck you asshole!! Get away from me son of the bitch!!! Yes, yes, yes… Don´t even think of coming back to me! Or I´ll hack you your entire life!!!

  The latter shootings of the Inner War ended up being the most challenging ones, yet Arthur, behaving very courageously and recalling Travis at the end of “Taxi Driver” who when mercilessly shooting against all the drug dealers and pimps, armed himself with all the munitions required to defeat one of his main enemies and to bravely face whatever could be the consequences.

  “It was tough” -Arthur thought, laying back while feeling very proud of himself, and while observing the huge power that was concentrated in his forefinger pointing towards the ceiling… “But I´ve made it” -he repeated once and again to himself, alleviated, released; liberated from a burden that drained his perception of reality itself. In fact, for the first time in a long time he felt much more connected to the immediate reality of his life; he had succeeded in re-entering into his body, his organism, his life… Having broken all emotional links with all virtual surrogates, he had finally also broken all those wires and invisible chains -yet no less powerful- that played with him and determined him, converting him precisely into that which he had incarnated during the last times: a passive being exposed to all the irrational currents that rendered him into a happy slave of circumstance and stimuli.

  -Now I AM in control. Ok? -he was saying to Martin in a very low and stealthy tone while blowing the end of his forefinger, cooling it down after the fire caused by the previous shootings.

  Martin didn´t think twice about it and immediately got in touch with the doctors in order to inform them about the bizarre behavior of Arthur. The doctors quickly decided that IMMEDIATE psychological assistance was required.

  In the meantime, Arthur was for the first time in his life alone in his own Temple, and this circumstance allowed him to perceive the Temple in a completely new way, embedded with many more nuances and colors, since it was no longer inhabited by ghostly impostors that vampirized all the light, a light that for the first time in years he started to perceive as impregnating his senses. Perhaps many years ago, in his most tender childhood, Arthur might have experienced something equivalent, yet such feelings had little by little become buried by tons of alien elements that he immediately realized were never of his own.

  In a matter of just a few minutes there entered into the hospital room a woman who was working in an internship for the psychology department. It was a young woman that Arthur had already seen several times, but who he never actually noticed due to the fact of his mind and perception being situated somewhere else… Behind the black-rimmed glasses, of the tender yet elusive looks, and her innocent smile, Arthur achieved to see -as a sudden trespassing of light and a celestial aura- the most beautiful Lady of the Temple that he could have ever imagined, the healer of his heart, whose name was Eve López… Her eyes and moves were full of grace, generosity, purity; there were no cybernetics in her, no television cosmetics, and she didn´t even have an account on Facebook… According to the rumors that could be heard in the hospital, she didn´t even have many friends… So in no way could the SuperDragon attack her, or even intimidate her. Quite the contrary: she spontaneously had the whole SuperDragon under her control, without violence, without anger, without fears… Somehow, the music of her heart was capable of calming the great beast as if this serpentine and reptilian monster of planetary dimensions felt a deep sense of respect for the Lady of the Temple, as if she were the most precious treasure that it cherished… The Lady of the Temple appealed to Arthur´s highest and noblest virtues, and in a world dominated by alienation, corruption, happy slavery, conformism, greed, meanness, deceit and torrents of fear, she was indeed the only light and truth that could make life worth living. In Arthur´s eyes, she was the pole star of the starry cupola of his Temple, and he was willing to lose both feet and hands, or whatever was required in order to attain such light.

  But fighting against the SuperDragon was not in anyway going to be easy in the case of claiming Eve´s beauty, since Gregorio had also attempted this conquest and had resoundingly failed the day he had approached Eve intending to ask her for a date. It had been precisely in such moment of the request that all Gregorio´s feelings of guilt and fear emerged from the subsoil and the SuperDragon expelled upon him a massive amount of fire through its mouth, preventing Gregorio from even moving his mouth, and finally the only thing he managed to say to the nurse was: “Could you please bring me a very cold glass of water, please?”

  Nobody succeeded in conquering Eve. She was untouchable by the senses and the approach towards her could only go through the always tortuous path of the heart. So only a Herculian kind of hero would be capable of getting close to her without becoming violently grabbed by the tearing claws of the SuperDagon. If there was something quite crucial that Arthur immediately noticed in her is that neither corruption, nor lies, nor egotism, nor greed managed to parasite from the being of such woman, since she was pure innocence and authenticity. Something relatively similar occurred in the case of the
newborn that Arthur sometimes could observe in the hospital: the SuperDragon very rarely dwelled inside their tiny organisms, and it was only when they reached adolescence that the great beast easily introduced itself in their bodies and handled their lives left, right and center… All these observations allowed Arthur to realize that the only way of actually defeating the SuperDragon would be by experiencing a sort of “rebirth” where all fears caused by human limitations and desires became surpassed, such as in the case of the painful process of delivery of a new human being to the world. This implied a victory of a heroic kind over the SuperDragon. In the case of the modern Titans, these were always inept and clumsy when it came to accomplishing this sort of triumph; in fact, the Titans were always allied with the SuperDragon, in the same way that an internal combustion engine requires an alliance with fuel… And who were the 21st century Titans? In general, they corresponded to the huge mass of technicians and scientists at a global level, who by being firmly allied with each other, all channeled and mobilized the telluric and fossil energies of the SuperDragon by means of technological development, and in such endeavors they dogmatically believed that they made use of such

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